Palestinians Deny Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

You Zionist try so hard. Only the orthodox jews were returning, and only when the pogroms started. The Zionist movement begun in 1850ish. Before that the atheist, secular Zionist didn't want to go to Palestine, they wanted to live in the cities. Jerusalem is a small part of Israel, although growing, and

lets face facts the ones in control now are not real jews from the ancient days. The Pals are the ones that never left. In that case its their land. You Zionist went there and took their farms and pushed them into Gaza(Egypt).

For you to try and go back to Bible time you best read about how your Hebrew ancestors killed the ones who lived there, and no, not because God told them to.

There were no Palestinians during and before the Ottoman Empire, asylum escapee. After the Crusades began, most Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire. It wasn't only the "orthodox". Not sure if such a classification for Jews even existed at the time.

The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

True story. :cool:
"After the Crusades began, most Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire. "

The last Crusade ended in 1291, the Ottoman Empire wasn't established until 1299, you moron. Constant bullshit from you.

The Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. Cut and pasting Zionist fairy tales doesn't change the facts.

Nothing you post is true.

Everything you post is a lie and filled with Jew hate. Jews had been migrating back to their holy for over 2000 years. Jews are Jews, Arabs are invaders and squatters from neighboring lands.

"The Crusader rule over Palestine had taken its toll on the Jews. Relief came in 1187 when Ayyubid Sultan Saladin defeated the Crusaders in the Battle of Hattin, taking Jerusalem and most of Palestine. (A Crusader state centred round Acre survived in weakened form for another century.) In time, Saladin issued a proclamation inviting all Jews to return and settle in Jerusalem, and according to Judah al-Harizi, they did: "From the day the Arabs took Jerusalem, the Israelites inhabited it."[98] al-Harizi compared Saladins decree allowing Jews to re-establish themselves in Jerusalem to the one issued by the Persian Cyrus the Great over 1,600 years earlier."

Slither away.

Posting Zionist fairy tales doesn't change the facts. There is no hate associated with posting fact from official documents.[/QUO

Therte is when they are shown to be hate themselves, or if you cherry pick the parts that suit your hate POV
You Zionist try so hard. Only the orthodox jews were returning, and only when the pogroms started. The Zionist movement begun in 1850ish. Before that the atheist, secular Zionist didn't want to go to Palestine, they wanted to live in the cities. Jerusalem is a small part of Israel, although growing, and

lets face facts the ones in control now are not real jews from the ancient days. The Pals are the ones that never left. In that case its their land. You Zionist went there and took their farms and pushed them into Gaza(Egypt).

For you to try and go back to Bible time you best read about how your Hebrew ancestors killed the ones who lived there, and no, not because God told them to.

There were no Palestinians during and before the Ottoman Empire, asylum escapee. After the Crusades began, most Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire. It wasn't only the "orthodox". Not sure if such a classification for Jews even existed at the time.

The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

True story. :cool:
"After the Crusades began, most Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire. "

The last Crusade ended in 1291, the Ottoman Empire wasn't established until 1299, you moron. Constant bullshit from you.

The Palestinians are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine. Cut and pasting Zionist fairy tales doesn't change the facts.

Nothing you post is true.

Everything you post is a lie and filled with Jew hate. Jews had been migrating back to their holy for over 2000 years. Jews are Jews, Arabs are invaders and squatters from neighboring lands.

"The Crusader rule over Palestine had taken its toll on the Jews. Relief came in 1187 when Ayyubid Sultan Saladin defeated the Crusaders in the Battle of Hattin, taking Jerusalem and most of Palestine. (A Crusader state centred round Acre survived in weakened form for another century.) In time, Saladin issued a proclamation inviting all Jews to return and settle in Jerusalem, and according to Judah al-Harizi, they did: "From the day the Arabs took Jerusalem, the Israelites inhabited it."[98] al-Harizi compared Saladins decree allowing Jews to re-establish themselves in Jerusalem to the one issued by the Persian Cyrus the Great over 1,600 years earlier."

Slither away.

Posting Zionist fairy tales doesn't change the facts. There is no hate associated with posting fact from official documents.

Posting IslamoNazi fairy tales doesn't change the fact that Jews have a 4,000 year old connection to the holy land, and they kept coming back for the last 2,000 years, as evidenced by various records and historical accounts. You can squirm all you want.
There were just a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850. The Europeans began their colonization/invasion in the mid 1800s, and the number of Jews increased, but Muslims and Christians were still about 90% of the population when the Mandate started in 1921.
There were just a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850. The Europeans began their colonization/invasion in the mid 1800s, and the number of Jews increased, but Muslims and Christians were still about 90% of the population when the Mandate started in 1921.

Perhaps you didn't see it, but I asked in a previous thread how 5 Jews could have built Tiberias, put up an artists' colony in Sefad, and developed the Kabbalah before 1850. All these events happened between the year 70 A.D. and the 1800's. What is their definition of a "handful"?
There were just a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850. The Europeans began their colonization/invasion in the mid 1800s, and the number of Jews increased, but Muslims and Christians were still about 90% of the population when the Mandate started in 1921.

Handful my ass. Jews were a majority in Jerusalem and this majority started building up from the 1500's when the Ottomans invited them over. Screwball.
"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. I - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
Moron keeps posting a mutilated document from 1921.

It's just fact from an official LoN required report held in the official archives of the UN today. Nothing mutilated about it. You Ruddy post lies and fairy tales from Zionist sites.
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?
There were just a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850. The Europeans began their colonization/invasion in the mid 1800s, and the number of Jews increased, but Muslims and Christians were still about 90% of the population when the Mandate started in 1921.

Not according to the Catholic church who have this to say


"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000

1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census a few more than a handful

1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300 Even more than your handful

And when are you going to provide the verifiable unbiased non partisan link to your claims of INVASION and COLONISATION. Or is this just islamomoron propaganda sent to you by the Nuns and priests
There were just a handful of Jews in Palestine before 1850. The Europeans began their colonization/invasion in the mid 1800s, and the number of Jews increased, but Muslims and Christians were still about 90% of the population when the Mandate started in 1921.

Perhaps you didn't see it, but I asked in a previous thread how 5 Jews could have built Tiberias, put up an artists' colony in Sefad, and developed the Kabbalah before 1850. All these events happened between the year 70 A.D. and the 1800's. What is their definition of a "handful"?

In reality a handful is 5 so our freddy boy is saying that 5 Jews were responsible for every Jewish achievement from 100 C.E. right up until 1921.
"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. I - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

From your link we see this

It is obvious to every passing traveller, and well-known to every European resident, that the country was before the War, and is now, undeveloped and under-populated. The methods of agriculture are, for the most part, primitive; the area of land now cultivated could yield a far greater product. There are in addition large cultivable areas that are left untilled. The summits and slopes of the hills are admirably suited to the growth of trees, but there are no forests. Miles of sand dunes that could be redeemed, are untouched, a danger, by their encroachment, to the neighbouring tillage. The Jordan and the Yarmuk offer an abundance of water-power; but it is unused. Some industries--fishing and the culture and manufacture of tobacco are examples--have been killed by Turkish laws; none have been encouraged; the markets of Palestine and of the neighbouring countries are supplied almost wholly from Europe. The seaborne commerce, such as it is, is loaded and discharged in the open roadsteads of Jaffa and Haifa: there are no harbours. The religious and historical associations that offer most powerful attractions to the whole of the Western, and to a large part of the Eastern world, have hitherto brought to Palestine but a fraction of the pilgrims and travellers, who, under better conditions, would flock to her sacred shrines and famous sites.

And this that shows the invasion and colonisation is just islamonazi propaganda

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil

And then we find this which destroys another of your RACIST CLAIMS

Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

So don't forget to take this number from your claims of population levels in Palestine.
It's just fact from an official LoN required report held in the official archives of the UN today. Nothing mutilated about it. You Ruddy post lies and fairy tales from Zionist sites.

The same link tells other stories that destroy your RACIST CLAIMS that I have detailed on here,
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.
Last edited:
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.

First of all show me one orthodox jew who says he has no connection to Jerusalem,
until then You're a fool telling an educated jew about his traditions that are unchanged through centuries.

Ashkenazi and Sefardi- what do genes have to do with ritual and tradition?
How those are sects at all and how do they differentiate exactly on the subject of Jerusalem?

Now Jew isn't a race, jews are of Shem race. Hebrew or Jew is a nationality.
Leave Your racist definitions to Your secret meetings where You discuss how Hitler contradicted Your statement quiet actively.

Show me those True Torah in NY jews who claim no connection to Jerusalem.
Then look from outside where they'd face themselves during a prayer.

"I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there."
Thats Your poor connection to roots, don't judge others this way.
Anyhow this statement is nonsense according to laws in civilized world and logic.

While we show You evidences of 2000 year traditional, cultural and physical connection
to Jerusalem You ditch the question and compare it to some immigrant from france who
spent there no more than 2-3 generations if at all. Goebbels celebrates.

You keep on ditching questions
Keep jumping trains...
So we can show the world the pattern of Your inconsistent justification of MURDER.
Meanwhile millions of jews will gather for a prayer facing Jerusalem as their ancestors did.
They''s establish this connection daily and with each hater and worthless murder using
such logic- Jews will grow attached back to their tradition.

You're a partner of a zionist propaganda , for using tactics they've laid before You in advance.

Interesting why would anyone feel superiority dealing with such cooked minds.
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.

First of all show me one orthodox jew who says he has no connection to Jerusalem,
until then You're a fool telling an educated jew about his traditions that are unchanged through centuries.

Ashkenazi and Sefardi- what do genes have to do with ritual and tradition?
How those are sects at all and how do they differentiate exactly on the subject of Jerusalem?

Now Jew isn't a race, jews are of Shem race. Hebrew or Jew is a nationality.
Leave Your racist definitions to Your secret meetings where You discuss how Hitler contradicted Your statement quiet actively.

Show me those True Torah in NY jews who claim no connection to Jerusalem.
Then look from outside where they'd face themselves during a prayer.

"I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there."
Thats Your poor connection to roots, don't judge others this way.
Anyhow this statement is nonsense according to laws in civilized world and logic.

While we show You evidences of 2000 year traditional, cultural and physical connection
to Jerusalem You ditch the question and compare it to some immigrant from france who
spent there no more than 2-3 generations if at all. Goebbels celebrates.

You keep on ditching questions
Keep jumping trains...
So we can show the world the pattern of Your inconsistent justification of MURDER.

Ashkenazi which make up most ?jews are from Japheth, not shem. No the Zionist of today or jews have no more connection to Jerusalem than Christians or Palestinians. Oh those poor Polish Jews, not one Zionist raised a finger to help them, why because they were the religious ones and poor ones.
Meanwhile millions of jews will gather for a prayer facing Jerusalem as their ancestors did.
They''s establish this connection daily and with each hater and worthless murder using
such logic- Jews will grow attached back to their tradition.

You're a partner of a zionist propaganda , for using tactics they've laid before You in advance.

Interesting why would anyone feel superiority dealing with such cooked minds.

Who knows what Israelites are there, very few but are , interbred Russians, Germans, Polish and Ukraines , Spaniards, Turks and some Americans. Its all political , not the religious stuff you pump up, there is not much Godly about the Zionist there.

Heres another thing, one minute God is in the heavens and the next he is in Jerusalem, how foolish, they way you think about God, most know God does not live in Jerusalem. At least the Muslims have it right they make a visit to the stone once in a lifetime, their rock is no different than herods temple, oh wait, Herods temple has been gone forever now and seems you all survived.
Last edited:
Well i thought we were discussing JEWISH CONNECTION not a zionist one.

But still even though I can't deny or confirm Your statement on Jephet,
still You claimed that Jews are not a race, than how the genetic difference between
Ashkenazi and Sefardi jews has any connection to Jerusalem?

You say it's not a race, ok I showed You religious and cultural connection,
now You go back to genes??

Man both gene-wise and history-culture-tradition wise te original statement
and Your logics shoots itself in the face.
Meanwhile millions of jews will gather for a prayer facing Jerusalem as their ancestors did.
They''s establish this connection daily and with each hater and worthless murder using
such logic- Jews will grow attached back to their tradition.

You're a partner of a zionist propaganda , for using tactics they've laid before You in advance.

Interesting why would anyone feel superiority dealing with such cooked minds.

Who knows what Israelites are there, very few but are , interbred Russians, Germans, Polish and Ukraines , Spaniards, Turks and some Americans. Its all political , not the religious stuff you pump up, there is not much Godly about the Zionist there.

Heres another thing, one minute God is in the heavens and the next he is in Jerusalem, how foolish, they way you think about God, most know God does not live in Jerusalem. At least the Muslims have it right they make a visit to the stone once in a lifetime, their rock is no different than herods temple, oh wait, Herods temple has been gone forever now and seems you all survived.

So now back to religion? Keep swinging

Now after You've edited Your post with Your opinion on a religion, I can barely see it changing anything!
Rather than finding justifications, infantile and uneducated for You superstitions and half baked opinions.

So are You an educated philosopher who deals with comparative religious analysis?

Keep on dancing with intelligent people. even a broken watch shows the right time,
maybe You'll find an actual argument point sometime by mistake. But it's good for You learn how
self-sufficient people think for themselves.

Keep on changing trains.

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