Palestinians Deny Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

So this sentence posted by You:

"This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?"

Does it deny the Jewish connection to Jerusalem/Zion?

Because I see there people in diaspora glorying and remembering their homeland
in exile despite all.
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

So this sentence posted by You:

"This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?"

Does it deny the Jewish connection to Jerusalem/Zion?

Because I see there people in diaspora glorying and remembering their homeland
in exile despite all.

That was wrote during the Babylon exile, and when King Cyrus let them return only 40,000 and their slaves did. There is no emotional aspect for most Israelites , except the government wanting all of Israel and control over Jerusalem. The gov. of Israel is mainly made up of atheist and the want Jerusalem, not because of any sentimental feelings. Actually I can careless about your tears, what I care more about now is the Palestinian tears, and the oppression Israel has them living under.
Closed back into the box.
Just so You know most of Israeli's will get instantly religious and sentimental once
there's danger to Jerusalem. Many will stand against zionism if needed. You have no clue of jewish sentiments.

That's a way to make Yourself seen as biased as possible:
You wrote: "I can careless about your tears, what I care more about now is the Palestinian tears"

Now what any of that has to do with said above?

So even king Cyrus acknowledged the jewish connection to Jerusalem?
Closed back into the box.
Just so You know most of Israeli's will get instantly religious and sentimental once
there's danger to Jerusalem. Many will stand against zionism if needed. You have no clue of jewish sentiments.

That's a way to make Yourself seen as biased as possible:
You wrote: "I can careless about your tears, what I care more about now is the Palestinian tears"

Now what any of that has to do with said above?

So even king Cyrus acknowledged the jewish connection to Jerusalem?

I'm sure the Canaanites had a connection to Salem as well. The Roman has just as much a connection and now the Pals, get over yourself. Years ago, not today or at the turn of the century. Why do the same amount of Jews live in the US as Israel (of whom most in Israel had to be paid to move there) .

See King Cyrus also paid for a new temple and gave permission for the jews to live there, he never gave it to them. Israel is all political and that is why they want Jerusalem.
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?
Take Your time but stay ON-TOPIC.

'Cmon be men, quit dancing,

Do Jews have a connection to Jerusalem?

Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.
Last edited:
Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not Arabs are Muslim.

British Catholics and Protestants are both part of the same British ethnicity/nationality, and white/Caucasion (sp?) race.
Yes, of course. Let's ignore for the moment the facts that Muslims don't pray facing Jerusalem, don't fast 4x a year regarding Jerusalem's destruction, or don't mention Jerusalem in their Quran. Even in their own estimation, it's their third holiest city, and not their first--like by Jews. Christians believe in a Heavenly Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem of believers in Christ. Jews are attached to the earthly Jerusalem.

Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims
Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims

Yes, I've seen monte do that. Hypocritical. Then again, I've also called people racist, because the terms racist, bigoted, and prejudiced are all synanomous now. Technically though, there are white, black and even some Chinese Jews. I have an Hispanic friend who plans on converting to Judaism.
ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims

Yes, I've seen monte do that. Hypocritical. Then again, I've also called people racist, because the terms racist, bigoted, and prejudiced are all synanomous now. Technically though, there are white, black and even some Chinese Jews. I have an Hispanic friend who plans on converting to Judaism.

Proves once again jew is not a race. Thank you.
Really and you know that how? When Ashkenazis in the US or anywhere else, where do they face when praying. How many Israelites have never even been to the western wall or pray to it. If Jews were attached to Jerusalem they would of never waited for WWII to return and many of them forced to and paid to return.

Or are the real Jews the Palestinians that many adopted Islam due to they thought it was more pure? Its no doubt there are Jewish women who dress just like muslims with the hijab or whatever they call it. So do jews have a connection to Jerusalem, they gave it up many centuries ago.

ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims

For the purposes of this forum the content of your posts reveal that you are racist towards the Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) specifically.

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX) of 21 December 1965
entry into force 4 January 1969, in accordance with Article 19


Article 1

1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
So after seeing the clear traditional and cultural prove
for Jewish connection to Jerusalem You've chosen to play the race card again?

What's even more clear is that Penelope doesn't need much for any proof of
her opinions, a couple of sentences with no evidence even as a link...

What about the unchangeable fact that Jews prayed for thousands of
Years in yearning to Jerusalem, wishing to see it rebuilt and went to die there?

Still waiting to read when the Jews gave up their connection to Jerusalem...
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.
Closed back into the box.
Just so You know most of Israeli's will get instantly religious and sentimental once
there's danger to Jerusalem. Many will stand against zionism if needed. You have no clue of jewish sentiments.

That's a way to make Yourself seen as biased as possible:
You wrote: "I can careless about your tears, what I care more about now is the Palestinian tears"

Now what any of that has to do with said above?

So even king Cyrus acknowledged the jewish connection to Jerusalem?

I'm sure the Canaanites had a connection to Salem as well. The Roman has just as much a connection and now the Pals, get over yourself. Years ago, not today or at the turn of the century. Why do the same amount of Jews live in the US as Israel (of whom most in Israel had to be paid to move there) .

See King Cyrus also paid for a new temple and gave permission for the jews to live there, he never gave it to them. Israel is all political and that is why they want Jerusalem.

Well let's check that statement

"I'm sure the Canaanites had a connection to Salem as well. The Roman has just as much a connection and now the Pals, get over yourself. Years ago, not today or at the turn of the century. Why do the same amount of Jews live in the US as Israel (of whom most in Israel had to be paid to move there) ."

So if Canaanites, Romans and palestinians have the same connection to Jerusalem,
there must be something in common between them. Cnaanites lived in Cnaan lost to Hebrews,
Romans came from Europe to slay Judea and give Syria-Lebanon-Judea it's shameful name "palestina" to appease jews and their idetity.
Well "palestinians" are arabs that gathered in Israel for a speculative period of time.

Well Canaanites are gone and don't claim any connection
Romans have perished and had no traditional connection to this area,
accept for part of them being the TRUE PLESHTIM (my mistake: those were Greeks)
who never held in Jerusalem.
But basically no Italian has a claim on Jerusalem.
Then 67 come those "Palestinians" who claimed later to be "Jebusites".."Jebustinians"
who have no traditional or religious significance to Jerusalem.

So according to Pennelope each one of them has a connection to Jerusalem,
but You have to skip the JUDEANS AND ISRAELITES who had a Kingdom there for
the longest period and have been defined by their yawn to their holy city- Jerusalem
and prayed facing it 3 a day for centuries.

And in regards this flawed argumentation:
"See King Cyrus also paid for a new temple and gave permission for the jews to live there, he never gave it to them. Israel is all political and that is why they want Jerusalem"

So did king Cyrus recognize the connection of the Jews to Jerusalem,
Well maybe he couldn't "give" it to them for he knew it was God's and his people's city,
not his to be "given".

Now zionism is political, and I don't care how they establish their claim for Jerusalem
while using those jews as pawns.
Israel is still Jacob...zionist don't speak for all jews and hebrews.
Israel has got Jerusalem back not because of zionists but because

Simple as that.
Again it's not easy not to feel superior dealing with such minds.
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People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

First of all, the connection is obviously different, for the traditions and laws are different.
Do You want to get deeply into that?

But let's observe the obvious:
1.Were the founders of the catholic religion originally from Vatican or Jerusalem?
2. Does a different religion claim Vatican as it's for Jerusalem?
3. Is Vatican destroyed and occupied by religious people who deny the Catholics from
entering their holiest places?
4. Did the catholics gave sacrifices on temples they've built in Vatican?
5. Is Catholicism and Vatican accepted as the centers, basis for all christians as
Jerusalem, and Ashkenazi-Sefardi traditions for all jews?

7.Are catholic obliged to rebuild, or even visit Jerusalem each year?
8. Do Catholics depend on rebuilding Vatican so that they can perform all
of their laws (sacrifices that are not to be given anywhere else for example)
as it's in the jewish religion?
So it's really nothing in comparison once looked directly.

Jews are not a Race, Jews are a nation- going back to one single family with
undeniable connection to Cnaan-Israel.

EDIT: Those just keep popping up:

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People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?
No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims

Yes, I've seen monte do that. Hypocritical. Then again, I've also called people racist, because the terms racist, bigoted, and prejudiced are all synanomous now. Technically though, there are white, black and even some Chinese Jews. I have an Hispanic friend who plans on converting to Judaism.

Proves once again jew is not a race. Thank you.

Not at all it proves that the name Jew can be applied as a race, a religion, a culture or as an insult
ww2 or hijab, minority/ majority... STAY ON TOPIC:

So jews HAD a connection, when actually did they give it up and what was the way?

And surprise surprise Ashkenazi ways and Sefardi ways match 99%, it's just a thing of a region and clothing.
Each time Ashkenazi and Sefardi gathered they found each other following the same rituals and words.

"אם אשכחך י-ם, תשכח ימיני"
means: "If I forget You Jerusalem, my right hand will be paralyzed"

How about that as a part of a prayer?

No Sephardic and Ashkenazi are not 99% match in genes , two different sects.

You don't understand , its the Zionist who are mainly atheist and secular and the do not want a orthodox jew state. Also Jew is not a race. Do the Jews have a connection, not according to the True Torah Jews in NY, and no todays Israelites do not have a connection to Jerusalem anymore than I have a connection to France, unless born there and remain there. So their connection is even less than most Palestinians, who were born in the area and have grandparents there and have never left.

This has no relevance to any isralites today:
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat weeping
when we remembered Zion
.A)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18354A">
2 On the poplars in its midst
we hung up our harps.B)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18355B">
3 For there our captors asked us
for the words of a song;
Our tormentors, for joy:
“Sing for us a song of Zion!”
4 But how could we sing a song of the Lord
in a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget.C)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-18358C">
6 May my tongue stick to my palate
if I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
beyond all my delights

Its more like if forget the US, Gemany, Russia, Poland or Spain for the Israelies today.
They got use to Babylon as only 40000 returned when able to. When the Jews came to NY they referred to it as their new Jerusalem, there is even a Jerusalem NY.

Does this mean Suuni arabs and Shi'ite arabs are not the same race because they are different sects. How about British Catholics and British Protestants are these different races because they are different sects ?

Arab does not denote a race. Arabian (from the Arabian peninsula) can denote an ethnicity, but not a race. Arab refers to a culture with language as the main major unifying factor. It is much like Hispanic, a Spanish speaking cultural identifier. Most but not all Hispanics are Catholics like most but not all Arabs are Muslim.

So you are saying that you cant be racist towards arabs, so why do you claim others are racist to the arab muslims

For the purposes of this forum the content of your posts reveal that you are racist towards the Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) specifically.

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX) of 21 December 1965
entry into force 4 January 1969, in accordance with Article 19


Article 1

1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Where does it mention religion or cult ?

This is where you NAZI JEW HATERS fall down when faced with the truth. What ever you apply to other can and will be applied back to you with the evidence to show you are a RACIST JEW HATER.
Now find any one of my posts that attack the arab muslims because of their race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin. When you fail you will be shown to be a complete LIAR
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Because they were not Italians, the Jews can trace their ancestry back to Israel and Jerusalem no matter what you say. They have a greater claim to Jerusalem than the Christians/muslims as international law makes the land Jewish

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