Palestinians Deny Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

Not the Original Question blah blah...You deny the premise of the topic
by confirming our religious and ancestral connection.

I can read
But You surely will keep jumping trains. We know who You are.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

All You said was wrong accept for the part where YOU ACKNOWLEDGE JEWS' CONNECTION TO JERUSALEM, but You don't look for truth so I won't bother explaining the obvious so You go back
to feeling inadequate...You'll get there anyway.

One last thing: As long as the Torah language is alive, as long as it is the Torah that defines
the Hebrew language and not th opposite and each hebrew can understand this language we're alright and kicking!
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

All You said was wrong accept for the part where YOU ACKNOWLEDGE JEWS' CONNECTION TO JERUSALEM, but You don't look for truth so I won't bother explaining the obvious so You go back
to feeling inadequate...You'll get there anyway.

One last thing: As long as the Torah language is alive, as long as it is the Torah that defines
the Hebrew language and not th opposite and each hebrew can understand this language we're alright and kicking!

It was in Jerusalem that Gd laid the Foundation Stone in creating the world. Later He took soil from there to create Adam, and his sons Cain and Abel built their altars there. Noah's son Shem built that spot into a city named Salem and became its King. Then Abraham sanctified the place for all time by binding his son Isaac there. Jacob dreamt there of a ladder to Heaven. King David eventually captured the city from the pagan Jebusites and brought the Ark of the Covenant there. Finally, Solomon built the magnificent Temple, where Jews could go and be absolved of their sins.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

All You said was wrong accept for the part where YOU ACKNOWLEDGE JEWS' CONNECTION TO JERUSALEM, but You don't look for truth so I won't bother explaining the obvious so You go back
to feeling inadequate...You'll get there anyway.

One last thing: As long as the Torah language is alive, as long as it is the Torah that defines
the Hebrew language and not th opposite and each hebrew can understand this language we're alright and kicking!

It was in Jerusalem that Gd laid the Foundation Stone in creating the world. Later He took soil from there to create Adam, and his sons Cain and Abel built their altars there. Noah's son Shem built that spot into a city named Salem and became its King. Then Abraham sanctified the place for all time by binding his son Isaac there. Jacob dreamt there of a ladder to Heaven. King David eventually captured the city from the pagan Jebusites and brought the Ark of the Covenant there. Finally, Solomon built the magnificent Temple, where Jews could go and be absolved of their sins.

And none of that is historical fact.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

All You said was wrong accept for the part where YOU ACKNOWLEDGE JEWS' CONNECTION TO JERUSALEM, but You don't look for truth so I won't bother explaining the obvious so You go back
to feeling inadequate...You'll get there anyway.

One last thing: As long as the Torah language is alive, as long as it is the Torah that defines
the Hebrew language and not th opposite and each hebrew can understand this language we're alright and kicking!

I imagine you were born in the 20th century, and at the beginning of the 1900 Hebrew was be taught, since so may were speaking Yiddish and well English and German.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

Not the Original Question blah blah...You deny the premise of the topic
by confirming our religious and ancestral connection.

I can read
But You surely will keep jumping trains. We know who You are.

The Samaritans worshipped on the right mountain, according to the scholars and dead sea scrolls. Were you born in Israel? If not you have no connection. I was born in Mi. I have no connection to Texas even though its in the same country. When the New Jerusalem comes who says it will even be in Israel? Christians believe we are the temples of God, how you can think God lives anywhere is beyond comprehension, and by golly who wants to go backwards in time, oh the jews. Your all turning into Pillars of Salt.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

Not the Original Question blah blah...You deny the premise of the topic
by confirming our religious and ancestral connection.

I can read
But You surely will keep jumping trains. We know who You are.

The Samaritans worshipped on the right mountain, according to the scholars and dead sea scrolls. Were you born in Israel? If not you have no connection. I was born in Mi. I have no connection to Texas even though its in the same country. When the New Jerusalem comes who says it will even be in Israel? Christians believe we are the temples of God, how you can think God lives anywhere is beyond comprehension, and by golly who wants to go backwards in time, oh the jews. Your all turning into Pillars of Salt.

rylah was born in Israel. He is an artist who went to jail twice for refusing to serve in the IDF.
People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

Not the Original Question blah blah...You deny the premise of the topic
by confirming our religious and ancestral connection.

I can read
But You surely will keep jumping trains. We know who You are.

The Samaritans worshipped on the right mountain, according to the scholars and dead sea scrolls. Were you born in Israel? If not you have no connection. I was born in Mi. I have no connection to Texas even though its in the same country. When the New Jerusalem comes who says it will even be in Israel? Christians believe we are the temples of God, how you can think God lives anywhere is beyond comprehension, and by golly who wants to go backwards in time, oh the jews. Your all turning into Pillars of Salt.

rylah was born in Israel. He is an artist who went to jail twice for refusing to serve in the IDF.

He is an Israeli then, good for him for refusing to serve.
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People of the Jewish faith have a connection to Jerusalem just as Catholics have a connection to Rome. It doesn't mean that the Spanish have a right to rule Rome.

Wait a second, You've just disagreed with the premise of this topic.
Case closed?

Actually what he said is right on, just because your ancestors had a connection to Jerusalem for a tiny amount of time and captured and killed others to get it , it doesn't mean that you had the right to go and take it away from others like you did in the OT. Most Jews even at that time preferred Babylon and Alexandria, so the connection that your ancestors had are long gone, and have been for centuries.
Hey your Hebrew language even died out. Britain said Jerusalem is to be a shared common city, but of course one can never trust a Jew can they. That is why yous have been kicked out of every country you have been in.

All You said was wrong accept for the part where YOU ACKNOWLEDGE JEWS' CONNECTION TO JERUSALEM, but You don't look for truth so I won't bother explaining the obvious so You go back
to feeling inadequate...You'll get there anyway.

One last thing: As long as the Torah language is alive, as long as it is the Torah that defines
the Hebrew language and not th opposite and each hebrew can understand this language we're alright and kicking!

I imagine you were born in the 20th century, and at the beginning of the 1900 Hebrew was be taught, since so may were speaking Yiddish and well English and German.

Funny You telling me of my history.
I'm not sure You know the difference between today's Hebrew and Torah language.

In any way, jews kept on preying and studying the Torah in it's original version IN HEBREW/ARAMEIC
so that's the national language. Although Yiddish contains LOTS of hebrew words with a mixture of the local
tongues as it occurs naturally to all nations .
Those Yiddish words even got into the Russian slang. The jews from latin countries had another mixture of hebrew and spanish or others...think called Ladino.

Anyhow they all kept preying using the same words they learned to understand by focused daily study of
Talmud, Torah, Zohar and more. THAT"S OUR LANGUAGE- not the one Ben Yehuda revived.

p.s. European jews even kept Moses' pronunciation of the letter "TAV"/T as "thav"...Moses burned his tongue
by the way so his t sounded more as "s".
Yes how funny but I can read. The Jews or Israelites descendants have changed drastically throughout the centuries and you can't go back in time. There was a reason Hebrew had to be taught to Zionist is they didn't know it, it was not passed down, the language was dead except for some religious zealots which is why it even exists today. Either way there is a mixture of Israelis, PM Bibi who is mainly on a power trip to the new Shalom Cohen who says Israel doesn't' need an Army, they will pray and God will protect Israel. The is a big divide among the two, I guess one can tell by the knit skull cap what one is, one zealot Yousef dies just to be replaced by another. I too would have an problem living by Hasidic Jews, from what I understand the new one doesn't think Jewish women should advance after high school.

So when we talk about Hebrew of the old days and today we are talking two different things , Judaism didn't start until exile into Babylon, and even in the day of Jesus , say 1 AD there were several different sects of Jews. Your diaspora begun in 500 bc or there abouts , but I don't care if you live in Israel as long as you treat the Pals right, but of course , either a Zionist or a Hasidic Jew, neither has much respect for non Jews such as me, as I'm a gentile, so your connection to Jerusalem is only because you don't want the Pals to have it, what does it really mean to yous today, nothing much, except you want it.
Yes how funny but I can read. The Jews or Israelites descendants have changed drastically throughout the centuries and you can't go back in time. There was a reason Hebrew had to be taught to Zionist is they didn't know it, it was not passed down, the language was dead except for some religious zealots which is why it even exists today. Either way there is a mixture of Israelis, PM Bibi who is mainly on a power trip to the new Shalom Cohen who says Israel doesn't' need an Army, they will pray and God will protect Israel. The is a big divide among the two, I guess one can tell by the knit skull cap what one is, one zealot Yousef dies just to be replaced by another. I too would have an problem living by Hasidic Jews, from what I understand the new one doesn't think Jewish women should advance after high school.

So when we talk about Hebrew of the old days and today we are talking two different things , Judaism didn't start until exile into Babylon, and even in the day of Jesus , say 1 AD there were several different sects of Jews. Your diaspora begun in 500 bc or there abouts , but I don't care if you live in Israel as long as you treat the Pals right, but of course , either a Zionist or a Hasidic Jew, neither has much respect for non Jews such as me, as I'm a gentile, so your connection to Jerusalem is only because you don't want the Pals to have it, what does it really mean to yous today, nothing much, except you want it.

You wrote:
"he language was dead except for some religious zealots which is why it even exists today."

Well a secular jew i something new, 2-3 generations back everyone was religious praying and
writin Mezuzot as Torah book by hand examining every little dot before approving the book.
How can anyone study Torah or Talmud without hebrew??. They all were RELIGIOUS 200-300 years ago.

How religious books by Rabbi Nahman (from ukraine) or Baal Shem Tov could be published and
accepted by huge communitie without a living hebrew language? How Rambam And Ramban could
publish those canonized text about morals without the acceptance of all jewish communities-
which language did they use to write letters so that every jew can understand?

There's so much historical and cultural contradiction to Your stance that can't even imagine.
All judaism was constructed on keeping the language and the Torah safe proof for centuries,
it's the essence of my people- keep it and show so that uneducated Goyim can find God.

You wrote:
"Either way there is a mixture of Israelis, PM Bibi who is mainly on a power trip to the new Shalom Cohen who says Israel doesn't' need an Army, they will pray and God will protect Israel. The is a big divide among the two, I guess one can tell by the knit skull cap what one is, one zealot Yousef dies just to be replaced by another."

Using Your logics, Netanyahu isn't a jew. There's a mixture in any culture, nation.
No peoples in history stayed isolated from it. And if You meant the devide between Orthodox and Zionist
I couldn't care less for what those zionists say about Judaism. And as I see that's Your main source
on jews, Israel and Judaism.
So I understand where all this mixture of nonsense comes from.

You can lie all You want, and maybe gentile will buy it for not knowing a thing or two about religion,
But people like You have always tried to MURDER OUR IDENTITY AND CULTURE.

No matter what You say or been "taught"- I'm a Hebrew- of Jacob's clan-

And about Goyim...well You must've read those quotations taken out of context from
the Talmud.


I see You want me to hate someone, for otherwise You can't stand an anti-zionist Israeli
who doesn't hate anyone...Can't You see the brainwashing?


So I don't really care for arabs' fake claim Jerusalem...absurd of a retarded felon.

They want it for some recent "historical reasons", my ancestors and me were obliged and sworn to stand for Jerusalem even before those muslims and christians knew it existed.

Hitler failed, Haman failed, Xerox failed, Caesar failed- You go their way expecting to achieve
something different? You can murder Judaism and lie about it to Yourself, but no one
can erase God's word and the history of His people.

Don't give me any sob stories ok.

Stalin's Jews

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a SovietRussianMajor-General who served as the chief executioner of the StalinistNKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov and Lavrentiy Beria, who after their respective falls from power were executed later by Blokhin himself

Blokhin's most infamous act was the April 1940 execution by shooting of more than 7,000 Polish prisoners interned in the Ostashkovprisoner of war camp in the Katyn forest. The majority were military and police officers who had been captured following the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939.[10] (The event's infamy also stems from the Stalin regime's orchestration of the murders and subsequent propaganda campaign in order to blame Nazi Germany for the massacres.)

In 1990, as part of Glasnost, Gorbachev gave the Polish government the files on the massacres at Katyn, Starobelsk and Kalinin (now Tver), revealing Stalin's involvement.[11] Based on the 4 April secret order from Stalin to NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (as well as NKVD Order № 00485, which still applied), the executions were carried out over 28 consecutive nights at the specially constructed basement execution chamber at the NKVD headquarters in Kalinin, and were assigned, by name, directly to Blokhin, making him the official executioner of the NKVD.[12]

Blokhin initially decided on an ambitious quota of 300 executions per night; and engineered an efficient system in which the prisoners were individually led to a small antechamber—which had been painted red and was known as the "Leninist room"—for a brief and cursory positive identification, before being handcuffed and led into the execution room next door. The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against. Blokhin would stand waiting behind the door in his executioner garb: a leather butcher's apron, leather hat, and shoulder-length leather gloves. Then, without a hearing, the reading of a sentence or any other formalities, each prisoner was brought in and restrained by guards while Blokhin shot him once in the base of the skull with a German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol.[13][14][15] He had brought a briefcase full of his own Walther pistols, since he did not trust the reliability of the standard-issue Soviet TT-30 for the frequent, heavy use he intended. The use of a German pocket pistol, which was commonly carried by German police and intelligence agents, also provided plausible deniability of the executions if the bodies were discovered later.[16]

Also read about the kitos wars.
Don't give me any sob stories ok.

Stalin's Jews

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews

Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a SovietRussianMajor-General who served as the chief executioner of the StalinistNKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov and Lavrentiy Beria, who after their respective falls from power were executed later by Blokhin himself

Blokhin's most infamous act was the April 1940 execution by shooting of more than 7,000 Polish prisoners interned in the Ostashkovprisoner of war camp in the Katyn forest. The majority were military and police officers who had been captured following the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939.[10] (The event's infamy also stems from the Stalin regime's orchestration of the murders and subsequent propaganda campaign in order to blame Nazi Germany for the massacres.)

In 1990, as part of Glasnost, Gorbachev gave the Polish government the files on the massacres at Katyn, Starobelsk and Kalinin (now Tver), revealing Stalin's involvement.[11] Based on the 4 April secret order from Stalin to NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (as well as NKVD Order № 00485, which still applied), the executions were carried out over 28 consecutive nights at the specially constructed basement execution chamber at the NKVD headquarters in Kalinin, and were assigned, by name, directly to Blokhin, making him the official executioner of the NKVD.[12]

Blokhin initially decided on an ambitious quota of 300 executions per night; and engineered an efficient system in which the prisoners were individually led to a small antechamber—which had been painted red and was known as the "Leninist room"—for a brief and cursory positive identification, before being handcuffed and led into the execution room next door. The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against. Blokhin would stand waiting behind the door in his executioner garb: a leather butcher's apron, leather hat, and shoulder-length leather gloves. Then, without a hearing, the reading of a sentence or any other formalities, each prisoner was brought in and restrained by guards while Blokhin shot him once in the base of the skull with a German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol.[13][14][15] He had brought a briefcase full of his own Walther pistols, since he did not trust the reliability of the standard-issue Soviet TT-30 for the frequent, heavy use he intended. The use of a German pocket pistol, which was commonly carried by German police and intelligence agents, also provided plausible deniability of the executions if the bodies were discovered later.[16]

Also read about the kitos wars.


How does that has to do with Your accepted connection to Jerusalem?

You wrote:
"Don't give me any sob stories ok.

That's all that You are able to argue or converse ????

Didn't You tell me JUDAISM IS RELIGION?
So how those jews are connected, by your standards they're not jews.

And what do You imply by COPYING another bunch of word You didn't write
or analyze?

You're racist.
So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)
So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)

Your temple is not there anymore. Gee maybe a sign from God. Jew is not a race. Netanyahu which is not his real name, spent most of his younger life in the US where his father taught who by the way was a rabid arab hater , even more so after his other son got killed in the line of duty, but we wont count how many arabs his son killed before he was killed, I mean non jewish life does not matter does it. I am a dumb gentile what do I know. No Bibi is an secular Israelite, as I'm quite sure he was born in Israel.
So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)

Your temple is not there anymore. Gee maybe a sign from God. Jew is not a race. Netanyahu which is not his real name, spent most of his younger life in the US where his father taught who by the way was a rabid arab hater , even more so after his other son got killed in the line of duty, but we wont count how many arabs his son killed before he was killed, I mean non jewish life does not matter does it. I am a dumb gentile what do I know. No Bibi is an secular Israelite, as I'm quite sure he was born in Israel.

Prophesised by Jews if you read the bible. Unlike your Christian "prophets" who could not even get the weather for the next day right. So bad that they instituted a system of pogroms against anyone that went against what their Bible said. Look at what they did to Michael Angelo as punishment for his tiny blasphemies. But it is also prophesised that the Temple will be rebuilt and when it is the Messiah will return to Earth and lead the Jews in the final battle. Every aspect of your religion is based on Judaism from the ten commandments ( actually a lot more ) to the psalms and prayers. In effect you are a watered down Jew, or as the arabs say about non arab muslims a plastic Jew. The only reason you don't chant your sermons and readings is because the founders of Christianity where tone deaf and intoxicated on drugs and wine all the time.

Yes you are dumb, so dumb that you cant even see that you are a plastic Jew
So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)

Your temple is not there anymore. Gee maybe a sign from God. Jew is not a race. Netanyahu which is not his real name, spent most of his younger life in the US where his father taught who by the way was a rabid arab hater , even more so after his other son got killed in the line of duty, but we wont count how many arabs his son killed before he was killed, I mean non jewish life does not matter does it. I am a dumb gentile what do I know. No Bibi is an secular Israelite, as I'm quite sure he was born in Israel.

First of all how Your infantile picking at the misfortunes of the Jews
is relevant to what You've quoted? Any logical connection...You know I never called You stupid,
but You really seem to run for that chair.

2.A sign from GOD?? Look at Israel and it's development! Look what it has become
after being a trash zone for those arabs. This land's green valleys, highways, world leading best medicine
and technology...It a proof we are the chosen ones. Just look at our number in relation to scientific
Now how many were protected by GOD duringall those years of terro, intifada and a war simultaneous
war on 3 fronts when Israel humiliated those Ismhaelites. Not to mention the '48 war with close to none
GOD IS WITH ISRAEL, those signs appear almost daily.

3. You were not called "stupid gentile" by nobody but Yourself,
if You want that position I'm not sure You're qualified enough.
And all You know about jews and their culture is 99% false.
Jews gave 70 sacrifices in Jerusalem for the wellbeing of all 70 nations,
and each life is GOD given. THATS WHAT JEWS ARE TAUGHT:
"The one who raises to kill You, kill him first".

So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)

Your temple is not there anymore. Gee maybe a sign from God. Jew is not a race. Netanyahu which is not his real name, spent most of his younger life in the US where his father taught who by the way was a rabid arab hater , even more so after his other son got killed in the line of duty, but we wont count how many arabs his son killed before he was killed, I mean non jewish life does not matter does it. I am a dumb gentile what do I know. No Bibi is an secular Israelite, as I'm quite sure he was born in Israel.

Penelope, you have to get over yourself. You're the only one calling yourself a dumb Gentile.
So when those jews come to Israel -they're not jews,
But when they're killers- they are?

Shot Yourself in the leg.
Maybe next time :)

Your temple is not there anymore. Gee maybe a sign from God. Jew is not a race. Netanyahu which is not his real name, spent most of his younger life in the US where his father taught who by the way was a rabid arab hater , even more so after his other son got killed in the line of duty, but we wont count how many arabs his son killed before he was killed, I mean non jewish life does not matter does it. I am a dumb gentile what do I know. No Bibi is an secular Israelite, as I'm quite sure he was born in Israel.

Penelope, you have to get over yourself. You're the only one calling yourself a dumb Gentile.


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