Palin again off her rocker

:cuckoo: Since when did being new to a forum mean my freedom of speech is any different from your own?...........The total whacked out obsession by leftists regarding Sarah Palin is maniacal.

This is a strawman, when you retarded rightwingers criticize Obama and others on the left its exercising freedom of speech, when you monkeys gets criticized you call it obsession, make up your mind jackass, you can't have it both ways. Instead the correction of..........

The total whacked out obsession by rightwingers regarding Barack Obama is maniacal.

Makes much more damn sense and is much more nearer the mark.
Palin blasts administration's handling of Egypt - Yahoo! News

Will somebody slap some sense into this stupid woman and tell her that Obama doesn't owe the American people anything about Egypt and that its not our job to install puppet governments and meddle in the affairs of other foreign countries? She doesn't understand blowback is a reality that puts Americans in just as much danger.

Wow, if you feel this strongly about Palin saying that you must really hate Obama for calling for Hussein to step down...

Don't worry, I know you're a liberal and hypocrisy is no problem for you, just amusing myself. You won't even get it.
You apparently believe you have the horsepower to tell others that they lack the horsepower.

Hey, this is fun! :lol:
If you're right, we'll all be anxiously waiting for LGS to do as Bass told her.

Or you could just admit you're knee-jerkingly and unthinkingly posting "No, YOU!!!" at me as if it actually means anything.

You lack the horsepower to decipher whether I am knee-jerkingly and unthinkingly posting "No, YOU!!!".
You lack the wit to realize you're doing exactly what I said you are.

You know why?

It's because you're a dumbass.
LGS is a deleted, enough said

Unless you're blind as a fucking bat or too stupid to read, the Mods here have warned not to bring up any shit from that board. You're in violation of that~ Wouldn't want to be you.. lastly, who cares what happened to me or anyone else for that matter prior to coming here? Obsess much??

I wasn't aware of that jackass, just watch yourself while you're here, I'm the last person you want to cross the wrong way with your dumb posts.
You better be careful, LGS. Bass is a genuine

For liberals are suppose to be so NON-Violent, more tolerant than others.

they sure use a lot of Violent rhetoric, especially against a WOMAN.

lets see they want to.
slap Palin
throw pies at her when she speaks.
And their reason for it all, because she

but I guess this is BEING CIVIL.:lol:

ok listen twat, you have no standing on being civil. All one needs to do is look at how the right talks about Clinton( hillary)) Or Michelle Obama....

You fucking retard.

Is this an example of the left's tolerance and civility? :lol:
Hey, Shitaholic, who cares about the Mariel Boatlift? Go empty your bowels, pops.
Wow - 40 posts and you're already shitting on Gunny's board. Nice.

Uhhhh, no, fool, I am talking about YOU, and not the board, and not Gunny.
People usually don't join a forum guns blazing. I think even the most vitriolic and partisan posters here were probably non-assholes and non-dickheads and non-trolls and non-douchebags for their first couple hundred posts.

Maybe it's just a character thing.
If you're right, we'll all be anxiously waiting for LGS to do as Bass told her.

Or you could just admit you're knee-jerkingly and unthinkingly posting "No, YOU!!!" at me as if it actually means anything.

You lack the horsepower to decipher whether I am knee-jerkingly and unthinkingly posting "No, YOU!!!".
You lack the wit to realize you're doing exactly what I said you are.

You know why?

It's because you're a dumbass.
You lack the horsepower to determine who is a dumbass.

Know why? 'Cause you're a dumbass. :lol:
For liberals are suppose to be so NON-Violent, more tolerant than others.

they sure use a lot of Violent rhetoric, especially against a WOMAN.

lets see they want to.
slap Palin
throw pies at her when she speaks.
And their reason for it all, because she

but I guess this is BEING CIVIL.:lol:

ok listen twat, you have no standing on being civil. All one needs to do is look at how the right talks about Clinton( hillary)) Or Michelle Obama....

You fucking retard.

Is this an example of the left's tolerance and civility? :lol:

I tell KerryWonOhio he's a moron all the time...and he's an O-3.

Who are you trying to kid dumbass. :lol:

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