Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

If only this were true. It would be a great help for all the dingbats, psychos, liars, hypocrites, and retards to leave the GOP and concentrate in a single place.

Just imagine! Birthers, Palin, Glenn Beck. All cleaned out of the GOP. AWESOME goodness!
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Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

If only this were true. It would be a great help for all the dingbats, psychos, liars, hypocrites, and retards to leave the GOP and concentrate in a single place.

Just imagine! Birthers, Palin, Glenn Beck. All cleaned out of the GOP. AWESOME goodness!

Yeah, dumbasses like you just confirm what good idea this is!

One of the things about Palin that I have always been fascinated with is her complete denial of irresponsibilty regarding birth control within her own family. Her last preganancy was obviosuly an accident. She has admitted as much. yet, the following are the odds of Downs syndrom by age of the mother:

Maternal Age Related Risks/Mom's Age

Risk for trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Risk for all triomies


1 in 1,667
1 in 526


1 in 106
1 in 66


1 in 82
1 in 53


1 in 64
1 in 42


1 in 50
1 in 33


1 in 38
1 in 26


1 in 30
1 in 21


1 in 23
1 in 16


1 in 18
1 in 13


1 in 14
1 in 10

A responsible woman would have known that, and would have used effective birth control. An irresponsible woman would not have bothered to do that. An irresponsible hypcrite would have also claimed that this child, who will probably remain mentally incapacitated for life, is actually some sort of blessing, and would simply have submitted all medical bills to the insurance company, threrby raising everyone's premiums. The average medical costs incurred by a down's syndrome child in today's dollars comes to around $1,000,000 if he/she lives to age 70.

Way to go, Sarah! Don't worry. Group Health insurance is not REALLY welfare, so you are in the clear!
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One of the things about Palin that I have always been fascinated with is her complete denial of irresponsibilty regarding birth control within her own family. Her last preganancy was obviosuly an accident. She has admitted as much. yet, the following are the odds of Downs syndrom by age of the mother:

Maternal Age Related Risks

Mom's Age

Risk for trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Risk for all triomies


1 in 1,667
1 in 526


1 in 106
1 in 66


1 in 82
1 in 53


1 in 64
1 in 42


1 in 50
1 in 33


1 in 38
1 in 26


1 in 30
1 in 21


1 in 23
1 in 16


1 in 18
1 in 13


1 in 14
1 in 10

A responsible woman would have known that, and would have used effective birth control. An irresponsible woman would not have bothered to do that. An irresponsible hypcrite would have also claimed that this child, who will probably remain mentally incapacitated for life, is actually some sort of blessing, and would simply have submitted all medical bills to the insurance company, threrby raising everyone's premiums. The average medical costs incurred by a down's sydrom child in today's dollars comes to around $1,000,000 if he/she lives to age 70.

Way to go, Sarah! Don't worry. Group Health insurance is not REALLy welfare, so you are in teh clear!

Yeah, cause respecting life is just so irresponsible.

Do they have any candidates to go with their new movement?

Movement? The TPM? Yes, but right now they are all GOP.

Hopefully this will change. The person most responsible for selling the TPM on the GOP's natural home pitch has retired and is no more part of the GOP leadership.

No party has been formed as of yet, so how can there be candidates?
"Yeah, cause respecting life is just so irresponsible."

All i keep hearing from you guys is that "wefare queens" are having abortions, or else, give birth and then cash in on welfare for the child conceived by irresponsible pregancy.

Well, Palin's preganacy was irresponsible, and the group health plan that covers Alaska employees is footing the bill. That is virtually the same thing as welfare.It sure is hell is not going to be her $1 million that is going to cost for this child
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The GOP deserves to die and it will. The Dems deserves to die and they will not. Because they are the party of idiots and that is largely what this nation is now.

I think a Freedom Party is a great idea in theory. But, the reality is that Palin and Levin are swindlers out for a buck. I guarantee it.
The GOP deserves to die and it will. The Dems deserves to die and they will not. Because they are the party of idiots and that is largely what this nation is now.

I think a Freedom Party is a great idea in theory. But, the reality is that Palin and Levin are swindlers out for a buck. I guarantee it.

I suspect you may be right about Levin, but I doubt it regarding Palin. If she were only out for the buck, she would have played nicer with McSames staff in 2008.
"Yeah, cause respecting life is just so irresponsible."

All i keep hearing from you guys is that "wefare queens" are having abortions, or else, give birth and then cash in on welfare for the child conceived by irresponsible pregancy.

Well, Palin's preganacy was irresponsible, and the group health plan that covers Alaska employees is footing the bill. That is virtually the same thing as welfare.It sure is hell is not going to be her $1 million that is going to cost for this child

Lol, all childrens total cost is in the high six figures, counting college costs. So how is her last kid any worse?

She has a deep regard for life, something that your lefties just cant understand as your record of human slaughter from the French Revolution and since has so often demonstrated.

You guys are always quick to kill someone elses kids, or some other person.

You just don't get it; the hangman eventually comes for you too, so why so smug?

What happened to Robespiere, Marat, Beria, Bakunin, Trotsky, etc?

They got karma blown back in their faces, that's what.

But this time it will be different, right clown?
Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Palin couldn't find a political party willing to follow her, so now she's been forced to invent one.

Those joining the "Freedom Party" should be fully aware that Palin has a notoriously short attention span and a history of jumping from job to job - without making a long term commitment to any of them.
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Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Palin couldn't find a political party willing to follow her, so now she's been forced to invent one.

Those joining the "Freedom Party" should be fully aware that Palin has a notoriously short attention span and a history of jumping from job to job - without making a long term commitment to any of them.

Wow, so judgemental.

lol, so if she clings to office, she is a power mongering politician, but if she willingly gives up power it means she is ADHD?

You libtards are just so fucking funny.
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

If only this were true. It would be a great help for all the dingbats, psychos, liars, hypocrites, and retards to leave the GOP and concentrate in a single place.

Just imagine! Birthers, Palin, Glenn Beck. All cleaned out of the GOP. AWESOME goodness!

Who would be left in the party? The country clubbers?
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

If only this were true. It would be a great help for all the dingbats, psychos, liars, hypocrites, and retards to leave the GOP and concentrate in a single place.

Just imagine! Birthers, Palin, Glenn Beck. All cleaned out of the GOP. AWESOME goodness!

Who would be left in the party? The country clubbers?

And whoever they could buy or rent apparently.
Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Palin couldn't find a political party willing to follow her, so now she's been forced to invent one.

Those joining the "Freedom Party" should be fully aware that Palin has a notoriously short attention span and a history of jumping from job to job - without making a long term commitment to any of them.

Wow, so judgemental.

lol, so if she clings to office, she is a power mongering politician, but if she willingly gives up power it means she is ADHD?

You libtards are just so fucking funny.
Given that conservatives already have the GOP, the Tea Party and the "libertarian" wing, just where on the political spectrum does this Freedom Party fit in?

Common sense might suggest that further fragmentation of conservatives in America only weakens their cause, but as a "judgemental libtard," who am I to question the infinite wisdom of those who live in an alternative reality of their own making?
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Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Palin couldn't find a political party willing to follow her, so now she's been forced to invent one.

Those joining the "Freedom Party" should be fully aware that Palin has a notoriously short attention span and a history of jumping from job to job - without making a long term commitment to any of them.

Wow, so judgemental.

lol, so if she clings to office, she is a power mongering politician, but if she willingly gives up power it means she is ADHD?

You libtards are just so fucking funny.
Given that conservatives already have the GOP,....


Yeah, that is why they keep voting to raise taxes, give amnesty to illegals, appoint nimrods to the SCOTUS that cant read the Constitution, undermine our churches, and run roughshod over people who actually participate like the Paulistats in the last nomination process when their pre-picked candidate Romnuts kept getting his ass handed to him, yeah, you mean control of that GOP?

roflmao lolololololol

Yeah, conservatives do NOT have control of the GOP and anyone that has been involved knows this. The GOP money men will break their own rules, threaten and coerce people to get their way as long as the targets aren't Democrats, then they just drop trow, go to their knees and stick their bare ass up in the air for plowing.

The people that run the GOP are whores, liars and mercenaries.
"Yeah, cause respecting life is just so irresponsible."

All i keep hearing from you guys is that "wefare queens" are having abortions, or else, give birth and then cash in on welfare for the child conceived by irresponsible pregancy.

Well, Palin's preganacy was irresponsible, and the group health plan that covers Alaska employees is footing the bill. That is virtually the same thing as welfare.It sure is hell is not going to be her $1 million that is going to cost for this child

Lol, all childrens total cost is in the high six figures, counting college costs. So how is her last kid any worse?

She has a deep regard for life, something that your lefties just cant understand as your record of human slaughter from the French Revolution and since has so often demonstrated.

You guys are always quick to kill someone elses kids, or some other person.

You just don't get it; the hangman eventually comes for you too, so why so smug?

What happened to Robespiere, Marat, Beria, Bakunin, Trotsky, etc?

They got karma blown back in their faces, that's what.

But this time it will be different, right clown?
Well, it is an interesting stretch from my post about Palin, to the French revolution.

Try to focus. I will make it easy for you. Palin had an irresponsible preganacy, the reults of which, she is not paying for out of her own pocket. It is not a question of abortion. The issue is that if one is going to have sex without birth control, resulting in predictable, probablle seven figure medical costs, who should absorb that cost? Obviosuly, from Palin's point of view, it should be Alaskan citizens, who have, incidently, a self inured group health plan...which means, that this $1 million dollar child is going to be paid for out of....

wait for it...
wait for it...

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