Palin and MArk Levin to Dump GOP and statr 'Freedom Party'?

Wow, Staph, unable to make up a counter argument again?

Well, at least you've evolved beyond "oh, boy".

wow, you won with that ugly shit...break your arm patting yourself on the back

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008. I still thought he had more experience and was a good guy.

Which has nothing to do with the fact Palin is kind of Trailer Trash, when you get right down to it.
Wow, Staph, unable to make up a counter argument again?

Well, at least you've evolved beyond "oh, boy".

wow, you won with that ugly shit...break your arm patting yourself on the back

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008. I still thought he had more experience and was a good guy.

Which has nothing to do with the fact Palin is kind of Trailer Trash, when you get right down to it.

Nobody's buying your disenfranchised Republican act. We all know your all over Obama's sac in 08 just like you are in 13.
Levin is a talking head. He's not giving up his day job to run a destined to fail party.

Am I supposed to be impressed that Palin got rid of a chef? It just gave her a nice little talking point. It's not like she's averse to waste. She only spent like about a half mil on clothes during the 08 presidential election.

A talking head?

Are you freaking kidding me?

What exactly do you think he is?

Back up and running again. Had a power outage.

Mark is a solid conservative from way back darlin.

What's your hard on for him?
Hasn't this already been tried with the Constitution Party? How far has that one gone?

yup, and nothing gets the chambers to reach across the aisle to each other faster than; a) a $$$ grab bill for a constituency they all hope to pump for $$ ( or mo' $$) , b) a third way/party (movement) they cannot or no longer can manipulate.......
Wow, Staph, unable to make up a counter argument again?

Well, at least you've evolved beyond "oh, boy".

wow, you won with that ugly shit...break your arm patting yourself on the back

Actually, I voted for McCain in 2008. I still thought he had more experience and was a good guy.

Which has nothing to do with the fact Palin is kind of Trailer Trash, when you get right down to it.

I have to keep reminding myself that you are from Chicago so your perspective on the world is so different from the rest of us.


How is Palin trailer trash? Her father is/was a public school teacher and her mother worked for the county. Girl was raised in actually a fairly moderate household. And Palin is married to a First Nations dude.

Are you confusing Palin's family with that Levi's family who really did live in a trailer park and his mom was busted for dope? Levi. The one who knocked up Bristol?
I would have to agree with that. Also the GOP gave her an allowance for clothing which the Obama media went into propaganda mode with and claimed her few outfits added up to a million dollars or some such ridiculous thing..

Sarah said, I'll fix that! She put all the clothes and shoes into a PAPER BAG and sent it back! ROFLMBO!! SHE DID! She said, I never needed the clothing nor wanted it - I can buy my own clothes. This was the GOP S IDEA! See why we have to get this thing dealt with? People inside the GOP were working against our own candidates, folks. The entire party is polluted and CORRUPT.

Furthermore, Sarah quit her job when Obama operatives filed lawsuit after lawsuit against her as Governor of Alaska in order to cost the taxpayers a fortune there and drive her out by attaching frivolous trumped up charge lawsuits against her!

Her response was she wanted to be fiscally responsible with the peoples money so the only answer was to quit and let someone replace her. She did. She knew the Obama administration feared her success and were targeting the Alaskan people - the office of Governor because she was the seated Governor at the time. So for the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE - Sarah stepped down - the lawsuits were costing millions to the State of Alaska and she wasn't going to permit that game by Obama thugs to continue.

It is obvious they considered her a tremendous threat as Alaskans reported spies for Obama throughout their area - offering money to anyone who could find dirt on Sarah. A few said they would be paid for claiming a story that wasn't true. The people of Alaska never did sell out to Obama thugs.

She's as pure as the driven snow. So what did they do instead? They put false stories out in the media for Obama team, that Sarahs son who was born special was really the son of Bristol. A total lie. Then they claimed Sarah should have had a miscarriage then to have had the boy. That is how they have treated Sarah Palin. Could I ever respect that kind of political dirtywork? Never. Not from Obama admin and democrat party and certainly not from the republican party either. - Jeri
Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller


I'll join as soon as they get it set up!

I am sick of RINO dominated GOP losers. So why not lose a few years till the GOP can be replaced with something more authentically conservative?

I thought the tea party was anti-RINO?

Absolutely as far as I know from up here. Palin and Levin aren't Republicans let alone RINOs.

Really? Palin is not only a Republican, but was the VP pick on the Republican presidential ticket. Levin's off-air credentials include working for a Republican president. This entire topic is about both of them leaving the Republican party. They are both Republicans. Take your head out of your ass.
You got to love it! It would be almost as much fun as when George Wallace took all the nuts and put them in one bowl, which would have split Nixon's base, and handed the election to the Democrats (Hubert Humphry)in 1968. It was a sure thing! Hell, he even considered Col. Sanders as his running mate! (a fried chicken in every pot!) Then, he got even crazier, and picked Curtis LeMay, who had been depicted as the insane Jack D. Ripper, in "Dr. Strangelove". Then some dumb sonofabitch shot him, and Nixon got in after all. (sigh)
I have to keep reminding myself that you are from Chicago so your perspective on the world is so different from the rest of us.


How is Palin trailer trash? Her father is/was a public school teacher and her mother worked for the county. Girl was raised in actually a fairly moderate household. And Palin is married to a First Nations dude.

Are you confusing Palin's family with that Levi's family who really did live in a trailer park and his mom was busted for dope? Levi. The one who knocked up Bristol?

What I remeber was that when McCain picked her as a running mate, she spent half a million dollars buying new clothes for her family.

This would be the same Levi who did sleepovers, right? And then Palin acted all surprised when Bristol got knocked up.
If Palin and Levin form a 3rd party to the right of the GOP it will prove that neither of them care about what's best for conservatism.
I think it is cute that some nutters still believe that the tea party was a grassroots movement.

And what does Sarah Palin stand for?

The answer is not "freedom and liberty", by the way.

She stands for jumping out in front of parades and stealing credit. These factions are not anything I could agree with or believe in but she is always trying to be the one with the ideas. Nobody believes she ever comes up with anything new and exciting.
oh really, but palin's baby and family was your all's business?

Only in as much as SHE put them out there for public consumption.

She was the one who waived little Trig around to make her anti-abortion points. She's the one who arranged a "shot-gun" engagement between Bristol and her baby-daddy.

Of course, what Palin's biggest problem wasn't her dysfunctional family, it was that she went out and proved again and again that she didn't understand the job she was running for.

you lefties are sick people..I can't say much more because I'm off to puke

make sure you put a plastic bag over your head before hand.Had this been Michelle or Obamas kids you would be all over it.
thanks to Newt & Bossie they are going to need an enormous amt of $ to compete. Wheres that going to come from?
If Palin and Levin form a 3rd party to the right of the GOP it will prove that neither of them care about what's best for conservatism.

lol, the concern and advice of those opposed is best left unused, or reversed for good affect.
I think it is cute that some nutters still believe that the tea party was a grassroots movement.

And what does Sarah Palin stand for?

The answer is not "freedom and liberty", by the way.

Do you personally know anyone in the TPM?

If not, then you are just being presumptive.

I know about a dozen TPMers and none of them trust the GOP let alone the GOPe.

The GOP is done, toast, over and out.

Toss it in the trash and start over.
oh really, but palin's baby and family was your all's business?

Only in as much as SHE put them out there for public consumption.

She was the one who waived little Trig around to make her anti-abortion points. She's the one who arranged a "shot-gun" engagement between Bristol and her baby-daddy.

Of course, what Palin's biggest problem wasn't her dysfunctional family, it was that she went out and proved again and again that she didn't understand the job she was running for.

you lefties are sick people..I can't say much more because I'm off to puke

Stephanie, note what the lefties suggest conservatives should do and figure the exact REVERSE is probably best.

They show disdain for Palin and Levin, so those two are sticking it to them bad, lol, don't you know?

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