Palin Flunks Foreign Policy in her Interview


You better hope she doesn't lose her glasses and mistake you for a moose. :lol:
You better hope she doesn't lose her glasses and mistake you for a moose. :lol:

meh.. Im the kind of liberal that returns fire.. Besides, this sounds like the first 3 minutes of NRA porn. Fixing the cable.. shooting the moose.. They all result in Palin's milk mustache of manjuice
Okay so she doesn't know much of anything about foreign policy.

As I keep repeating, such ignorance makes her the ideal Republican VP candidate.
Okay so she doesn't know much of anything about foreign policy.

As I keep repeating, such ignorance makes her the ideal Republican VP candidate.

neither does Obama and he's had years to study it. When your presidential candidate is inexperienced don't you think it's a bit silly to attack the republican VP pick for the same deficiency ?
Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska

The idea that the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein helped al-Qaeda plan the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a view once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself. But it is widely agreed that militants allied with al-Qaeda have taken root in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion.

"I believe that America has to exercise all options in order to stop the terrorists who are hellbent on destroying America and our allies," she said after several questions on the topic. "We have got to have all options out there on the table."

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska -

I think it speaks to how badly the Dems are doing that they are spending all this time attacking the VP candidate instead of the presidential one.

Maroons one and all.
neither does Obama and he's had years to study it. When your presidential candidate is inexperienced don't you think it's a bit silly to attack the republican VP pick for the same deficiency ?

Obama has routinely been on Meet the Press and other unscripted, high profile interview shows. And he is able to natter on credibly about foreign policy.

Palin looked marginally foolish, in an interview that was, or should have been, stage crafted to allow her to give her best possible performance. Not a good sign.

Obama, Hillary, McCain and Biden know what the Bush Doctrine is. I know what it is, as do most politically informed people.
Obama has routinely been on Meet the Press and other unscripted, high profile interview shows. And he is able to natter on credibly about foreign policy.

Palin looked marginally foolish, in an interview that was, or should have been, stage crafted to allow her to give her best possible performance. Not a good sign.

Obama, Hillary, McCain and Biden know what the Bush Doctrine is. I know what it is, as do most politically informed people.

Garbage--Gibson did his best to trip her up. And I bet that if the people you mentioned we asked to write down the entire Bush Doctrine they all would be different.
I think it speaks to how badly the Dems are doing that they are spending all this time attacking the VP candidate instead of the presidential one.

Maroons one and all.

are you kidding me? Mccain has all the political spark of a paper bag soaked in rainwater in the drenched gutter of a seattle storm drain. Hell, THIS IS WHY HE PICKED PALIN in the first place. Mccain's feebleness is a given. It's time to prove it by picking apart his laughable choice for VP.

Garbage--Gibson did his best to trip her up. And I bet that if the people you mentioned we asked to write down the entire Bush Doctrine they all would be different.

trip her up? he asked her a fucking question...she couldn't answer it... how is that trying to trip her up?

should she be asked only about baking cookies and what it's like to have a down's baby? GMAFB already.

Obama, McCain and every other politican who has run in a high profile election gets asked these types of questions.

She never could give a straight answer and her bullshit of trying to tie her comment about the Iraq war being a task from God to Lincoln was laughable at best.

It's clear that the Cons knows she looked like a dumbfuck on foreign policy so they are pulling out the sexist card yet again... like Gibson was harder on her cuz she's a woman.... :eusa_hand:
I think it speaks to how badly the Dems are doing that they are spending all this time attacking the VP candidate instead of the presidential one.

Maroons one and all.

Maybe your Old Man should have picked someone who was ready to be vice president, intead of an obvious and cheap pander for women's votes and the votes of rightwing evangelicals.

Maybe so much attention wouldn't be on her, if the GOP hadn't kept her hidden from the press for two weeks, and after two weeks of coaching she still looked foolish on foreign policy in an interview that was hardly as challenging as a Tim Russert invertiew would have been.

I don't think any vice presidential canidate has been hidden for two weeks from the press in modern history. Only to finally show up and look foolish. I bet Geraldine Ferraro was taking unscripted question almost immediately after being chosen to for Mondale's VP
Maybe your Old Man should have picked someone who was ready to be vice president, intead of an obvious and cheap pander for women's votes and the votes of rightwing evangelicals.

Maybe so much attention wouldn't be on her, if the GOP hadn't kept her hidden from the press for two weeks, and after two weeks of coaching she still looked foolish on foreign policy in an interview that was hardly as challenging as a Tim Russert invertiew would have been.

I don't think any vice presidential canidate has been hidden for two weeks from the press in modern history. Only to finally show up and look foolish. I bet Geraldine Ferraro was taking unscripted question almost immediately after being chosen to for Mondale's VP

oh well--shit happens
Are you talking about Obama? Cuz it sounds like you are..only substitute Prez. candidate for VP...and add that he's refused to debate or meet for town hall meetings since his only disastrous attempt at debate, what, 6 months ago?
[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin Explains The Bush Doctrine To Charlie Gibson[/ame]
Why is it that the right is wetting their pants when anyone questions Palin's credentials.

She is running for VP not the frigging dog catcher. We have every right to know what she believes and knows about politics and in her case religion. She is one heart beat away from the presidency.

If she were the Democratic candidate with this thin a resume, the righties would be screaming murder

Double standards..
This is just STUPID:

Sarah Palin on US-Russia Relations

PALIN: We’ve gotta keep an eye on Russia. … You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska.

GIBSON: What insight does that give you into what they’re doing inside Georgia?

PALIN: Well, I’m giving you that perspective of how small our world is and how important it is that we work with our allies to keep good relations with all of these countries, especially Russia.
Why is it that the right is wetting their pants when anyone questions Palin's credentials.

She is running for VP not the frigging dog catcher. We have every right to know what she believes and knows about politics and in her case religion. She is one heart beat away from the presidency.

If she were the Democratic candidate with this thin a resume, the righties would be screaming murder

Double standards..

No one on the right has wet their pants or even complained about any challenge of Palin. Americans are pissed that you idiots are knowingly advancing damnable lies about her...

Now if you've a valid challenge of Palin, BRING IT POGUE... Of course, to the best of my knowledge I've not seen so much as a well reasoned argument coming out of you, let alone an intellectually sound, logically valid argument; so you won't mind if I don't hold my breath...

The fact is Palin's resume outclasses Hussein's by no small margin... She's a Chief Executive with a reform agenda, whose done a fair bit of community organizing... of course unlike Hussein, Palin's community organizing actually has some organization to show for it...

But it is hysterical to watch you people flail at straw-men and red herrings while you watch the Good ship 'CHANGE' sink right before your very eyes.
Man did she have the talking points down. She didn't stray from the script one bit. I loved her interview! As crazy as American voters are, I guess this will give her a big bump in the polls? :cuckoo:

I think after this flubbed interview, the GOP isn't going to let her go on Meet the Press or Face the Nation. Not anytime soon, and probably not at all before November 7.

They're probably going to only let her do low-profile interviews, fluff pieces, and infotainment talk shows.

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