Palin: Impeach

Palin being a former Governor and Vice President Candidate

has as much right to speak up about Obama as anyone

that just eats some you to watch you tear down a woman just for speaking

Wrong again moron.
She has the right to say whatever she wants. When a freshman cheerleader at Montana State says Saddam may have nuke weapons, do you think; well gee, "she took science courses so she may be right?" When Dr. Condi Rice says it, you take it more seriously and vote to go to war over it even though both are wrong.

Palin is a cheerleader from Montana State, she's not an expert on anything except turning dumbasses like yourself upside down and shaking the loose coins from your pocket.
Palin being a former Governor and Vice President Candidate

has as much right to speak up about Obama as anyone

that just eats some you to watch you tear down a woman just for speaking

Wrong again moron.
She has the right to say whatever she wants. When a freshman cheerleader at Montana State says Saddam may have nuke weapons, do you think; well gee, "she took science courses so she may be right?" When Dr. Condi Rice says it, you take it more seriously and vote to go to war over it even though both are wrong.

Palin is a cheerleader from Montana State, she's not an expert on anything except turning dumbasses like yourself upside down and shaking the loose coins from your pocket.

And obuma is a community organizer and...

Palin being a former Governor and Vice President Candidate

has as much right to speak up about Obama as anyone

that just eats some you to watch you tear down a woman just for speaking

No one says she doesn't.

In fact, democrats would love for her to keep talking, to continue to exhibit her ignorance and stupidity, helping democrats win elections.

Jeopardizing national security by releasing 5 terrorists without giving Congress 30 days' notice (a law he can't claim ignorance on, as he signed it into being) most certainly IS grounds.

PS: Since when was ignorance a defense? If you ram your company car into somebody's house, who do you think the owner is going to go after for damages? You the peon, or the company? Dumbasses that think Obama's the greatest president (seen signs proclaiming such) are obviously ignorant of the fact that Obama can't live up to Truman's motto: "The buck stops here."
Mediocraty isn't grounds.

But changing the law without Congressional consent is!

Correct, all EOs need sustained scrutiny; if only Congress is available.

Peach, you have named the problem...a loyal opposition that cowers, and shivers in the corner afraid of being called racist, instead of spewing the Hildebeasty's doctrine!

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
Palin being a former Governor and Vice President Candidate

has as much right to speak up about Obama as anyone

that just eats some you to watch you tear down a woman just for speaking

No one says she doesn't.

In fact, democrats would love for her to keep talking, to continue to exhibit her ignorance and stupidity, helping democrats win elections.

oh give it Democrats are far from superior when it comes to ignorance..
if you checked your elect idiots as much as Republicans we wouldn't be in this mess
you march in lockstep sheep to a PARTY
But changing the law without Congressional consent is!

Correct, all EOs need sustained scrutiny; if only Congress is available.

Peach, you have named the problem...a loyal opposition that cowers, and shivers in the corner afraid of being called racist, instead of spewing the Hildebeasty's doctrine!

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]

Don't vote for her, if she runs in any election, back to EOs. I do not need to know how many Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton, or John Adams issued, the legislative branch cannot be "dispensed with".
why should we be encouraged to vote for her?

even you liberals didn't vote for her as President over some UNKOWN no named man, Obama

I mean really
Correct, all EOs need sustained scrutiny; if only Congress is available.

Peach, you have named the problem...a loyal opposition that cowers, and shivers in the corner afraid of being called racist, instead of spewing the Hildebeasty's doctrine!

[ame=""]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]

Don't vote for her, if she runs in any election, back to EOs. I do not need to know how many Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton, or John Adams issued, the legislative branch cannot be "dispensed with".

I believe you took my presentation wrong. The Hildebeasty's strong opposition of the other party is what is lacking in the feckless Republican leadership today. They should be questioning, and taking to court the myriad examples of the executive overreach and his dictatorial powers. The usurpation of Congressional powers is unheard of without fierce pushback, but the current situation is also unheard of when a Senate majority leader, even of the same party, acquiesces all of his power to a president! Reid is simply the obomanations puppet!

Peach, you have named the problem...a loyal opposition that cowers, and shivers in the corner afraid of being called racist, instead of spewing the Hildebeasty's doctrine!

I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube

Don't vote for her, if she runs in any election, back to EOs. I do not need to know how many Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton, or John Adams issued, the legislative branch cannot be "dispensed with".

I believe you took my presentation wrong. The Hildebeasty's strong opposition of the other party is what is lacking in the feckless Republican leadership today. They should be questioning, and taking to court the myriad examples of the executive overreach and his dictatorial powers. The usurpation of Congressional powers is unheard of without fierce pushback, but the current situation is also unheard of when a Senate majority leader, even of the same party, acquiesces all of his power to a president! Reid is simply the obomanations puppet!


The USSC is afraid of the President, obviously, part of his power "overreach" if you view it as such, is the vacuum created by Congress.
Don't vote for her, if she runs in any election, back to EOs. I do not need to know how many Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton, or John Adams issued, the legislative branch cannot be "dispensed with".

I believe you took my presentation wrong. The Hildebeasty's strong opposition of the other party is what is lacking in the feckless Republican leadership today. They should be questioning, and taking to court the myriad examples of the executive overreach and his dictatorial powers. The usurpation of Congressional powers is unheard of without fierce pushback, but the current situation is also unheard of when a Senate majority leader, even of the same party, acquiesces all of his power to a president! Reid is simply the obomanations puppet!


The USSC is afraid of the President, obviously, part of his power "overreach" if you view it as such, is the vacuum created by Congress.

That three day "vacuum" was so terribly debilitating, wasn't it? Oh, and IIRC, it was created by the Democratic Senate... not Congress.
Don't vote for her, if she runs in any election, back to EOs. I do not need to know how many Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton, or John Adams issued, the legislative branch cannot be "dispensed with".

I believe you took my presentation wrong. The Hildebeasty's strong opposition of the other party is what is lacking in the feckless Republican leadership today. They should be questioning, and taking to court the myriad examples of the executive overreach and his dictatorial powers. The usurpation of Congressional powers is unheard of without fierce pushback, but the current situation is also unheard of when a Senate majority leader, even of the same party, acquiesces all of his power to a president! Reid is simply the obomanations puppet!


The USSC is afraid of the President, obviously, part of his power "overreach" if you view it as such, is the vacuum created by Congress.

Well the Robert's decision was a travesty, I still believe the threat to his 2 illegally adopted Irish children played a major role in that, but the last 12-13 decisions have actually gone against him, and that absolute racist AG, Eric "The Red" Holder.
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