Palin: Impeach

Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

You've been watching a lot of commercials for Sarah Palin on youtube I guess. Funny how "taking on" looks a lot like giving in since . I'm sure you can cite the ways she took on these entities but I won't ask you to do that.

This from Wikipedia:

On August 29, 2008, when introduced as Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate, Governor Palin told the crowd: "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere" — a line that garnered big applause but upset political leaders in Ketchikan. Palin's campaign coordinator in the city, Republican Mike Elerding, remarked, "She said 'thanks but no thanks,' but they kept the money." Ketchikan's Democratic Mayor Bob Weinstein also criticized Palin for using the term bridge to nowhere, which she had said was insulting when she was in favor of the bridge.[35]

Although Palin was originally a main proponent of the bridge, McCain–Palin television advertisements claimed that Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Palin's Chief of Staff, Billy Moening, has been praised by many Republican strategists for recommending Palin change her stance on the bridge.[36][37] These claims have been widely questioned or described as misleading in several newspapers across the political spectrum.[38][39][40][41] Howard Kurtz called this a "whopper," writing: "She endorsed the remote project while running for governor in 2006, claimed to be an opponent only after Congress killed its funding the next year and has used the $223 million provided for it for other state ventures."[36] Newsweek, commenting on Palin's "astonishing pivot," remarked: "Now she talks as if she always opposed the funding."[42]

A real profile in courage you've got there...

You do a lot of falsely accusing others of what you believe they may do, all wrong.
Best you work on articulating a complete sentence of what you believe as to date you have not gotten there yet.
But since you have your psychic palm reading hat on and I am headed to Calder in a few weeks where do you think Go Bananas will finish in the 7th?

Was any of that supposed to be in English?
I would stop endorsing Sarah Palin and her contributions too if I were you. :eusa_clap:
obama needs to be impeached. Even if he isn't convicted, he needs to be impeached just as a nudge that he's not really the King.

Wrong. Impeachment without conviction would only serve to empower him. He'd be 10x worse if Congress failed at removing him from office.

After he was impeached, Bill Clinton was much more agreeable. The first black president ends up impeached. It's one for the history books.

You really think impeachment would stop him from creating jobs?

Or from deporting illegals?

obama needs to be impeached. Even if he isn't convicted, he needs to be impeached just as a nudge that he's not really the King.

Wrong. Impeachment without conviction would only serve to empower him. He'd be 10x worse if Congress failed at removing him from office.

After he was impeached, Bill Clinton was much more agreeable. The first black president ends up impeached. It's one for the history books.

After I eat deviled eggs, I have gas. Does that mean I should expect to have gas after eating devil's food cake? Duh, of course not.

Don't compare Obama to devil's food cake.
Sarah Palin is an independent free thinking woman.
Sheeple Democrat lock step followers can not have that.
You must look down on her and call her names.


Whatever loser. Here is my "lockstep" following of the President.

I hardly march in lockstep with anyone and I am certainly not a Democrat. Sarah Palin is interested in one thing, Sarah Palin. That you guys can't see that after such an obvious tease-fest and this latest idiotic "impeachment" nonsense is a testament to the blinders you have put on.

Obviously from above, I do not feel Obama was always right about everything. I invite you to take off your blinders and see this woman for what she is; an idiot.

"whatever loser"
You have zero credibility.
You are a spoiled brat 5 year old calling names.
You have nothing else of substance.

Look dolt; you called people "sheeple"
Sheeple Democrat lock step followers can not have that.

I debate in the spirit in which I am debated. You come at me, I come back at you. You called me a "sheeple" and I gave you example after example on why you are wrong about it. Talk about zero make an assumption through your "one size fits all" view of the world and refuse to stand behind it.

Again, if you want to have a debate, let's debate what Palin has done. Zero since she was defeated as a VP candidate other than make reality TV shows and become a fixture on Fox news. I illustrated how serious politicians of both parties act when they leave office. They head commissions, work for NGO/NPOs, Become ambassadors for the nation and generally promote the country in any way they can. Where is Sarah? Oh yeah, on the TLC network and basically serving as a hatchet woman on Fox.

Is there anything wrong with that? No. Make hay while the sun is shining I suppose. But you don't see Jesse Ventura promoting himself as some sort of elder statesman; or Dan Quayle or John Edwards or few if any of the others who have left office after being elected by the people they represented.
Wrong. Impeachment without conviction would only serve to empower him. He'd be 10x worse if Congress failed at removing him from office.

After he was impeached, Bill Clinton was much more agreeable. The first black president ends up impeached. It's one for the history books.

You really think impeachment would stop him from creating jobs?

Or from deporting illegals?


He's not doing any of those things. He's just lying about doing them, and liberals repeat the lies.
lol, he's creating jobs is he...well what do think a new monster government Entitlement called Oscamcare is doing....more jobs for us taxpayers to PAY FOR

And he's deporting illegals

now that is funny
Good thing Palin is irrelevant and nobody listens to her Teaparty ass anymore.

Sarah Palin doesn't belong to the GOP. She is a Tea Party Member. Please, WaPo, get your facts straight.

Um... are you being serious? She was a Republican mayor, Republican governor, and Republican VP nominee. How does she not belong to the GOP again?

Sarah Palin doesn't belong to the GOP. She is a Tea Party Member. Please, WaPo, get your facts straight.

Um... are you being serious? She was a Republican mayor, Republican governor, and Republican VP nominee. How does she not belong to the GOP again?

So, by your logic, if one was an R in the past, one it always an R.

What does this mean for all those libs, Ds, and progs who claim they were once Rs?
ah yes, the typical Palin isn't relevant thread

oh same Palin haters kicked the woman Hillary to the curb the same way...

but your party stands for, womeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen folks

Sarah Palin doesn't belong to the GOP. She is a Tea Party Member. Please, WaPo, get your facts straight.

Um... are you being serious? She was a Republican mayor, Republican governor, and Republican VP nominee. How does she not belong to the GOP again?

So, by your logic, if one was an R in the past, one it always an R.

What does this mean for all those libs, Ds, and progs who claim they were once Rs?

She has never made any indication that she wasn't a Republican anymore. Why would anybody try arguing to the contrary? :cuckoo:
Palin being a former Governor and Vice President Candidate

has as much right to speak up about Obama as anyone

that just eats some you to watch you tear down a woman just for speaking

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