Palin: Impeach

It has been weeks since Palin called for impeachment

I'm sure she wouldn't do it for no reason. Of course, Palin is an expert on the subject. She resigned so she wouldn't be impeached

She plays her people for fools...and she's living proof that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intellect of the conservative crowd. Why do you think there are a zillion conservative radio talk show hosts? It's an easy gig and nobody is going to think twice about whether what you say is just made up or not. The uninformed members of the right wing are gullible enough to believe anything.

Glenn Beck probably hates these guys--the other hosts. He actually spends a little time preparing for his show/network.
You phonies care about "the woman" as much as you do the blacks, childreeeen and anyone in your shallow worlds

none if they AREN'T on YOUR side
the Guano clown act is here

you all can have it

I can't stomach anymore of it
Sarah Palin is correct and spot on almost all fiscal issues.
Foreign policy no better than Obama.
But she is not running for anything and never will again.
Because she is a quitter.
NO MATTER how hot it is and if you are losing 42-0 with 3 minutes left in 4th quarter:
We have a loser in the White House now, why support another one like Sarah Palin?
Sarah Palin is correct and spot on almost all fiscal issues.
Foreign policy no better than Obama.
But she is not running for anything and never will again.
Because she is a quitter.
NO MATTER how hot it is and if you are losing 42-0 with 3 minutes left in 4th quarter:
We have a loser in the White House now, why support another one like Sarah Palin?

She was correct on Fiscal Issues? Did she submit a budget or something that nobody knows about?
Sarah Palin is correct and spot on almost all fiscal issues.
Foreign policy no better than Obama.
But she is not running for anything and never will again.
Because she is a quitter.
NO MATTER how hot it is and if you are losing 42-0 with 3 minutes left in 4th quarter:
We have a loser in the White House now, why support another one like Sarah Palin?

She was correct on Fiscal Issues? Did she submit a budget or something that nobody knows about?

Her opinions on fiscal issues.
As Governor and now.
You phonies care about "the woman" as much as you do the blacks, childreeeen and anyone in your shallow worlds

none if they AREN'T on YOUR side

Oh, so you love Hillary by the virtue that she shares your anatomy (not your diseases)?

You're a special sort of idiot, you know that?

The reason Sarah Palin is thought of as an idiot is because she is one. Every objective person to work with her would say as much--hell her campaign manager even almost said the same thing.

She couldn't name one magazine she read or a newspaper or her running mate's position on many issues. After he gave his concession speech, she hung around and signed autographs. You don't do that as a serious politician...or someone with any sort of decency and respect for the moment. I've pointed out to you before how a serious politician out of office acts. They head commissions such as Simpson-Bowles, The Mitchell Commission, etc... Where is the Palin Commission? Oh that's right, she went off to do reality television.

Again, you're a special sort of idiot for still believing in this dolt.
Sarah Palin is correct and spot on almost all fiscal issues.
Foreign policy no better than Obama.
But she is not running for anything and never will again.
Because she is a quitter.
NO MATTER how hot it is and if you are losing 42-0 with 3 minutes left in 4th quarter:
We have a loser in the White House now, why support another one like Sarah Palin?

She was correct on Fiscal Issues? Did she submit a budget or something that nobody knows about?

Her opinions on fiscal issues.
As Governor and now.


We should spend more here, cut there, and grow this and presto..everything will be okay? Forgive is that any different from any other politician???

Details please.
You phonies care about "the woman" as much as you do the blacks, childreeeen and anyone in your shallow worlds

none if they AREN'T on YOUR side

Oh, so you love Hillary by the virtue that she shares your anatomy (not your diseases)?

You're a special sort of idiot, you know that?

The reason Sarah Palin is thought of as an idiot is because she is one. Every objective person to work with her would say as much--hell her campaign manager even almost said the same thing.

She couldn't name one magazine she read or a newspaper or her running mate's position on many issues. After he gave his concession speech, she hung around and signed autographs. You don't do that as a serious politician...or someone with any sort of decency and respect for the moment. I've pointed out to you before how a serious politician out of office acts. They head commissions such as Simpson-Bowles, The Mitchell Commission, etc... Where is the Palin Commission? Oh that's right, she went off to do reality television.

Again, you're a special sort of idiot for still believing in this dolt.

Sarah Palin is an independent free thinking woman.
Sheeple Democrat lock step followers can not have that.
You must look down on her and call her names.
I was the 1st conservative to state "SARAH PALIN IS NOT READY TO BE VICE PRESIDENT".

Day she was announced as the running mate.

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