Palin: Impeach

Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.
You phonies care about "the woman" as much as you do the blacks, childreeeen and anyone in your shallow worlds

none if they AREN'T on YOUR side

Oh, so you love Hillary by the virtue that she shares your anatomy (not your diseases)?

You're a special sort of idiot, you know that?

The reason Sarah Palin is thought of as an idiot is because she is one. Every objective person to work with her would say as much--hell her campaign manager even almost said the same thing.

She couldn't name one magazine she read or a newspaper or her running mate's position on many issues. After he gave his concession speech, she hung around and signed autographs. You don't do that as a serious politician...or someone with any sort of decency and respect for the moment. I've pointed out to you before how a serious politician out of office acts. They head commissions such as Simpson-Bowles, The Mitchell Commission, etc... Where is the Palin Commission? Oh that's right, she went off to do reality television.

Again, you're a special sort of idiot for still believing in this dolt.

Sarah Palin has quite a list of personal accomplishments. If you'd like me to list them - I'd be happy to.
Why don't you list a few of your personal accomplishments - show us how superior/intelligent you are vs. this alleged "idiot."
She's a private citizen - just like you are.
Go ahead - knock yourself out...
Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

Barack Obama after he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.
All these posts listing things you folks think Obama is impeachable for, and nobody even listed the worst one.

Obama violated a law he personally signed that requires him to give Congress 30 days notice before releasing prisoners from Guantanamo when he capitulated to terrorist demands to release the Taliban Dream Team in exchange for a soldier that he damned well knew to be a deserter.

He did so knowing that Congress would never allow such a lopsided trade that endangers national security just to gain a traitor in trade.
Maybe not impeachment, but demanding that all leaders and affiliates with the Democrat party acknowledge that their party platform "constitutes and contains political beliefs,"
and holding Obama and others to STOP imposing beliefs through federal govt as Law,
or it's violating First Amendment and equal protections of people of other beliefs.

So continuing to abuse public resources and process to push such partisan beliefs --
at the expense of other creeds denied, excluded and discriminated against -- would constitute "conspiring to violate civil rights" by abusing govt positions to oppress others from equally exercising our beliefs without being penalized by unfair mandates.

That may not be an impeachable offense, but it is a correctable one.

Impeachment is irrelevant.

Even if there existed ANY valid ground to impeach the dope, the Senate would NEVER convict him. That determination would be made entirely on the basis of bullshit Party politics -- and the Senate is still Democrat Parody territory.

More importantly, there is no valid ground to impeach him in the first place.

Does he SUCK at the job? Obviously.

IS that one of the Constitutional grounds to impeach his dopey ass and remove him from Office? Nope.

Sucking as President is not a high crime or misdemeanor.

I like Palin well enough, but on THIS topic she'd be better off (we all would) if she'd just STFU.

OK, so you don't like his policies, and regard them as partisan. That is what elections are all about. Your side would be even more partisan, but they lost in 2008 and 2012. You get your next chance in 2016.
You phonies care about "the woman" as much as you do the blacks, childreeeen and anyone in your shallow worlds

none if they AREN'T on YOUR side

Oh, so you love Hillary by the virtue that she shares your anatomy (not your diseases)?

You're a special sort of idiot, you know that?

The reason Sarah Palin is thought of as an idiot is because she is one. Every objective person to work with her would say as much--hell her campaign manager even almost said the same thing.

She couldn't name one magazine she read or a newspaper or her running mate's position on many issues. After he gave his concession speech, she hung around and signed autographs. You don't do that as a serious politician...or someone with any sort of decency and respect for the moment. I've pointed out to you before how a serious politician out of office acts. They head commissions such as Simpson-Bowles, The Mitchell Commission, etc... Where is the Palin Commission? Oh that's right, she went off to do reality television.

Again, you're a special sort of idiot for still believing in this dolt.

Sarah Palin is an independent free thinking woman.
Sheeple Democrat lock step followers can not have that.
You must look down on her and call her names.


Whatever loser. Here is my "lockstep" following of the President.

I hardly march in lockstep with anyone and I am certainly not a Democrat. Sarah Palin is interested in one thing, Sarah Palin. That you guys can't see that after such an obvious tease-fest and this latest idiotic "impeachment" nonsense is a testament to the blinders you have put on.

Obviously from above, I do not feel Obama was always right about everything. I invite you to take off your blinders and see this woman for what she is; an idiot.
Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

But he entered office with this nation in a crisis created by the GOP. And now that crisis is nearly solved. In spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to make the crisis even worse.
Oh, so you love Hillary by the virtue that she shares your anatomy (not your diseases)?

You're a special sort of idiot, you know that?

The reason Sarah Palin is thought of as an idiot is because she is one. Every objective person to work with her would say as much--hell her campaign manager even almost said the same thing.

She couldn't name one magazine she read or a newspaper or her running mate's position on many issues. After he gave his concession speech, she hung around and signed autographs. You don't do that as a serious politician...or someone with any sort of decency and respect for the moment. I've pointed out to you before how a serious politician out of office acts. They head commissions such as Simpson-Bowles, The Mitchell Commission, etc... Where is the Palin Commission? Oh that's right, she went off to do reality television.

Again, you're a special sort of idiot for still believing in this dolt.

Sarah Palin is an independent free thinking woman.
Sheeple Democrat lock step followers can not have that.
You must look down on her and call her names.


Whatever loser. Here is my "lockstep" following of the President.

I hardly march in lockstep with anyone and I am certainly not a Democrat. Sarah Palin is interested in one thing, Sarah Palin. That you guys can't see that after such an obvious tease-fest and this latest idiotic "impeachment" nonsense is a testament to the blinders you have put on.

Obviously from above, I do not feel Obama was always right about everything. I invite you to take off your blinders and see this woman for what she is; an idiot.

"whatever loser"
You have zero credibility.
You are a spoiled brat 5 year old calling names.
You have nothing else of substance.
Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

But he entered office with this nation in a crisis created by the GOP. And now that crisis is nearly solved. In spite of the GOP doing all in it's power to make the crisis even worse.

The crisis was created to US, both parties and all of us citizens.
Quit passing the buck and letting half the responsible parties off the hook.
obama needs to be impeached. Even if he isn't convicted, he needs to be impeached just as a nudge that he's not really the King.
Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

You've been watching a lot of commercials for Sarah Palin on youtube I guess. Funny how "taking on" looks a lot like giving in since . I'm sure you can cite the ways she took on these entities but I won't ask you to do that.

This from Wikipedia:

On August 29, 2008, when introduced as Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate, Governor Palin told the crowd: "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere" — a line that garnered big applause but upset political leaders in Ketchikan. Palin's campaign coordinator in the city, Republican Mike Elerding, remarked, "She said 'thanks but no thanks,' but they kept the money." Ketchikan's Democratic Mayor Bob Weinstein also criticized Palin for using the term bridge to nowhere, which she had said was insulting when she was in favor of the bridge.[35]

Although Palin was originally a main proponent of the bridge, McCain–Palin television advertisements claimed that Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Palin's Chief of Staff, Billy Moening, has been praised by many Republican strategists for recommending Palin change her stance on the bridge.[36][37] These claims have been widely questioned or described as misleading in several newspapers across the political spectrum.[38][39][40][41] Howard Kurtz called this a "whopper," writing: "She endorsed the remote project while running for governor in 2006, claimed to be an opponent only after Congress killed its funding the next year and has used the $223 million provided for it for other state ventures."[36] Newsweek, commenting on Palin's "astonishing pivot," remarked: "Now she talks as if she always opposed the funding."[42]

A real profile in courage you've got there...
obama needs to be impeached. Even if he isn't convicted, he needs to be impeached just as a nudge that he's not really the King.

Wrong. Impeachment without conviction would only serve to empower him. He'd be 10x worse if Congress failed at removing him from office.
Sarah Palin:
Took on corruption in Alaska in HER OWN PARTY and won, vetoed legislation, took on the oil companies, administered a budget successfully.

Barack Obama before he became President:
Never ran a city, never run a state, never run a business, never administered a payroll and never led people in crisis.

You've been watching a lot of commercials for Sarah Palin on youtube I guess. Funny how "taking on" looks a lot like giving in since . I'm sure you can cite the ways she took on these entities but I won't ask you to do that.

This from Wikipedia:

On August 29, 2008, when introduced as Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate, Governor Palin told the crowd: "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere" — a line that garnered big applause but upset political leaders in Ketchikan. Palin's campaign coordinator in the city, Republican Mike Elerding, remarked, "She said 'thanks but no thanks,' but they kept the money." Ketchikan's Democratic Mayor Bob Weinstein also criticized Palin for using the term bridge to nowhere, which she had said was insulting when she was in favor of the bridge.[35]

Although Palin was originally a main proponent of the bridge, McCain–Palin television advertisements claimed that Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Palin's Chief of Staff, Billy Moening, has been praised by many Republican strategists for recommending Palin change her stance on the bridge.[36][37] These claims have been widely questioned or described as misleading in several newspapers across the political spectrum.[38][39][40][41] Howard Kurtz called this a "whopper," writing: "She endorsed the remote project while running for governor in 2006, claimed to be an opponent only after Congress killed its funding the next year and has used the $223 million provided for it for other state ventures."[36] Newsweek, commenting on Palin's "astonishing pivot," remarked: "Now she talks as if she always opposed the funding."[42]

A real profile in courage you've got there...

You do a lot of falsely accusing others of what you believe they may do, all wrong.
Best you work on articulating a complete sentence of what you believe as to date you have not gotten there yet.
But since you have your psychic palm reading hat on and I am headed to Calder in a few weeks where do you think Go Bananas will finish in the 7th?
We do not need an impeachment. Just a few good generals and a couple divisions of Marines to declare a state of emergency and eradicate the liberal traitors in our nation.
We do not need an impeachment. Just a few good generals and a couple divisions of Marines to declare a state of emergency and eradicate the liberal traitors in our nation.

You mean the generals he promoted or approves of?

Yeah right, that's gonna happen.
Sarah Palin just joined the ?impeach Obama? crowd. That?s bad news for the GOP. - The Washington Post

Where are the grounds, there are no EOs about immigration, Obama wants the money to enforce the law enacted before he entered office. Has Palin gone crazy?

I don't think she has gone any crazier than she's always been.

She's just stupid, reactionary and desperately trying to be relevant.

But hey, I think they should impeach/sue. Never mind that there are no grounds. There haven't been grounds for any of their "investigations" or repeal votes either.

They spend tax payer's money on nothing and refuse to do their job. That's why they're called Republicans.
Sarah Palin just joined the ?impeach Obama? crowd. That?s bad news for the GOP. - The Washington Post

Where are the grounds, there are no EOs about immigration, Obama wants the money to enforce the law enacted before he entered office. Has Palin gone crazy?
Well you know coming from someone whose political partner lost the presidency for not only him but for her as well and her political party, she has room to talk impeachment. It's incredible how those whom the country clearly rejected, in effect, threw out politically from ever reaching the White House, can still think they carry weight in politics and that what they say will actually matter to anyone. Amazing!
obama needs to be impeached. Even if he isn't convicted, he needs to be impeached just as a nudge that he's not really the King.

Wrong. Impeachment without conviction would only serve to empower him. He'd be 10x worse if Congress failed at removing him from office.

After he was impeached, Bill Clinton was much more agreeable. The first black president ends up impeached. It's one for the history books.
We do not need an impeachment. Just a few good generals and a couple divisions of Marines to declare a state of emergency and eradicate the liberal traitors in our nation.

Yeah, let's have a civil war to stop the lib-rules from creating jobs and economic growth.

Great idea.

Do the nutters really believe they can take on the biggest military of all time and win? :cuckoo:

Do they know about that line in that oath that reads, "... all enemies, foreign and domesitic ..."?

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