Palin Power: Rick Perry


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Palin backs Perry over Hutchison
By Sean J. Miller - 02/08/10 11:13 AM ET
Sarah Palin knocked Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) as a Washington insider during a rally with Gov. Rick Perry (R) in Houston Sunday.

"So on March 2 you have a clear choice," Palin said during her first campaign appearance of 2010. "I want to hear Texas, what's it gonna be: the way they operate in D.C. or the way y'all get things done in Texas?"

Perry, already the state's longest-serving governor, is seeking a third term. He faces Hutchison in next month's GOP primary.

Palin backs Perry over Hutchison - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Governor (Republican) Votes In: 100%
Rick Perry (I) 51.1%
Kay Bailey Hutchison 30.3%
Debra Medina 18.6%

Politics and election news | - Houston Chronicle


Texans overwhelmingly chose the more conservative candidate between Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison. The mainstream media will attempt to display these results as simple "anti-Washington DC" sentiment, when in fact, it is far more a repudiation against Big Government liberalism. Hutchison was widely viewed as a John McCain style Republican - Perry the staunch anti-DC states-rights governor. The people spoke with a landslide primary victory for Perry.

And Sarah Palin is among that handful of conservative political figures who appear to have the finger on the pulse of current American sentiment.

All signs continue to point to a major reset election in 2010, and Palin will continue to play a significant role...

1. was the most conservative candidate in the race.

2. didn't have much of a chance to begin with.

Why Palin backed the moderate is anyone's guess. I suspect she learned her lesson after NY23.
Carb, Medina was, but you're right in putting Hutchinson to the right of Perry.

Palin's a phony, just like Huckleberry, Mittens, Rudy "9/11" JulieAnnie, and the crop of those pathetic losers.
Palin's Fanbase:

Isn't Palin and the Teabaggers a Fox media creation? I mean c'mon , give us old world conservatives a little choice for chissakes.....~S~
KB Hutchison was not the most conservative candidate - and in more recent months, sealed her fate when she did not join other Republicans in attempting to block the Senate healthcare vote. That act alone secured her the now much-despised RHINO status and Texans by and large wanted nothing to do with her DC political stylings and questionable conservative leanings of late.

In almost any other election KB Hutchison would have proven a very formidable candidate. At this time though, the growing anti-Big Government, anti-Liberal sentiment is becoming so strong, she could not gain traction in this most recent contest.

More is coming in November - the tide is rising fast and the Democrat Party better learn fast to swim in these waters or drown in the angry waters of voter discontent...
KB Hutchison was not the most conservative candidate - and in more recent months, sealed her fate when she did not join other Republicans in attempting to block the Senate healthcare vote. That act alone secured her the now much-despised RHINO status and Texans by and large wanted nothing to do with her DC political stylings and questionable conservative leanings of late.

In almost any other election KB Hutchison would have proven a very formidable candidate. At this time though, the growing anti-Big Government, anti-Liberal sentiment is becoming so strong, she could not gain traction in this most recent contest.

More is coming in November - the tide is rising fast and the Democrat Party better learn fast to swim in these waters or drown in the angry waters of voter discontent...

You're an idiot.

Kaye Bailey Hutchison:


Rick Perry:


Oh, and Perry has a 66% approval rating. Sitting governors with 66% approval ratings don't lose primaries.
51% is not a landslide.

In most southern states that is just enough to prevent a run off

I would have voted Medina just because the other two have been around too long.

As for the Palin factor... Well she was on the winning side. Is that because of her, or in spite of her, I don't know. There will be other elections this year. Lets see how it plays out over the next 8 months, whether she is a power or an Albatross.
So far this year, Obama has been a definite albatross.
KBH was deemed the Republican-DC insider and as such, deemed the greater evil by Texas conservatives, ensuring Perry's near landslide win in the primary, and likely similar win come the general election.

It is another indicator of the anti Liberal Big Government sentiment sweeping the country.
Hey's yet ANOTHER Palin thread started by an idiot on your side of the political fence. Are you still keeping track of who is more afflicted with Palin Derangement Syndrome?
KBH was deemed the Republican-DC insider and as such, deemed the greater evil by Texas conservatives, ensuring Perry's near landslide win in the primary, and likely similar win come the general election.

It is another indicator of the anti Liberal Big Government sentiment sweeping the country.

Actually, she did well in rural CONSERVATIVE areas of Texas, but lost badly in the more moderate urban/suburban areas.

Give it up. You don't know what you're talking about.
If this was some sort of anti-DC revolution in Texas, how come every incumbent Texas member of Congress won?
Weren't the teabaggers going after Ron Paul? Is that why he got a paltry 80% of the vote in the primary?
Why is no one discussing her arguments? That is what we have to base wheter she is worth while or not.

I never liked Hillery or her arguments, but with Hillery there were ideas you could argue about. Obama just offered "hope and change." Home from what and change to what not defined.

Palin is offering ideas. Argue them rather than just calling her empty. If you aren't willing to challenge the ideas, then who is the empty one?

Palin's ideas as I understand them are
1) We should develop more of our own resources rather than depend on the good will of foreign despots for the feedstocks for our economy.
2) We should deal with other countries with an open mind, bearing in mind their needs and their goals when we deal with them, and not get all starry eyed about making progress until progress is made. She also claims she has dealt with foreign leaders successfully and managed negotiations with both the Canadians and the Russians successfully. She knows the Russians and has no illusions positive or negative.
3) Stimulus to the economy should be by making cutting taxes for productive folks, rather than taking money from the productive people and passing it out to connected politicians.
4) Schools should be accountable to the parents, and schools that are successful should be rewarded, schools that are failures should be disciplined, and we should move away from the current model of paying for failure, because the more we pay for failure, the more we will get.

Right now I don't see anyone arguing against her points. I hear more discussion of her hairdo and her figure than I do about her polices.

With Sarah, we know what we are getting policy wise. With Obama all we knew were puffs of hot air.
Umm you do realize that political statements are exempt from all truth in advertising laws don't you?

Now why could that be?
Why is no one discussing her arguments? That is what we have to base wheter she is worth while or not.

I never liked Hillery or her arguments, but with Hillery there were ideas you could argue about. Obama just offered "hope and change." Home from what and change to what not defined.

Palin is offering ideas. Argue them rather than just calling her empty. If you aren't willing to challenge the ideas, then who is the empty one?

Palin's ideas as I understand them are
1) We should develop more of our own resources rather than depend on the good will of foreign despots for the feedstocks for our economy.
2) We should deal with other countries with an open mind, bearing in mind their needs and their goals when we deal with them, and not get all starry eyed about making progress until progress is made. She also claims she has dealt with foreign leaders successfully and managed negotiations with both the Canadians and the Russians successfully. She knows the Russians and has no illusions positive or negative.
3) Stimulus to the economy should be by making cutting taxes for productive folks, rather than taking money from the productive people and passing it out to connected politicians.
4) Schools should be accountable to the parents, and schools that are successful should be rewarded, schools that are failures should be disciplined, and we should move away from the current model of paying for failure, because the more we pay for failure, the more we will get.

Right now I don't see anyone arguing against her points. I hear more discussion of her hairdo and her figure than I do about her polices.

With Sarah, we know what we are getting policy wise. With Obama all we knew were puffs of hot air.

I wonder who wrote these talking points for her?

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