Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012


Defender of the month
May 16, 2010
It looks like the ambitious Ms Palin is definitely gearing up to run. In my opinion, she will end up undermining the Republican efforts in favor of her own egotistical ambitions. I will not vote for that woman, and I'm a swing voter. She is too polarizing and inexperienced.

Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Wednesday that she believes she could defeat President Obama in the 2012 presidential election and is considering whether to run.
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, scheduled to air on Dec. 9.

"If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?" asked Walters.

"I believe so," Palin said.

In a magazine profile published earlier Wednesday, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Fox News contributor was also asked if she's considering a 2012 run for the White House.

"I am," she said. "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here,” Palin told The New York Times Magazine.

Read more: Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -
But would you cast your vote for Obama based on what you have seen from him so far?
I doubt that it will be Obama, to be honest. If I had to call it right now, I suspect that Soros will want Obama gone and Clinton as the candidate. It's semantics, of course, because both are in his pocket.

If Palin runs as GOP, then I'll vote for Mickey Fucking Mouse... who would, in my opinion, be better than either the GOP or the Dems.
I like Mrs Palin, but I don't think she's ready for 2012. But then again, 2yrs out I didn't think there was any way America was stupid enough to put this useless twit in the WH either.:redface:
I like Mrs Palin, but I don't think she's ready for 2012. But then again, 2yrs out I didn't think there was any way America was stupid enough to put this useless twit in the WH either.:redface:

so you think we'll elect another useless twit?
The ideal scenario for our country in my eyes?

Obama vs. Palin.

It will result in a non party affiliated candidate being elected and FINALLY things will get done that are in the best interest of the country.

And yes, that is coming from a conservative.....but a conservative that believes that this country belongs to all of us....not just those with conservative values.
It looks like the ambitious Ms Palin is definitely gearing up to run. In my opinion, she will end up undermining the Republican efforts in favor of her own egotistical ambitions. I will not vote for that woman, and I'm a swing voter. She is too polarizing and inexperienced.

Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Wednesday that she believes she could defeat President Obama in the 2012 presidential election and is considering whether to run.
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, scheduled to air on Dec. 9.

"If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?" asked Walters.

"I believe so," Palin said.

In a magazine profile published earlier Wednesday, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Fox News contributor was also asked if she's considering a 2012 run for the White House.

"I am," she said. "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here,” Palin told The New York Times Magazine.

Read more: Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -
How is she inexperienced?
The ideal scenario for our country in my eyes?

Obama vs. Palin.

It will result in a non party affiliated candidate being elected and FINALLY things will get done that are in the best interest of the country.

And yes, that is coming from a conservative.....but a conservative that believes that this country belongs to all of us....not just those with conservative values.

To many people buy into the Republican/Democrat dichotomy and dont believe that there is a viable third choice and will not vote third party(they view it as throwing their vote away). Hopefully Im wrong but I foresee Republicans in 2012 nominating someone who has nothing really going for them, will run a campaign that fails to inpire voters and capture moderates, and the only thing that might help them attract some voters is that they're not Obama. Kind of like John Kerry but a Republican and in 2012... However, the only sure Obama victory is another Palin ticket.
It looks like the ambitious Ms Palin is definitely gearing up to run. In my opinion, she will end up undermining the Republican efforts in favor of her own egotistical ambitions. I will not vote for that woman, and I'm a swing voter. She is too polarizing and inexperienced.

Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Wednesday that she believes she could defeat President Obama in the 2012 presidential election and is considering whether to run.
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, scheduled to air on Dec. 9.

"If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?" asked Walters.

"I believe so," Palin said.

In a magazine profile published earlier Wednesday, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Fox News contributor was also asked if she's considering a 2012 run for the White House.

"I am," she said. "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here,” Palin told The New York Times Magazine.

Read more: Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -
How is she inexperienced?

In m y eyes...the same way Obama was inexperienced.
Neither of them understand the importance of respecting the opinion of the other side.
That takes experience.
This is what happens when she surrounds herself with "yes-men" and "yes-women".

Her delusions get larger.

Retarded twit doesn't stand a chance.
I'll vote for a real conservative, Gary Johnson.

About Gary Johnson | Our America

Gary Johnson's Seven Principles of Good Government

1- Seek reality and base all decisions and actions upon it.

2- Be honest to all people all of the time.

3- Acknowledge your critics, but do what's right.

4- Determine your goal, develop a plan and then execute it.

5- Communicate.

6- Anything that could be revealed eventually, should be revealed immediately.

7- Find a job you love and make a difference.

Gary Johnson is a Republican and serves as the Honorary Chairman of the Our America Initiative. He has been an outspoken advocate for efficient government, lower taxes, winning the war on drug abuse, protection of civil liberties, revitalization of the economy and promoting entrepreneurship and privatization.

He was born on January 1, 1953 and attended the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque from 1971 to 1975, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. While in college, Gary Johnson earned money as a door-to-door handyman. His success in this area prompted him to start his own construction business, Big J Enterprises, which was founded in 1976. Johnson grew the company into a multi-million dollar corporation that employed over 1000 people in 1994. When he sold Big J in 1999, no employee lost his job and the company remains very successful to this day.

In 1994, Johnson was elected Governor of New Mexico despite having little experience in politics. He defeated the incumbent Democratic Governor Bruce King in the general election as well as a former Republican Governor in the primary election.

In 1998, Johnson was re-elected as governor, defeating Democratic Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez by a 55% to 45% margin.

As Governor of New Mexico, Johnson was known for his common-sense business approach to governing. He eliminated New Mexico’s budget deficit, cut the rate of growth in state government in half and privatized half of the state prisons.

Johnson also shifted state Medicaid to managed care (which led to better healthcare by creating a statewide healthcare network that previously did not exist and which saved money) and reduced state employees by over 1000, with no firings. During his term, New Mexico experienced the longest period without a tax increase in the state’s history.

While in office, Governor Johnson vetoed 750 bills (which is about equal to all the combined vetoes of the other 49 Governors in the country at the time ) and thousands of line item vetoed bills.

Gary Johnson was term limited and could not run for a third consecutive term as Governor in 2002. He currently lives in New Mexico and has remained very active, competing in numerous athletic competitions. He is an avid skier, adventurer, and bicyclist who abstains from alcohol. In 2003, he climbed Mount Everest. Johnson was raised Lutheran and throughout his life has lived according to those Christian principles. Gary Johnson has two grown children.
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But would you cast your vote for Obama based on what you have seen from him so far?

If Obama was running against Palin? Yes. In fact, I would even vote for Joe "the plumber" before I would vote for Palin. However, I WILL vote for her in the Virginia primary if she makes it onto the ballot.
But would you cast your vote for Obama based on what you have seen from him so far?

If Obama was running against Palin? Yes. In fact, I would even vote for Joe "the plumber" before I would vote for Palin. However, I WILL vote for her in the Virginia primary if she makes it onto the ballot.

But you are not one that is of a consertvative or even a right leaning ideology...So I understand your sentiment...
As for voting for Palin in what I perceive an effort to have her run and strengthen Obama's position.....I guess the system allows for that....but it is certainly not in the spirit of the way the system was designed.
In my is gaming the game.
It looks like the ambitious Ms Palin is definitely gearing up to run. In my opinion, she will end up undermining the Republican efforts in favor of her own egotistical ambitions. I will not vote for that woman, and I'm a swing voter. She is too polarizing and inexperienced.

Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Wednesday that she believes she could defeat President Obama in the 2012 presidential election and is considering whether to run.
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, scheduled to air on Dec. 9.

"If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?" asked Walters.

"I believe so," Palin said.

In a magazine profile published earlier Wednesday, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Fox News contributor was also asked if she's considering a 2012 run for the White House.

"I am," she said. "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here,” Palin told The New York Times Magazine.

Read more: Palin Says She Could Defeat Obama in 2012 -

I am not sure if the charming, personality-laden Sarah is "inexperienced" as that Political Charlatan "Community Organizing" stone cold MARXIST OBAMADINEJAD...... who most definitely proved the consequences of electing not only a MONUMENTAL FRAUD...... but an indecisive whiner as well.

In spite of the 24/7 Obamarrhoidal LIEbturdic, unjustified smearing of Sarah Palin, Sarah has more than enough experience to qualify as a Second Regan.....whom every rational politician (both sides of the aisle) should admire.

As for "polarizing" ?

Yes. Sarah Palin is "polarizing".

Sarah Palin makes the distinction between a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT and a MUSLIMARSELICKING OBAMADINEJAD crystal clear.

Especially, a fawning, "kow-towing" America-apologizing ..... now certifiable ...... "WORST PRESIDENT in American History" OBAMADINJAD.

Yes......OBAMADINEJAD"......the TWENTY YEAR tenured student of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" reverend Wright.

Yes, the "reverend" Wright, of The CATHEDRAL of HATE, whom Obamadinejad describes, in his own words as: "my pastor, friend, and mentor."

The same "reverend" Wright......who self-acknowledges his friendship and admiration of the MOST NOTORIOUS BLACK RACIST IN AMERICAN HISTORY: LOUIS FARRAKHAN of the "NATION of ISLAM"..... who is an established "WHITEY- HATER" and Anti-Semite.

The OBAMADINEJAD who is married to a woman who, AFTER his election proclaimed: "It was the first time she was proud to be an American !!!"

Yes.......Sarah Palin should win against this EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, the stone cold MARXIST OBAMADINEJAD.

But then......if there was political sanity.....ANYONE could win against Obamadinejad.

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