Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’

This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

Gee! I never saw her as a quitter???????
So it is arrogance to be truthful?

Would you consider it being humble to lie?

Nope, it's the words used that make him arrogant, not their truthfulness.


I think the word is "Uppity".

Ahhhh Bodecea, you ruined the game, I was trying to get him to say it, but I have a feeling that he ran out on the conversation.....

but yup, I mean damn that so and so for not using ebonics, and damn that so and so for acting like he went to Harvard or something, especially as compared to that Connecticut Yankee graduate of Phillips, Yale and Harvard who insisted on speaking like some caricature of a po' white trash dirt farmer from wherever.......

Now THAT to me is arrogance, because of the presumption Bush carried that people would not see through that!

As an aside of trivia, Punahou is very strict about language usage and an adherence to grammar, proper usage, and elocution.
[*]"We're the ones we are waiting for"
[*]"Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they're charging a lot of money for this stuff."
[*]"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..."
[*]"You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
[*]"You're Likable Enough"
[*]Using a faux presidential seal during his run for president.
[*]Comparing himself to Lincoln.
[*]Using a Greek temple set to stage a speech in Denver.

Those are a few of the things I came up with.


So let's get this straight.
He's arrogant for, in order:
- Saying the campaign isn't about him, it's about the people and what they desire
- Complaining about increasing food costs
- Noting that a lot of older white people harbor racist sentiments without being active racists (which, I don't know what planet you're on, but that's absolutely true)
- Noting people bitter about their conditions look for scapegoats (because we know that's never happened)
- Getting frustrated
- Campaign staff tried to create something a little more formal looking for certain events
- An event which you made up (other than superficial statements like "We're both from Illinois)
- Giving his acceptance speech standing in front of columns (As a side note, did you consider Bush arrogant when he did the same thing in 2004?)

I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.

What exactly is it about PRESIDENT Obama that causes you to see him as arrogant?

In all seriousness...what doesn't???

He's constantly saying "This must stop.....and it will not be tolerated..."


He's arrogant beyond belief....hard to believe you can't see it.
I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.

What exactly is it about PRESIDENT Obama that causes you to see him as arrogant?

In all seriousness...what doesn't???

He's constantly saying "This must stop.....and it will not be tolerated..."


He's arrogant beyond belief....hard to believe you can't see it.

Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991.
Token job gave him that so show their political correctness!!! SHOW US THE GRADES!!!!!TRANSCRIPTS!!!!! THESIS!!!!!!!
Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991.
Token job gave him that so show their political correctness!!! SHOW US THE GRADES!!!!!TRANSCRIPTS!!!!! THESIS!!!!!!!

you probably lost your way.

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Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991.
Token job gave him that so show their political correctness!!! SHOW US THE GRADES!!!!!TRANSCRIPTS!!!!! THESIS!!!!!!!

Remind us...what were Palins her transcript? McCain? Biden? Reagan....any of them? was....

"I am not a birther but I respect and understand tha paranoia of my fellow citizens that are birthers, seeing as we all have different paranoia and none of us should be frowned uupon for them"

And that being said...all Obama had to do was open his wallet and show them a birth certificate.

But I guess he does not understand that not all people are as perfect as he is so he did not feel it appropriate to spoend the 3 seconds opening his wallet to alleviate their concerns.

I know...he was a busy man. He had things to do.

Nice try making me look like a birther when you know dam well I am not.

I know....knock the credibility of your opponent and it will ensure a win. win.....I tried to show I was enjoying my time with you but you threw that birther crap into the we are done for now.


Except that he's already shown his birth certificate. That you and your fellow birthers are too stupid to understand what you're looking at isn't his problem. I'm not trying to make you look like a birther. You are a birther, which is shown by your repeated statements in support of their arguments.

If that makes you feel better, go for it.

I guess I am pro abortion as well. Strange. I am against them, but according to your logic I must be for them.

You see, when my sister asked me for my blessing when she opted to have an abortion, I gave it to her as I understood her sentiments. I did not agree with them, but I understood and respected them.

But I personally would never have opne of my children aborted, nort would I ever encourage someone to have one.

I guess liberals simply have the attitude of my way or the highway. Quite....dare I say....conservative of you....or at least how you paint conservatives.

Who's painting who? I see a lot of conservatives painting liberals in a two-dimensional portrait. I see plenty of liberals painting conservatives in a similar unrealistic way. I see a lot of finger pointing.

I'm a liberal. Yet what you said above resonates with me.

I may not agree with something but I understand and respect it.

Perhaps, liberals aren't as 2-dimensional as you seem to think.
Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991.
Token job gave him that so show their political correctness!!! SHOW US THE GRADES!!!!!TRANSCRIPTS!!!!! THESIS!!!!!!!

Yeah, of COURSE, because he couldn't POSSIBLY be as SMART as a WHITE person....

BTW, a real TOKEN is a DUMB FUCKIN' LEGACY, and a QUID PRO QUO for a big pay off to the endowment fund! LOL......
Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’ | ChattahBox News Blog

Now, in her latest Facebook entry, Palin chimes in on the Christmas-day attempted terror attack and failures in intelligence gathering, taking cheap shots at President Obama, deriding him as a “professor” and talking tough. And as usual, her nonsensical attacks quickly fall away under the barest of scrutiny.

Palin returned to her usual anti-intellectual meme, suggesting Americans prefer an idiotic chest-thumping leader, rather than the highly intelligent adult President we finally have, who takes careful measure, before making policy changes that affect all of us.

Is this true, are we really only comfortable with the marauding territorial chimp, or the greyback gorilla on meat and steroids model???

Here we go again--another liberal who does not have the reading comprehension or the attention span of a nat to get through a 413 page book--yet thinks they know something--:lol::lol:

Palin did not attend 6 different colleges.

And to actually believe that simply because someone was an "associate professor of law" aka the (teachers helper)--is qualification to be President of the United States is astounding ignorance--:cuckoo:
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Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’ | ChattahBox News Blog

Now, in her latest Facebook entry, Palin chimes in on the Christmas-day attempted terror attack and failures in intelligence gathering, taking cheap shots at President Obama, deriding him as a “professor” and talking tough. And as usual, her nonsensical attacks quickly fall away under the barest of scrutiny.

Palin returned to her usual anti-intellectual meme, suggesting Americans prefer an idiotic chest-thumping leader, rather than the highly intelligent adult President we finally have, who takes careful measure, before making policy changes that affect all of us.

Is this true, are we really only comfortable with the marauding territorial chimp, or the greyback gorilla on meat and steroids model???

Here we go again--another liberal who does not have the reading comprehension or the attention span of a nat to get through a 413 page book--yet thinks they know something--:lol::lol:

Palin did not attend 6 different colleges.

And to actually believe that simply because someone was an "associate professor of law" aka the (teachers helper)--is qualification to be President of the United States is astounding ignorance--:cuckoo:

gnat, gnat! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

the weather didnt agree with her? Your going with that?

It wasnt the weather, it was the asians she hated..

Palin left college in Hawaii because Asians made her uncomfortable: ‘They were a minority type thing. or or

She is a dolt, a racist, a x beauty flute playing queeen and failed espn spokesperson. No wonder she is highly regarded in the republican party.
Last edited:
Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’ | ChattahBox News Blog

Now, in her latest Facebook entry, Palin chimes in on the Christmas-day attempted terror attack and failures in intelligence gathering, taking cheap shots at President Obama, deriding him as a “professor” and talking tough. And as usual, her nonsensical attacks quickly fall away under the barest of scrutiny.

Palin returned to her usual anti-intellectual meme, suggesting Americans prefer an idiotic chest-thumping leader, rather than the highly intelligent adult President we finally have, who takes careful measure, before making policy changes that affect all of us.

Is this true, are we really only comfortable with the marauding territorial chimp, or the greyback gorilla on meat and steroids model???

Here we go again--another liberal who does not have the reading comprehension or the attention span of a nat to get through a 413 page book--yet thinks they know something--:lol::lol:

Palin did not attend 6 different colleges.

And to actually believe that simply because someone was an "associate professor of law" aka the (teachers helper)--is qualification to be President of the United States is astounding ignorance--:cuckoo:

Harvard law graduate.....journalism degree from god knows how many colleges.

Easy choice really.

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