Palin's church hit by fire

It had to be a local if it was arson at all because what person would trek up to Alaska at this time of year just to set a church on fire and if they did they are very motivated!
alaska's beautiful this time of year.
I am sure it is but not just anybody is going to make a trip to Wassila! It may be beauitful but the cold alone will get ya! I am just saying not just any regular joe is going to make the trip to set the church on fire and if they did they are very motivated!
I wouldn't go up there right now! We are getting their weather front right now and that is enough for me. It is 10 degrees here right now, not accounting for wind chill. They don't call it the artic chill for nothing!
More than likely, this was not arson. If it is arson, it is no more sickening than any other.
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Arson is sickening. Just because it happens at Sarah Palin's Church, (and we don't know that it has) doesn't make it more sickening than any other arson.

It's big story about nothing.

Its just an excuse for you to vent your spleen, me-me-me-ow.
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Arson is sickening. Just because it happens at Sarah Palin's Church, (and we don't know that it has) doesn't make it more sickening than any other arson.

It's big story about nothing.

Its just an excuse for you to vent your spleen, me-me-me-ow.

It's a very significant story. Becuase of the stupid mindless, unfounded attacks on Palin during the run for office. Just as burning down Wright's church would be significant. Even as much as I destest that man I would not want to see that happen. It is vicious behavior.
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It's a very significant story. Becuase of the stupid mindless, unfounded attacks on Palin during the run for office. Just as burning down Wright's church would be significant. Even as much as I destest that man I would not want to see that happen. It is vicious behavior.

1. The Church did not burn down, it was heavily damaged.

2. We don't know the fire was caused by arson.

3. No one was injured.

Arson is bad news, and if this fire is a result of arson, it is vicious behavior. We don't know the fire was caused by arson. Until the fire is investigated just because it happens to be Palin's Church does not make it any worse than any other arson.

Palin's celebrity does not make the unfortunate fire in this Church any worse, is my point.
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1. The Church did not burn down, it was heavily damaged.

2. We don't know the fire was caused by arson.

3. No one was injured.

Arson is bad news, and if this fire is a result of arson, it is vicious behavior. We don't know the fire was caused by arson. Until the fire is investigated just because it happens to be Palin's Church does not make it any worse than any other arson.

Palin's celebrity does not make the unfortunate fire in this Church any worse, is my point.
something we can agree on
but it seems some on both sides cant see this simple point
suspicious, heavily damaged, a group of ladies on the inside escaped. Hmmmmm! Want to hedge any bets?

I'm very suspicious.

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