Pallin Is a Public Liar

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin says Yae for Bridge to Nowhere[/ame]

Maybe she got her position confused with Halcro's ...
No, I'm pretty sure my thoughts on her being bat-shit insane are based off my opinions on her positions. I posted her positions in a giant post in that thread.

It's founded in the reality or reason that if this woman gets the VP spot (with a chance at the President spot) then we're in deep shit.

And it's certainly not baseless in any manner.

Nope... There is no potential for intellectual consideration in that position. Your position is an emotional reaction absent any discernable cerebral consideration; that it is your opinion is irrelvant.
Nope... There is no potential for intellectual consideration in that position. Your position is an emotional reaction absent any discernable cerebral consideration; that it is your opinion is irrelvant.

So you saying Barack Obama is a muslim and is trying to destroy America has no potential for intellecutal consideration in this case. Your position is an emotional reaction absent from any discernable cerebral consideration; so therefore your opinion would be irrelvant.

(See, I can do it too.)

I as a American have a right to a opinion and to express said opinion. I've looked very closely so far as to what Sarah Palin has supported, gone against,etc. Based off that information so far, I've come to a logical conclusion that it would be in my best and my country's best interests to not support any ticket she is on.

I came to the same logical conclusion with John McCain months ago.

You however base what you consider facts off what ifs, flimsy evidence, and a biased against Barack Obama.
Couldn't but notice that her name is spelled wrong in the title of thread. Just an observation. :)
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So you saying Barack Obama is a muslim and is trying to destroy America has no potential for intellecutal consideration in this case. Your position is an emotional reaction absent from any discernable cerebral consideration; so therefore your opinion would be irrelvant.

(See, I can do it too.)

ROFL... No one that I know has advanced a contest that you couldn't submit a syntactical trainwreck...

Setting that aside, would you care to provide the discussion with some evidence that my position is based in emotion and lacks the substance of reason and intellectual veracity? I know I'd love to see that and perhaps som other member would enjoy it as well... but who knows?

I as a American have a right to a opinion and to express said opinion.

Indeed you do... but that right is not limited to Americans... it is a human right, endowed to all human beings by their creator. Americans simply enjoy government protections which prevent government sanction against a person that has advanced their opinion; now with that said, no one, including you is entitled to advance their opinion absent being held accountable for that opinion. Which is where I come in...

I've looked very closely so far as to what Sarah Palin has supported, gone against,etc. Based off that information so far, I've come to a logical conclusion that it would be in my best and my country's best interests to not support any ticket she is on.

Yeah, this is the third time you've mentioned that fantasy... All I'm saing is there is no evidence from Governor Palin's recordwhich could lead a person to a conclusion; were they using logic and reason as the means to calculate that conclusion. The ONLY means to such a conclusion is a knee-jerk emotional popular reaction, which is formed as a means adhere to what they perceive as an existing popular opinion, for the purpose of validation.

Now if you contest that position, then you merely need to post for this discussion the evidence on which you're position rests and show your math... take a given Palin position and show the board how it is you have come to conclude that her position indicates some form and lvel of psychosis...

When you fail to do so after a reasonable period of time, I will reasonably conclude that you've conceded the point.
ROFL... No one that I know has advanced a contest that you couldn't submit a syntactical trainwreck...

Setting that aside, would you care to provide the discussion with some evidence that my position is based in emotion and lacks the substance of reason and intellectual veracity? I know I'd love to see that and perhaps som other member would enjoy it as well... but who knows?

Indeed you do... but that right is not limited to Americans... it is a human right, endowed to all human beings by their creator. Americans simply enjoy government protections which prevent government sanction against a person that has advanced their opinion; now with that said, no one, including you is entitled to advance their opinion absent being held accountable for that opinion. Which is where I come in...

Yeah, this is the third time you've mentioned that fantasy... All I'm saing is there is no evidence from Governor Palin's recordwhich could lead a person to a conclusion; were they using logic and reason as the means to calculate that conclusion. The ONLY means to such a conclusion is a knee-jerk emotional popular reaction, which is formed as a means adhere to what they perceive as an existing popular opinion, for the purpose of validation.

Now if you contest that position, then you merely need to post for this discussion the evidence on which you're position rests and show your math... take a given Palin position and show the board how it is you have come to conclude that her position indicates some form and lvel of psychosis...

When you fail to do so after a reasonable period of time, I will reasonably conclude that you've conceded the point.

I'm a hockey mom, and I like to shoot stuff. YEE HAW!!!
I'm a hockey mom, and I like to shoot stuff. YEE HAW!!!

:eusa_hand: Hey Chris... we get it that you're not very bright and need to cling to little cliches, so if that is the only point you were hoping to make, I want you to know that you've made it.

But with that said, let me also add that it's clear to me and I'm sure the others recognize this as well; that you're clearly doing the very best you can; God bless ya. Given that, perhaps you should find some other way to express your invalid opinions... :cuckoo:
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Sarah keeps up the sound bite that she said "Thanks but no thanks to the goverment for the bridge to nowhere.""

Not true. She backed it until it became a national scandal and then voted against it. By the way she kept the 300 million allocated for it and spent it elsewhere in Alaska.

So, backers of Mrs. Palin, is it okay for her to continue to lie like this day after day. I just heard 7 sound bites where she repeats this shit.

Well...she backed it until McCain 1) came offering an opening in the VP slot and 2) had a shit-fit that the lobbyist team she sent to DC for earmark congressional funds came back with the cash. And you're right... Alaska kept the $233 mil.

She and McCain are a great match... Sneak and Sneakier.
Does anyone vote based on the issues anymore. The last several posts were you bashing each other. Does anyone have a political reason for liking or not liking Palin?
Sarah keeps up the sound bite that she said "Thanks but no thanks to the goverment for the bridge to nowhere.""

Not true. She backed it until it became a national scandal and then voted against it. By the way she kept the 300 million allocated for it and spent it elsewhere in Alaska.

So, backers of Mrs. Palin, is it okay for her to continue to lie like this day after day. I just heard 7 sound bites where she repeats this shit.

Keep up your attacks rayboy, and tell all your lefty friends. So far none of them has proved true, but they have pissed people off to the point where they have decided to support her candidacy....:lol:
Does anyone vote based on the issues anymore. The last several posts were you bashing each other. Does anyone have a political reason for liking or not liking Palin?
Lots of them. My three favorites:
1. She's conservative, unabashedly so.
2. She's smart- her teleprompter went down near the beginning of her Veep speech- did anyone notice?
3. The lie of NOW is fully exposed, in all its sagging glory!
I was a lot more worried about Quayle. Palin's going to get Mac elected if Obama doesn't start firing some advisers soon.

So true! He needs to take on McCain, not Palin. That's Biden's job. The more he responds to her, the more publicity she gets. He needs to get on the offense on the issues.

Everytime Palin is speaking, McCain is standing just behind and a little off to the side of her. I'm starting to think it's a Charlie McCarthy act.
Lots of them. My three favorites:
1. She's conservative, unabashedly so.
2. She's smart- her teleprompter went down near the beginning of her Veep speech- did anyone notice?
3. The lie of NOW is fully exposed, in all its sagging glory!

Re 1. She way too conservative. That's not a plus in my book.
Re 2. Her teleprompter was down for about 15 seconds and she had a script in front of her. This does not a genius make.
Re 3. She's only begun to step in "it" for her "fibs".
The only a woman is a republican thing, buttwads. That is why she was picked.

I happen to resepect women. I married one for 40 years, so piss off.

But no one seems to address the fact that she has lied repeadetly and when callled on it, the right plays the picking on the little lady thing. Why the hell do you think she has been hid out?

Here is another one of her parsing the truth.

Sarah Palin bolstered her reputation as a reformer – and got one of her biggest cheers in her Republican convention speech last week – when she said she had sold the governor's official jet on eBay as her first act on taking office in Alaska.

What she didn't say was that the aircraft had failed to sell over the internet and was eventually sold off at a loss.

Governor Palin won her spot as the Republican vice-presidential nominee in part because John McCain saw in her a little of his own campaign theme of cutting government waste and his reputation as a maverick.

And he has since claimed on the stump that his running mate sold the jet for a profit on the internet auction site. The spin, though, has been over-spun. Inquiries by the journalists and Democratic party operatives who have descended on Alaska have turned up quite different facts: namely, that the jet was hauled off eBay after failing to attract decent bids.

The Westwind II jet had been bought for $2.7m in 2005 by Mrs Palin's predecessor as governor, Frank Murkowski. It had become one of the symbols of excess in the governor's mansion which would help the young, right-wing Mrs Palin sweep to power the following year.

"That luxury jet was over the top," she told the convention last week, in a feisty speech that was watched by 37 million on TV and established the self-described "hockey mom" as a scrappy new force in national politics. Grinning, she said: "I put it on eBay."

Actually the jet was also used extensively for convict transport.
Re 1. She way too conservative. That's not a plus in my book.
Re 2. Her teleprompter was down for about 15 seconds and she had a script in front of her. This does not a genius make.
Re 3. She's only begun to step in "it" for her "fibs".

1-Too Conservative? How so? And on what basis would do you feel that one can be TOO MUCH an Advocate for conserving the Principles and Protections set forth in the US Constitution?
2-No, it just makes her LOOK like a genius when you compare her speaking skills to the Hussein Obama... the Marxist Muslim the Democrats are runnig only 7 years after the US was attacked by Marxist Muslims...
3-You're clearly confusing 'Palin Fibs' with damn lies of the discredited variety advanced by the moderate-centrist-progressive-radical left...
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What is the purpose of posting this source? It does not prove that Palin was for the bridge... It is a typical loaded innuendo by 'progressives' to try and discredit their ideological superiors.

Spare us the "The WSJ is a conservative Paper..." as it's nonsense. The WSJ is hard left everywhere except the Editorial page.

Now what are the facts? The facts are the Governor Palin shut down the BTNW... Period.

Enough of this bullshit, you can google it and find hundreds of credible sources that support she was for it, its not even a valid argument and there are people on here trying to substantiate it. I posted a quote from her earlier on 1 of the 100 Palen threads straight from the pigs mouth that she supported it. Me and navy were going back and forth. This is a waste of thread.
The only a woman is a republican thing, buttwads. That is why she was picked.

I happen to resepect women. I married one for 40 years, so piss off.

But no one seems to address the fact that she has lied repeadetly and when callled on it, the right plays the picking on the little lady thing. Why the hell do you think she has been hid out?

Here is another one of her parsing the truth.

hackneyed unsourced citation advanced by the Pogue. said:
Sarah Palin bolstered her reputation as a reformer – and got one of her biggest cheers in her Republican convention speech last week – when she said she had sold the governor's official jet on eBay as her first act on taking office in Alaska.

What she didn't say was that the aircraft had failed to sell over the internet and was eventually sold off at a loss.

ROFLMNAO... SO you feel that because she put the jet on e-bay and that it eventually sold elsewhere, that this represents a lie? LOL... You're an imbecile.

Here's another clue pogue, it's a rare aircraft that is sold at anything other than a loss... In terms of an investment, airplanes are one of those rare items, which make boats look like solid gold. But its a matter of accounting; which is wholly subjective, as to the judgement that the sale resulted in a loss or a profit; if you idiots want to consider it a loss, GREAT... who gives a damn? You aren't responsible for the accounting and your opinion on the issue is one absent a valid basis in fact.

What's more Governor Palin did not say she 'sold' the jet on E-bay... she said she 'put it on e-bay...' Which is precisely what she did...

The Westwind II jet had been bought for $2.7m in 2005 by Mrs Palin's predecessor as governor, Frank Murkowski. It had become one of the symbols of excess in the governor's mansion which would help the young, right-wing Mrs Palin sweep to power the following year.

"That luxury jet was over the top," she told the convention last week, in a feisty speech that was watched by 37 million on TV and established the self-described "hockey mom" as a scrappy new force in national politics. Grinning, she said: "I put it on eBay."

"Grinning, she said: "I put it on eBay.""
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