Pallin Is a Public Liar

Enough of this bullshit, you can google it and find hundreds of credible sources that support she was for it, its not even a valid argument and there are people on here trying to substantiate it. I posted a quote from her earlier on 1 of the 100 Palen threads straight from the pigs mouth that she supported it. Me and navy were going back and forth. This is a waste of thread.

False... There are not hundreds of sources to be found on this issue on google. There are hundreds of idiots braying the same caucophonous nonsense...

YOUR ARGUMENT FAILS as a result fo your failure to support the assertion on which it rests.
It seems the "loyal" opposition should have an easy go of this issue.

If the govenor was FOR the bridge and congress had already allocated the funds all the detractors have to do is show us the bridge.
1-Too Conservative? How so? And on what basis would do you feel that one can be TOO MUCH an Advocate for conserving the Principles and Protections set forth in the US Constitution?
2-No, it just makes her LOOK like a genius when you compare her speaking skills to the Hussein Obama... the Marxist Muslim the Democrats are runnig only 7 years after the US was attacked by Marxist Muslims...
3-You're clearly confusing 'Palin Fibs' with damn lies of the discredited variety advanced by the moderate-centrist-progressive-radical left...

First of all obama is not marxist or muslim. we were not attacked by marxists you retard. You equate 'marxist' and 'communist' with evil and unamerican. You are the type of person who is ruining America.
First of all obama is not marxist or muslim. we were not attacked by marxists you retard. You equate 'marxist' and 'communist' with evil and unamerican. You are the type of person who is ruining America.

so cial ism (ssh-lzm) KEY �


1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

government confiscated healthcare
"windfall" profit taxes
CEO salary caps
government controlled energy laws
mortgage bailouts

Nope, no socialism here from the Saul Alinsky community organizer friend of Marxist Bill Ayers and congregant of the "liberation theologian" Jerry Wright.
so cial ism (ssh-lzm) KEY �


1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

government confiscated healthcare
"windfall" profit taxes
CEO salary caps
government controlled energy laws
mortgage bailouts

Nope, no socialism here from the Saul Alinsky community organizer friend of Marxist Bill Ayers and congregant of the "liberation theologian" Jerry Wright.

by that definition, obama is a capitalist. confiscated is not the correct turn.
by that definition, obama is a capitalist. confiscated is not the correct turn.

con�fis�cate �� (knf-skt) KEY �

con�fis�cat�ed , con�fis�cat�ing , con�fis�cates
1. To seize (private property) for the public treasury.
2. To seize by or as if by authority. See Synonyms at

Learning can be fun!
con�fis�cate �� (knf-skt) KEY �

con�fis�cat�ed , con�fis�cat�ing , con�fis�cates
1. To seize (private property) for the public treasury.
2. To seize by or as if by authority. See Synonyms at

Learning can be fun!

Yes it can! Now while we are learning, when a government confiscated money from you in return for services such as protection, it is called taxing. Do you not enjoy learning?
Here we go again on this *bridge to Nowhere* I've said this before and will keep saying it, "THANKS BUT NO THANKS ON THAT BRIDGE TO NOWHERE" Sarah Palin RNC So what part of that don't you understand? The part on Sept. 21st 2007 when she cancelled it ? or the part on Sept. 21st when she cancelled it? I see the spin though, in your mind it's like this, if someone is for something, then they must alway be for it then? sort of like when Joe Biden says' "Barack Obama is not ready to lead" soemthing like that? and then changes his mind and becomes his VP choice? Does this make him a liar? hardly, nor does Sarah Palins make her one either. There is plenty of evidence to support her word's out there not from a democrat talking points memo, but from real sources CNN, ABC, AP, Alaska State Legislature, etc. but I suppose if you choose to see it that way , then there is nothing I can do but to say , the evidence does not support your claim nor does it on the jet. My suggestion though is that the democrats keep this up though, because it does nothing but keep your candidate off message and get more and more people sympathetic to Sarah Palin.

Oh and by the way try seeing where Barack Obama stood on the Coburn Amendment to kill that very same bridge. When he was offered a second chance to kill it is voted against it again, and some of that money when it was killed was supposed to go to Katrina relief. Only a google search away.
Yes it can! Now while we are learning, when a government confiscated money from you in return for services such as protection, it is called taxing. Do you not enjoy learning?
Defending us from armed aggression is a legitmate--and enumerated--function of our constitutional government.

Salary caps and confiscating people's freedom of healthcare is not.
Defending us from armed aggression is a legitmate--and enumerated--function of our constitutional government.

Salary caps and confiscating people's freedom of healthcare is not.

If you knew anything about Obama's plan, he is not going to force national health care onto us, he will just make affordable health care available to all who can not afford it otherwise.
Yeah sure. Where is it legal to steal from some and give to others in the Constitution?

Funny you should mention the contitutional right for the government to steal from us...16th amendment.
"U.S. Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment

Sixteenth Amendment - Income Tax

Amendment Text | Annotations
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." (FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment)
Telling a private Business how much it can pay its bosses or employees is socialism. Taking "windfall" taxes from companies for the affront of actually making money is SOCIALISM.

Taxing people MORE cause they make more is SOCIALISM.

The idea that the Government is not going to be footing a HUGE bill to run health care for all is delusional. Ohh and taking over health care is SOCIALISM.
Funny you should mention the contitutional right for the government to steal from us...16th amendment.
"U.S. Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment

Sixteenth Amendment - Income Tax

Amendment Text | Annotations
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." (FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: Sixteenth Amendment)
How does that authorize Congress to set different rates based on income, and to "rebate" [complete misnomer] those on the lower end who pay no taxes?

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