Pam Keller: Posting the Winning Moe Drawing on City Buses!!!


What facts? All I see is a spew of delusional nonsense. Enlighten us with a link or two to support your blather.


You have to do better than that. I have little doubt that I offer far more links than any poster on this board.

Got one for Rachel Carson wiping out the population of India? I mean not to sound impatient but it's only been a year...

I'm a doctoral candidate - I cite EVERYTHING; it's in my nature.


Where's that link to Soros in this thread then? Where's that link to "prohibiting" something?
That's only been waiting for 47 posts...

I suspect when Pothead says "doctoral candidate" it means he's on a waiting list for a shrink.
I hope he makes it soon.

What facts? All I see is a spew of delusional nonsense. Enlighten us with a link or two to support your blather.


You have to do better than that. I have little doubt that I offer far more links than any poster on this board.

Got one for Rachel Carson wiping out the population of India? I mean not to sound impatient but it's only been a year...

I'm a doctoral candidate - I cite EVERYTHING; it's in my nature.


Where's that link to Soros in this thread then?

I suspect when Pothead says "doctoral candidate" it means he's on a waiting list for a shrink.
I hope he makes it soon.

Soros...Carson...this just gets better and better :lol:

What facts? All I see is a spew of delusional nonsense. Enlighten us with a link or two to support your blather.


You have to do better than that. I have little doubt that I offer far more links than any poster on this board.

I'm a doctoral candidate - I cite EVERYTHING; it's in my nature.

Ok, we're patient :)
Got one for Rachel Carson wiping out the population of India? I mean not to sound impatient but it's only been a year...

I only cite what I claim, you retard.

Where's that link to Soros in this thread then? Where's that link to "prohibiting" something?
That's only been waiting for 47 posts...

I suspect when Pothead says "doctoral candidate" it means he's on a waiting list for a shrink.
I hope he makes it soon.

What the fuck are you yapping about, hack?

Take your meds, seriously.
Who the hell is supporting ISIS?

Yeah! The democratic party promotes Shiite terrorists like Hezbollah, not the Sunni ISIS!

But then again, if it's Islamic terrorism, democrats defend it - period.

It's cool, democrats and Muslims have a common enemy, the American people.

"You is nuts"! To paraphrase Pogo, you are the people are parents warned us about.

The nuts on this message board criticize Obama for using drones to cut off the head of the leaders of terrorism; and in the same breath state that Obama and his party promote Shiite terrorists, aka, The Iranian Supreme Leader and the terrorist cabals he funds.

On the other side are the Sunni, a majority within the Kurdish people. For a bit of fresh air, read the following link, and tell us what Obama should do. Better yet, pick a name from the clown car, and let us know what you favorite clown will do if he or she wins the White House:

The Dangers of Helping the Kurds Fight the Islamic State Group in Iraq - US News
"You is nuts"! To paraphrase Pogo, you are the people are parents warned us about.

But you think it's perfectly rational to be here attacking the freedom of speech.. :thup:

The nuts on this message board criticize Obama for using drones to cut off the head of the leaders of terrorism; and in the same breath state that Obama and his party promote Shiite terrorists, aka, The Iranian Supreme Leader and the terrorist cabals he funds.

On the other side are the Sunni, a majority within the Kurdish people. For a bit of fresh air, read the following link, and tell us what Obama should do. Better yet, pick a name from the clown car, and let us know what you favorite clown will do if he or she wins the White House:

The Dangers of Helping the Kurds Fight the Islamic State Group in Iraq - US News

Do you think it should be illegal to insult the Prophet of Islam?

{The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam} - Fuckwad in Chief Obama

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly The White House
"You is nuts"! To paraphrase Pogo, you are the people are parents warned us about.

But you think it's perfectly rational to be here attacking the freedom of speech.. :thup:

again --- where do you see anyone "attacking the freedom of speech"?

Oh wait, we did that yesterday and you couldn't answer then either.
Musta got lost in all those uh, "citations". :lol:
again --- where do you see anyone "attacking the freedom of speech"?

You mean OTHER than you, Wry, Coyoty, and every other Soros hate drone in the forum? :eek:

Oh wait, we did that yesterday and you couldn't answer then either.
Musta got lost in all those uh, "citations". :lol:

What amazes me is you seem to think your little stupidity routine is clever. You got CRUSHED in the Carson debate, yet you still lie about it a year later - thinking that if you just lie a little more, reality will change.

Well, that's you leftists. thinking you can fake out reality.
again --- where do you see anyone "attacking the freedom of speech"?

You mean OTHER than you, Wry, Coyoty, and every other Soros hate drone in the forum? :eek:

No, I mean anyone at all. In other words I mean the same thing I meant yesterday in 156 when you couldn't answer then either.

Oh wait, we did that yesterday and you couldn't answer then either.
Musta got lost in all those uh, "citations". :lol:

What amazes me is you seem to think your little stupidity routine is clever. You got CRUSHED in the Carson debate, yet you still lie about it a year later - thinking that if you just lie a little more, reality will change.

Well, that's you leftists. thinking you can fake out reality.

aaaaaand boom, off to another topic so as to avoid this one.
It's like a train that's always right on time. :thup:
"You is nuts"! To paraphrase Pogo, you are the people are parents warned us about.

But you think it's perfectly rational to be here attacking the freedom of speech.. :thup:

The nuts on this message board criticize Obama for using drones to cut off the head of the leaders of terrorism; and in the same breath state that Obama and his party promote Shiite terrorists, aka, The Iranian Supreme Leader and the terrorist cabals he funds.

On the other side are the Sunni, a majority within the Kurdish people. For a bit of fresh air, read the following link, and tell us what Obama should do. Better yet, pick a name from the clown car, and let us know what you favorite clown will do if he or she wins the White House:

The Dangers of Helping the Kurds Fight the Islamic State Group in Iraq - US News

Do you think it should be illegal to insult the Prophet of Islam?

{The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam} - Fuckwad in Chief Obama

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly The White House

Sorry asshole, your spin won't turn. Never did I attack the freedom of speech or expression (look up Bong hits 4 Jesus to see who does) I simply called doing so was stupid. Stupid because it is likely to incite violence. Now, if the courts find such behavior to be a Public Nuisance, I have no problem with the stupid people who incite such violence from having to pay any victims of the violence.
Muhammad Cartoon on Buses ? Good Idea, or Bad ?

What do you think of Islamization fighter Pamela Geller's idea of putting the winning Muhammad contest cartoon on city buses and in train stations ? She has already submitted the cartoon to the Washington, D.C. transit authority, for review.

Geller previously bankrolled bus ads in Washington, D.C., that featured photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler talking with a Muslim leader beside the message “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran.” In San Francisco, her group ran ads showing American Journalist James Foley moments before he was beheaded by ISIS terrorists last year.

Washington’s metropolitan transit authority accepted the AFDI ad without a fight. They attempted to block a previous ad campaign from the AFDI in 2012, but lost the court battle.
That same year, Manhattan’s MTA attempted to block the AFDI from putting up anti-Muslim ads in the city’s subway system.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” the controversial ads read.
A federal judge ruled in AFDI's favor, acknowledging their First Amendment right to political speech.


It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
You do realize isis says they are coming here, and they are gonna start killing the voters that support abortion and gay marriage? Not the politicians, so keep supporting them. All I can say is liberals aren't very smart. You support the people that will kill you. Lol

Who the hell is supporting ISIS?
Liberals, piss christ was okay, a cartoon about allah she deserves what she gets. Liberals and short memory, they go perfect together.
Muhammad Cartoon on Buses ? Good Idea, or Bad ?

What do you think of Islamization fighter Pamela Geller's idea of putting the winning Muhammad contest cartoon on city buses and in train stations ? She has already submitted the cartoon to the Washington, D.C. transit authority, for review.

Geller previously bankrolled bus ads in Washington, D.C., that featured photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler talking with a Muslim leader beside the message “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran.” In San Francisco, her group ran ads showing American Journalist James Foley moments before he was beheaded by ISIS terrorists last year.

Washington’s metropolitan transit authority accepted the AFDI ad without a fight. They attempted to block a previous ad campaign from the AFDI in 2012, but lost the court battle.
That same year, Manhattan’s MTA attempted to block the AFDI from putting up anti-Muslim ads in the city’s subway system.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” the controversial ads read.
A federal judge ruled in AFDI's favor, acknowledging their First Amendment right to political speech.


It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
You do realize isis says they are coming here, and they are gonna start killing the voters that support abortion and gay marriage? Not the politicians, so keep supporting them. All I can say is liberals aren't very smart. You support the people that will kill you. Lol

Who the hell is supporting ISIS?
Liberals, piss christ was okay, a cartoon about allah she deserves what she gets. Liberals and short memory, they go perfect together.

The problem asshole, is simple, nothing will happen to her (unless a wise and non partisan judge finds her actions to be a public nuisance and she is sued); it's the victims of any violence which can be attributed to her behavior who would suffer.

That's a concept you're too biased and likely too willfully ignorant to acknowledge (or maybe too stupid to understand).

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