Panetta says Israel will strike Iran in March, April or May

They have to pass over Iraqi air spaceand also either Jordan or Saudi air space so we would know what was going on seconds after it started.
They will most likely do with 3 or 4 different routes with their F16Is which have extended fuel tanks with many types of Python missles.
But what folks do not know is that Isreal has extensive investments in electronic warfare. Attacking Iran's electric grid, cellphone network and emergency frequencies of all kinds including police and firemen is first on the list.
They attacked alKibar in 07 and Syria got a taste of that as the Isreali electronics spooked the entire country's radar system and jammed it solid.
Of course our Joint Command Warfare Analysis Center first discovered weaknesses in Iran's grid systems years ago and the plausible deniability response has been canned with it.
Expect that canned speech from our Secretary of State after the attack.
We are in from start to finish. Why shouldn't we?
Not to be a stick-in-the-mud, but who pays.

/wah-wah trumpet
it doesn't really matter what we say here. the US will eventually go to war with iran (or finance it somehow). we're like that old busybody down the street that can't keep her nose outta everybody else's stuff.

I'm hoping we have a bought of good sense... but I think the Zionists will drag us into a pointless shooting war.

And when it's all over, Iran will be better off. A top Iranian dissident has said an Israeli or American attack would be a gift from heaven for the current regime.
Ok, Full Auto Idiot.

As for the USSR, the US military standing up to them helped them collapse in the end, not wimps like you.

The US military also removed Saddam from power, not you.

There is a theme here.....the US military ends up doing good things for the world and you bitch about it. :eusa_whistle:

To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

You are pretty dumb, even using the same logic from folks that didnt know Saddam didnt have any or completely missed the USSR falling apart.

You are a big government useful idiot of the highest order. claim only "the Jews" fear Iran.

I'm sure the GCC is on Wikipedia.....lots of oil comes from them.


You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

I had to go look up GCC to see if I should give a fuck...

and it turns out I shouldn't.

Oh, the little corrupt sheikdoms of the gulf are concerned. They need to be worried more about their own people wondering why they still have 7th century government.

Not sure why you just didn't say, "Gulf Cooperation Council" instead of being decietful and jsut using an acronym...

Still not giving a fuck.
The US military stepped up after WWII and prevented the Soviets from taking over Europe like the Nazis and the Chicoms from taking over Asia has helped maintain our economic growth and world peace compared to the periods of time during WWI and WWII where idiots like you made things worse by ignoring threats until too late.:eusa_whistle:

You talk in circles like a madman.

I should probably expect that to be your reaction so, fair enough, I suppose.

What were the US foreign wars that crushed Communism again? The fact is, statist governments in Socialist Europe and Communist Asia are as strong as ever and they owe their thanks to a globalization movement driven by the infiltration of foreign influence into US policy. "Free Trade" and "World Peace" code words aren't actually free or peaceful at all.

As so let's honestly ask ourselves what this UN-encouraged and US-enabled globalization has done exactly for those US citizens within her borders other than suppress their economic freedom and impose legitimate risk of terrorist attack? Globalization code words like World Peace and Free Trade always sound great until you realize they're not ends but rather the means to universal government. In practical terms that you can understand, global economic organization is a zero-sum game that enforces a wealth ceiling on the vast majority of Americans which never before existed and is exclusive to the inalienable Natural Law philosophy theorized by Plato, articulated by John Locke, and asserted by the Founders in order to establish United States sovereignty.
To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

lol...this is fucking hilarious and you need to stop getting medical advice from quacks. The US was never about to lose its legs because of Saddam Hussein. In fact, plenty of good men lost their legs by listening to a quack.
5th grade education on display.

You are on Full Auto Stupid when it comes to Foreign Policy and National Defense.

Click it to Safe Mode.

Its what if..Run, run I tell you...for the hills :lol:

you have given us the neo con position. Big whoop If I need big government and am willing to overlook that we came together for a common defense rather then world domination because you piss your pants someone else haas a sabre, Your the first puss we will come to.
Uh, idiot....I was talking about Iran, try to stay in the modern era.

Saddam is dead....FYI.

To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

lol...this is fucking hilarious and you need to stop getting medical advice from quacks. The US was never about to lose its legs because of Saddam Hussein. In fact, plenty of good men lost their legs by listening to a quack.
Ok, Full Auto Idiot.

As for the USSR, the US military standing up to them helped them collapse in the end, not wimps like you.

The US military also removed Saddam from power, not you.

There is a theme here.....the US military ends up doing good things for the world and you bitch about it. :eusa_whistle:

To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

You are pretty dumb, even using the same logic from folks that didnt know Saddam didnt have any or completely missed the USSR falling apart.

You are a big government useful idiot of the highest order.

First of all, I am glad you are getting so excited. It does prove who the useful idiot is.

Some how you think only your brand of patriotism matters.

Your just a loud mouth pussy. Dime a dozen of the wannabe variety.
To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

I tend to trust doctors; I tend to be wary of politicians.
Hold on. Hold on. Checking the GOF meter...


Nope. Still don't care.
A draft would help rid The US of a lot of un-employed people, and give a boost to the bodybag industry
I understand I'm dealing with a nut in you, but here goes....

The US military ensures freedom of movement of people and goods worldwide free from rogue states like North Korea, Iran, etc from bording and seizing ships for their own gain. Of course, the pirates off Africa is another thing but the US Navy can't be in all places at all times and those kidnapped by the pirates would be killed in most cases if we intervene.

The US military makes sure our ships and others ships can promote free trade worldwide, idiots like you can get a computer made in Asia to type on this board making an ass of yourself 24/7.

The US military stepped up after WWII and prevented the Soviets from taking over Europe like the Nazis and the Chicoms from taking over Asia has helped maintain our economic growth and world peace compared to the periods of time during WWI and WWII where idiots like you made things worse by ignoring threats until too late.:eusa_whistle:

I should probably expect that to be your reaction so, fair enough, I suppose.

What were the US foreign wars that crushed Communism again? The fact is, statist governments in Socialist Europe and Communist Asia are as strong as ever and they owe their thanks to a globalization movement driven by the infiltration of foreign influence into US policy. "Free Trade" and "World Peace" code words aren't actually free or peaceful at all.

As so let's honestly ask ourselves what this UN-encouraged and US-enabled globalization has done exactly for those US citizens within her borders other than suppress their economic freedom and impose legitimate risk of terrorist attack? Globalization code words like World Peace and Free Trade always sound great until you realize they're not ends but rather the means to universal government. In practical terms that you can understand, global economic organization is a zero-sum game that enforces a wealth ceiling on the vast majority of Americans which never before existed and is exclusive to the inalienable Natural Law philosophy theorized by Plato, articulated by John Locke, and asserted by the Founders in order to establish United States sovereignty.
it doesn't really matter what we say here. the US will eventually go to war with iran (or finance it somehow). we're like that old busybody down the street that can't keep her nose outta everybody else's stuff.

I'm hoping we have a bought of good sense... but I think the Zionists will drag us into a pointless shooting war.

And when it's all over, Iran will be better off. A top Iranian dissident has said an Israeli or American attack would be a gift from heaven for the current regime.


here's how a typical american thinks...

"we'll just go blow them up and that'll be the end of that"

here's what really happens...

"we just got blown up. i will fight to my dying day to get the US back"

we're just plain dumb.
Last edited:
The word you need to learn is "you're," idiot.

But you don't write much at Burger King, do you?

Ok, Full Auto Idiot.

As for the USSR, the US military standing up to them helped them collapse in the end, not wimps like you.

The US military also removed Saddam from power, not you.

There is a theme here.....the US military ends up doing good things for the world and you bitch about it. :eusa_whistle:

You are pretty dumb, even using the same logic from folks that didnt know Saddam didnt have any or completely missed the USSR falling apart.

You are a big government useful idiot of the highest order.

First of all, I am glad you are getting so excited. It does prove who the useful idiot is.

Some how you think only your brand of patriotism matters.

Your just a loud mouth pussy. Dime a dozen of the wannabe variety.
I understand I'm dealing with a nut in you, but here goes....

The US military ensures freedom of movement of people and goods worldwide free from rogue states like North Korea, Iran, etc from bording and seizing ships for their own gain. Of course, the pirates off Africa is another thing but the US Navy can't be in all places at all times and those kidnapped by the pirates would be killed in most cases if we intervene.

The US military makes sure our ships and others ships can promote free trade worldwide, idiots like you can get a computer made in Asia to type on this board making an ass of yourself 24/7.

It would be nicer if that computer was made in America, though, wouldn't it.

It seems to me that spending ourselves into a hole to make it easier for foreign companies to take our money and foreign workers to take our jobs isn't a very smart strategy.

Fact is, we spend more on the military than the next top 10 spenders combined, and 7 of them are allied states. Iran is down to the 12th biggest military, not very impressive, really.

But there's an Iranian hiding under your bed right now, you'd better watch out.
Uh, idiot....I was talking about Iran, try to stay in the modern era.

Saddam is dead....FYI.

To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

lol...this is fucking hilarious and you need to stop getting medical advice from quacks. The US was never about to lose its legs because of Saddam Hussein. In fact, plenty of good men lost their legs by listening to a quack.

lol....the Iraq War isn't modern history? What sort of world do you live in?

Plus, Iran isn't threatening the legs of the US. Only a hypochondria would think that.
The word you need to learn is "you're," idiot.

But you don't write much at Burger King, do you?

Ok, Full Auto Idiot.

As for the USSR, the US military standing up to them helped them collapse in the end, not wimps like you.

The US military also removed Saddam from power, not you.

There is a theme here.....the US military ends up doing good things for the world and you bitch about it. :eusa_whistle:

First of all, I am glad you are getting so excited. It does prove who the useful idiot is.

Some how you think only your brand of patriotism matters.

Your just a loud mouth pussy. Dime a dozen of the wannabe variety.

Your argument is so powerful you must mention a dropped E

Should I run or keep laughing at how stupid you are?

Bummer for you, I am here for the laughs. When do we attack china?

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