Panetta says Israel will strike Iran in March, April or May

Uh, Saddam started the entire situation with us and Bush JR just finished what his daddy failed to do.

No, not really.

Saddam invade Kuwait. Not our problem. We didn't have a treaty with Kuwait and it was kind of hard to feel bad for Kuwait, since they bankrolled Saddam when he was invading Iran and failing miserably. Our ambassador, April Glaspie, told Saddam we didn't have a dog in his fight with Kuwait, which he took as a greenlight.

Bush-41 had the good sense to not go to Baghdad because he didn't want the EXACT mess we ended up with- a long, costly occupation that left the Shi'ite majority in charge and made Iraq a natural ally to Iran.

But then something funny happened. Bush-41 got voted out of office, and Bush-43 blamed Saddam for some reason. And he was going to get that Saddam guy.

Which I personally have no problem with. Saddam was a scumwad, and his taking a dirt nap isn't a bad thing. The way it was done was grossly inept, though.

Now we are stuck with an Iraqi regime that is going to be an ally of Iran, probably giving them at least a half hour warning when the Israeli jets are coming.

More to the point, if Israel attacks, that will put the whole Islamic World in Iran's corner. Shouldn't be, but it will, even though they all hate Iran.
It's clear you're as stupid as the libs and Paulestinians here but I'm trying to figure out which kook branch you belong to....

Who gives a shit, asshole!

So if people are talking about how bad Hitler/the Nazis were and you chime in "well Germans were oppressed by other Europeans and turned to Hitler" as an excuse. You wonder why other people think you support Hitler.....:cuckoo:

Only an illiterate asshole would think I justified the mass killing of people.

How about you focus on an actual conservation?
Oh ok, cleatus.

The "Arabs" will be "mad" if the "Jews" bomb the "Persians." missed that Clinton guy, you know the one between the Bush guys and the one that made it US POLICY to remove Saddam from power in 1998.

But then again it was Bush's fault to actually finish off Saddam after 9/11....because Bush caused 9/11? Is that what you believe, clown?

Uh, Saddam started the entire situation with us and Bush JR just finished what his daddy failed to do.

No, not really.

Saddam invade Kuwait. Not our problem. We didn't have a treaty with Kuwait and it was kind of hard to feel bad for Kuwait, since they bankrolled Saddam when he was invading Iran and failing miserably. Our ambassador, April Glaspie, told Saddam we didn't have a dog in his fight with Kuwait, which he took as a greenlight.

Bush-41 had the good sense to not go to Baghdad because he didn't want the EXACT mess we ended up with- a long, costly occupation that left the Shi'ite majority in charge and made Iraq a natural ally to Iran.

But then something funny happened. Bush-41 got voted out of office, and Bush-43 blamed Saddam for some reason. And he was going to get that Saddam guy.

Which I personally have no problem with. Saddam was a scumwad, and his taking a dirt nap isn't a bad thing. The way it was done was grossly inept, though.

Now we are stuck with an Iraqi regime that is going to be an ally of Iran, probably giving them at least a half hour warning when the Israeli jets are coming.

More to the point, if Israel attacks, that will put the whole Islamic World in Iran's corner. Shouldn't be, but it will, even though they all hate Iran.
Idiot....Iran doesn't need to invade Chicago with an Army if they have a nuke they can unleash in a ship containiner anywhere in the world.

Their military strength is their missiles, coastal Navy and asymetric warfare capabilities.

They are only about killing other people and shutting down shipping lanes, not invading the US or Israel.

Okay, this is almost like an argument.

Asymetric warfare. I guess that's a way of sayign "Terrorism". But so what?

Iran is not going to spend half it's GDP making a nuke and putting it on a fucking container ship. Don't be daft, man.

Their missiles can't hit the US and can barely hit Europe. Nope. No big deal there, either.

Their "coastal navy" isn't a threat. Sorry.

List of current ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have 3 destroyers, WWII vintage, not even operational. They've got 5 frigates.

They have 27 not particularly impressive submarines.
Oh ok, cleatus.

The "Arabs" will be "mad" if the "Jews" bomb the "Persians." missed that Clinton guy, you know the one between the Bush guys and the one that made it US POLICY to remove Saddam from power in 1998.

But then again it was Bush's fault to actually finish off Saddam after 9/11....because Bush caused 9/11? Is that what you believe, clown?

Uh, Saddam started the entire situation with us and Bush JR just finished what his daddy failed to do.

No, not really.

Saddam invade Kuwait. Not our problem. We didn't have a treaty with Kuwait and it was kind of hard to feel bad for Kuwait, since they bankrolled Saddam when he was invading Iran and failing miserably. Our ambassador, April Glaspie, told Saddam we didn't have a dog in his fight with Kuwait, which he took as a greenlight.

Bush-41 had the good sense to not go to Baghdad because he didn't want the EXACT mess we ended up with- a long, costly occupation that left the Shi'ite majority in charge and made Iraq a natural ally to Iran.

But then something funny happened. Bush-41 got voted out of office, and Bush-43 blamed Saddam for some reason. And he was going to get that Saddam guy.

Which I personally have no problem with. Saddam was a scumwad, and his taking a dirt nap isn't a bad thing. The way it was done was grossly inept, though.

Now we are stuck with an Iraqi regime that is going to be an ally of Iran, probably giving them at least a half hour warning when the Israeli jets are coming.

More to the point, if Israel attacks, that will put the whole Islamic World in Iran's corner. Shouldn't be, but it will, even though they all hate Iran.
Iran is old Persia whom happen to be Muslim...:eusa_shhh:
Oh ok, cleatus.

The "Arabs" will be "mad" if the "Jews" bomb the "Persians." missed that Clinton guy, you know the one between the Bush guys and the one that made it US POLICY to remove Saddam from power in 1998.

But then again it was Bush's fault to actually finish off Saddam after 9/11....because Bush caused 9/11? Is that what you believe, clown?

So, you can tell when they lost the argument when they have to make up strawmen.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush used fear to get us to go along with protracted war his father and Clinton never could have gotten support for. The Bush people were looking for an excuse to get Saddam before 9/11.

Again, not rearguing the Iraq War or it's merits. At the time, I thought it was justified, and I think Bush was mostly right, but we'd damned well better be willing to live with the consequences.

The Arabs don't like the Persians, but they hate Israel more. The leaders are a bit more sensible, but they'll follow the passions on the street.

This would be bad all around. Lots of people will die, Iran will still get her bomb, and the crazy mullahs will still be in charge when it's all over.

You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

Idiot....Iran doesn't need to invade Chicago with an Army if they have a nuke they can unleash in a ship containiner anywhere in the world.

Their military strength is their missiles, coastal Navy and asymetric warfare capabilities.

They are only about killing other people and shutting down shipping lanes, not invading the US or Israel.

Okay, this is almost like an argument.

Asymetric warfare. I guess that's a way of sayign "Terrorism". But so what?

Iran is not going to spend half it's GDP making a nuke and putting it on a fucking container ship. Don't be daft, man.

Their missiles can't hit the US and can barely hit Europe. Nope. No big deal there, either.

Their "coastal navy" isn't a threat. Sorry.

List of current ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have 3 destroyers, WWII vintage, not even operational. They've got 5 frigates.

They have 27 not particularly impressive submarines.
Oh ok, Iran will just get their big deal.

Too bad for you that they won't be allowed to get their bombs.....

Oh ok, cleatus.

The "Arabs" will be "mad" if the "Jews" bomb the "Persians." missed that Clinton guy, you know the one between the Bush guys and the one that made it US POLICY to remove Saddam from power in 1998.

But then again it was Bush's fault to actually finish off Saddam after 9/11....because Bush caused 9/11? Is that what you believe, clown?

So, you can tell when they lost the argument when they have to make up strawmen.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush used fear to get us to go along with protracted war his father and Clinton never could have gotten support for. The Bush people were looking for an excuse to get Saddam before 9/11.

Again, not rearguing the Iraq War or it's merits. At the time, I thought it was justified, and I think Bush was mostly right, but we'd damned well better be willing to live with the consequences.

The Arabs don't like the Persians, but they hate Israel more. The leaders are a bit more sensible, but they'll follow the passions on the street.

This would be bad all around. Lots of people will die, Iran will still get her bomb, and the crazy mullahs will still be in charge when it's all over.

You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

Idiot....Iran doesn't need to invade Chicago with an Army if they have a nuke they can unleash in a ship containiner anywhere in the world.

Their military strength is their missiles, coastal Navy and asymetric warfare capabilities.

They are only about killing other people and shutting down shipping lanes, not invading the US or Israel.

Okay, this is almost like an argument.

Asymetric warfare. I guess that's a way of sayign "Terrorism". But so what?

Iran is not going to spend half it's GDP making a nuke and putting it on a fucking container ship. Don't be daft, man.

Their missiles can't hit the US and can barely hit Europe. Nope. No big deal there, either.

Their "coastal navy" isn't a threat. Sorry.

List of current ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have 3 destroyers, WWII vintage, not even operational. They've got 5 frigates.

They have 27 not particularly impressive submarines.

Its what if..Run, run I tell you...for the hills :lol:
You are on Full Auto Stupid when it comes to Foreign Policy and National Defense.

Click it to Safe Mode.


You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

Okay, this is almost like an argument.

Asymetric warfare. I guess that's a way of sayign "Terrorism". But so what?

Iran is not going to spend half it's GDP making a nuke and putting it on a fucking container ship. Don't be daft, man.

Their missiles can't hit the US and can barely hit Europe. Nope. No big deal there, either.

Their "coastal navy" isn't a threat. Sorry.

List of current ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They have 3 destroyers, WWII vintage, not even operational. They've got 5 frigates.

They have 27 not particularly impressive submarines.

Its what if..Run, run I tell you...for the hills :lol:
This is one of the best mud fights I have ever witnessed.

Of course, like all mud fights, only the pig is happy when it is over.

You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

I had to go look up GCC to see if I should give a fuck...

and it turns out I shouldn't.

Oh, the little corrupt sheikdoms of the gulf are concerned. They need to be worried more about their own people wondering why they still have 7th century government.
it doesn't really matter what we say here. the US will eventually go to war with iran (or finance it somehow). we're like that old busybody down the street that can't keep her nose outta everybody else's stuff.
You are on Full Auto Stupid when it comes to Foreign Policy and National Defense.

Click it to Safe Mode.


You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

Its what if..Run, run I tell you...for the hills :lol:

you have given us the neo con position. Big whoop If I need big government and am willing to overlook that we came together for a common defense rather then world domination because you piss your pants someone else haas a sabre, Your the first puss we will come to.
To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.
To dumb this down to the level of some here to help them out....

If your doctor says you have cancer in your leg and that it needs to be removed to save your life, but you might lose your leg from the surgery.....

You have the surgery and hope for the best.

You are pretty dumb, even using the same logic from folks that didnt know Saddam didnt have any or completely missed the USSR falling apart.

You are a big government useful idiot of the highest order.
Oh ok, Iran will just get their big deal.

Too bad for you that they won't be allowed to get their bombs.....

Atom bombs- the cutting edge weapon of 1945. If North Korea can make a bomb, Iran will.

I'm still waiting to see how we really STOP them from getting bombs. I don't think an Israeli or even an American airstrike is going to work.

Only way we stop them from getting a bomb is if we invade their country, occupy it for a decade. Guess what. Ain't gonna happen. Last time I checked, we're broke. claim only "the Jews" fear Iran.

I'm sure the GCC is on Wikipedia.....lots of oil comes from them.


You use Wikipedia for your knowledge.

You are just clueless about Iran and have no clue why the GCC fears Iran.

I had to go look up GCC to see if I should give a fuck...

and it turns out I shouldn't.

Oh, the little corrupt sheikdoms of the gulf are concerned. They need to be worried more about their own people wondering why they still have 7th century government.

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