Panetta to Obama: Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"According to intelligence officials, Panetta erupted in a tirade last month during a meeting with a senior White House staff member. Panetta was reportedly upset over plans by Attorney General Eric Holder to open a criminal investigation of allegations that CIA officers broke the law in carrying out certain interrogation techniques that President Obama has termed "torture.""

Obama White House Versus CIA - ABC News

And now that Holder is doing Obama's bidding by releasing the "Torture Memos" to deflect attention from the ObamaCare Pogrom look for Obama to start trying to find a replacement for Panetta.

Where in your link does Panetta say "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit! "???
Are you making up quotes again??

Nobody in this country is above the law......NOBODY
If crimes were committed they deserve to be investigated. If laws were broken, people deserve to be punished.

Where in your link does Panetta say "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit! "???
Are you making up quotes again??

Nobody in this country is above the law......NOBODY
If crimes were committed they deserve to be investigated. If laws were broken, people deserve to be punished.

Where did I put "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit!" in quotes?

What the Hell is wrong with you? Do I have to copy and paste the whole paragraph or can I just do a pithy summary?

Where in your link does Panetta say "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit! "???
Are you making up quotes again??

Nobody in this country is above the law......NOBODY
If crimes were committed they deserve to be investigated. If laws were broken, people deserve to be punished.

"Panetta was reportedly upset over plans by Attorney General Eric Holder to open a criminal investigation of allegations that CIA officers broke the law"

As AG, Holder can pursue whatever he deems within his purview. Obama can't say jack about it.

I don't like Panetta anyway, never did.
Obama going to replace Panetta with a yes man. The State run media released that article now to let Panetta know his time is up.
This is going to be interesting to watch being Panetta has a lot of information at his hands but who will print his leaks?
Yes Panetta will be forced out very soon. Hopey Changey is playing politics with our Intel by going back to his tired "Just Blame Bush" stuff. Most Americans are already sick of that tired tactic and are not interested in the "I hate George Bush" stuff anymore. There are much bigger problems facing this nation and i think that's why Hopey Changey is attempting to change the subject. More Clinton "Wag the Dog" chit in the end. His poll numbers are tanking and more & more Americans are rising up and rejecting his intrusive Socialist agenda. So it looks like it's time for Hopey Changey to try and change the subject. $Trillions more in Debt and Unemployment approaching 10%,i think i would try to change the subject too.
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Where in your link does Panetta say "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit! "???
Are you making up quotes again??

Nobody in this country is above the law......NOBODY
If crimes were committed they deserve to be investigated. If laws were broken, people deserve to be punished.

Where did I put "Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit!" in quotes?

What the Hell is wrong with you? Do I have to copy and paste the whole paragraph or can I just do a pithy summary?

Sleazy as ever Frank..
So, you admit you were trying to mislead...
When you say "Panetta to Obama: Quit Playing games with Intel or I'll Quit! " that seems to imply that Panetta actually said that to Obama
Yes Panetta will be forced out very soon. Hopey Changey is playing politics with our Intel by going back to his tired "Just Blame Bush" stuff. Most Americans are already sick of that tired tactic and are not interested in the "I hate George Bush" stuff anymore. There are much bigger problems facing this nation and think that's why Hopey Changey is attempting to change the subject. More Clinton "Wag the Dog" chit in the end. His poll numbers are tanking and more & more Americans are rising up and rejecting his intrusive Socialist agenda. So it looks like it's time for Hopey Changey to try and change the subject. $Trillions more in Debt and Unemployment approaching 10%,i think i would try to change the subject too.

Playing politics with TORTURE???

Are you kidding me? Nobody is above the law. If crimes were committed, they should be investigated and prosecuted.

Are you suddenly soft on crime?
Here is an example of the horrendous torture.

A gun was fired in an adjacent cell leading the terorrist thug to fear that someone was just killed and that he was going to be next.

That's way worse than having your neck cut off with a rusty cutlass.
Here is an example of the horrendous torture.

A gun was fired in an adjacent cell leading the terorrist thug to fear that someone was just killed and that he was going to be next.

That's way worse than having your neck cut off with a rusty cutlass.
Yes, we definitely want our people to follow in the footsteps of the terrorists.
how wrong you were huh?

The investigation is into tactics that were not even covered by the Bush broad brush.
Here is an example of the horrendous torture.

A gun was fired in an adjacent cell leading the terorrist thug to fear that someone was just killed and that he was going to be next.

That's way worse than having your neck cut off with a rusty cutlass.

Your right, we dummied down the US definition of torture. Now...anything beyond name, rank, serial number, and would you like to talk to us, is considered torture.

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