PANIC IN BELGIUM Brussels train station explosion

The suspect, who was neutralized after a small explosion, had a heavier bomb that did not go down. That reports the VRT. The small explosion would only have been the ignition, but the bomb itself has not gone down. That bomb could have done much more damage.
The suspect, who was neutralized after a small explosion, had a heavier bomb that did not go down. That reports the VRT. The small explosion would only have been the ignition, but the bomb itself has not gone down. That bomb could have done much more damage.

So the Would Be Killer Kebab is dead ie. neutralised. After a small explosion, which is what that flame in the photograph?

We literally cannot go more than a couple of days now without some crazy incident. I wouldn't be surprised if before the weekend they don't have another insane situation in Britain.

Of course Americans should be prepared because this shit is going to start on your Continent soon, it's obvious that it is.
In the Central Station, the federal police's lab is still busy with a thorough track investigation. Detectors in white suits run the building in and out. The Army's demolition service, DOVO, is still on the spot. 02u39 PARKET GIVES AT 11 HOURS PRESS CONFERENCE The federal parquet will give a press conference on the terrorist act last night at the Brussels-Central station at 11.00. That is what the federal parquet reports this night. The press conference will take place in the building of the federal parquet, in the Brussels Wolstraat.
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This is exactly what Trump is trying to avoid.

Sadly.. It'll take time before some accept his stance on immigration.
Ah crap. And here it goes again :(

At least the attacker was the only casualty.

And here lies the problem......

"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll."
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News |

By my way of figuring, this means that 2/3 of those allowed in are contributors to terrorism
Oh, boy, here it is-

Security experts said Tuesday's incident could have been similar to "lone wolf" assaults carried out by radicalised individuals with limited access to weapons and training.

"Such isolated acts will continue in Brussels, in Paris and elsewhere. It's inevitable," Brussels security consultant Claude Moniquet, a former French agent, told broadcaster RTL.

With Islamic State under pressure in Syria - where Belgium has been the most fertile European recruiting ground for foreign Islamist fighters - he said attacks in Europe could increase, though many of these would be by "amateurs" doing little harm.

Personally, I think that attitude makes one implicit.
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UPDATE The man who held a failed attack last night in Brussels Central was 36-year-old Oussama Zariouh, a Moroccan national who lived in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek. That states the federal parquet.

According to the federal parquet, Oussama Zariouh entered the central station at 20.39 last night. "Through the locker room, he walked on travelers who were down the stairs", spokesman Eric Van Der Sypt said. "At first he waited a lot to go to the middle of that group at 20.44. He took his bag, started screaming and caused a partial blast. Fortunately, no one was injured." The suitcase immediately caught fire, on which Zariouh left his burning luggage and walked behind a station manager who drove down to the platform. "Meanwhile, the bag broke a second time, a heavier blast," the spokesman continues. "The bag contained nails and gas cylinders, and then the man again took the stairs to the station hall where he ran to a military while calling 'Allahu Akbar'. The soldier immediately opened the fire and hit the man several times. To the consequences of his injuries. He did not carry a belt with explosives. " translated
From CNN-

Brussels, Belgium (CNN)The powerful explosive TATP was used in the failed Brussels train station attack, according to an initial assessment of the remains of the device, a senior Belgian counter-terrorism official told CNN Wednesday.
The official also said investigators believe the TATP failed to detonate because of the poor preparation of the explosive, which Belgium's federal prosecutor's office believes was made at the suspect's home.

"As part of the investigation into the terrorist attack of 20 June 2017 at the Brussels Central Station, the preliminary results of the search carried out in the residence of the suspect O.Z. in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, showed that he probably made the bomb there," the prosecutor's office said in a statement Wednesday.
The statement also said there are "indications that the suspect had sympathies for the terrorist organization IS (Islamic State, or ISIS)."

Thank God he failed. I heard it was also filled with scrapnel, as the concert bomb was.

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