PANIC IN BELGIUM Brussels train station explosion

Islam strokes again.
The only solution: Western countries shall became Right-Wing dictatorships, throw all Muslims away, prohibit Islam, Leftism and any kind of Liberalism.
Otherwise Muslims will kill all non-Muslims after they gain majority in western countries.
Plain and simple.
Muslims always killed non-Muslims, they will continue to do is again and again, because their 'Prophet' and Quran demand it.

Brussels train station explosion sees suspect ‘with explosives belt’ shot by troops as passenger flee

Troops swarmed the city centre terminal after unverified reports of a blast inside

Brussels train station explosion sees suspect 'with explosives belt' shot by troops as passengers flee

The Liberal Western Future








00u23 DOVO investigates body suspect Dovo is still ready to investigate the body of the deceased suspect. No information is available about the suspect's identity. A number of elements also indicate that the man wore a bomb belt. Witnesses noticed that the man's white shirt hung cables. That the man's body after the shooting was not brought to hospital also suggests that this was considered too dangerous. The military ministry DOVO, has also been busy for a long time in the station. All that the federal parquet lost about that possible bomb belt was that all possible safety measures were taken.
It has been reported he yelled allahu akbar. I also saw a photo of him after having been shot. Will not share that one.
"Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Not anymore, it is from a different world! U.S. must be vigilant and smart!" - Trump in March 2016

he was right...AGAIN

If you zoom in on that Firey Photo it looks like someone is crouched down to the left?

the more things change the more the same. We are going back to year 700.


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Damn those fucking Amish! Why can't they be peaceful.

Peaceful like Islam, the Religion of Peace.

It used to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring going to places like train stations, now it's all exciting because people never know when one of those Peaceful Muslims In The Name of the Religion of Peace might just at random try and blow themselves up.

We should all thank the International Globalists and the Fucking UN and the Fucking NGOs and George Fucking Soros for the GIFT of Muslim Cultural Enrichment :rolleyes-41:
There was just a small explosion on the Brussels Grasmarkt. It was a work of demolition service DOVO. That fixes Belga on the spot. According to police sources, a suspected vehicle is being investigated, but neither the federal police nor the local police in Brussels are giving preliminary comments on the intervention. The security zone around the Grasmarkt is still in force meanwhile.
View attachment 134437

If you zoom in on that Firey Photo it looks like someone is crouched down to the left?

the more things change the more the same. Evolution........

View attachment 134436

Well they look tiny, childlike. What is that flame? Is it a Kebab who's suicide back pack exploded before time?

Or is the thing on the left a robot, you know one of those robots they send in to do a controlled explosion, like they do with IEDs.

Getuige:"De man riep 'Allahoe Akbar'"

An NMBS employee who was in the Central Station in Brussels on Tuesday evening at the time of the explosion heard a man standing next to a trap for the "Allahu Akbar" explosion and calling on jihadists. That he tells VTM NIEUWS. news in your Facebook news feed?

Een NMBS-werknemer die dinsdagavond in het Centraal Station in Brussel was op het moment van de ontploffing, hoorde een man die naast een valies stond voor de explosie "Allahu Akbar" en iets over jihadisten roepen. Dat vertelt hij aan VTM NIEUWS. in je facebook nieuwsfeed?
"Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Not anymore, it is from a different world! U.S. must be vigilant and smart!" - Trump in March 2016

he was right...AGAIN

If anything in Belgium should be blown up it's the EU Commission building.
They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here as needed labourers and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.
Some people here live for terrorist attacks.
Hope everyone is okay.

View attachment 134407

Example of over reaction:
Those fucking Amish can't go anywhere without creating chaos. I'm sick of their buggy's and their horse crapping all over the street; it stinks. Damn the religion of peace! Damn it I say...

It's not an over reaction when Islam has currently and consistently attacking people. This is the list just for the last 20 days and I don't even think Belgium is on it yet. The total for the whole year is so long it would be a waste of precious USMB space.
Here's the link so you can check it out yourself. List of Islamic Terror Attacks

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 1013 Islamic attacks in 47 countries, in which 7334 people were killed and 7770 injured.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.06.20 Somalia Mogadishu 10 20 A Shahid suicide car bomber posing as a milk delivery man claims ten lives.
2017.06.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 Terrorists kill a judge with a magnetic bomb.
2017.06.19 Afghanistan Bagram 8 0 The Taliban ambush and murder eight guards on their way home.
2017.06.19 France Paris 0 0 A suicide bomber targets police along the Champs-Elysees.
2017.06.18 Iraq Kirkuk 34 0 Women and children are among thirty-four civilians executed in cold blood for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.06.18 Mali Bamako 5 8 Gunmen yelling praises to Allah invade a resort and murder five.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 16 11 Over a dozen people are disassembled by five female suicide bombers.
2017.06.18 Afghanistan Gardez 6 29 A suicide blast kicks off an assault on a police station that leaves six dead.
2017.06.18 Egypt Cairo 1 4 An ISIS-inspired group is thought responsible for a bomb that leaves one person dead.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense militia are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.06.17 Somalia Towfiq 1 0 Three Islamists are identified as being behind the assassination of a rival cleric.
2017.06.17 Iraq Tal Afar 5 0 A family of five is exterminated by a Shiite militia.
2017.06.17 Afghanistan Alingar 4 0 Four construction workers are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2017.06.17 Mali Bintagoungou 5 8 Jihadists attack a local security post, killing five members.
2017.06.17 Somalia Lahelay 5 12 Radicals fighting for a Sharia state attack a military base and murder five local troops.
2017.06.17 India Pinglana 1 0 A civilian is cut down outside his home by Muslim militants.
2017.06.17 Thailand Pattani 6 4 A brutal roadside bomb attack by Muslim 'insurgents' kills six local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Wajirko 3 0 Muslim radicals ambush and murder three local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Gumsuri 5 0 Five villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.06.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are captured and strung up by the Islamic State.
2017.06.16 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 Terrorists carve up a female border guard with knives.
2017.06.16 India Achabal 6 0 Islamic radicals ambush and murder six local cops, then mutilate the bodies.
2017.06.16 Kenya Mandera 4 11 A bomb planted by al-Shabaab claims four lives.
2017.06.15 Cameroon Limani 2 7 A 3-year-old child and one other civilians are reduced to pulp by a female suicide bomber.
2017.06.15 Thailand Yarang 1 0 A 52-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2017.06.15 India Bogund 1 0 A police officer is gunned down outside his home by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Kabul 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a Shiite mosque, killing four members.
2017.06.15 India Hyderpora 1 1 Muslim terrorists attack a police patrol in a drive-by, killing one member.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Shaikhabad 3 1 Three children are wiped out during a firefight following a Taliban attack on a checkpoint.
2017.06.15 Somalia Balcad 3 7 al-Shabaab extremists kill three members of a local security patrol with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.15 Pakistan Chamkani 3 1 Islamic radicals machine-gun three passing cops point-blank.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Balkh 1 0 A female schoolteacher is murdered by suspected Taliban.
2017.06.14 Somalia Mogadishu 31 27 Five girls are among dozens slaughtered at a restaurant during a attack that began with a suicide bombing, followed by Islamists hunting down victims at an adjacent hotel.
2017.06.14 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Four Iraqs are killed during a massive suicide assault by ISIS.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Jani Khail 2 7 Motorcycle suicide bombers kill two others.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 3 A bomb planted by the Taliban takes out a bystander.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 5 A suicide bomber targets Religion of Peace rivals, killing four.
2017.06.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.06.12 Yemen Baddah 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed by al-Qaeda suicide bombers.
2017.06.12 Egypt Sherbin 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a police detective.
2017.06.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2017.06.12 Thailand Pattani 2 1 Two men are gunned down in separate attacks by suspected terrorists.
2017.06.11 Thailand Yaring 2 1 Muslim militants kill two people in separate attacks.
2017.06.11 Iraq Diyala 2 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes two other souls with him.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Haripu 1 0 A journalist who advocated on behalf of religious minorities is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.06.11 Saudi Arabia Masoura 1 2 Suspected Shiite radicals kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.11 Burkina Faso Soum 2 0 A farmer is among two shot to death by Jihadists.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Komdi 3 12 Islamists fire into a village, killing at least three innocents.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Tuyan 2 6 Two villagers are killed by Boko Haram and six women are captured.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense force are ambushed and killed outside their village by Boko Haram.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members roll up on a police checkpoint and machine-gun three officers.
2017.06.10 Iraq Shirqat 19 40 About nineteen civilians lose their lives when ISIS members attack their town.
2017.06.10 Iraq Habda 8 8 Eight Iraqis are flattened by a Jihadi car bomb.
2017.06.10 Afghanistan Gardez 3 9 Three people at a mosque are shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.06.10 Nigeria Yale 2 0 Two village guards are picked off by Boko Haram snipers.
2017.06.10 Thailand Yarang 1 1 Suspected terrorists open fire on two men riding a motorcycle, killing one.
2017.06.10 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 4 2 One other person dies after Boko Haram members strap bombs to three little girls.
2017.06.10 Syria Kobane 2 3 An ISIS landmine eliminates two children, ages 4 and 13.
2017.06.10 Iraq Zanjili 8 5 Eight civilians are killed when the Islamic State sends mortar rounds into a residential area.
2017.06.09 Tunisia Mount Ouergha 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a local with a roadside blast.
2017.06.09 Nigeria Adamawa 2 3 Two children are disassembled by a suspected Boko Haram bomb blast.
2017.06.09 Cameroon Hambagda 4 6 Islamists slit the throats of four villagers.
2017.06.09 Iraq Musayab 3 15 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three bystanders at a bus station.
2017.06.09 Iraq Karbala 31 34 A female suicide bomber detonates in a Shiite market, slaughtering over thirty innocents crowded around her.
2017.06.08 Iraq Zanjali 13 0 The Islamic State takes out thirteen women and children with chlorine gas.
2017.06.08 Iraq Qurret Tabah 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death in front of his family.
2017.06.08 Iraq Abu Saida 2 2 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two bystanders.
2017.06.08 Somalia Af Urur 59 38 Beheaded women are among fifty-nine killed when al-Shabaab overrun a small town.
2017.06.08 India Nawgam 1 2 Pakistani-backed terrorists kill an Indian border guard.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Mastung 2 0 A Chinese mand and woman are slaughtered in captivity by the Islamic State.
2017.06.08 Mali Kidal 3 8 An al-Qaeda attack on a group of peacekeepers leaves three dead.
2017.06.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 14 24 Islamists rock a small town with suicide bombers and heavy guns, killing about fourteen residents.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Gujrat 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her brother after being raped.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 12 32 At least twelve others are killed when a sucide bomber detonates at a parliament building.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 2 10 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a Shiite shrine, killing two patrons.
2017.06.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 8 Two children are among three refugees wiped out by suspected ISI.
2017.06.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Five women and a child are exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.06.06 Iraq al-Farouq 15 0 Fifteen women are cut down by ISIS machine-gun fire.
2017.06.06 Iraq Hit 7 3 A Shahid suicide bomber blows up seven innocents at a market.
2017.06.06 Afghanistan Herat 7 15 A bomb left outside a rival mosque claims the lives of seven innocents.
2017.06.06 France Paris 0 1 A radicalized Muslim attacks a cop with a hammer outside the Notre Dame cathedral.
2017.06.06 Kenya Mandera 1 1 Islamists are suspected of firing on a van and killing a woman.
2017.06.06 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two cops are hunted and killed by Religion of Peace loyalists.
2017.06.06 Kenya Garissa 4 0 Religious extremists take out four aid workers with a landmine.
2017.06.05 Somalia Kismayo 3 20 An al-Shabaab bomb takes the lives of three people.
2017.06.05 Australia Melbourne 1 4 An ISIS-inspired migrant from Somalia kills a man and takes a prostitute hostage.
2017.06.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A 10-year-old boy is disassembled by an 'insurgent' mortar fired into his family home.
2017.06.04 Iraq Zanjili 32 24 A wave of suicide bombers produces thirty-two dead Iraqis.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Talibul Moula 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is shot to death by her father for 'having an affair.'
2017.06.04 Pakistan Spini 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down for their faith.
2017.06.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 1 Two religious men join the police and then gun down six colleagues in cold blood.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Quaidabad 1 0 A barber is shot to death in his shop by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.06.03 India Bijapur 1 1 A pregnant woman is burnt alive by her family for marrying a Hindu man.
2017.06.03 Canada Scarborough, ON 0 1 A woman pledges to ISIS and then attacks a store employee with a knife.
2017.06.03 Iraq Shifa 41 0 Forty-one civilians are reported murdered by ISIS as they attempt to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.03 Algeria Ferkane 2 4 Fundamentalists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.03 Burkina Faso Soum 5 0 A family of three is among five wiped out by Muslim terrorists.
2017.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 20 87 Three suicide bombers detonate at a a funeral, killing twenty mourners.
2017.06.03 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 Two people are murdered over alleged adultery by the woman's brother-in-law.
2017.06.03 Iraq Halabsah 1 3 Four suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.06.03 Philippines Marawi 1 0 A 70-year-old is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2017.06.03 India Lower Munda 2 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members ambush and killed two local security personnel.
2017.06.03 England London 8 48 Three former migrants to Europe shout "this is for Allah" as they plow into pedestrians on London Bridge and then proceed to a market, where they stab anyone within reach. Eight others are left dead.
2017.06.02 Tunisia Sidi Bouzid 1 0 A young shepherd is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.02 Cameroon Kolofata 11 30 Eleven are left dead when Islamists strap two girls with bombs and send them into a refugee camp.
2017.06.01 Iraq Zanjili 7 23 Seven civilians are murdered for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.01 Niger Abala 6 0 Armed Jihadists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a half-dozen border guards.
2017.06.01 Germany Oldenburg 1 0 A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
2017.06.01 Afghanistan Behsud 1 4 A security guard outside an airport is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.01 Yemen al-Hazm 6 15 Terrorists set off a bomb at a marketplace that takes six lives.
2017.06.01 Iraq Mosul 163 0 One-hundred and sixty-three civilians are massacred by the Islamic State as they attempt to flee the caliphate.
Bomb in Brussels, GA cong race, N Korea murders kid, but CNN focus? Not enough WH press briefs; CNN doesn't get it-it's NOT about THEM!
View attachment 134437

If you zoom in on that Firey Photo it looks like someone is crouched down to the left?

the more things change the more the same. Evolution........

View attachment 134436

Well they look tiny, childlike. What is that flame? Is it a Kebab who's suicide back pack exploded before time?

Or is the thing on the left a robot, you know one of those robots they send in to do a controlled explosion, like they do with IEDs.


Robot? They would clear Backpack boy out of the building, don't you think?

Fire seems to be on whatever is crouched down. Almost looks as-if this thing to the left is holding two babies? Where is a Belgium expert when you need one?
>Europe, 2074.
>"We did it! We finally achieved equality!"


^ This is the International Globalists plan for ALL Western nations.

They think that many many MILLIONS of us don't know the plan, but we know the plan and they are NOT going to win.
View attachment 134437

If you zoom in on that Firey Photo it looks like someone is crouched down to the left?

the more things change the more the same. Evolution........

View attachment 134436

Well they look tiny, childlike. What is that flame? Is it a Kebab who's suicide back pack exploded before time?

Or is the thing on the left a robot, you know one of those robots they send in to do a controlled explosion, like they do with IEDs.


Robot? They would clear Backpack boy out of the building, don't you think?

Fire seems to be on whatever is crouched down. Almost looks as-if this thing to the left is holding two babies? Where is a Belgium expert when you need one?

There is no immediate evidence to what that fire is, it's a curious shape, for all we know the Killer Kebab is within those flames, the suicide vest went off before time?

There are no other people except the man walking past - we don't know what the crouch thing is - the rest is deserted.
So what? Even if he did, does that somehow confirms your assertion this attack happened because our open borders?

Wake the fuck up, you stupid shit. If you didn't let them in, then how did they get there? The terrorist fairy?

You are too stupid to breathe without your brain stem.
They were already here. That little fact was literally my second sentence. They aren't Syrians, Iraqis or Moroccans. Its Belgians who are committing these crimes. They were born here went to school here, have build a life here. If you want to fight terrorism you don't drop bombs, you try to convince them that the life they have here is better than blowing yourself up in the name of a version of Allah's teachings that most Muslims find ridiculous. Every time you, and people like you yell." deport, kill, Islam is the enemy" you make trying to convince them harder. You strengthen their belief that the west is the enemy of Islam. I'm all for being vigilant, putting money in surveillance of suspected terrorist. But I want to stop it happening and the only way to do that is by looking at the reasons it is happening. That means looking at what the Muslims do wrong but also what makes teenage boys so disillusioned with Western society that blowing yourself up becomes a reasonable solution.
Just yesterday I had a talk with a teenaged student who thinks when he's got his equivalency diploma, he'd like to go into the military. I asked what type of work he'd like to do--there are so many ways to branch out. He said "I just want to be a badass."

That's part of it, too, Forkup. A lot of young men go through a phase of wanting to be a badass. ISIS gives them a really romantic vision of being a rough, tough guy. I'm not sure we can ever get rid of that impulse, but we can certainly work on helping the badass boys realize that killing innocent civilians is NOT cool.

Tell him to go into the air force or army, not Marines.

Y U talky to students on June 20?
What's wrong with the Marines, Marion Morrison? Be careful there, my kid was a Marine.
This kid, btw, is pretty much limited to Army or Navy. They've really tightened up on accepting equivalency diplomas. They'll take up to 10%. Air Force--fuggettaboutit.

It's a long story. About when my friend's dad set us down when we were 13.

I knocked a Marine out when I was 15 and ran home scared to death.

He was shorter than me, drunk, twice as wide, and starting crap with a kid.

Oh, I was also towing my friend home on a bike, as the marine slept by the curb.

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