PANIC IN BELGIUM Brussels train station explosion

They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.
He yelled Alluh Ahkbar!!

‘ISIS’ Suicide Bombing Stopped at Brussels Central Train Station

Which translates to: "The Baptist King is Swell !"
It would be better to get them alive...

It would be better if they were never let into the country to begin with.
Thats the problem with liberals,after every terrorist attack you wring your hands, and not only do you do nothing about it you exacerbate the problem by letting more of them in.

If you want to commit suicide I'm sure there are plenty tall buildings or other structures you can jump off but I dont want to go down with you thanks.

And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".
- The meaning of 'effective' is non-political correct and professional.

"Political" has to be part of it. It's not something that can be solved solely through policing.

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
- Too difficult and cost lot of money
Disagree. I support legal immigration and helping refugees - ESPECIALLY in the countries where we had a hand in wrecking and in countries where we left behind people who assisted us and are now suffering as a result.

Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
-After Muslims get more as 10 % they do not need good relationship with the state. Just look on Europa and Muslim No-Go zones.

That is a false meme. The Muslim no-go zones are largely debunked - in fact, those who claimed them had to backtrack. There ARE high crime areas where there are gangs and such - largely defined by poverty, and largely populated by immigrants - that is nothing new in history - it's just different immigrant groups.

Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
- Correct, agree 100 %

Quit starting wars in the ME.
- Yep, agree again

Better sharing intelligence.
- Especially with Israel's ones

I think we do a lot of sharing with Israel as it is, but I'm thinking more with and among European nations. I think that has been listed as a big problem after some recent terrorist attacks.

Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
- And all Muslim radicals and Fundamentalists

That is a bit harder - you'd have to define them, they'd have to tell the truth about their beliefs and - many people are "fundamentalist" but not violent.

Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
- And what is with the First Amendment?The Truth Ministerial again.Like in Germany
Better to deport all admirers of Sharia and ISIS

Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

You're crashing into another amendment with that. People can't even define "Sharia" adequately - deporting people based solely on a belief - a bit like thought police maybe?

If people associate themselves with ISIS, that's easy - it's a terrorist group.
They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here as needed labourers and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't matter if it's a first generation immigrant or a third, all Muslims are a danger.
What do you propose then? Kill all Muslims? Lock them up? Make them wear a sign? For once I would like somehow like you to think it trough all the way before spouting something.

Stop all Muslim immigration into Western countries.
-For a country that can attribute a lot of it's early immigrants to people escaping religious persecution, you sound terrible xenophobia.
Deport all non-citizen Muslims.
-Making being the right religion a condition of acceptance in a country and punishing those who don't have the right religion are tings that belong during the times of the Spanish inquisition, or more recently Hitlers Germany, neither of those things I hope you want to be associated with.
Closely monitor the rest on social media and at mosques, pick them up for treason as soon as they show signs of sympathy for ISIS, and deport them.
Thought police? How do you regulate thoughts. On this forum alone their are people who's beliefs aren't compatible with what most people would consider decent human relations. I've seen holocaust deniers, Christian religious zealots, people on both sides who wish violence on those who don't believe like them. Are they all traitors? And deport them to were? They have no nationality but that of the country they are deported from?

Just the ones that go around blowing people up. You're making this entirely too difficult.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
We do not start ME wars?

25 countries + the UN told Sadaam he must leave Kuwait. He refused to comply. You all like the UN? correct?

Next time.........Iraq refused to comply with UN agreements. More countries + the UN had to intervene.

Israel..........simply responds to constant attacks.
It would be better to get them alive...

It would be better if they were never let into the country to begin with.
Thats the problem with liberals,after every terrorist attack you wring your hands, and not only do you do nothing about it you exacerbate the problem by letting more of them in.

If you want to commit suicide I'm sure there are plenty tall buildings or other structures you can jump off but I dont want to go down with you thanks.

And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
Better sharing intelligence.
Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

Like that'll work.
Half the time these terrorist are known to the police and the gov yet they do nothing due to political correctness.

I wouldn't be so quick to label it "political correctness" have to have something actionable or probable cause. They probably have to weed through thousands of "tips" hafl of which may be nothing.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
We do not start ME wars?

25 countries + the UN told Sadaam he must leave Kuwait. He refuse to comply. You all like the UN? correct?

Next time.........Iraq refused to comply with UN agreements. More countries + the UN had to intervene.

Israel..........simply responds to constant attacks.

We started a war without a clue.

That's a fact.

And now the ME is in a mess.

Nation building and regime change were bad ideas.
They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here as needed labourers and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't matter if it's a first generation immigrant or a third, all Muslims are a danger.
What do you propose then? Kill all Muslims? Lock them up? Make them wear a sign? For once I would like somehow like you to think it trough all the way before spouting something.

They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.
He yelled Alluh Ahkbar!!

‘ISIS’ Suicide Bombing Stopped at Brussels Central Train Station
So what? Even if he did, does that somehow confirms your assertion this attack happened because our open borders?

Wake the fuck up, you stupid shit. If you didn't let them in, then how did they get there? The terrorist fairy?

You are too stupid to breathe without your brain stem.
They were already here. That little fact was literally my second sentence. They aren't Syrians, Iraqis or Moroccans. Its Belgians who are committing these crimes. They were born here went to school here, have build a life here. If you want to fight terrorism you don't drop bombs, you try to convince them that the life they have here is better than blowing yourself up in the name of a version of Allah's teachings that most Muslims find ridiculous. Every time you, and people like you yell." deport, kill, Islam is the enemy" you make trying to convince them harder. You strengthen their belief that the west is the enemy of Islam. I'm all for being vigilant, putting money in surveillance of suspected terrorist. But I want to stop it happening and the only way to do that is by looking at the reasons it is happening. That means looking at what the Muslims do wrong but also what makes teenage boys so disillusioned with Western society that blowing yourself up becomes a reasonable solution.
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here as needed labourers and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't matter if it's a first generation immigrant or a third, all Muslims are a danger.
What do you propose then? Kill all Muslims? Lock them up? Make them wear a sign? For once I would like somehow like you to think it trough all the way before spouting something.

Stop all Muslim immigration into Western countries.
-For a country that can attribute a lot of it's early immigrants to people escaping religious persecution, you sound terrible xenophobia.
Deport all non-citizen Muslims.
-Making being the right religion a condition of acceptance in a country and punishing those who don't have the right religion are tings that belong during the times of the Spanish inquisition, or more recently Hitlers Germany, neither of those things I hope you want to be associated with.
Closely monitor the rest on social media and at mosques, pick them up for treason as soon as they show signs of sympathy for ISIS, and deport them.
Thought police? How do you regulate thoughts. On this forum alone their are people who's beliefs aren't compatible with what most people would consider decent human relations. I've seen holocaust deniers, Christian religious zealots, people on both sides who wish violence on those who don't believe like them. Are they all traitors? And deport them to were? They have no nationality but that of the country they are deported from?

Just the ones that go around blowing people up. You're making this entirely too difficult.
How do you distinguish between those who talk smack online and those who find it a good idea to act out in real life?
Quit starting wars in the ME.
We do not start ME wars?

25 countries + the UN told Sadaam he must leave Kuwait. He refuse to comply. You all like the UN? correct?

Next time.........Iraq refused to comply with UN agreements. More countries + the UN had to intervene.

Israel..........simply responds to constant attacks.

We started a war without a clue.

That's a fact.

And now the ME is in a mess.

Nation building and regime change were bad ideas.

I have a fix !!!!

It would be better to get them alive...

It would be better if they were never let into the country to begin with.
Thats the problem with liberals,after every terrorist attack you wring your hands, and not only do you do nothing about it you exacerbate the problem by letting more of them in.

If you want to commit suicide I'm sure there are plenty tall buildings or other structures you can jump off but I dont want to go down with you thanks.

And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
Better sharing intelligence.
Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

Like that'll work.
Half the time these terrorist are known to the police and the gov yet they do nothing due to political correctness.
I don't know about other countries, but here it is because the FBI is overworked and understaffed. Do NOT support budget cuts on that agency. They need MORE people and MORE ability to do their jobs. It's not P.C. slowing them down.
It would be better if they were never let into the country to begin with.
Thats the problem with liberals,after every terrorist attack you wring your hands, and not only do you do nothing about it you exacerbate the problem by letting more of them in.

If you want to commit suicide I'm sure there are plenty tall buildings or other structures you can jump off but I dont want to go down with you thanks.

And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
Better sharing intelligence.
Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

Like that'll work.
Half the time these terrorist are known to the police and the gov yet they do nothing due to political correctness.
I don't know about other countries, but here it is because the FBI is overworked and understaffed. Do NOT support budget cuts on that agency. They need MORE people and MORE ability to do their jobs. It's not P.C. slowing them down.
I read last week I believe, that following one suspected terrorist takes 30 full time agents. I think it's pretty impossible to cover them all.
It would be better if they were never let into the country to begin with.
Thats the problem with liberals,after every terrorist attack you wring your hands, and not only do you do nothing about it you exacerbate the problem by letting more of them in.

If you want to commit suicide I'm sure there are plenty tall buildings or other structures you can jump off but I dont want to go down with you thanks.

And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
Better sharing intelligence.
Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

Like that'll work.
Half the time these terrorist are known to the police and the gov yet they do nothing due to political correctness.

I wouldn't be so quick to label it "political correctness" have to have something actionable or probable cause. They probably have to weed through thousands of "tips" hafl of which may be nothing.

If they've done enough to be put on a terrorist watch list they get an ankle bracelet or a ticket to the muslim country of their choice,if they refuse to choose we'll choose for them.
Who can read French?
And the problem with you rightwingers is after every terrorist attack you want to round everyone up and intern them. (yes, we can all broad brush)

We right-wingers are not dreamers, but realists. Only effective measures can prevent Muslim terror in any western country.


Though we might disagree on "effective".

Good vetting on immigrants/refugees.
Good relations with Muslim and immigrant communities and taking their reports seriously.
Beefing up policing and investing in it - quit cutting police forces.
Quit starting wars in the ME.
Better sharing intelligence.
Deporting foreign nationals associated with terrorism (even if they haven't yet committed an act) or who have violent criminal records.
Looking at ways of reducing/eliminating terrorist propoganda from social media and the internet.
Make possession of it a serious crime and distribution of it even more so.

Like that'll work.
Half the time these terrorist are known to the police and the gov yet they do nothing due to political correctness.
I don't know about other countries, but here it is because the FBI is overworked and understaffed. Do NOT support budget cuts on that agency. They need MORE people and MORE ability to do their jobs. It's not P.C. slowing them down.
I read last week I believe, that following one suspected terrorist takes 30 full time agents. I think it's pretty impossible to cover them all.

Making that list smaller, through attrition, would certainly lower the workload.
They wanted a globalism, now they get a dose of it every other day. No one told the muzzies that the "sophisticated" Euro trash were trying to be their friends. KABOOM!
I always love how without having ANY information you guys immediately seem to know that it was a Muslim and a foreigner. I'm Belgian btw, most terrorist attacks in Europe aren't committed by refugees but by second or third generation immigrants. Their parents came here and in general adapted to our way of live. Their children have usually the nationality of their adopted country. It is a complex sociological, moral and political problem and boiling it down to. Europeans are trash and they aren't xenophobic enough, is wrong in it's premise, simplistic, not to mention morally reprehensible.
He yelled Alluh Ahkbar!!

‘ISIS’ Suicide Bombing Stopped at Brussels Central Train Station
So what? Even if he did, does that somehow confirms your assertion this attack happened because our open borders?

Wake the fuck up, you stupid shit. If you didn't let them in, then how did they get there? The terrorist fairy?

You are too stupid to breathe without your brain stem.
They were already here. That little fact was literally my second sentence. They aren't Syrians, Iraqis or Moroccans. Its Belgians who are committing these crimes. They were born here went to school here, have build a life here. If you want to fight terrorism you don't drop bombs, you try to convince them that the life they have here is better than blowing yourself up in the name of a version of Allah's teachings that most Muslims find ridiculous. Every time you, and people like you yell." deport, kill, Islam is the enemy" you make trying to convince them harder. You strengthen their belief that the west is the enemy of Islam. I'm all for being vigilant, putting money in surveillance of suspected terrorist. But I want to stop it happening and the only way to do that is by looking at the reasons it is happening. That means looking at what the Muslims do wrong but also what makes teenage boys so disillusioned with Western society that blowing yourself up becomes a reasonable solution.
Just yesterday I had a talk with a teenaged student who thinks when he's got his equivalency diploma, he'd like to go into the military. I asked what type of work he'd like to do--there are so many ways to branch out. He said "I just want to be a badass."

That's part of it, too, Forkup. A lot of young men go through a phase of wanting to be a badass. ISIS gives them a really romantic vision of being a rough, tough guy. I'm not sure we can ever get rid of that impulse, but we can certainly work on helping the badass boys realize that killing innocent civilians is NOT cool.
Islam strokes again.
The only solution: Western countries shall became Right-Wing dictatorships, throw all Muslims away, prohibit Islam, Leftism and any kind of Liberalism.
Otherwise Muslims will kill all non-Muslims after they gain majority in western countries.
Plain and simple.
Muslims always killed non-Muslims, they will continue to do is again and again, because their 'Prophet' and Quran demand it.

Brussels train station explosion sees suspect ‘with explosives belt’ shot by troops as passenger flee

Troops swarmed the city centre terminal after unverified reports of a blast inside

Brussels train station explosion sees suspect 'with explosives belt' shot by troops as passengers flee

The Liberal Western Future

It's the religion of piss and Jihad.

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