

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
This is the Race Relations/Racism forum, but reading most threads you'd think it's the "Absolutely Terrified, Spineless, Irrational, Ridiculous Chickenshit" forum. Well over half of all the threads here are just 'limited' individuals venting about whatever irrational if not imaginary issue happens to be frightening them on a given day.

A man and a woman get together in exactly the manner nature designed them to, but if they differ in appearance in the most superficial and irrelevant way, it is all but certain that at least three or four people on this forum will lose their shit in a panic about "genocide!" Such panicky pussies misuse and redefine terminology with leftist enthusiasm.

Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.

The hostility to logic and submission to fear by so many of the people who post on this forum almost always preclude any actual meaningful discussion on what the forum is intended for.
So we're not being invaded by thousands and thousands of illegal undocumented aliens from Mexico, Central America, or elsewhere across our southern border? Okay, got it.
Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.
Yes, the damn government is failing in its responsibility to prevent it. That's what the so called "dimwits" are screaming about. Try to get the government to enforce immigration law already passed by congress and signed by the president and get called a racist. Do you think keeping quiet will lead to a correction to not enforcing immigration laws?

Also, have you ever used a word figuratively? "Invasion" might not be literally correct, but figuratively it's the perfect word.
This is the Race Relations/Racism forum, but reading most threads you'd think it's the "Absolutely Terrified, Spineless, Irrational, Ridiculous Chickenshit" forum. Well over half of all the threads here are just 'limited' individuals venting about whatever irrational if not imaginary issue happens to be frightening them on a given day.

A man and a woman get together in exactly the manner nature designed them to, but if they differ in appearance in the most superficial and irrelevant way, it is all but certain that at least three or four people on this forum will lose their shit in a panic about "genocide!" Such panicky pussies misuse and redefine terminology with leftist enthusiasm.

Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.

The hostility to logic and submission to fear by so many of the people who post on this forum almost always preclude any actual meaningful discussion on what the forum is intended for.

Stop trying to turn rational thought process into an action of fear.
1 million rebel Muslim Syrians a year for the next ten years is indeed an invasion. And will end badly for the United States. But don't use fear as proof. Use Germany's invasion as an example instead.
No borders is a UN directive that voids our immigration policy that has served us well for hundreds of years. Fear has nothing to do with wanting our laws to be upheld. We need to get the UN out of our White House and Congress.

This man told you the truth. Learn from it:

I'm getting phobaphobia listening to the list of phobias the libs keep tossing out there....
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So we're not being invaded by thousands and thousands of illegal undocumented aliens from Mexico, Central America, or elsewhere across our southern border? Okay, got it.
No, ‘we’re’ not.

The true threat and danger to America is this sort of fear, ignorance, stupidity, and hate.
I don't post often on this board. The name of this board should be The Racist Board because it contains mostly racist rants from racists of many different colors. Not everything should be seen through a prism of race.
This is the Race Relations/Racism forum, but reading most threads you'd think it's the "Absolutely Terrified, Spineless, Irrational, Ridiculous Chickenshit" forum. Well over half of all the threads here are just 'limited' individuals venting about whatever irrational if not imaginary issue happens to be frightening them on a given day.

A man and a woman get together in exactly the manner nature designed them to, but if they differ in appearance in the most superficial and irrelevant way, it is all but certain that at least three or four people on this forum will lose their shit in a panic about "genocide!" Such panicky pussies misuse and redefine terminology with leftist enthusiasm.

Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.

The hostility to logic and submission to fear by so many of the people who post on this forum almost always preclude any actual meaningful discussion on what the forum is intended for.

Stop trying to turn rational thought process into an action of fear.
1 million rebel Muslim Syrians a year for the next ten years is indeed an invasion. And will end badly for the United States. But don't use fear as proof. Use Germany's invasion as an example instead.
No borders is a UN directive that voids our immigration policy that has served us well for hundreds of years. Fear has nothing to do with wanting our laws to be upheld. We need to get the UN out of our White House and Congress.

This man told you the truth. Learn from it:

I'm getting phobaphobia listening to the list of phobias the libs keep tossing out there....
No one is ‘trying’ to do anything.

Your fear of immigrants is in fact unwarranted and irrational.

Your fear is predicated on ignorance, and the unfounded belief that immigrants will somehow ‘change’ America, and that they pose some sort of ‘threat’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And your attempt to propagate lies about Syrian refugees is typical of most on the hateful right; the nonsense about ‘terrorism’ is nothing but a façade behind which you attempt to hide your bigotry toward Muslims.

The United States is a Nation of immigrants, it is among our most important assets, and welcoming immigrants to America is among our most fundamental values – a value you and other frightened, hateful conservatives clearly oppose.
This is the Race Relations/Racism forum, but reading most threads you'd think it's the "Absolutely Terrified, Spineless, Irrational, Ridiculous Chickenshit" forum. Well over half of all the threads here are just 'limited' individuals venting about whatever irrational if not imaginary issue happens to be frightening them on a given day.

A man and a woman get together in exactly the manner nature designed them to, but if they differ in appearance in the most superficial and irrelevant way, it is all but certain that at least three or four people on this forum will lose their shit in a panic about "genocide!" Such panicky pussies misuse and redefine terminology with leftist enthusiasm.

Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.

The hostility to logic and submission to fear by so many of the people who post on this forum almost always preclude any actual meaningful discussion on what the forum is intended for.

Stop trying to turn rational thought process into an action of fear.
1 million rebel Muslim Syrians a year for the next ten years is indeed an invasion. And will end badly for the United States. But don't use fear as proof. Use Germany's invasion as an example instead.
No borders is a UN directive that voids our immigration policy that has served us well for hundreds of years. Fear has nothing to do with wanting our laws to be upheld. We need to get the UN out of our White House and Congress.

This man told you the truth. Learn from it:

I'm getting phobaphobia listening to the list of phobias the libs keep tossing out there....
No one is ‘trying’ to do anything.

Your fear of immigrants is in fact unwarranted and irrational.

Your fear is predicated on ignorance, and the unfounded belief that immigrants will somehow ‘change’ America, and that they pose some sort of ‘threat’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And your attempt to propagate lies about Syrian refugees is typical of most on the hateful right; the nonsense about ‘terrorism’ is nothing but a façade behind which you attempt to hide your bigotry toward Muslims.

The United States is a Nation of immigrants, it is among our most important assets, and welcoming immigrants to America is among our most fundamental values – a value you and other frightened, hateful conservatives clearly oppose.

This is not "conservative", but rather reactionary, anxious, fearful and a race based distraction from the power structure's cannibalization of american society for their own ends and enrichment.
So we're not being invaded by thousands and thousands of illegal undocumented aliens from Mexico, Central America, or elsewhere across our southern border? Okay, got it.
Net decrease over the years actually. Building a wall could stop those people from leaving though. Maybe that's Trump's secret plan.
This is the Race Relations/Racism forum, but reading most threads you'd think it's the "Absolutely Terrified, Spineless, Irrational, Ridiculous Chickenshit" forum. Well over half of all the threads here are just 'limited' individuals venting about whatever irrational if not imaginary issue happens to be frightening them on a given day.

A man and a woman get together in exactly the manner nature designed them to, but if they differ in appearance in the most superficial and irrelevant way, it is all but certain that at least three or four people on this forum will lose their shit in a panic about "genocide!" Such panicky pussies misuse and redefine terminology with leftist enthusiasm.

Some people - including many kids too young and powerless to have any say in it - cross our border illegally because the damn government consistently fails in its responsibility to prevent it, and a whole chorus of dimwits will start screaming "invasion!" as if they are completely ignorant of the meaning of the word and what it has actually meant historically.

The hostility to logic and submission to fear by so many of the people who post on this forum almost always preclude any actual meaningful discussion on what the forum is intended for.

Stop trying to turn rational thought process into an action of fear.
1 million rebel Muslim Syrians a year for the next ten years is indeed an invasion. And will end badly for the United States. But don't use fear as proof. Use Germany's invasion as an example instead.
No borders is a UN directive that voids our immigration policy that has served us well for hundreds of years. Fear has nothing to do with wanting our laws to be upheld. We need to get the UN out of our White House and Congress.

This man told you the truth. Learn from it:

I'm getting phobaphobia listening to the list of phobias the libs keep tossing out there....
No one is ‘trying’ to do anything.

Your fear of immigrants is in fact unwarranted and irrational.

Your fear is predicated on ignorance, and the unfounded belief that immigrants will somehow ‘change’ America, and that they pose some sort of ‘threat’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And your attempt to propagate lies about Syrian refugees is typical of most on the hateful right; the nonsense about ‘terrorism’ is nothing but a façade behind which you attempt to hide your bigotry toward Muslims.

The United States is a Nation of immigrants, it is among our most important assets, and welcoming immigrants to America is among our most fundamental values – a value you and other frightened, hateful conservatives clearly oppose.

You have fear confused with reality.
Not only do I not fear immigrants, I love them to this day. I grew up with the grandchildren children of immigrants. The difference between the hard working people that came here to provide a better life for themselves and their children, is that they wanted to become Americans who were from Italy, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Greece... They made their kids speak English at home, and the kids taught it to their parents. Their proudest moment was making their citizenship legal. And I can't think of ONE that sat on their ass collecting welfare. Not one.

Obama's immigrants, are Syrians, Mexicans, ISIS, and others that want to be Syrians, Mexicans, and ISIS who live in and suck from America, as Syrians, Mexicans, and ISIS. They take down our buildings and kill people in night clubs. The more their #'s increase. The more terrorism we will be subjected to. Just like France. Just like Germany.


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When one is young, they are filled with curiosity, optimism, and feelings of good will toward all humanity.

When you become old, as I have started to, you realize most people will screw you over, and you can only trust people who are similar to you, and that includes race. And even then you have to be careful.
I have fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of death. Phobias are just human. I don't want to fall, or get bitten by a poisonous arachnid or die. Phobias aren't bad things liberals make them out to be. I despise people telling me what NOT to fear. That is another issue.
When one is young, they are filled with curiosity, optimism, and feelings of good will toward all humanity.

When you become old, as I have started to, you realize most people will screw you over, and you can only trust people who are similar to you, and that includes race. And even then you have to be careful.

Pathetic attempts like this ^^^^^ at justifying irrational cowardice only prove the OP.
I have fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of death. Phobias are just human. I don't want to fall, or get bitten by a poisonous arachnid or die. Phobias aren't bad things liberals make them out to be. I despise people telling me what NOT to fear. That is another issue.

I have fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of death. Phobias are just human. I don't want to fall, or get bitten by a poisonous arachnid or die. Phobias aren't bad things liberals make them out to be. I despise people telling me what NOT to fear. That is another issue.

Sorry, I am an emoji phobic. So, what's wrong with being phobic, wiesenheimer? It's human, and besides, you seem to be a realityphobe.

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