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papers, please - once again republicans are working against freedom

I don't know anyone who doesn't varry I.D. Even teens without licenses generally have a school tag or a library card, why would anyone leave their wallet at home? Ever?

You are not required to carry your ID on you and you can't be compelled to show it without probable cause. If I was walking down the street and a cop just randomly approached me and asked me for my ID I don't have to legally show it to him.
Everyone who travels to Arizona will have to carry citizenship papers.

Where in the fucking world did that ever happen, Hitler germany comes to mind

Just your standard State issued ID card is more than sufficient. If you happen to do something illegal and get stopped.

SB1070 - 492R - Senate Fact Sheet

1. Requires a reasonable attempt to be made to determine the immigration status of a person during any legitimate contact made by an official or agency of the state or a county, city, town or political subdivision (political subdivision) if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the U.S.
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill Stirs National Debate

An Arizona bill that would impose some of the toughest immigration laws in the country is generating a storm of controversy nationwide as it tracks toward the governor's desk.

The Arizona Senate voted Monday to approve the final version of the bill, which was voted up on a party-line vote by the state House last Tuesday. If it's signed by Gov. Jan Brewer, it would give police in the state broad new powers to arrest and charge people suspected of being in the country illegally.

so glad the small government conservatives of the republican party are working to preserve people's freedom

They are approaching this entirely the wrong way. I agree that Arizona needs to crack down on illegal immigration because it's a big problem there, but they can do that by going after the employers who knowingly hire illegal labor and throwing them in jail and shutting their business down. They can also check for proof of citizenship when people apply for welfare benefits. When the jobs and free money dry up the illegals will leave on their own accord.

My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that under this bill the cops have the right to stop anybody and require proof of citizenship just because they suspect they could possibly be here illegally. Well, how do you determine that? By race? Is a 30 year old born and raised American man with Hispanic heritage going to get pulled over and asked for his ID just because he looks Mexican? That's unacceptable and it's a violation of civil rights.
The libertarians and reactionaries are defending the need for "papers"? Pure hypocritical politicalism of a true national issue. Sorry lozers.

all worried about salt and willing to carry papers like in Nazi Germany?

its just soo fucked up
The libertarians and reactionaries are defending the need for "papers"? Pure hypocritical politicalism of a true national issue. Sorry lozers.

I beg your pardon. Conservatives may be defending this, but libertarians are doing no such thing. :evil:
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill Stirs National Debate

so glad the small government conservatives of the republican party are working to preserve people's freedom

Lets see arresting people for breaking the law, that's not really a novel idea. It has been going on for a while now.

Why does that upset you?

since when do people have to carry ID in america at all times? since when could police threaten people with arrest simple because they think they are in the couuntry illegally? how many mexican american citizens will go to jail and face charges, ffines, and court dates unnecessarily once this is enforced?

I for one of many, I am sure, have carried an I.D. since I was first issued a SS#, then after that, a drivers license, then the military. I have NEVER gone anywhere to my recollection without some I.D. In fact I don't know any, except for those who have, forgotten their wallet or maybe have something to hide, that would not carry any I.D. and for a few other reasons than just 'proving' your an American citizen.

With the world situation today and the threats to our security, I want to know who is here legally and who is not!
I for one of many, I am sure, have carried an I.D. since I was first issued a SS#, then after that, a drivers license, then the military. I have NEVER gone anywhere to my recollection without some I.D. In fact I don't know any, except for those who have, forgotten their wallet or maybe have something to hide, that would not carry any I.D. and for a few other reasons than just 'proving' your an American citizen.

With the world situation today and the threats to our security, I want to know who is here legally and who is not!

The Founding Fathers faced far more dangerous times than we do and if Ben Franklin were alive today I doubt he'd share your opinion. In his own words:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
The feds will stop them, Ollie, simple as that. I do agree with you that we should shut the border down, period. But business (the GOP) and special indentity politics (the Dems) will not permit it.

The feds can't stop them.

Think not? Try, but make sure you have you bail bondsman and attorney on speed dial.

I own a bail bonds company. But why should I need a bondsman or an attorney? I haven't broke any laws.
They are supposed to heave you in jail if you dont have your papers.

Just like in nazi occupied europe
The libertarians and reactionaries are defending the need for "papers"? Pure hypocritical politicalism of a true national issue. Sorry lozers.

all worried about salt and willing to carry papers like in Nazi Germany?

its just soo fucked up

Well some of us care who's coming into our country and whether or not they have a legal right to be here. Some of us respect the rule of law.
Fine, uppity water nymph, but the feds will put an end to it immediately.

oh so the feds have time to get Arizona back in line but they won't address the drugs and murders and kidnappings by the illegals in border towns?? what duz that tell ya?
I for one of many, I am sure, have carried an I.D. since I was first issued a SS#, then after that, a drivers license, then the military. I have NEVER gone anywhere to my recollection without some I.D. In fact I don't know any, except for those who have, forgotten their wallet or maybe have something to hide, that would not carry any I.D. and for a few other reasons than just 'proving' your an American citizen.

With the world situation today and the threats to our security, I want to know who is here legally and who is not!

The Founding Fathers faced far more dangerous times than we do and if Ben Franklin were alive today I doubt he'd share your opinion. In his own words:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

With all due respect Bro, let me re-read good ole Ben's words again:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." quote Ben Franklin

Okay, I guess Ben's,blanket statement from the 1700's, means you and I have to, when someone knocks on or just open our doors and walk into our 'homes' we have to respect THEIR liberty as well as ours, and let them have free roam throughout our house without knowing who they are?


Sorry, with all due respect to Ben Franklin, we HAVE to know who is in 'OUR HOUSE'. This isn't just about the illegal aliens such as Mexicans,Brazilians and others who are just trying to make money and have no 'evil plans' etc, it is also about Terrorists and others who are here to destroy our way of life.

Don't come into our country, the land of the FREE, so far anyway, and the first thing you do is violate the law of the land. The illegals for the most part, don't respect our laws or our people and snub their noses at law enforcement.
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Bill Stirs National Debate

so glad the small government conservatives of the republican party are working to preserve people's freedom

Your thread title is a blatant lie. Illegal immigration has undermined our social infrastructure and economy.

Illegal immigrants are criminals the second they cross the border. Law enforcement in this nation is not responsible for protecting the freedom of criminals. Matter of fact, we keep our criminals in cages, don't we?

This is nothing but fear-mongering.

You are off the reservation, gunny. Police state tactics are unacceptable in our Republic. Enforce the border security, and the issue will go away.

Wrong. There are no police state tactics here. Much adieu about nothing.

I'm all for enforcing the border. Your brethren lefties consider that police state tactics too.

Illegal aliens are criminals. We hunt down criminals and throw them in jail for committing crimes.
Everyone who travels to Arizona will have to carry citizenship papers.

Where in the fucking world did that ever happen, Hitler germany comes to mind

The fascist you helped put in the Office of the President of the United States has already covered that "Hitler's Germany" thing nicely.
Your thread title is a blatant lie. Illegal immigration has undermined our social infrastructure and economy.

Illegal immigrants are criminals the second they cross the border. Law enforcement in this nation is not responsible for protecting the freedom of criminals. Matter of fact, we keep our criminals in cages, don't we?

This is nothing but fear-mongering.

You are off the reservation, gunny. Police state tactics are unacceptable in our Republic. Enforce the border security, and the issue will go away.

Wrong. There are no police state tactics here. Much adieu about nothing.

I'm all for enforcing the border. Your brethren lefties consider that police state tactics too.

Illegal aliens are criminals. We hunt down criminals and throw them in jail for committing crimes.

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