Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people :)

I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty...but maybe they should be trafficked in place of their victims ;)

Did you know that Buddhists have taken women and put them in a bamboo cage on the side of an isolated mountain or hill to die a slow death of starvation? That is something they do - I know they do it because I know of a woman that was rescued from one of those cages - had someone not come along and released her she would have died for certain! The Buddhists have some downright horrific ways of killing people. Far more satanic than that picture they present themselves of meditating on a pillow with their eyes shut! Starvation is one of the most painful deaths a person can endure. It is a slow gradual death that causes tremendous pain and suffering to the victim. It's downright evil. As for making them be trafficked - so they know what it feels like - it's a thought. Selling children is a wicked thing to do to a child. No conscience to do that.

actually ----death from starvation at the very end is not all that unpleasant-----but for the record-----muslims used starvation siege to murder hundreds of millions historically-----they did it in BIAFRA where dried up kids died in the dust in the early 1970s (I call that modern times.) A distant relative of mine seems to have convincing evidence that the arabs of ARABIA (that includes Saudi Arabia and Yemen)----knocked off a few million jews by isolating them on a kind of deserted island and starving them to death) -----starvation siege is what muslims did a lot more than Buddhists------not to trivialize the barbarity of some Buddhists of the past or even of the present time------ask a TAMIL HINDU (another tidbit------the jews of east Jerusalem were subjected to starvation siege in the late 1940s COYOTE will call me a "LIAR")f

In Thailand and Myanmar they also make slaves of the boys and adult men using them for fishing industry and they maim them to keep them from running away and I also put up a thread of them knocking all their teeth out when they beat them up so they can't eat. And the fishing industry is thriving because of the tens of thousands of victims of this slavery - many are growing up in it and they are on the water - kept there and never get to go on land - they are barely given enough to survive as they continue to work that fishing boat - It's Costco and Walmart and big corporations who buy that seafood too. I did a thread on it on this board but I didn't connect the dots until now.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

Unmolested emigration--------keep in mind----coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan----ie east Bengal ---aka Bangladesh were cut down as they fled-------kids dead in the mud 1971-------they still clog the streets of
Calcutta (Kolkata)---------forgotten
Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.

Yes and historically and ongoing there is sexual slavery involving children purchased in Indonesia, India and Pakistan by rich OIL GUYS for home use----for
the entertainment of guests. The tamil vs Buddhist thing is a very long standing
horror ------it is news to you? you don't get around much. sheesh I have had tamil friends right here in the USA-----on the other hand I have also had Thai Buddhist colleagues-----

Never said it was "news" to me - it's quite old but ongoing.

right-----ongoing-----like the Islamic barbarity that you trivialize-----not only ongoing but---TO YOUR DELIGHT----growing in its filth---by leaps and bounds
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

You sound like the people who support sending the Israeli's back to Europe where many had ancesters who immigrated from there - completely unmolested. I mean, it doesn't matter that they lived in one place for generations, centuries in some cases or that the culture you support sending them to is hostile.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

Unmolested emigration--------keep in mind----coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan----ie east Bengal ---aka Bangladesh were cut down as they fled-------kids dead in the mud 1971-------they still clog the streets of
Calcutta (Kolkata)---------forgotten

Really now're making up stories again (or maybe you can provide a link?). Is that the best you come up with for your screwed up ethics here? Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well? The horrors of partition? Or are you one of those weirdos that supports it when the ethnic group you despise is cut down? Religious extremism and it's associated violence is not restricted to one religion - it's a human trait. You should stop making excuses for it.
Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has just as much right to declare sri Lanka a 100% Buddhist country as MALDIVES has in declaring Maldives a 100% muslim country Why do you spit on Buddhist rights, coyote-----whilst licking the shit of islam?

Oh...I think I understand it how your ethics work. Two wrongs make a right. Sheesh.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

You sound like the people who support sending the Israeli's back to Europe where many had ancesters who immigrated from there - completely unmolested. I mean, it doesn't matter that they lived in one place for generations, centuries in some cases or that the culture you support sending them to is hostile.

EXCELLENT TYPICAL ISLAMO NAZI COMEBACK COYOTE----sheesh---you are insisting that the dozens and dozens and dozens of muslim countries HATE MUSLIMS? and that they OPPRESS MUSLIMS? --------they hate and oppress muslis in the muslim shariah shit hole INDONESIA? PAKISTAN, ? BANGLA DESH AFGHANISTAN? SAUDI ARABIA, JORDAN? etc etc etc-----unmolested immigration is a lot better than shit like you afforded escaping jews-----after my mother in law would have been splayed out and raped whilst you giggled------she still would have had to ESCAPE the shit hole of her birth (well---actually she escaped before you got to giggle) I have no desire to see little girls splayed out and raped (as do you) nor do I want them to have to ESCAPE---to get to the arms of their loving bretheren-------I am not you
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

You sound like the people who support sending the Israeli's back to Europe where many had ancesters who immigrated from there - completely unmolested. I mean, it doesn't matter that they lived in one place for generations, centuries in some cases or that the culture you support sending them to is hostile.

EXCELLENT TYPICAL ISLAMO NAZI COMEBACK COYOTE----sheesh---you are insisting that the dozens and dozens and dozens of muslim countries HATE MUSLIMS? and that they OPPRESS MUSLIMS? --------they hate and oppress muslis in the muslim shariah shit hole INDONESIA? PAKISTAN, ? BANGLA DESH AFGHANISTAN? SAUDI ARABIA, JORDAN? etc etc etc-----unmolested immigration is a lot better than shit like you afforded escaping jews-----after my mother in law would have been splayed out and raped whilst you giggled------she still would have had to ESCAPE the shit hole of her birth (well---actually she escaped before you got to giggle) I have no desire to see little girls splayed out and raped (as do you) nor do I want them to have to ESCAPE---to get to the arms of their loving bretheren-------I am not you

No. I'm "insisting" you are silly for assuming that religion is the only thing that binds people or that all people's of a particular religion are culturally the same.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

Unmolested emigration--------keep in mind----coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan----ie east Bengal ---aka Bangladesh were cut down as they fled-------kids dead in the mud 1971-------they still clog the streets of
Calcutta (Kolkata)---------forgotten

Really now're making up stories again (or maybe you can provide a link?). Is that the best you come up with for your screwed up ethics here? Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well? The horrors of partition? Or are you one of those weirdos that supports it when the ethnic group you despise is cut down? Religious extremism and it's associated violence is not restricted to one religion - it's a human trait. You should stop making excuses for it.

more stinking shit from COCK SUCKING WHORE COYOTE----notice the lies of the pile of depraved shit-----the lump of shit claims that I have denied the fact that hindus killed muslims during partition. of course the DISGUSTING COCK SUCKING WHORE can never show that "LINK" because I never so stated-----she simply used a typical islamo Nazi technique ----the SHIT MOUTH LIE ---repeated

SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH, SHOW ME THE LINK BITCH-----lying stinking bitch coyote-----show me the link

shit mouth weirdo dances on dead babies whore, coyote----STRIKES AGAIN

show me the link, bitch. For the record----I got both versions of partition-----interestingly enough-----from the muslim side "hindus murdered us by the millions"-----from the hindu side------"people killed each other"-----however my take on the situation was not anything like the perverted shit mouth liar as is coyote-----it was clear to me that both hindus and muslims murdered each other massively------unlike coyote I am not a shit mouthed muslim ass kissing liar as is coyote

No. I'm "insisting" you are silly for assuming that religion is the only thing that binds people or that all people's of a particular religion are culturally the same.[/QUOTE]

AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

Unmolested emigration--------keep in mind----coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan----ie east Bengal ---aka Bangladesh were cut down as they fled-------kids dead in the mud 1971-------they still clog the streets of
Calcutta (Kolkata)---------forgotten

Really now're making up stories again (or maybe you can provide a link?). Is that the best you come up with for your screwed up ethics here? Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well? The horrors of partition? Or are you one of those weirdos that supports it when the ethnic group you despise is cut down? Religious extremism and it's associated violence is not restricted to one religion - it's a human trait. You should stop making excuses for it.

more stinking shit from COCK SUCKING WHORE COYOTE----notice the lies of the pile of depraved shit-----the lump of shit claims that I have denied the fact that hindus killed muslims during partition. of course the DISGUSTING COCK SUCKING WHORE can never show that "LINK" because I never so stated-----she simply used a typical islamo Nazi technique ----the SHIT MOUTH LIE ---repeated

SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH, SHOW ME THE LINK BITCH-----lying stinking bitch coyote-----show me the link

shit mouth weirdo dances on dead babies whore, coyote----STRIKES AGAIN

show me the link, bitch. For the record----I got both versions of partition-----interestingly enough-----from the muslim side "hindus murdered us by the millions"-----from the hindu side------"people killed each other"-----however my take on the situation was not anything like the perverted shit mouth liar as is coyote-----it was clear to me that both hindus and muslims murdered each other massively------unlike coyote I am not a shit mouthed muslim ass kissing liar as is coyote

Calm down and read what I actually wrote for a change. "Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well?" is not the same as "claims that I have denied the fact that hindus killed muslims during partition"

Now, can you show me the link for your claim?: coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan

Does it make any difference what religion terrorists, human traffickers etc hail from? No. Except to you. Some of the countries with the worst human rights and trafficking abuses are Muslim. A disproportianate number are also Buddhist. Hindus aren't much better when religion turns into religious nationalism.
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.

Unmolested emigration--------keep in mind----coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan----ie east Bengal ---aka Bangladesh were cut down as they fled-------kids dead in the mud 1971-------they still clog the streets of
Calcutta (Kolkata)---------forgotten

Really now're making up stories again (or maybe you can provide a link?). Is that the best you come up with for your screwed up ethics here? Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well? The horrors of partition? Or are you one of those weirdos that supports it when the ethnic group you despise is cut down? Religious extremism and it's associated violence is not restricted to one religion - it's a human trait. You should stop making excuses for it.

more stinking shit from COCK SUCKING WHORE COYOTE----notice the lies of the pile of depraved shit-----the lump of shit claims that I have denied the fact that hindus killed muslims during partition. of course the DISGUSTING COCK SUCKING WHORE can never show that "LINK" because I never so stated-----she simply used a typical islamo Nazi technique ----the SHIT MOUTH LIE ---repeated

SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH SHOW ME THE LINK , BITCH, SHOW ME THE LINK BITCH-----lying stinking bitch coyote-----show me the link

shit mouth weirdo dances on dead babies whore, coyote----STRIKES AGAIN

show me the link, bitch. For the record----I got both versions of partition-----interestingly enough-----from the muslim side "hindus murdered us by the millions"-----from the hindu side------"people killed each other"-----however my take on the situation was not anything like the perverted shit mouth liar as is coyote-----it was clear to me that both hindus and muslims murdered each other massively------unlike coyote I am not a shit mouthed muslim ass kissing liar as is coyote

Calm down and read what I actually wrote for a change. "Do you forget the muslims fleeing the hindu's as well?" is not the same as "claims that I have denied the fact that hindus killed muslims during partition"

Now, can you show me the link for your claim?: coyote giggled as hindus fleeing the Pakistani army from east Pakistan

Does it make any difference what religion terrorists, human traffickers etc hail from? No. Except to you. Some of the countries with the worst human rights and trafficking abuses are Muslim. A disproportianate number are also Buddhist. Hindus aren't much better when religion turns into religious nationalism.

You have consistently trivialized the history of Islamic atrocities -----in all of the various parts of the world at which they have happened----essentially wherever there is islam. I strongly doubt that a "DISPROPORTIONATE" number of
Buddhist groups or individuals engage in human rights violations----as Buddhist
groups or individuals. There is no question that lots of Buddhist countries are grossly impoverished and grossly over populated leading to utter misery but most of that problem does not result in OUT OF GROUP aggression Hindus----another people who----as individuals and groups do engage in human rights violations but generally against their own. Ie--inter caste horrors -----something like the sectarian issues that also afflict islam. Large groups of hindus do not gather together to change DEATH TO THE USA nor do hindu groups send terrorists
from New Dehli to New York City to MURDER FOR RAMA
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years

I haven't read to much about his background - and unfortunately, he's dead so it's hard to know what his thoughts were or why he did what he did.
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
AGAIN the cock sucking whore DECIDES that SHE KNOWS what I THINK-----show me the link, BITCH --------(for the record----coyote had decided that I "believe" that religion is the "ONLY" thing that binds people and "all people of a given religion are culturally THE SAME" ------of course she can provide us with LINKS in which I so stated-----she has the links-----really----she must have THE LINKS----in fact I am a bit
dismayed that SHE insists that muslims treat their own like shit and garbage. My own family members- ----born in the US would have given their eyeteeth to receive
their relatives ------most of whom they did not know-----from the grips of her fellow islamo Nazis in Austria. My husbands family were also willing to give all they had to get their hands on fellow jews trying to escape the rape and mutilations that so exicite her in the shariah shit holes she defends). -----what bound them? gee-----they felt bound somehow------coyote rejects that idea-------they should have spit and said "DROP DEAD"

When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years

I haven't read to much about his background - and unfortunately, he's dead so it's hard to know what his thoughts were or why he did what he did.

I see that you are not into psychology----or history. Jesus is dead too----
but "what would jesus have done"-----is a question lots of people ask. Mr Mujahad had seen a psychiatrist-----that guy took notes------and even has a
memory-------guess what ----he is going to be interviewed and the doc's chart is
no longer actually completely -------PRIVILEGED. my guess is that the FBI will get it
A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
When you insist that muslim minorites should just be exported to some other muslim country certainly seems to indicate that you think religion is the only relevant characteristic.

If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years

I haven't read to much about his background - and unfortunately, he's dead so it's hard to know what his thoughts were or why he did what he did.

I see that you are not into psychology----or history. Jesus is dead too----
but "what would jesus have done"-----is a question lots of people ask. Mr Mujahad had seen a psychiatrist-----that guy took notes------and even has a
memory-------guess what ----he is going to be interviewed and the doc's chart is
no longer actually completely -------PRIVILEGED. my guess is that the FBI will get it Roof, Mr. M is another nutter?

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