Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

A very interesting issue brought to attention by coyote is the alienation of muslims who
migrate to the arms of their bretheren in muslim countries. The recent celebrity MUJADAD in Chattanooga----who murdered at least four US MILITARY kids for the glory of allah and prestige in the muslim world came out of KUWAIT with a Kuwaiti mother and a Palestinian father-------that makes him for all intents and purposes in Kuwait----a PALESTINIAN-------despised and hated by his own bretheren. Palestinians in Kuwait are considered shit. No wonder the kid was "depressed" enough to become a depraved murderer.
If the above is your perception-----then you are mistaken. I have stated that Buddhists have "JUST AS MUCH A RIGHT" to Buddhist cities as muslims do to
muslim cities. There are many many places in the world today----which were once culturally diverse but now either by law or by "customary situation" non-muslims can no longer live-------LOTS AND LOTS. There are places where a Buddhist temple cannot exist. -----as you know------but prefer to ignore. In consideration of that fact---especially the fact that some of those places were, historically --_CENTERS OF BUDDHIST CULTURE-----Buddhists feel a need to have BUDDHIST CITIES . For fun why not visit Saudi Arabia -----set up a tent---have a big giant Baptist prayer fest and then a picnic-----barbecue a pig

Hindus have a horror of eating beef. ------even I----little old me with some very
secularized hindu friends ----never serve beef to them ----only chicken and lamb. -----except for the vegetarians------I give up on them completely. Now go to Saudi Arabia ----sit on a park bench and eat a sandwich during ramadonnadingdong. Another one of my "stories"----when my son was in the navy it was his custom to shepherd his mates around in foreign places-----generally looking for an INDIAN restaurant------he tried it in the UAE----and a nervous hindu started to sweat and whispered anxiously "Ramadan". all sorts of people have reasons not to want-----the "others" around especially if there is a history of being oppressed by those "others"

So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years

I haven't read to much about his background - and unfortunately, he's dead so it's hard to know what his thoughts were or why he did what he did.

I see that you are not into psychology----or history. Jesus is dead too----
but "what would jesus have done"-----is a question lots of people ask. Mr Mujahad had seen a psychiatrist-----that guy took notes------and even has a
memory-------guess what ----he is going to be interviewed and the doc's chart is
no longer actually completely -------PRIVILEGED. my guess is that the FBI will get it Roof, Mr. M is another nutter?

yup and all from the same general pile-------ISLAMO NAZI----the movement was invented more than 1000 years ago as a syncresis of the creed of
CONSTANTINE and the creed of MUHUMMAD. Today ---far from slowing
down ----it is picking up momentum. The very first time I realized that the creed
was becoming very popular was something like (??) 35 years ago although I first encountered it more than 50 years ago. When arafart entered a church----looked
at a statue of Jesus and addressed it with something like "lord jesus.....we adore you etc etc ..." It was notable because muslims do not like to talk to statues and -----in general actually do have a remarkable disdain for anything "Christian" except their notion that jesus was really a muslim and was not crucified. Much
of shariah law in reference to non muslims is a direct lift from Constantine (the Justinian code) I saw the event as the beginning of a growing
Christian/muslim love affair (it may have been more like 40 years ago)
I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty.

I wouldn't object.
One has to look at what they do to their victims.
They take a young girl with a promise of good work, then people pay the traffickers to rape her many times a day.
I have absolutely no issue with any country that wished to remove them from the world, or any father of a victim that did the same.
No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people

And that's what it really boils down to.
We must care about the victims first, even if that upsets the human rights bunch by executing the evil sods that commit these crimes.
We have to consider the destroyed lives, the pain, the suffering, not worry about the people who cause it all.
This stuff goes on all over the world, and we have to get positive about it, doing every little thing to stamp it out.
I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty.

I wouldn't object.
One has to look at what they do to their victims.
They take a young girl with a promise of good work, then people pay the traffickers to rape her many times a day.
I have absolutely no issue with any country that wished to remove them from the world, or any father of a victim that did the same.

who engages in this "repeated rape" technique of enslavement? what good does it do the "enslavers" other than giving them free sex by rape
Christian terrorists in Tolikara, Papua (Indonesia) stormed a mosque today whilst people were performing the Eid Prayer setting the masjid on fire and attacking the worshipers with stones.
Christian terrorists also burned down 6 homes and 11 stores; and forced Muslims to flee the city.

The GIDI (Evangelical Christians) self-pronounced a ban on Eid prayers, wearing of the hijab and more in the city saying Muslims can go elsewhere.

Mosque burnt down during Eid prayers by Christian terrorists in Papua Indonesia

Had these Muslims recently beheaded Christians or raped Christian girls?

Indonesia? Isn't that where Muslims conducted a nearly complete genocide of Christians in the 1990's?
Once you get past all the hate shit, this thread is proving very interesting.

Human trafficking is happening here, but I don't know to what extent. I was offered a child by a taxi driver, but wasn't quick thinking enough to video the conversation and drop it off at the police nearest police station.
My error.

Sex crimes seem especially nasty to me because they're so personal against the victim, and can destroy the victim's whole life, not just be a bit of a pain as you'd expect with the theft of a car.
That's why I'm perfectly happy at removing the traffickers from their mortal coil.
If that disgusting service is ever offered again, I'll be faster off the mark.

I know this also happens in Malaysia, much of it in Jalan Bukit Bintang, KL.
It's usually a Chinese (Malaysian) guy, but also some of local blood; they offer you a young lady then, upon refusal, they offer you a young boy.
I'm guessing here, but as the area is so well known and these nasty sods are so easy to find, I'd suggest the local cops are corrupt.
The Chinese run hotels in Ipoh offer you a pro as standard with a room booking. Kids are available to those with that taste.
Thailand and other countries in that area have a massive child sex trade, mainly aimed at western tourists. Been there, was offered it, told them to fuck off, then left because I couldn't stand the filth 24/7.

One simply can't blame any given group of people.
If you do, you very obviously care little about the victims, just about some idiotic political bullshit.
Indonesia? Isn't that where Muslims conducted a nearly complete genocide of Christians in the 1990's?

No - You're probably thinking of the US sponsored dictator who killed thousands of communists.

Perhaps a little read of a history book before you make yourself look like a fucking idiot. :)
So because some Muslim countries commit atrocities that makes it ok for others to commit atrocities on people that have never themselves done anything wrong? Is that any different than Hitler's aim of "purifying" Europe?

The Burmese have never been oppressed by Muslims.

your construct makes no sense.-------and is in no way responsive to my post.
I wonder about the mindset of the Chattanooga Mujahad------he acted in the USA-----but did experience life in Kuwait as a despised minority person. Cops have discovered that he was treated for depression as an adolescent. "muslim kid from Kuwait------Palestinian----migrates to USA-------has all kinds of stuff----drugs, depression, this and that --also Palestinian relatives in Jordan----another sorta minority----actually more like majority but DISLIKED-----migrates to the USA and then MURDERS FOR ALLAH. I see a history--------I am into the history of a sickness. It is something I did for years

I haven't read to much about his background - and unfortunately, he's dead so it's hard to know what his thoughts were or why he did what he did.

I see that you are not into psychology----or history. Jesus is dead too----
but "what would jesus have done"-----is a question lots of people ask. Mr Mujahad had seen a psychiatrist-----that guy took notes------and even has a
memory-------guess what ----he is going to be interviewed and the doc's chart is
no longer actually completely -------PRIVILEGED. my guess is that the FBI will get it Roof, Mr. M is another nutter?

yup and all from the same general pile-------ISLAMO NAZI----the movement was invented more than 1000 years ago as a syncresis of the creed of
CONSTANTINE and the creed of MUHUMMAD. Today ---far from slowing
down ----it is picking up momentum. The very first time I realized that the creed
was becoming very popular was something like (??) 35 years ago although I first encountered it more than 50 years ago. When arafart entered a church----looked
at a statue of Jesus and addressed it with something like "lord jesus.....we adore you etc etc ..." It was notable because muslims do not like to talk to statues and -----in general actually do have a remarkable disdain for anything "Christian" except their notion that jesus was really a muslim and was not crucified. Much
of shariah law in reference to non muslims is a direct lift from Constantine (the Justinian code) I saw the event as the beginning of a growing
Christian/muslim love affair (it may have been more like 40 years ago)

Roof was a Christian nutter. IslamoNazi is a modern day fabrication intended to demonize - like ZioNazi.
Christian terrorists in Tolikara, Papua (Indonesia) stormed a mosque today whilst people were performing the Eid Prayer setting the masjid on fire and attacking the worshipers with stones.
Christian terrorists also burned down 6 homes and 11 stores; and forced Muslims to flee the city.

The GIDI (Evangelical Christians) self-pronounced a ban on Eid prayers, wearing of the hijab and more in the city saying Muslims can go elsewhere.

Mosque burnt down during Eid prayers by Christian terrorists in Papua Indonesia

Sounds like Apartheid to me. Minority Christians telling the majority Muslims how to be.
who engages in this "repeated rape" technique of enslavement? what good does it do the "enslavers" other than giving them free sex by rape

I know you're stupid, but I didn't realise you can't read.

then people pay the traffickers to rape her many times a day.

Please go and fuck yourself.
Readers Digest Version: assaults, hate crimes, arsons, murders etc against Muslims is perfectly fine
do you complain about the 10,000 to 1 muslim on christian hate/violence/terror?

I don't care what the religious affiliations are.

Crimes are crimes. Hate is hate. As far as 10,000 to 1 - well, you need to prove it. Depends on where in the world you are talking.

Why do you feel the NEED to make distinctions? Is some crime ok to you because you don't like the the victim?

I can't find this story on any MSM sites.

I wonder why?
Readers Digest Version: assaults, hate crimes, arsons, murders etc against Muslims is perfectly fine
do you complain about the 10,000 to 1 muslim on christian hate/violence/terror?

I don't care what the religious affiliations are.

Crimes are crimes. Hate is hate. As far as 10,000 to 1 - well, you need to prove it. Depends on where in the world you are talking.

Why do you feel the NEED to make distinctions? Is some crime ok to you because you don't like the the victim?

I can't find this story on any MSM sites.

I wonder why?

Here's one: Mosque Attacked Idul Fitri Prayer Disrupted in Papua - The Jakarta Globe
No - You're probably thinking of the US sponsored dictator who killed thousands of communists.

No, I'm speaking of the genocide by the Muzzie Beasts against the Christians.

Massacre The Story of East Timor Democracy Now


Perhaps a little read of a history book before you make yourself look like a fucking idiot. :)

I'll keep that in mind/

More than a decade after the tragic massacre of Christian villagers in Duma in Indonesia's Maluku Islands, it remains a mystery if anyone was prosecuted for the mass murders and rioting. What's common knowledge, instead, is that anti-Christian hostility is only escalating in a country which lacks the political will to enforce the values of its own constitution.

On June 19, 2000, the Christian church in Duma—a village in the eastern Moluccan islands—was attacked by thousands of jihadist members of Laskar Jihad, an Islamist, anti-Christian militia that is now believed to be disbanded. More than 200 Christians were killed, 290 were injured and 120 drowned while escaping by boat.}

Decade After Maluku Massacre Indonesia Still Dangerous for Christians Charisma News
Roof was a Christian nutter. IslamoNazi is a modern day fabrication intended to demonize - like ZioNazi.

Fabrication, huh?

Roof was a Christian nutter. IslamoNazi is a modern day fabrication intended to demonize - like ZioNazi.

Fabrication, huh?


there is nothing "modern" about the link between Nazism and Islam----in fact it goes all the way back to the inception of islam itself and the ---NAZI ideal of genocide of jews goes all the way back to the inception of CATHOLIC CANON LAW------aka the JUSTINIAN CODE It was Constantine----founder of that which was later called the JUSTINIAN CODE and which is catholic canon law that
came up with such -----concepts as COLOR CODING jews for easy ID with OBLIGATORY yellow insignia ---------the same code-----as a precursor of catholic Adolf's Nuremburg law-----which denied jews the right to use public transportation----denied jews the right to ride horses Another proscription on jews was the right to own weapons of any kind------- muhumad and adolf APED BOTH PROSCRIPTIONS-------only idiots deny the link between islam and Nazism--------it is islamo Nazis who coined the utterly baseless thing "zio-Nazi"-----there is no comparison. Catholic canon law is VERY NAZI and muhummad aped that shit hook line and sinker-- (he was not an original thinker(
Roof was a Christian nutter. IslamoNazi is a modern day fabrication intended to demonize - like ZioNazi.

Fabrication, huh?


Yes, it is - and those same few pictures get repeatedly shown.

not enough for you? how about history and reality?-----anyone who denies the strong link between Nazism and Islam who is not utterly stupid------if a filthy liar.

When I read the Nazi literature that was sprinkled all over my very Nazi home town-----I thought NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY BELIEVE THIS CRAP----the stuff I read was published from the mid thirties to contemporary (circa 1960) The most current stuff came out of SYRIA AND EGYPT authored by Nazi war criminals. -------and that was that. What I read ----I remember-----what a read at age ten----I remembered very well------at age 20-----which was about when I came into contact with lots of muslims------all medical school graduates--young interns and residents mostly from Pakistan and India------ALL OF THEM QUOTED THE NAZI LITERATURE that I read around age ten chapter and verse-----some ha the same faith in that shit as they did in the words of the Koran------some had no use for the Koran but had absolute unquestioned faith in the dogma of Nazism-----of course specifically with reference to DA JOOOOOOS. It is taught ----not only in Pakistan---but in muslim schools and mosques in India-----and---of course ---in Iran----now that the shah is dead. Before that it was taught only in the mosques in Iran---not in the public schools. DENIAL OF THIS SORT OF FILTH IS COMPLICITY------- (now comes the usual shit-mouth "rosie's stories")

anyone interested -----find an intelligent mosque going type Pakistani adolescent and have a very careful conversation. Visiting a mosque now ----will not help----
muslims are very circumspect about their KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING----since 9-11-01. Tell us again DENIER-----for more interesting ways of expressing yourself-----read the islamo Nazi literature of the 1930s-----that decade during which the ONE AND ONLY book translated into Arabic was MEIN KAMPF
I have a wonderful idea-------regarding the unfortunate destruction of that hut that had been used as a mosque----it should be rebuilt to its prior condition by the Christians of the world after the muslims of the world rebuild the churches, hindu temples, synaggues and Buddhist holy sites that they have destroyed over the past 100 years-------that 100 year window of time seems reasonable to me------doable. I am sure that coyote agrees. ------all destroyed "holy houses" and shrines and--stuff destroyed in the past 100 years be rebuilt to prior condition---
by the destroying parties-----we can start with the makeshift mosque hut of papua and work backwards to the year 1915---- OK? 200 years? 1000 years?

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