Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!
you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit.

Are you capable of making a real point, or is shit all you can post?

Fuck a duck, other posters have managed rather well, but you can't get slightly past stupidity.
I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah

Indonesian police arrest 7 on human trafficking charges Daily Chronicle

Please take a 1,800 foot walk along Blackpool pier.

not quite FREDDIE-----the human trafficking to which I referred was SEX SLAVERY--------rich arab oil men who buy kids from impoverished Indonesia
parents for "USE" back home. I know how to swim. I taught myself as
a child-------I am not a good swimmer----but I can STAY UP-----and move forward
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.
I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people :)

I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty...but maybe they should be trafficked in place of their victims ;)
I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people :)

I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty...but maybe they should be trafficked in place of their victims ;)

all true MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS for the sake of the filth they and their have enacted for the past 1400 years should be raped, enslaved and mutilated --------sheeeesh coyote------YOU ARE RIGHT (when I recounted the history of my mother-in-law who was saved from being splayed out and raped by the local IMAM pig in the shariah shit hole of her birth----COYOTE LAUGHED AND CALLED ME A LIAR--hypocritical lump of shit that she is)
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------
I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.
I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people :)

I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty...but maybe they should be trafficked in place of their victims ;)

Did you know that Buddhists have taken women and put them in a bamboo cage on the side of an isolated mountain or hill to die a slow death of starvation? That is something they do - I know they do it because I know of a woman that was rescued from one of those cages - had someone not come along and released her she would have died for certain! The Buddhists have some downright horrific ways of killing people. Far more satanic than that picture they present themselves of meditating on a pillow with their eyes shut! Starvation is one of the most painful deaths a person can endure. It is a slow gradual death that causes tremendous pain and suffering to the victim. It's downright evil. As for making them be trafficked - so they know what it feels like - it's a thought. Selling children is a wicked thing to do to a child. No conscience to do that.
You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

TRY AGAIN, COCK SUCKING WHORE_------I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically. Since I was introduced''
to the filth of islamo Nazism long ago-----I am not even surprised that shit like you still functions in the world.

Most of all----I am not surprised at- the manner that disgusting depraved filth like you
JUSTIFIES YOUR STINK to wit-----"I am really good-----I am not bad----they are bad----look -----I can find an example of bad they do------which justifies MY GENOCIDE OF HUNDREDS OF MILLIONs and JOY AT OBSCENE MUTILATION (it happens to
provide me with orgasms----what could be bad?)

having fun? how intense was that orgasm that the massacre in Chattanooga afforded you? you should take a nap-------
I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.
You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

No, you're one of the few who truly do care about the plights of people :)

I don't think the traffickers should face the death penalty...but maybe they should be trafficked in place of their victims ;)

Did you know that Buddhists have taken women and put them in a bamboo cage on the side of an isolated mountain or hill to die a slow death of starvation? That is something they do - I know they do it because I know of a woman that was rescued from one of those cages - had someone not come along and released her she would have died for certain! The Buddhists have some downright horrific ways of killing people. Far more satanic than that picture they present themselves of meditating on a pillow with their eyes shut! Starvation is one of the most painful deaths a person can endure. It is a slow gradual death that causes tremendous pain and suffering to the victim. It's downright evil. As for making them be trafficked - so they know what it feels like - it's a thought. Selling children is a wicked thing to do to a child. No conscience to do that.

actually ----death from starvation at the very end is not all that unpleasant-----but for the record-----muslims used starvation siege to murder hundreds of millions historically-----they did it in BIAFRA where dried up kids died in the dust in the early 1970s (I call that modern times.) A distant relative of mine seems to have convincing evidence that the arabs of ARABIA (that includes Saudi Arabia and Yemen)----knocked off a few million jews by isolating them on a kind of deserted island and starving them to death) -----starvation siege is what muslims did a lot more than Buddhists------not to trivialize the barbarity of some Buddhists of the past or even of the present time------ask a TAMIL HINDU (another tidbit------the jews of east Jerusalem were subjected to starvation siege in the late 1940s COYOTE will call me a "LIAR")f
It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.

Yes and historically and ongoing there is sexual slavery involving children purchased in Indonesia, India and Pakistan by rich OIL GUYS for home use----for
the entertainment of guests. The tamil vs Buddhist thing is a very long standing
horror ------it is news to you? you don't get around much. sheesh I have had tamil friends right here in the USA-----on the other hand I have also had Thai Buddhist colleagues-----
It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.

Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
you are a sick joke----just like your fellow islamo Nazi shit. I do recall----that you made an issue -----DA JOOOOS DONT EXPRESS ENOUGH REGRET over dead islamo Nazi shit------****DISGUSTING***** I am still waiting for Islamic regret over the STINK AND FILTH perpetrated against BUDDHISM by the muslim scum in Afghanistan------it never happened -----nor was regret expressed over the filth and shit that the asses you lick perpetrated in Maldives. Not a peep from disgusting you A few weeks ago ----your fellow shit decided to bomb the TOMB OF JONAH ----not a peep from shitty you------well---not that I really care-------the tomb is a bit of a joke -----muzzie shit invented it----HOWEVER your fellow stinking shit -----utterly vandalized the tomb of EZEKIEL----- not a peep for shitty you. Buddhists don't want muslims-----they have just as much a right to NOT WANT as Maldivian dogs and shit have a right to "not want" non muslims. In fact Buddhists have justification-------the stinking muslim dogs and pigs whose asses you lick------destroyed their holy sites -----just for fun. btw----no "mosque" was destroyed-------a shack went down. In Indonesia----to YOUR DELIGHT----there are places in which shariah law disallows ANYTHING NOT ENTIRELY MUSLIM------so??? some Buddhists want their little corner ALL BUDDHIST --------I see no problem. You have PRAISED THE ISLAMIC SHIT HOLE INDONESIA FOR ITS STABLITY----and you have the audacity to question MY ETHICS-----you are disgusting

What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has just as much right to declare sri Lanka a 100% Buddhist country as MALDIVES has in declaring Maldives a 100% muslim country Why do you spit on Buddhist rights, coyote-----whilst licking the shit of islam?
for the record----I FULLY SUPPORT THE RIGHT OF ROHINGIES to unmolested emigration from Burma -------to the HOLY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE ----Indonesia ----into
the loving arms of their brethren muslims-----UNMOLESTED ----completely unmolested--------that great favor ----unmolested emigration.
Of course they are, Coyote! Do you think I would think those children are not important because they are Muslims or Hindus? I think whoever is responsible should be put in prison for life or if they have harmed any of them execute them and don't put the expense on the prison for keeping them alive. The reason human trafficking is continuing to grow is that the people involved are not being faced with a death penalty. Perhaps if they were it would stop!

Laws against human trafficking cannot happen in shariah shit holes because such laws contradict shariah
What are you ranting about now? Buddhists can be religious bigots just like Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.

right coyote----but historically and in fact-----they have never come close to the perversion and filth and body count of the MUSLIMS WHOSE ASSES YOU LICK------not but MILES AND MILES. all because perverse shit like you are EXCITED by their ----OBSCENE MUTILATIONS and rapes--------

You're coming off unhinged Rosie. You'd be surprised at the history of Buddhism - human sacrifices conducted until the British stopped them in the 1850's, atrocities, wars of conquest. It's not all the sweetness, tolerance and light that you see in it's prosperous middle class westernized followers.

I am neither surprised not ignorant of the actions of BUDDHISTS ----historically.

Historically and ongoing in Thailand and Myanmar - two countries along with Nepal that are notorious for human trafficking, forced labor and sexual slavery. Then there are is also a rise of Buddhist extremism and nationalism in Sri Lanka.

Yes and historically and ongoing there is sexual slavery involving children purchased in Indonesia, India and Pakistan by rich OIL GUYS for home use----for
the entertainment of guests. The tamil vs Buddhist thing is a very long standing
horror ------it is news to you? you don't get around much. sheesh I have had tamil friends right here in the USA-----on the other hand I have also had Thai Buddhist colleagues-----

Never said it was "news" to me - it's quite old but ongoing.

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