Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

Fred, if you made a thread about Muslims burning down Christian churches in other countries on this board many times before I sincerely apologize. I do not recall ever seeing a thread posted by a Muslim that was titled Muslim terrorists burned down Christian church

I don't recall if it was this forum, but I did once start a thread about Muslim extremists in Indonesia blocking the building of a church.
The FPI (Muslim defenders league) are a paid muscle for hire lot who picket churches, but fuck off when a bribe is paid.
Nasty bunch of bastards.

Have my posting record about them.

Search Results for Query FPI US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This is the first I am hearing about Rohingya - on this thread - I've never even heard of Rohingya before but I will read the news story, Coyote.

Because the western press pretty much ignores stories about Muslims being hammered.
That's much of the problem in many countries - the press is so biased, the truth is never told.
This is the first I am hearing about Rohingya - on this thread - I've never even heard of Rohingya before but I will read the news story, Coyote.

Because the western press pretty much ignores stories about Muslims being hammered.
That's much of the problem in many countries - the press is so biased, the truth is never told.

It is a tragic story. I believe the western press pretty much ignores the Christians that are being murdered too. Especially when it occurs in other countries. Don't you?
Fred, if you made a thread about Muslims burning down Christian churches in other countries on this board many times before I sincerely apologize. I do not recall ever seeing a thread posted by a Muslim that was titled Muslim terrorists burned down Christian church

I don't recall if it was this forum, but I did once start a thread about Muslim extremists in Indonesia blocking the building of a church.
The FPI (Muslim defenders league) are a paid muscle for hire lot who picket churches, but fuck off when a bribe is paid.
Nasty bunch of bastards.

Have my posting record about them.

Search Results for Query FPI US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Thank you, Indo. I believe you. I do not need to look it up.
To the subject in hand.
The president of GIDI has apologised, and the Indonesian government is plying the incident down.
They claimed the mosque burning to be an accident, not the intended target, and the Indonesian government has agreed.
Both sides are trying to reduce tensions, realising the potential for much larger scale problems. We now have to watch out for the small but significant extremist groups here.
To the subject in hand.
The president of GIDI has apologised, and the Indonesian government is plying the incident down.
They claimed the mosque burning to be an accident, not the intended target, and the Indonesian government has agreed.
Both sides are trying to reduce tensions, realising the potential for much larger scale problems. We now have to watch out for the small but significant extremist groups here.

It is definitely helpful to have someone who actually lives there and knows what is going on. I appreciate the information, Indo. Thank you.
This is the first I am hearing about Rohingya - on this thread - I've never even heard of Rohingya before but I will read the news story, Coyote.

Because the western press pretty much ignores stories about Muslims being hammered.
That's much of the problem in many countries - the press is so biased, the truth is never told.

It is a tragic story. I believe the western press pretty much ignores the Christians that are being murdered too. Especially when it occurs in other countries. Don't you?

I deliberately keep an eye on the more extreme Christian sites for evidence of this, but have seen little, save places like Zimbabwe, but that's general mass murder, not especially aimed at Christians.
I haven't looked at their sites for several months as workload has been too great.
Could you provide examples?
This is the first I am hearing about Rohingya - on this thread - I've never even heard of Rohingya before but I will read the news story, Coyote.

Because the western press pretty much ignores stories about Muslims being hammered.
That's much of the problem in many countries - the press is so biased, the truth is never told.

It is a tragic story. I believe the western press pretty much ignores the Christians that are being murdered too. Especially when it occurs in other countries. Don't you?

I deliberately keep an eye on the more extreme Christian sites for evidence of this, but have seen little, save places like Zimbabwe, but that's general mass murder, not especially aimed at Christians.
I haven't looked at their sites for several months as workload has been too great.
Could you provide examples?

Examples of Christian massacres not reported? Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports, churches burned and Christians killed in Nigeria, Uganda (which was a killing field for some time) Sudan, Christians crucified to trees, some of those stories I've not seen in mainstream media reports. If they had been I could provide a link but unfortunately I do not have anything I could give you other than VOM which keeps track of what the mainstream media does not report.
The Voice of the Martyrs
Indo, I do think that ISIS and ISIL are getting plenty of coverage and we are hearing more due to their activity so I would say there is more reported when it is related to those groups. Which is a good thing as people should know what is happening in other parts of the world.
Why haven't any of you ever spoken out - on this board - against the thousands of churches that have been burned down by Muslims in nations all over the world?
Perhaps you should read my posting history before you make shit up. I have done so many times.

Fred, if you made a thread about Muslims burning down Christian churches in other countries on this board many times before I sincerely apologize. I do not recall ever seeing a thread posted by a Muslim that was titled Muslim terrorists burned down Christian church - but if you say you have done so many times all I can tell you is that I never saw your threads - again if you have wrote a thread such as this one with title depicting same type description identifying Muslims as terrorists who had burned down a Christian church before? I owe you an apology. I certainly would not make anything up in order to justify my having asked the question. I truly didn't know you had ever posted such a thread much less "many".

damned CHRISTIAN of you, Jeri-----------sheeesh....... You remind me of
a very nice neighbor of my childhood-----she was the one who took me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL-----nice lady----she was helpful to the widowed lady next door----young woman with two kids------lots of people reviled her for the mess in her yard and house (poor woman ---widowed ,,,, two babies)
She always described good deeds as ------THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO-----
FREDDIE.....jeri did the CHRISTIAN THING for you-----now say "thanks"
Even I will not ask you to cite those millions of apologies muslims have showered upon their victims--------I would feel embarrassed to do so in the presence of Jeri

In the church,Rosie, they would call it the christian thing to do and in the synagogues they would call it a good Mitzvah. I think. I could look up all the titles to Indofred's Threads on USMB and see if he is telling me the truth about having made many threads like this (albeit reversed) one - threads with titles about Muslim Terrorists burning down Christian Churches but I believe it would be better for Fred to be the one to do his own housecleaning. I'm trying to fix me first - it could be a while.

At the end of the day - if Fred can honestly say he has done this many times and know it is true - he should have a clean conscience. If he cannot honestly say he has done this many times and knows that to be the truth then he has a filthy conscience and will have no rest until he comes "clean" and tells the truth.

HE needs to confess his own sins. It isn't my job to confess them for him. (although we all feel tempted to help things along sometimes). I hope your neighbor was good to you when you were a child. If she was - I'll take what you said as a compliment. Thank you.

she was a gem------her daughter and I could FREELY do all kinds of mischief in the house when she was "at work"---sorta work-----her family owned the little town
printing press------a really tiny business-----she did something there. ------a story----one day we decided to "BAKE A CAKE" -----we were like 8 years old. ----her mom used cake mixes (my neurotic mom would not have such a thing in the house----she used only WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR) -- we did a cake mix -----but managed to virtually WRECK the kitchen-----and the cake fell-------a deep hole in the middle. Her mom came home------I held my breath----had it been my mom ---------we would have been DEAD. Her mom looked at the cake ----with the big hole in the middle and opened a can of crushed pineapple -----filled up the hole as a lesson on "HOW TO FIX A CAKE THAT FALLS"------she made no comment on the flour and crap all over the floor--------to me she was a very rare specimen. She ENRICHED my childhood.........really------silly story but true-----she was a very ACCEPTING person
Indo, I do think that ISIS and ISIL are getting plenty of coverage and we are hearing more due to their activity so I would say there is more reported when it is related to those groups. Which is a good thing as people should know what is happening in other parts of the world.

ISIS is as odd as they coverage they get.
Their method is simple, get cash by taking over oil fields, and control the population by being as brutal as possible, thus creating total fear of them.

I'm still unsure if they're extremist Muslim bastards, or extremist capitalist bastards who just happen to be Muslims.

One other odd thing when it comes to ISIS.
A lot of people make up stories to make them sound worse than they really are, but the fabrications are commonly less brutal than real life.
I've kept an eye on ISIS from their early days, when they would invade an area after the battles were over, then claim victory and get on with their usual rapes, murders and destroying things.
No one seems to remember their early stuff, but they were a set of cowardly wankers from the start.
Frankly, I think they got a taste for the oil money and changed from there, leaving foolish brainwashed minions to do their fighting, whilst the leaders bank the cash.
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News
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Why haven't any of you ever spoken out - on this board - against the thousands of churches that have been burned down by Muslims in nations all over the world?
Perhaps you should read my posting history before you make shit up. I have done so many times.

Fred, if you made a thread about Muslims burning down Christian churches in other countries on this board many times before I sincerely apologize. I do not recall ever seeing a thread posted by a Muslim that was titled Muslim terrorists burned down Christian church - but if you say you have done so many times all I can tell you is that I never saw your threads - again if you have wrote a thread such as this one with title depicting same type description identifying Muslims as terrorists who had burned down a Christian church before? I owe you an apology. I certainly would not make anything up in order to justify my having asked the question. I truly didn't know you had ever posted such a thread much less "many".

damned CHRISTIAN of you, Jeri-----------sheeesh....... You remind me of
a very nice neighbor of my childhood-----she was the one who took me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL-----nice lady----she was helpful to the widowed lady next door----young woman with two kids------lots of people reviled her for the mess in her yard and house (poor woman ---widowed ,,,, two babies)
She always described good deeds as ------THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO-----
FREDDIE.....jeri did the CHRISTIAN THING for you-----now say "thanks"
Even I will not ask you to cite those millions of apologies muslims have showered upon their victims--------I would feel embarrassed to do so in the presence of Jeri

In the church,Rosie, they would call it the christian thing to do and in the synagogues they would call it a good Mitzvah. I think. I could look up all the titles to Indofred's Threads on USMB and see if he is telling me the truth about having made many threads like this (albeit reversed) one - threads with titles about Muslim Terrorists burning down Christian Churches but I believe it would be better for Fred to be the one to do his own housecleaning. I'm trying to fix me first - it could be a while.

At the end of the day - if Fred can honestly say he has done this many times and know it is true - he should have a clean conscience. If he cannot honestly say he has done this many times and knows that to be the truth then he has a filthy conscience and will have no rest until he comes "clean" and tells the truth.

HE needs to confess his own sins. It isn't my job to confess them for him. (although we all feel tempted to help things along sometimes). I hope your neighbor was good to you when you were a child. If she was - I'll take what you said as a compliment. Thank you.

she was a gem------her daughter and I could FREELY do all kinds of mischief in the house when she was "at work"---sorta work-----her family owned the little town
printing press------a really tiny business-----she did something there. ------a story----one day we decided to "BAKE A CAKE" -----we were like 8 years old. ----her mom used cake mixes (my neurotic mom would not have such a thing in the house----she used only WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR) -- we did a cake mix -----but managed to virtually WRECK the kitchen-----and the cake fell-------a deep hole in the middle. Her mom came home------I held my breath----had it been my mom ---------we would have been DEAD. Her mom looked at the cake ----with the big hole in the middle and opened a can of crushed pineapple -----filled up the hole as a lesson on "HOW TO FIX A CAKE THAT FALLS"------she made no comment on the flour and crap all over the floor--------to me she was a very rare specimen. She ENRICHED my childhood.........really------silly story but true-----she was a very ACCEPTING person

Thank you, Rosie. I am honored that I remind you of her. My mother would not have reacted that way either.
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

silly superficial article, Freddie. Long long ago I knew---socially, a young doctor from CEYLON--(yup that LONG ago) Curious kid that I was a asked him
(among other topics) about the religions in Ceylon. He told me that he was a Christian---which would be plausible since he ate meat------lots of tamils I have known since are vegetarians. -------He answered BUDDHIST, HINDU,, CHRISTIAN (probably an effect of the east india tea company) and----
"barbarians"-------I asked what religion are the barbarians. His answer was
----"ya know----moslems". I did ask where they live and he answered "with each other" with a kind of dismissive air as in "who cares" It seems to me that
Buddhist, muslim relations were not ENHANCED---by the Islamic bombing of the
Buddhist statuary in Afghanistan Afghanistan has seen many different cultures----way back like about 1600 years ago KABUL was the site of a very important Yeshiva/Talmudic academy------of course HINDUS, it is---I believe --almost the
homeland of Buddhism and there were Christians----even the PERSIANS once ruled there ---ie part of the Persian empire (I think). for some 2000 years or so----no one disturbed the sacred STATUARY OF THE BUDDHISTS-----then the muslims showed up. ------and now Afghanistan is------a shariah shit hole
I failed to mention ZOROASTRIANS-----they got genocided out of existence too---
in muslim Afghanistan. I will be happy to wait for the inevitable---"but there is one jew left in Kabul -------and three Zoroastrians"

I'm surprised you mention them, since most live in India and Iran.
You know Iran, the place that protected the Jew cowards when they ran away from the Romans.

you are surprised that I mentioned who----muzzie ass licking dog?. gee you
are dim-------Jews have had a presence in Afghanistan and Iran (Persia) long before the vile stench of islam got to either place. That presence has nothing
to do with ROME------the jewish migrants to Afghanistan and Persia were
escapees from your fave whore----THE WHORE OF BABYLON (you claimed
that you read the bible---you even made out like you are an expert) In general---
the jews of Baghdad who did go to Afghanistan went to KABUL which prior,, to the unfortunate advent of islam,, was a cultural center------Of course in all that time---jews never shit upon the Buddhist statuary as have muslims----who customarily do so------. Indonesia was once a nice place too.
Oh ---I just noticed-----you referred to ZOROASTRIANS-----yes---jews and Zoroastrians get along fine------even in Mumbai where Zoroastrians fled to
escape the filth of islam--------even I have encountered Zoroastrians thru
Mumbai jewish friends. Of course there are Zoroastrians in Israel too----
refugees from Islamic oppression in Iran.
Freddie-----did the big time lamb slaughter fest happen in Indonesia yet?-----do you have any idea when the poor little lambs get their little throats slit in the USA? I
must know so that I can steer clear of muslim enclaves

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