Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

I'm surprised you mention them, since most live in India and Iran.
You know Iran, the place that protected the Jew cowards when they ran away from the Romans.

You do realize that throughout the history of Romans (especially the Romanist religion Catholicism & their Pope - Vatican) they are known for being some of the most vicious, brutal in their style of torture, murder, forced conversions - look up the photographs of what they did (those were all Catholic Nazis - the top ranking officer SS were Jesuits) to the Jews in their methods of torture - and you will find that the terrorists in Islamic faith have used the same methods for forced conversion (RCC paid people to convert too) on threat of death, torture, burying people alive, crucifying them on crosses (the T Cross came from the Romans - they crucified Jesus Christ the same way) in fact there is not any form of torture or murder Islamists have done to their victims that they didn't learn from the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, if you read the book The Prophet by Jack Chick publications you will learn that the Roman Catholic Vatican used Khadija to deceive Mohammad as she was a devout Catholic and came out of a convent for that assignment. Her faithful Catholic cousin was the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and they manipulated the religion of Islam to turn your people against the Jews and Protestants - true story - their plan was to use you to wipe the Jews and Protestants out so that they could then use you to take Jerusalem at which time they would then kill any of you who refused to convert to Catholicism. It's true. They had a very high ranking ex-Jesuit who defected from the Roman Catholic Vatican - he answered directly to the Pope - he had read the history first hand in studying the files beneath the Vatican that told the entire story - and Cardinal Bea told him the rest as he was permitted to inform his highest ranking Jesuits of the true story on the relationship between the Vatican and Islam. They have been using your people all along for their own agenda and intend to kill all of you who do not submit to them after they are finished using you. It's true. (their future One World Order does not include Islam - it is permissable to lie in the Roman Catholic religion - provided it is for the protection of the Vatican, the "Mother Church" or the people. Sound familiar? It should. There is not a single doctrine your religion has that didn't somehow originate or get influenced by the Roman Vatican. They are masters of Deceit and have robbed the Arab people throughout the middle east of their salvation in Christ by perpetuating their lies. The truth is the Roman Vatican are worshippers of Lucifer. (Satan) Your people do not know this but it is well known within the Vatican - their Mass that is done in Latin uses the name Lucifer in their worship to him. They serve the devil. I thought you should know that, Fred. I want you to know the truth about that bunch. Listen to him singing praise to Lucifer. You'll hear it with your own ears.

Flammas eius Lúcifer matutínus invéniat: ille, inquam, Lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.
Christus Fílius tuus, qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit, et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.

Flaming Lucifer finds Mankind, I say: Oh Lucifer, who will never be defeated,
The Christ, the Son of yours, which came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light to the human race, and he liveth, and reigneth, in the ages of the ages.

You see this? This is the true story on Catholicism. They told the mass in Latin because they didn't want the people to know what they were saying. Then they kept the Bible from them so they would not know the truth about Jesus Christ (your religion does the same to you because they don't want you to know the truth either) and later when the reformation came along they came printed their own bible with the corrupted Alexandrian text which originated with the occult founder named Origen. You should research the history of the Vatican through Dr. Alberto Rivera - you'll be amazed! AMAZED! That is why they tried to murder him 5 times. The last time they did kill him but the truth is out now thanks to Dr. Rivera!
Last edited:
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

Jeri------Christian missionaries should leave INDIA alone------they disrupt the
culture there. You need not bother to ask indo about Christian missionaries
in INDONESIA-----they don't live long---but he will deny that fact. Muslims in India are very very very ardent proselytizers too. India is not a place for that
sort of thing------they got enough problems. I get my information from hindu
friends----LONG AGO-----during my college years-------the proselytizing thing messes up families------besides---lots of what are supposed to be Christians
end up in crime ridden slums---or as immigrants to the USA---where they tend to
give up Christianity-----at least some I have encountered hanging around hindus. Then they got a little social stigma------it is all a mess for that culture-------

I'm surprised you mention them, since most live in India and Iran.
You know Iran, the place that protected the Jew cowards when they ran away from the Romans.

You do realize that throughout the history of Romans (especially the Romanist religion Catholicism & their Pope - Vatican) they are known for being some of the most vicious, brutal in their style of torture, murder, forced conversions - look up the photographs of what they did (those were all Catholic Nazis - the top ranking officer SS were Jesuits) to the Jews in their methods of torture - and you will find that the terrorists in Islamic faith have used the same methods for forced conversion (RCC paid people to convert too) on threat of death, torture, burying people alive, crucifying them on crosses (the T Cross came from the Romans - they crucified Jesus Christ the same way) in fact there is not any form of torture or murder Islamists have done to their victims that they didn't learn from the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, if you read the book The Prophet by Jack Chick publications you will learn that the Roman Catholic Vatican used Khadija to deceive Mohammad as she was a devout Catholic and came out of a convent for that assignment. Her faithful Catholic cousin was the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and they manipulated the religion of Islam to turn your people against the Jews and Protestants - true story - their plan was to use you to wipe the Jews and Protestants out so that they could then use you to take Jerusalem at which time they would then kill any of you who refused to convert to Catholicism. It's true. They had a very high ranking ex-Jesuit who defected from the Roman Catholic Vatican - he answered directly to the Pope - he had read the history first hand in studying the files beneath the Vatican that told the entire story - and Cardinal Bea told him the rest as he was permitted to inform his highest ranking Jesuits of the true story on the relationship between the Vatican and Islam. They have been using your people all along for their own agenda and intend to kill all of you who do not submit to them after they are finished using you. It's true.

jeri----you got the details-----all I got is the history of what happened to jews in lands conquered by islam------the SIMILARITIES between the INQUISITION and DHIMMIA -----and then the NUREMBURG LAWS-----cannot be coincidental------a few illiterate arab Bedouins did not come up with that crap on their own. Of course they got it SOMEHOW from the catholic church---- of course-----the system has been a big problem for Christians in some shariah shit holes too. ----and a problem for muslims in INQUISITION SPAIN-------but it is the same system. Even poor MONTEZUMA got done in because of the very same
system of "law"---------and last week-----FRANCIS was apologizing to south
America for what ----INQUISITION/SHARIAH spain did to that continent.
I was not impressed I see him as a very tricky guy. He is looking for "love" in every rat hole
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

Jeri------Christian missionaries should leave INDIA alone------they disrupt the
culture there. You need not bother to ask indo about Christian missionaries
in INDONESIA-----they don't live long---but he will deny that fact. Muslims in India are very very very ardent proselytizers too. India is not a place for that
sort of thing------they got enough problems. I get my information from hindu
friends----LONG AGO-----during my college years-------the proselytizing thing messes up families------besides---lots of what are supposed to be Christians
end up in crime ridden slums---or as immigrants to the USA---where they tend to
give up Christianity-----at least some I have encountered hanging around hindus. Then they got a little social stigma------it is all a mess for that culture-------
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

REMEMBER MALDIVES originally a Buddhist and hindu nation-----a few years ago STRIPPED ALL BUT MUSLIMS OF CITIZENSHIP-----what's
sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander--------sorry ROHINGIES----time for
you to leave. Those Burmese Buddhists don't want your muslim asses on THEIR island-----you was screwed by your very own MALDIVIAN SCUM
brothers. go in good health----rohingies. Maybe the your Maldivian
brothers will take you in. Just what did they think would happen?
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

Jeri------Christian missionaries should leave INDIA alone------they disrupt the
culture there. You need not bother to ask indo about Christian missionaries
in INDONESIA-----they don't live long---but he will deny that fact. Muslims in India are very very very ardent proselytizers too. India is not a place for that
sort of thing------they got enough problems. I get my information from hindu
friends----LONG AGO-----during my college years-------the proselytizing thing messes up families------besides---lots of what are supposed to be Christians
end up in crime ridden slums---or as immigrants to the USA---where they tend to
give up Christianity-----at least some I have encountered hanging around hindus. Then they got a little social stigma------it is all a mess for that culture-------

Rosie, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what brings liberty to those who are bound by demons ( India is a demonically possessed culture due to their many false gods), by poverty (the curse of poverty is on them because of the sin of idolatry - see Deuteronomy Chapter 27) to give sight to the blind (literally many have been prayed for and received their sight - both physically and spiritually) and to proclaim the Good news that God came in the flesh to offer them redemption - the free gift of salvation which no man can earn. It is a proven fact that where the bible has free liberty the nation flourishes and where the bible is banned misery abounds - look at North Korea or Iran for an example.

Now the Gospel of Jesus Christ which offers salvation to the world would not have been possible had it not been for the Jewish people and their rejection of the offer of salvation through Christ. It was God's plan that the Jews would not see Jesus was the Messiah (most Jews) at that specific time because through their blindness God was able to open the door to the entire world offering all who received Jesus Christ as Messiah to become God's children. Before Christ - God had only one people that he called his children - the Jews. After Jesus Christ went to the cross the door was swung wide open to offer all who would come to God through faith in Jesus Christ and that offer is open to the people of India too!

As the holy Scriptures declare:

I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.

For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:

Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.

That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son.

And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;

(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.

It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.

Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:

For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodom, and been made like unto Gomorrha.

What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.

But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.

Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;

As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
So this is the Gospel Message and how all must enter into the kingdom of heaven. It is not by keeping laws, rituals, eating off of separate plates, keeping of holy days, but rather by allowing Jesus Christ to purify our hearts through our faith in Him and what He did at the cross we can keep the commandments of God and keep ourselves. Without the Jesus Christ and faith in him (but rather in ourselves by own works and efforts) we will never have a faith that is pleasing unto God and certainly not one that will give us salvation. Salvation is to be justified by faith in Jesus Christ and no other way. When Jesus Christ took the keys to hell and the grave he preached the Good news to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets who had eagerly awaited the promise of the Messiah and they believed upon him - Paradise was emptied when Christ ascended unto heaven - because heaven was opened and therein those who had awaited the promise (as it is written in Hebrews Chapter 11) then finally obtained it - they could not obtain it without us - meaning that first the Messiah had to come to earth and preach the Gospel and open heaven's gates to all who believed. Clearly the rich man in Hell could see Abraham and Lazarus who lay in the bosom of Abraham and begged for a drop of water - but today Paradise is no longer because heaven has been opened and all those who believed including the thief on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him (Jesus said, verily, verily you will be in Paradise with me today - because that was precisely where Jesus Christ was headed first!) and so we see that all who call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved and when Israel says - Blessed is he would comes in the name of the LORD - all Israel shall be saved. Although we know by Scripture that many who had the offer of redemption shall refuse it and therefore those ones (even as the religious Pharisees rejected Jesus Christ) shall not enter in. It is a picture of the promised land, Rosie. Because of their unbelief they could not enter in.

Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved includes the people of India. They have a right to hear the Gospel as does the entire world. It must be preached - even if it is against the law - even if the threat of death hangs over head. It must be preached throughout the earth.
yeah---ok but lots of hindus don't want proselytizing-----stick to missionary work in PAKISTAN---or Saudi Arabia. There are lots and lots and lots of fine, intellectual,
stable Hindu families-------lots. ---------and the mommy wants to choose the bride
her son marries---------whether he likes it or not
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.
yeah---ok but lots of hindus don't want proselytizing-----stick to missionary work in PAKISTAN---or Saudi Arabia. There are lots and lots and lots of fine, intellectual,
stable Hindu families-------lots. ---------and the mommy wants to choose the bride
her son marries---------whether he likes it or not

Without hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ they will perish. With hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and rejecting it they have no excuse when they face God and He tells them that they heard the Gospel but rejected it. It's a win - win. The Gospel must be preached.
yeah---ok but lots of hindus don't want proselytizing-----stick to missionary work in PAKISTAN---or Saudi Arabia. There are lots and lots and lots of fine, intellectual,
stable Hindu families-------lots. ---------and the mommy wants to choose the bride
her son marries---------whether he likes it or not

Without hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ they will perish. With hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and rejecting it they have no excuse when they face God and He tells them that they heard the Gospel but rejected it. It's a win - win. The Gospel must be preached.

proselytizing is illegal in India
Indo, I do think that ISIS and ISIL are getting plenty of coverage and we are hearing more due to their activity so I would say there is more reported when it is related to those groups. Which is a good thing as people should know what is happening in other parts of the world.

ISIS is as odd as they coverage they get.
Their method is simple, get cash by taking over oil fields, and control the population by being as brutal as possible, thus creating total fear of them.

I'm still unsure if they're extremist Muslim bastards, or extremist capitalist bastards who just happen to be Muslims.

One other odd thing when it comes to ISIS.
A lot of people make up stories to make them sound worse than they really are, but the fabrications are commonly less brutal than real life.
I've kept an eye on ISIS from their early days, when they would invade an area after the battles were over, then claim victory and get on with their usual rapes, murders and destroying things.
No one seems to remember their early stuff, but they were a set of cowardly wankers from the start.
Frankly, I think they got a taste for the oil money and changed from there, leaving foolish brainwashed minions to do their fighting, whilst the leaders bank the cash.

My personal belief is the Vatican sent their own Jesuit agents in to bankroll ISIS - and the money is first being laundered through the USA because after all - this is the one nation that didn't kick the Jesuits out of their country - instead we elected them to office to rule this country! (shocking, isn't it?) So what would be their motive? Well, they have always run both sides of a war - this is especially true with the wars involving communism, Islam, they are the mother of it all - so by using ISIS to "create a crisis" they can then go in and pretend to be the savior who "solves the crisis"... its 101 for Romanists in the Vatican. They have been doing it all along. Think about it. They are using your people. Again. This is how they will get their New Word Order that Hitler failed to deliver to them. Who do you think created the League of Nations? The Jesuits. Who do you think was behind the creation of the second one known as the United Nations. The Jesuits. THINK.
yeah---ok but lots of hindus don't want proselytizing-----stick to missionary work in PAKISTAN---or Saudi Arabia. There are lots and lots and lots of fine, intellectual,
stable Hindu families-------lots. ---------and the mommy wants to choose the bride
her son marries---------whether he likes it or not

Without hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ they will perish. With hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and rejecting it they have no excuse when they face God and He tells them that they heard the Gospel but rejected it. It's a win - win. The Gospel must be preached.

proselytizing is illegal in India

It was illegal in the Book of Acts for the Disciples of Christ to preach the Gospel but they still preached it. There is a higher law than any man made law and that is the LORD. We are to obey God. Not man.

Yes. Obey God and damn the consequences.
Indo, I do think that ISIS and ISIL are getting plenty of coverage and we are hearing more due to their activity so I would say there is more reported when it is related to those groups. Which is a good thing as people should know what is happening in other parts of the world.

ISIS is as odd as they coverage they get.
Their method is simple, get cash by taking over oil fields, and control the population by being as brutal as possible, thus creating total fear of them.

I'm still unsure if they're extremist Muslim bastards, or extremist capitalist bastards who just happen to be Muslims.

One other odd thing when it comes to ISIS.
A lot of people make up stories to make them sound worse than they really are, but the fabrications are commonly less brutal than real life.
I've kept an eye on ISIS from their early days, when they would invade an area after the battles were over, then claim victory and get on with their usual rapes, murders and destroying things.
No one seems to remember their early stuff, but they were a set of cowardly wankers from the start.
Frankly, I think they got a taste for the oil money and changed from there, leaving foolish brainwashed minions to do their fighting, whilst the leaders bank the cash.

My personal belief is the Vatican sent their own Jesuit agents in to bankroll ISIS - and the money is first being laundered through the USA because after all - this is the one nation that didn't kick the Jesuits out of their country - instead we elected them to office to rule this country! (shocking, isn't it?) So what would be their motive? Well, they have always run both sides of a war - this is especially true with the wars involving communism, Islam, they are the mother of it all - so by using ISIS to "create a crisis" they can then go in and pretend to be the savior who "solves the crisis"... its 101 for Romanists in the Vatican. They have been doing it all along. Think about it. They are using your people. Again. This is how they will get their New Word Order that Hitler failed to deliver to them. Who do you think created the League of Nations? The Jesuits. Who do you think was behind the creation of the second one known as the United Nations. The Jesuits. THINK.

Keep this absolutely quiet----DON'T TELL ANYONE I ASKED------uhm....
where was FRANCES when the AMIA jewish center bombing took place.---
and where was he when that ALBERTO NISMAN person was found dead????'
' SHHH---SHSHHH keep it under your hat
Indo, I do think that ISIS and ISIL are getting plenty of coverage and we are hearing more due to their activity so I would say there is more reported when it is related to those groups. Which is a good thing as people should know what is happening in other parts of the world.

ISIS is as odd as they coverage they get.
Their method is simple, get cash by taking over oil fields, and control the population by being as brutal as possible, thus creating total fear of them.

I'm still unsure if they're extremist Muslim bastards, or extremist capitalist bastards who just happen to be Muslims.

One other odd thing when it comes to ISIS.
A lot of people make up stories to make them sound worse than they really are, but the fabrications are commonly less brutal than real life.
I've kept an eye on ISIS from their early days, when they would invade an area after the battles were over, then claim victory and get on with their usual rapes, murders and destroying things.
No one seems to remember their early stuff, but they were a set of cowardly wankers from the start.
Frankly, I think they got a taste for the oil money and changed from there, leaving foolish brainwashed minions to do their fighting, whilst the leaders bank the cash.

My personal belief is the Vatican sent their own Jesuit agents in to bankroll ISIS - and the money is first being laundered through the USA because after all - this is the one nation that didn't kick the Jesuits out of their country - instead we elected them to office to rule this country! (shocking, isn't it?) So what would be their motive? Well, they have always run both sides of a war - this is especially true with the wars involving communism, Islam, they are the mother of it all - so by using ISIS to "create a crisis" they can then go in and pretend to be the savior who "solves the crisis"... its 101 for Romanists in the Vatican. They have been doing it all along. Think about it. They are using your people. Again. This is how they will get their New Word Order that Hitler failed to deliver to them. Who do you think created the League of Nations? The Jesuits. Who do you think was behind the creation of the second one known as the United Nations. The Jesuits. THINK.

Keep this absolutely quiet----DON'T TELL ANYONE I ASKED------uhm....
where was FRANCES when the AMIA jewish center bombing took place.---
and where was he when that ALBERTO NISMAN person was found dead????'
' SHHH---SHSHHH keep it under your hat

Amazing. I didn't know about this story. This is very, very suspicious! I do not believe for a second this man took his own life. With a trail of blood found to his body? I do not think so! I am telling you now - this Pope is thick as thieves with the Iranians - you can be sure his silence is evidence of his "guilt"... this man has a much blood on his hands. To call him "the Holy Father" is an abomination of abominations! ugh!!!

Thanks for the story. I'm making a thread about it - this one needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

REMEMBER MALDIVES originally a Buddhist and hindu nation-----a few years ago STRIPPED ALL BUT MUSLIMS OF CITIZENSHIP-----what's
sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander--------sorry ROHINGIES----time for
you to leave. Those Burmese Buddhists don't want your muslim asses on THEIR island-----you was screwed by your very own MALDIVIAN SCUM
brothers. go in good health----rohingies. Maybe the your Maldivian
brothers will take you in. Just what did they think would happen?

Let mess if I get your post right: A bunch of people of religion A, in country Z screwed a bunch of innocent people in country Z. Therefore it's ethically ok to screw a bunch of other people, in country X because they happen to be of religion A.

No wonder your ethics are so fucked up.
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

I'm hearing about it now! I didn't know about the concentration camps, didn't know about the ones forced out to sea in the hundreds (that is another way the early Romans used to put to death all who rejected Catholicism) It is horrifying to know what man can think of - come up with in order to create the worst possible sufferings of people! Just utterly horrific!! This is what happens when people without a conscience, people full of evil, are in control. May God save us from such a day! Man without the love of God in his heart is capable of anything. ANYTHING.

It's horrible when you add to it that that part of Asia is huge in human trafficking and many of the Rohinga, including children end up in slavery. And people excuse it or they seem to think it's ok because the Rohinga are of the "wrong" religion. They are human beings in the same straits as the victimized people in Syria or the Congo.
Boko Hiram has committed atrocities that were not published in main stream media reports

I've read many reports about that nasty set and what they get up to.
However, now I come to check, most of the reports come from local news outlets, much less in the western press.

Would you agree that attacks against Muslims gets little attention in the western media?

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims - BBC News

I think I would have to because I never heard that Buddhist monks were attacking Muslims, Indo. I will tell you where I heard about Hindus attacking Muslims and Christians though. I heard about it in a newsletter I received from Jack Chick recently. Had it not been for him sending me that newsletter I would not have had any idea. In fact, it is so bad in India now that they have a Hindu president who is encouraging these attacks on Hindus and Muslims! Can you imagine that? A Hindu president that is encouraging attacks on Muslims and Christians. Anti-conversion laws are being passed in many areas of India at this writing and so the window is closing for Jack Chick tracts to be distributed in that region of the world. The door is being closed in India to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therein we are seeing the possible end to widespread evangelism in the largest population nation in the world. I believe India's population is greater than China's is. Right? I know Indonesia has a huge population to - over 200 million. I do not watch television news these days but I've not heard anyone I know mention these stories and I have not read anything about it on the Online News media sources which pretty much report the same stories Fox, CNN and the others report.

You've probably heard about the Rohinga - those are the Muslims the Myanmar Buddhists are persecuting. They are considered by the UN and human rights groups to be amongst the most persecuted people on earth. They are the ones who have been stript of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, and forced out to sea in hundreds of leaky boats and nowhere to go.

REMEMBER MALDIVES originally a Buddhist and hindu nation-----a few years ago STRIPPED ALL BUT MUSLIMS OF CITIZENSHIP-----what's
sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander--------sorry ROHINGIES----time for
you to leave. Those Burmese Buddhists don't want your muslim asses on THEIR island-----you was screwed by your very own MALDIVIAN SCUM
brothers. go in good health----rohingies. Maybe the your Maldivian
brothers will take you in. Just what did they think would happen?

Let mess if I get your post right: A bunch of people of religion A, in country Z screwed a bunch of innocent people in country Z. Therefore it's ethically ok to screw a bunch of other people, in country X because they happen to be of religion A.

No wonder your ethics are so fucked up.

there is NOTHING about my ethics fucked up----in fact YOU are fucked up----it is you who ENDORSE the FULL ISLAMIZATION of a bunch of islands ----originally ALL HINDU AND BUDDHIST and the complete disenfranchisement of all ----KAFFIRIN ----but get all bent out of shape when BUDDHISTS who have been THE PEOPLE OF BURMA FOR SOME 2000 years resist the same shit happening to them Somehow I do not recall any objection from you over the COMPLETE DISEFRANCHISMENT of KAFFIRIN in Maldives because YOU ARE ****DISGUSTING***** nor do I recall any problem with the horrific vandalism of holy Buddhist statuary -----because you are *****DISGUSTING****

in fact---way back then when the people of MALDIVES----VOTED to disenfranchise ------all kaffirin-----your fellow shit called it DEMOCRACY. I did not know you then -----but I have no doubt you were in the "YAYYYY DEMOCRACY" CROWD in response to that atrocity
I endorse nothing of that sort Rosie. There is no evidence the Rohinga are attemtping any sort of "Islaminization".

Buddhists can be just as bigoted and intolerant as the other religions.

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