Papua: Christian terrorists burn down a mosque during Eid prayers

I have a wonderful idea-------regarding the unfortunate destruction of that hut that had been used as a mosque----it should be rebuilt to its prior condition by the Christians of the world after the muslims of the world rebuild the churches, hindu temples, synaggues and Buddhist holy sites that they have destroyed over the past 100 years-------that 100 year window of time seems reasonable to me------doable. I am sure that coyote agrees. ------all destroyed "holy houses" and shrines and--stuff destroyed in the past 100 years be rebuilt to prior condition---
by the destroying parties-----we can start with the makeshift mosque hut of papua and work backwards to the year 1915---- OK? 200 years? 1000 years?

Let me get this're blaming modern people for the evils of past generations of people who's only commonality is a shared religion?

Should the Christians rebuild all the Mosques, temples and holy sites they destroyed in their conquests?

This is going to be a lot of work.
I have a wonderful idea-------regarding the unfortunate destruction of that hut that had been used as a mosque----it should be rebuilt to its prior condition by the Christians of the world after the muslims of the world rebuild the churches, hindu temples, synaggues and Buddhist holy sites that they have destroyed over the past 100 years-------that 100 year window of time seems reasonable to me------doable. I am sure that coyote agrees. ------all destroyed "holy houses" and shrines and--stuff destroyed in the past 100 years be rebuilt to prior condition---
by the destroying parties-----we can start with the makeshift mosque hut of papua and work backwards to the year 1915---- OK? 200 years? 1000 years?

Let me get this're blaming modern people for the evils of past generations of people who's only commonality is a shared religion?

Should the Christians rebuild all the Mosques, temples and holy sites they destroyed in their conquests?

This is going to be a lot of work.

right----that is why I mentioned a DOABLE window of time----like the past 100 years----of course Christians are just as liable as anyone else------da joooos, too.
Christians should rebuild every giant Buddha they bombed-----muslilms should fix the plaster faces of the little garden marys they defaced----in Brooklyn and New Jersey
there is nothing "modern" about the link between Nazism and Islam----in fact it goes all the way back to the inception of islam itself and the ---NAZI ideal of genocide of jews goes all the way back to the inception of CATHOLIC CANON LAW------aka the JUSTINIAN CODE It was Constantine----founder of that which was later called the JUSTINIAN CODE and which is catholic canon law that
came up with such -----concepts as COLOR CODING jews for easy ID with OBLIGATORY yellow insignia ---------the same code-----as a precursor of catholic Adolf's Nuremburg law-----which denied jews the right to use public transportation----denied jews the right to ride horses Another proscription on jews was the right to own weapons of any kind------- muhumad and adolf APED BOTH PROSCRIPTIONS-------only idiots deny the link between islam and Nazism--------it is islamo Nazis who coined the utterly baseless thing "zio-Nazi"-----there is no comparison. Catholic canon law is VERY NAZI and muhummad aped that shit hook line and sinker-- (he was not an original thinker(

Modern or not, it is ironic that the promoters of Muslim Supremacy make the claim that "Islamonazi" is a "fabrication," given the open praise of Hitler by Ahmadinejad (The only problem with Hitler is he didn't finish the job) and the open carrying of signs like the one posted by Palestinian terrorists. Those who promote the Muslim Supremacist movement play fast and loose with the facts.
Let me get this're blaming modern people for the evils of past generations of people who's only commonality is a shared religion?

Should the Christians rebuild all the Mosques, temples and holy sites they destroyed in their conquests?

This is going to be a lot of work.

You're calling the Muzzie Beasts "modern people?" :rofl:
there is nothing "modern" about the link between Nazism and Islam----in fact it goes all the way back to the inception of islam itself and the ---NAZI ideal of genocide of jews goes all the way back to the inception of CATHOLIC CANON LAW------aka the JUSTINIAN CODE It was Constantine----founder of that which was later called the JUSTINIAN CODE and which is catholic canon law that
came up with such -----concepts as COLOR CODING jews for easy ID with OBLIGATORY yellow insignia ---------the same code-----as a precursor of catholic Adolf's Nuremburg law-----which denied jews the right to use public transportation----denied jews the right to ride horses Another proscription on jews was the right to own weapons of any kind------- muhumad and adolf APED BOTH PROSCRIPTIONS-------only idiots deny the link between islam and Nazism--------it is islamo Nazis who coined the utterly baseless thing "zio-Nazi"-----there is no comparison. Catholic canon law is VERY NAZI and muhummad aped that shit hook line and sinker-- (he was not an original thinker(

Modern or not, it is ironic that the promoters of Muslim Supremacy make the claim that "Islamonazi" is a "fabrication," given the open praise of Hitler by Ahmadinejad (The only problem with Hitler is he didn't finish the job) and the open carrying of signs like the one posted by Palestinian terrorists. Those who promote the Muslim Supremacist movement play fast and loose with the facts.

it (the theory of the "fabrication people") are on the same spectrum as what came
to be called "holocaust deniers" <<< another kinda awkward phrase. Similar thugs call BAATHISM secular loveliness. Iranian fascism is not exactly
baathism -----but it shares LOTS OF ELEMENTS. (GLORIOUSLY) Keep in mind-----that nice lady with the sign is the ONLY example-----or the FALSE impression that islam
and Nazism have any affinity at all and maybe a few hundred jews died of typhus
Yes, it is - and those same few pictures get repeatedly shown.

The Muslim Supremacists you promote openly praise Hitler and the Holocaust, such as Ahmadinejad. You know this.

Where have I promoted "Muslim Supremacists"?

your comment is kinda like Fr. CHARLES COUGHLIN stating
"where have I promoted hitler"? The theme of Nazi propaganda
in the mid to late 1930s was "LET'S TRIVIALIZE"-------did you
learn your stuff from those writings or come up with it independently?
Of course the gas chambers were just "another one of those stories"
I am curious about the Christian TERRORISTS in PAPUA-----does anyone know
how many muslims have they murdered? For the sake of making simple-----
make that ----in the past ten years.
I googled-----I could find no examples of Christians of PAPUA murdering muslims----but lots of vague claims from very even handed sources like "wordpress"----
which claims that muslims in PAPUA are subjected to both verbal and physical
violence and its INCREASING -----AND that lots of Papuans want to convert to islam but suffer from objections against the idea from nasty Christians. ANYONE have any luck uncovering the genocidal ambitions of Papuan Christians against muslims?
Christian terrorists in Tolikara, Papua (Indonesia) stormed a mosque today whilst people were performing the Eid Prayer setting the masjid on fire and attacking the worshipers with stones.
Christian terrorists also burned down 6 homes and 11 stores; and forced Muslims to flee the city.

The GIDI (Evangelical Christians) self-pronounced a ban on Eid prayers, wearing of the hijab and more in the city saying Muslims can go elsewhere.

Mosque burnt down during Eid prayers by Christian terrorists in Papua Indonesia

Sounds like Apartheid to me. Minority Christians telling the majority Muslims how to be.

In Papua----Christians are the majority-----Indonesia incorporated the country against the will of the people------Papua wants to remain Christian but the
Christians over there are subjected to Islamic violence----in fact to the point of
genocide and major atrocities------- Sheeesh ----it's an Islamic induced nitemare over there--------Buddhists don't want muslims murdering them either, Neither
Buddhists nor Christians want to be ruled by MUSLIM INDONESIA-----they are
supposed to have rights too-----right?
who engages in this "repeated rape" technique of enslavement? what good does it do the "enslavers" other than giving them free sex by rape

I know you're stupid, but I didn't realise you can't read.

then people pay the traffickers to rape her many times a day.

Please go and fuck yourself.

to whom are you addressing your classically Islamic directive?
Fartimah bint muhummad????
who engages in this "repeated rape" technique of enslavement? what good does it do the "enslavers" other than giving them free sex by rape

I know you're stupid, but I didn't realise you can't read.

then people pay the traffickers to rape her many times a day.

Please go and fuck yourself.

to whom are you addressing your classically Islamic directive?
Fartimah bint muhummad????

getting back to the PUTATIVE SPATE OF TERRORIST ACTS PERPETRATED by Christians upon muslims in papua------does anybody have the body count?
No, I'm speaking of the genocide by the Muzzie Beasts against the Christians.

Massacre The Story of East Timor Democracy Now

Six years ago today — on November 12, 1991 — Indonesian troops armed with American-made M16 rifles fired on a crowd

Armed with M16s?
Do you mean this was done by the US sponsored dictator that the local Muslim population kicked out?

Bugger me, you make a good point.
US sponsored dictators kill people.
No, I'm speaking of the genocide by the Muzzie Beasts against the Christians.

Massacre The Story of East Timor Democracy Now

Six years ago today — on November 12, 1991 — Indonesian troops armed with American-made M16 rifles fired on a crowd

Armed with M16s?
Do you mean this was done by the US sponsored dictator that the local Muslim population kicked out?

Bugger me, you make a good point.
US sponsored dictators kill people.

Freddie is playing with you folks------muzzies who buy arms MADE IN THE USA FROM OTHER MUZZIEs are in his feeble and desperate mind---"SPONSORED" by the USA, Even muzziettes who tie
bombs to their asses made from nitrogen compounds are "USA SPONSORED" if the nitrogen compounds are made in the USA
Christian terrorists in Tolikara, Papua (Indonesia) stormed a mosque today whilst people were performing the Eid Prayer setting the masjid on fire and attacking the worshipers with stones.
Christian terrorists also burned down 6 homes and 11 stores; and forced Muslims to flee the city.

The GIDI (Evangelical Christians) self-pronounced a ban on Eid prayers, wearing of the hijab and more in the city saying Muslims can go elsewhere.

Mosque burnt down during Eid prayers by Christian terrorists in Papua Indonesia
I'm not okay with this, but when you think about it, the Muslims had a little payback coming to them.
I am still searching for the BODY COUNT caused by the horrific reign of terror that has been afflicted on the muslims of Papua by Christians during this past ramadan
I still don't know why it is that just because muzzies buy American made armaments from muzzie armament sellers like ADNAN KHASHOGGIE that the goons that carry
the guns are "SPONSORED" by the USA

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