Paranoia: How CTs Are Destroying America

you support thought police and attacks on free speech with histrionic paranoid rants about the threat to society if it is not of one collective hive mind and you are calling people chicken little...hilarious

The threat that paranoid CT delusionals pose to society is far more real than that posed by the extra-terrestrials you believe in.

I just posted what defense ministers and Apollo astronauts said ..I never offered an opinion on the accuracy of their assertions posting it you inferred it and your support of it...
The threat that paranoid CT delusionals pose to society is far more real than that posed by the extra-terrestrials you believe in.

I just posted what defense ministers and Apollo astronauts said ..I never offered an opinion on the accuracy of their assertions posting it you inferred it and your support of it...

He posted it as "proof" our gov't is engaged in conspiracies. Obviously he subscribes to it. Now he realizes he once again has exposed himself and the silly CT Movement.
I just posted what defense ministers and Apollo astronauts said ..I never offered an opinion on the accuracy of their assertions posting it you inferred it and your support of it...

He posted it as "proof" our gov't is engaged in conspiracies. Obviously he subscribes to it. Now he realizes he once again has exposed himself and the silly CT Movement.

So in your opinion Canadian and British defense ministers and Apollo astronauts are part of a silly CT movement ?
Paranoid Nation: How Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying America | Julian Brookes | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Paranoid Nation: How Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying America
By Julian Brookes
POSTED: May 18, 12:45 PM ET

Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. (And even if he was, no matter: He's still fixing to impose socialist tyranny on America); Osama bin Laden is still alive, or died long ago. 9/11 was an inside job. In case you hadn't noticed, conspiracy theories are big these days. Of course, they've always been big – for which, see Freemasons, Satanic cults, the JFK assassination, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Paul McCartney's death, and on and on. But it's hard to shake the feeling that conspiracy theories are getting out of hand. Cass Sunstein, a Harvard legal thinker now in the Obama administration, wrote an influential paper in 2008 arguing that conspiracism poses a threat to democracy and government needs to start taking it very seriously. And more recently, Canadian journalist Jonathan Kay, who has a new book out about conspiracism, has written Internet-fueled conspiracy theories have caused "nothing less than a rift in the fabric of consensual American reality" – meaning, we don't agree anymore on what reality is.

Below, posts looking at at conspiracy theories in America today. Check back here for updates.

Top 10 conspiracy theories
Jews run the world; 9/11 was an inside job; Obama is a radical socialist; fluoride is sapping our national strength – and other paranoid fantasies believed by millions

Book excerpt: Among the Truthers
Journalist Jonathan Kay spent two years two journeying in America's "vast conspiracist subculture." He came back with a warning: conspiracy theories are tearing our society apart

Q&A: Jonathan Kay on America's vast conspiracist subculture
The author on on why conspiracists aren't crazy (or dumb), what they get out of believing, and why "birtherism" isn't about race

Photo Gallery: Eight Types of Conspiracy Theorist
From the midlife crisis case to the crank and the failed historian, people latch on to conspiracy theories for all sorts of deep, psychological reasons

Read more: Paranoid Nation: How Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying America | Julian Brookes | Politics News | Rolling Stone
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I LOVED the comments. I especially enjoyed the ones where they specifically said they were going to discontinue their subscription. I only read down about thirty, thirty-five comments, but from that, I only found about two that were in agreement with what the article was saying.

Just about everyone knew it was propaganda, and that Rolling Stone no longer represented that great Gonzo Journalistic tradition of Hunter Thompson. This piece was a pathetic piece of garbage. Only people that don't have minds of their own would really believe this crap. And from the looks of it, that ranged to about, oh, between five to ten percent of Rolling Stone readership. That is an encouraging sign, thanks! :up:
Yeah, everything is a "conspiracy." As you and Chicken Little like to say, "the sky is falling!"

you support thought police and attacks on free speech with histrionic paranoid rants about the threat to society if it is not of one collective hive mind and you are calling people chicken little...hilarious

The threat that paranoid CT delusionals pose to society is far more real than that posed by the extra-terrestrials you believe in.

[ame=]UFC 137 Nick Diaz Don't Be Scared Homie - YouTube[/ame]
I don't think they are destroying America.

Some might destroy their families by letting their mental illness cause them to "escape from society" but that isn't a threat to most, it just sucks they believe their wife and kids are better off heeding their actions based on paranoid delusions.

who is this they you speak of exactly ?..and what is it you think they believe ?

Despite all the twisting and spinning on this thread, the author's point remains unchallenged:
"Cass Sunstein, a Harvard legal thinker now in the Obama administration, wrote an influential paper in 2008 arguing that conspiracism poses a threat to democracy and government needs to start taking it very seriously. And more recently, Canadian journalist Jonathan Kay, who has a new book out about conspiracism, has written Internet-fueled conspiracy theories have caused "nothing less than a rift in the fabric of consensual American reality" – meaning, we don't agree anymore on what reality is."

1. 9/11 was an "inside job"

at least a rogue outside job that was capitalized upon

2. JFK was assassinated by ...

someone not oswald LOL

3. Doctors concocted the AIDS virus

and weapons grade anthrax

4. Aliens crashed in New Mexico

Now being admitted in g8

5. The moon landing was staged

who gives a shit.

6. FEMA has death camps at the ready

not poitically correct, they are internment camps,
like when we unconstitutionally locked up Americans with jap blood

7. The government is spraying us with chemicals

operation big city

8. Global warming is a hoax

solar flares

9. A shadowy elite is plotting world domination (New World Order, One-World Government)

its not very new but it is very "one"

10. Government fluoridates the water supply to make us sick and/or docile

increases the absorbtion of aluminum

there does that make you feel better?
the solution is to abolish the 1st and mandate stupid pills issue blindfods


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You would have to be an idiot, a conspiracy theorist or both not to figure out what's wrong with this picture.[/QUOTE]

What is wrong with this picture is that it is obviously a single frame edited out of a video in which George Bush is raising his hand to wave at the crowd.

What is wrong is the lengths liberals will go to in order to make Bush look like some sort of evil person, when it is obvious that whoever would make this kind of frame is truly, truly evil themselves. posting it you inferred it and your support of it...

He posted it as "proof" our gov't is engaged in conspiracies. Obviously he subscribes to it. Now he realizes he once again has exposed himself and the silly CT Movement.

So in your opinion Canadian and British defense ministers and Apollo astronauts are part of a silly CT movement ?
high government positions are no barrier to mental illness and paranoia..
people latch on to conspiracy theories for all sorts of deep, psychological reasons


The FBI still says these are the terrorists.14 But when they are found alive, the FBI says their identity was stolen, and its not the terrorist.15

Remember that suspicious bin Laden "confession" video?

How could he praise uninvolved living people12 for the 9/11 hijackings?

If they stole identities, how did the FBI identify those passengers as terrorists?

Not by flight calls, which contradict the FBI13 information!
These aren't the first mistakes. FBI quickly had amended the original list8, as the original "suicide hijackers" came forward!

George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was a banker for Adolph Hitler.

In 1942 Prescott Bush had his assets in the Union Banking Corporation seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act. Prescott's Union Banking Corp worked
for Brown Brothers Harriman, which was owned by Nazi Financier Fritz
Thyssen. Bush helped Thyssen move assets through front companies
around the world. Thyssen became wealthy when Hitler decided to rearm
Germany. He had owned the largest steel company in Germany. Bush also
had financial dealings with several German companies who utilized
slave labor from NAZI concentration camps.

For more info:,12271,1312540,00.html


The Wall Street Journal reported in its september 27 th 2001 issue that George Bush's Father was in Business with the Bin Laden family through a fund controlled by the Carlyle Group, a defense contracting company. The article also says that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family would profit from the increased military spending in the wake of the september 11 th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Also George W. Bush indirectly recieved a 50000 dollar investment in his first company, Arbusto energy, from James Bath, Salem Bin Laden's personal representitive to the United States. James Bath was also a classmate of George W Bush when he was enrolled in flight school at the Army National Guard. To read the article click on the following URL: note you will need to get a subscription to read the full article.


paid trolls like sayit here always ignore that pic of Bush there that he is giving the exact same aulted Hitler always gave.:D they always ignore that the Bushs and their long time pal Clinton have both said we need to have a new world order which is the same speech Hitler gave as well to his people all the time.:D

nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

[ame=]George Bush New World Order - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Bill Clinton agrees with Bush about New World Order - YouTube[/ame]

say it troll and the OCTAS are the ones that latch onto conspiracy THEORIES of the governments like 19 muslims being behind the 9/11 attacks for unknown psychological reasons.:D

as always,sayit troll gets his ass handed to him on a platter from you and myself as well and can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D

that being said,i love how like clockwork,the Bush apologists play dodgeball with this post.:D
You would have to be an idiot, a conspiracy theorist or both not to figure out what's wrong with this picture.

What is wrong with this picture is that it is obviously a single frame edited out of a video in which George Bush is raising his hand to wave at the crowd.

What is wrong is the lengths liberals will go to in order to make Bush look like some sort of evil person, when it is obvious that whoever would make this kind of frame is truly, truly evil themselves.[/QUOTE]

In this case it is an evil CT loon who posted that fraud, thus substantiating the author's point. These not-too-brights are a threat to America because they will do and say anything. Truth and reality are of no significance to them. Only their hate and paranoia must be served.
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he posted it as "proof" our gov't is engaged in conspiracies. Obviously he subscribes to it. Now he realizes he once again has exposed himself and the silly ct movement.

so in your opinion canadian and british defense ministers and apollo astronauts are part of a silly ct movement ?
high government positions are no barrier to mental illness and paranoia..

so you believe they are mentally ill and paranoid ?

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