Can you spot the propaganda in this story?

Actually the headline made me think another murder by illegal migrants. Then I saw it was a rip current that can happen near pretty much near any shore when conditions are right. But I wouldn't have equated it as trying to cast aspersions on Florida but rather emphasis of a tragedy.

Exactly, you went to murder, not a tragic accident.

I damn near drowned swimming with my Dad off of Venice beach when I was 13. Pacific rip tides are brutal. I was a good swimmer and had the mile swim Boy Scouts merit badge. My Dad knew what to do. You have to let it shove you out until it stops shoving, then swim parallel to the beach until you can get around it. We swam 1/2 mile, turned and were able to make it back to the sand. I wouldn't have known that if he hadn't been there to show me how.

You will never get back trying to swim against it. The huge waves were coming in doubles and triples. Hit you, roll you around in the sand at the bottom, and drag you back out.

We figured out why none of the locals were ever in the water between 1 and 3pm.
You can go in the water. Just e smart about it. Up to your waist would be a limit if you have some moderate strength. The waves will let your logic perform a solution if you respect it. It is actually good exercise for you as it will be rougher. The worry is how far back the waves will take you and into the rip tide.
the unaliving piece was the discussion, it implies unsafe and don't go.
Maybe. The MSM is rarely objective about much of anything these days and it was a rather odd headline for a story. But as a former media person, I have remained a strong media watcher and am very sensitive to how the media dishonestly manipulates public opinion by distorting or changing facts, including unnecessary comments/content etc., I saw this one as pretty much a straight forward story.

There have been a number of similar deaths near Florida beaches this year. Nationwide there are roughly 100 rip current deaths every year. It's wise to keep the public informed of the danger.
Maybe. The MSM is rarely objective about much of anything these days and it was a rather odd headline for a story. But as a former media person, I have remained a strong media watcher and am very sensitive to how the media dishonestly manipulates public opinion by distorting or changing facts, including unnecessary comments/content etc., I saw this one as pretty much a straight forward story.

There have been a number of similar deaths near Florida beaches this year. Nationwide there are roughly 100 rip current deaths every year. It's wise to keep the public informed of the danger.
using unaliving is beyond odd in this scenario. Simply is.
is it greener when youre under water? perhaps.
But probably not for those who live in places too hot.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, easily brainwashed moron?

The fact of the matter is that higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations make plants more drought resistant, very hot areas that are prone to drought benefit significantly.

If you were not too stupid to comprehend even basic science, you would have already known that.

Carbon dioxide is the green gas.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, easily brainwashed moron?

The fact of the matter is that higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations make plants more drought resistant, very hot areas that are prone to drought benefit significantly.

If you were not too stupid to comprehend even basic science, you would have already known that.

Carbon dioxide is the green gas.
what does it matter if its too hot to grow, or flooding or other areas with no water.

Although plants need carbon dioxide to grow, their success in very high-carbon environments is not guaranteed. Not all plants like extra carbon equally. And for those carbon aficionados in the plant kingdom, CO2 is not the only factor that controls growth. As any aspiring green thumb knows, plants need the right balance of water and soil nutrients to translate extra carbon dioxide into growth.

read about it here.
Okay... I guess I never said my opinion is an authority. Interesting what happens when you apply reading comprehension
right? someone says something, and someone else says something else, doesn't wipe away what the first someone said just because you don't see it.
Killed by Dihydrogen Monoxide, a chemical known to cause deaths in humans. I blame Joe Biden, not Fla. for not regulating that dangerous substance. It kills in just about every other state too. Dang that Joe.

Go Panthers.
right? someone says something, and someone else says something else, doesn't wipe away what the first someone said just because you don't see it.
I didn't say that either.

OP: Anyone see Propaganda
Me: No
You: Who made you an authority and just because you can't see or didn't read it or interpret it that way doesn't mean it doesn't exist.... blah blah..... JFC! Some of you on this board need some damn meds.

Their Vacation Had Barely Begun When They Were Killed​

First few lines of the story

Three Alabama men who went for an evening swim shortly after arriving at a Florida Panhandle beach were caught in a rip current and died, authorities say. It was the latest in a rash of recent deaths in Florida waters after a Pennsylvania couple drowned off the state's southeast coast, the AP reports.

Screen shot:

View attachment 966763

Do you find the headline accurate, or is it an intentional effort to smear the State of FL. Personally I think it's the latter and told the editors so.
Your thoughts?

As soon as I read the headline I thought this would be a story of a Murder.

Then 1st sentence Died in a rip tide.

So....the Headline is misleading and the paper trying for more views.
I didn't say that either.

OP: Anyone see Propaganda
Me: No
You: Who made you an authority and just because you can't see or didn't read it or interpret it that way doesn't mean it doesn't exist.... blah blah..... JFC! Some of you on this board need some damn meds.
it's what you implied. Do you know how that works?
what does it matter if its too hot to grow, or flooding or other areas
What makes you think that is relevant, moron?

It does not change that fact that plants are more drought resistant when there is higher carbon dioxide concentrations.

Carbon dioxide is the green gas. It makes green plants thrive.

You are very apparently very stupid, and therefore easily brainwashed by the Global Warming Doomsday Cult.
What makes you think that is relevant, moron?

It does not change that fact that plants are more drought resistant when there is higher carbon dioxide concentrations.

Carbon dioxide is the green gas. It makes green plants thrive.

You are very apparently very stupid, and therefore easily brainwashed by the Global Warming Doomsday Cult.
it's hilarious that demofks don't understand that flooding occurred in a field that was once there not populated with humans and their infrastructures is something new for them.
What makes you think that is relevant, moron?

It does not change that fact that plants are more drought resistant when there is higher carbon dioxide concentrations.

Carbon dioxide is the green gas. It makes green plants thrive.

You are very apparently very stupid, and therefore easily brainwashed by the Global Warming Doomsday Cult.
relevancy to plants is --> Not all plants like extra carbon equally. And for those carbon aficionados in the plant kingdom, CO2 is not the only factor that controls growth. As any aspiring green thumb knows, plants need the right balance of water and soil nutrients to translate extra carbon dioxide into growth.

there is more to life than plants. Plants are import, but there are animals and people, and the ocean sea level and the temperatures we can all exist.

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