Can you spot the propaganda in this story?

No, their intent was to insinuate that vacationing in FL is unsafe. You're likely to be killed shortly after arriving.


A simple typo on my part does not remove your stupidity of an OP.

There is no propaganda, the word is used all the time without there being malice or intent.
One should never expect headlines to serve as an accurate summary of the article below. Their main purpose is to entice readers to read the article. If it captured your attention enough to do so, then it worked and was a worthy headline.

The worse cases of headlines I've come across are found in blatant left and right leaning media where the click bait approach is quite noticeable. I especially hate the ones where the headline is in form of a question. I form an immediate negative attitude towards these, don't waste my time with them, and pass them over with thought they should come back when they figure out what they're talking about.

As for the article in question itself, to me it came across as something a lower college level journalism major would write. Two incidents that occurred at least a hundred miles apart sure doesn't come across to me as any sort of "rash". I didn't take it as any slant against Florida, seemed more like the "Newser Editors" vain attempt to come across as some major news publication while ending up more like the Daily Planet.

In my opinion the headline had a definite slant against FL. But you're right the article was juvenile. The AP headline was much more accurate.

3 caught in Florida Panhandle rip current die a day after couple drowns off state's Atlantic coast


Their Vacation Had Barely Begun When They Were Killed​

First few lines of the story

Three Alabama men who went for an evening swim shortly after arriving at a Florida Panhandle beach were caught in a rip current and died, authorities say. It was the latest in a rash of recent deaths in Florida waters after a Pennsylvania couple drowned off the state's southeast coast, the AP reports.

Screen shot:

View attachment 966763

Do you find the headline accurate, or is it an intentional effort to smear the State of FL. Personally I think it's the latter and told the editors so.
Your thoughts?

I damn near drowned swimming with my Dad off of Venice beach when I was 13. Pacific rip tides are brutal. I was a good swimmer and had the mile swim Boy Scouts merit badge. My Dad knew what to do. You have to let it shove you out until it stops shoving, then swim parallel to the beach until you can get around it. We swam 1/2 mile, turned and were able to make it back to the sand. I wouldn't have known that if he hadn't been there to show me how.

You will never get back trying to swim against it. The huge waves were coming in doubles and triples. Hit you, roll you around in the sand at the bottom, and drag you back out.

We figured out why none of the locals were ever in the water between 1 and 3pm.
That's one of many many many many reasons the internet has become a negative for our society.

Everyone online is desperate for views, clicks, likes, thumbs up and attention. Especially news outlets, there are so damn many sources for news now it's impossible to read them all and each one survived based on traffic and attention.

So with so many countless things to see online they now how to resort to misleading, lying, tricking and misdirecting people to get views and clicks. They all use false narratives, and stories involving the most extreme possible language they can. And as people become more desensitized these places have to take it even further for attention.

Everything news related is always this extreme and alarmist and shocking headlines to get people to look.

It won't be long before news sources just start outright making up everything so they can try to grab a new more followers.

Attention gets them money, and we all know money is more important than anything else, to them even reality or the truth.

And then there are those that intentionally leave the wrong impression for political reasons. That how the way this article was presented struck me.

I damn near drowned swimming with my Dad off of Venice beach when I was 13. Pacific rip tides are brutal. I was a good swimmer and had the mile swim Boy Scouts merit badge. My Dad knew what to do. You have to let it shove you out until it stops shoving, then swim parallel to the beach until you can get around it. We swam 1/2 mile, turned and were able to make it back to the sand. I wouldn't have known that if he hadn't been there to show me how.

You will never get back trying to swim against it. The huge waves were coming in doubles and triples. Hit you, roll you around in the sand at the bottom, and drag you back out.

We figured out why none of the locals were ever in the water between 1 and 3pm.

Did you think you were being killed, or did you think you got yourself in trouble and stood a chance of dying.

A simple typo on my part does not remove your stupidity of an OP.

There is no propaganda, the word is used all the time without there being malice or intent.

And every example you provided involved another party in the tragedy. In the case of this story, each individual met their fait based on their own decisions.

And every example you provided involved another party in the tragedy. In the case of this story, each individual met their fait based on their own decisions.


Would it not be easier and less embarrassing for you to just admit there is no propaganda and move on?

The word "killed" does not imply intent or malice. This has been proven.

Why just keep embarrassing yourself even more?
The only propaganda was not in the article. The article was simply reporting the deaths. You missed the actual propaganda. The Newser quiz at the bottom right of the page is real propaganda. It's subtly pushing the lie that life giving atmospheric carbon dioxide that literally makes the planet greener is somehow deleterious to the Earth's environment.
is it greener when youre under water? perhaps.
But probably not for those who live in places too hot.
Would it not be easier and less embarrassing for you to just admit there is no propaganda and move on?

The word "killed" does not imply intent or malice. This has been proven.

Why just keep embarrassing yourself even more?

In the context of that headline it did. Spend a little more time at your ESL class and your comprehension might improve.

In the context of that headline it did. Spend a little more time at your ESL class and your comprehension might improve.


you just keep digging the hole deeper.

damn, it is fun to watch though!

When you read the headline, did your mind go to rip tides?

Their Vacation Had Barely Begun When They Were Killed​

Actually the headline made me think another murder by illegal migrants. Then I saw it was a rip current that can happen near pretty much near any shore when conditions are right. But I wouldn't have equated it as trying to cast aspersions on Florida but rather emphasis of a tragedy.
Actually the headline made me think another murder by illegal migrants. Then I saw it was a rip current that can happen near pretty much near any shore when conditions are right. But I wouldn't have equated it as trying to cast aspersions on Florida but rather emphasis of a tragedy.
the unaliving piece was the discussion, it implies unsafe and don't go.

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