Paranoia is inherent in conservatism

Let's talk about paranoia....

Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Absolutely zero self-awareness....Yet again....

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
Ironic, coming from the unhinged crackpots who are screeching about RUSSIA! and PUTIN! to this very day.

Self-awareness: nowhere to be found anywhere on the political left.
Claiming Putin helped Trump by getting invoved in the 2016 election was backed up by the intelligence agencies, which removed it from the 'crackpot conspiracy' list to the 'reality list'. Nice try
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Absolutely zero self-awareness....Yet again....

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
42 of you. Just here alone.

Ironic, coming from the unhinged crackpots who are screeching about RUSSIA! and PUTIN! to this very day.

Self-awareness: nowhere to be found anywhere on the political left.
Claiming Putin helped Trump by getting invoved in the 2016 election was backed up by the intelligence agencies, which removed it from the 'crackpot conspiracy' list to the 'reality list'. Nice try
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...Thanks for proving my point, pinhead!

Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Absolutely zero self-awareness....Yet again....

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
42 of you. Just here alone.

No, I don''t need more evidence that you're completely devoid of introspection....But thanks for helping anyway.
Ironic, coming from the unhinged crackpots who are screeching about RUSSIA! and PUTIN! to this very day.

Self-awareness: nowhere to be found anywhere on the political left.
Claiming Putin helped Trump by getting invoved in the 2016 election was backed up by the intelligence agencies, which removed it from the 'crackpot conspiracy' list to the 'reality list'. Nice try
Now all you have to do to make it something that rebounds against the president is show how he worked with them to do it. Be sure to let us know how much more effective you are than Mueller was.
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Absolutely zero self-awareness....Yet again....

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
42 of you. Just here alone.

No, I don''t need more evidence that you're completely devoid of introspection....But thanks for helping anyway.
You're welcome, Trumpster!
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:
Absolutely zero self-awareness....Yet again....

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Freudian Projection: Of what they accuse, they are themselves guilty.
42 of you. Just here alone.

No, I don''t need more evidence that you're completely devoid of introspection....But thanks for helping anyway.
You're welcome, Trumpster!
Sucks a bag of dicks, moonbat.
I'm watching the Confirmation hearings, and I'm seeing a lot of paranoia from democrats opening statements.


But, not much about her qualifications.
Kinda of reminds you of the hearings on Kagan and Sotomayor doesn't it
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:

Yeah, the whole communist/marxist/socialist tags are being brought up and thrown around so much it smells like sheer desperation. But that's actually not the worst I've heard. I've talked to a Trump supporter who was actually walking around believing that this election is the penultimate battle between good and evil. Guess which side he thinks is evil? Another thinks that should Biden win, they'll just round Trump supporters up in camps. I asked her what kind of camp (summer? school? camp??) and of course she couldn't give me an answer. I asked her where she got this information from? And then recited some Internet site that I would classify as somewhere to the "right" of alt-right. I just throw these in because they're the nuttiest things I've heard. Seriously, where do people get this shit? When did an entire section of this country start living in their own little bubble of reality?
Watch, read and listen to their "news" and "information" sources in the alternate universe. This stuff is just POURED on them day after day, hour after hour. They walk around in a world of largely fiction, with just enough fact to keep them mostly tethered to reality. Look in their eyes when you talk to them. They're freakin' terrified.

Look at this poll -- 42 of them on this very site think that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism, literally:

Yeah, the whole communist/marxist/socialist tags are being brought up and thrown around so much it smells like sheer desperation. But that's actually not the worst I've heard. I've talked to a Trump supporter who was actually walking around believing that this election is the penultimate battle between good and evil. Guess which side he thinks is evil? Another thinks that should Biden win, they'll just round Trump supporters up in camps. I asked her what kind of camp (summer? school? camp??) and of course she couldn't give me an answer. I asked her where she got this information from? And then recited some Internet site that I would classify as somewhere to the "right" of alt-right. I just throw these in because they're the nuttiest things I've heard. Seriously, where do people get this shit? When did an entire section of this country start living in their own little bubble of reality?
Sure. You can see them using the term "evil" here all the time. That's how they've been conditioned to see the world.

The most ironic, and troubling, thing about this "socialist / communist" paranoia of theirs is that they're over-use of the terms have opened the door to REAL socialists. Look at the polls - people are no longer afraid of the terms. They've opened up the doors to the people they hate by being so freakin' simplistic and paranoid.

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