Paranoia is inherent in conservatism

You got that right, they live in fear!!
Laughable coming from the kook seeing white supremacists everywhere.

The way that dem political operatives in the FBI, abused their positions and power to launch a bullshit investigation to gin up a political impeachment,

proves that the Deep State is real, and your talk of "paranoia" is just you gaslighting.
I'm watching the Confirmation hearings, and I'm seeing a lot of paranoia from democrats opening statements.


But, not much about her qualifications.

Well we all know she is qualified,
just like Sonia Sotomayor was in 1998, but would she do the right thing, would she be for equal rights?? I doubt it.
You got that right, they live in fear!!
Everyday we see insane Progs on TV and social media with their acidic and caustic comments. The crazies in the political class outnumber the Repub crazies a hundred to one. And we do not need crazies in politics.
I'm watching the Confirmation hearings, and I'm seeing a lot of paranoia from democrats opening statements.


But, not much about her qualifications.

Well we all know she is qualified,
just like Sonia Sotomayor was in 1998, but would she do the right thing, would she be for equal rights?? I doubt it.

Broadbrushing is inherent in uneducated individuals with low IQs.
Tell that to the cons who claim every democrat is a Marxist

The leadership; of blm are admitted marxists and dems have been falling over themselves to ally with them, or give them money or to order cops to stand down so blm could rule the streets or refuse to prosecute blm rioters, ect. ect. ect.

The idea that a lot of dems are actually marxist, is a valid position, given the support this marxist organization is getting.
Broadbrushing is inherent in uneducated individuals with low IQs.
Tell that to the cons who claim every democrat is a Marxist

The leadership; of blm are admitted marxists and dems have been falling over themselves to ally with them, or give them money or to order cops to stand down so blm could rule the streets or refuse to prosecute blm rioters, ect. ect. ect.

The idea that a lot of dems are actually marxist, is a valid position, given the support this marxist organization is getting.
And right on cue..(chuckle)
Broadbrushing is inherent in uneducated individuals with low IQs.
Tell that to the cons who claim every democrat is a Marxist

The leadership; of blm are admitted marxists and dems have been falling over themselves to ally with them, or give them money or to order cops to stand down so blm could rule the streets or refuse to prosecute blm rioters, ect. ect. ect.

The idea that a lot of dems are actually marxist, is a valid position, given the support this marxist organization is getting.
And right on cue..(chuckle)

You've side actions have been clear, "broadly speaking" nearly across the board.

Talking about a group, generally speaking based on their actions, is valid, not stupid.

Your inability to honestly answer that, is you being dishonest.
The first thing Communists learn in Communist training is to always deny they are Communists.
I'm watching the Confirmation hearings, and I'm seeing a lot of paranoia from democrats opening statements.


But, not much about her qualifications.

Well we all know she is qualified,
just like Sonia Sotomayor was in 1998, but would she do the right thing, would she be for equal rights?? I doubt it.


Yes, she was nominated for the supreme court.

you flunked History again.

"She was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts on August 8, 2009.

When nominated, Sotomayor was a sitting judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, a position to which she had been appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998. Earlier, she served on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, appointed by George H. W. Bush in 1992."
I'm watching the Confirmation hearings, and I'm seeing a lot of paranoia from democrats opening statements.


But, not much about her qualifications.

Well we all know she is qualified,
just like Sonia Sotomayor was in 1998, but would she do the right thing, would she be for equal rights?? I doubt it.


Yes, she was nominated for the supreme court.

you flunked History again.

"She was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts on August 8, 2009.

When nominated, Sotomayor was a sitting judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, a position to which she had been appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998. Earlier, she served on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, appointed by George H. W. Bush in 1992."

During her September 1997 hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sotomayor parried strong questioning from some Republican members about mandatory sentencing, gay rights, and her level of respect for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.[89] After a long wait, she was approved by the committee in March 1998, with only two dissensions.[89][104] However, in June 1998, the influential Wall Street Journal editorial page opined that the Clinton administration intended to "get her on to the Second Circuit, then elevate her to the Supreme Court as soon as an opening occurs"; the editorial criticized two of her district court rulings and urged further delay of her confirmation.[107] The Republican block continued.

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