Paranoid liberals produce PSA: Steal your parents' gun and bring it to school

Can't they steal their parents drug stash and give it to the teacher saying "I don't feel safe in the house with a drug addict".
I can see why she's "An Independent Filmmaker". Hey kids, don't bring a gun to school, throw it off a bridge into deep water instead. TY.

And the spanking you get for doing so will beat the hell out of an accidental, or intentional, death by firearm.
Can't they steal their parents drug stash and give it to the teacher saying "I don't feel safe in the house with a drug addict".
I can see a bright future for kids' turning in their parents. Sounds like a great way to root out those people bitterly clinging to guns and God. Why hasn't this ever been tried before?
Can't they steal their parents drug stash and give it to the teacher saying "I don't feel safe in the house with a drug addict".
I can see a bright future for kids' turning in their parents. Sounds like a great way to root out those people bitterly clinging to guns and God. Why hasn't this ever been tried before?
It has...
I loved the commentary... "An accidental discharge may happen [if you bring it to school]". As if you have to bring it to school to have a gun go off by accident.

The guy who got Dillinger died while cleaning his gun...cop of 20-30 years
Hey, kid. What are you doing in your mother's underwear drawer?
Hi, Allstate? Yeah, my gun was stolen. Send me a check so I can buy another one. I also need to collect on my son's life insurance.
This went around my Facebook page several times over the last 7-10 days. It's utterly disgusting on multiple levels....

They're asking both the child and the teacher to commit MULTIPLE FELONIES, including theft, illegal possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm on school property, illegal transfer of a firearm, possession of a firearm by a minor, etc......

Not to mention that the first thing the police would/should do if the gun is turned in to them is return it to its rightful owners.... the kid's parent(s).

If I had done something like that, or any child of mine ever did it, they better stay with that teacher, because coming home would likely have been for me, and definitely would be for any child of mine, a death sentence.
If I had done something like that, or any child of mine ever did it, they better stay with that teacher, because coming home would likely have been for me, and definitely would be for any child of mine, a death sentence.

Joe's first maxim.

The best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk.

You'd kill your own kid because they'd try to get a gun out of the house? Really?
creating controversy because it's unrealistic?

You don't think there are kid who are terrified that their parents own guns?

You guys always want to talk about the Defensive Gun Uses where no one gets shot, but how about all the times a domestic abuser threatens his family with a gun?
i highly doubt there are very many kids who grew up in homes where guns are/were present are anti-gun liberpukes, my kids grew up during the 1960's-70's where a typical gun cabinet was present in the home, they never touched the guns when i was not around, they were taught safe gun handling and the destruction one could cause if negligence was the cause.

rebuttals ??
my dad and his schoolmates took their shotguns to school to hunt after school back in the day

no one got shot. explain that Joe
This video is sure creating a lot of controversy.....



2- Abolish government minimum security prisons, aka , government schools
3-Abolish the anti-drug war which have caused millions of parents to be incarcerated for smoking a joint , thereby depriving their progeny of their love , income , security
4-Abolish the federal government which in 1994 slaughtered 20 Davidians children by incinerating them alive
5- Abolish the federal government which from 1990 to 2008 murdered millions of Iraqi children because they believed that their death was "worthy"
6- abolish the federal government which in the 1940's murdered millions of Japanese children when they used the Atomic bombs
7- ad nauseam


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