*Pardon Manafort?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. I believe he should not go to prison.
  2. He was caught up in the Mueller bs
  3. If anyone should go to jail its Mueller and his whole team of fuck ups.
  4. I know that this witch hunt must backfire on the bastards who are in charge, no Russian collusion only on the Democrat side.
  5. How do you see this?
Sorry bout that,

  1. I believe he should not go to prison.
  2. He was caught up in the Mueller bs
  3. If anyone should go to jail its Mueller and his whole team of fuck ups.
  4. I know that this witch hunt must backfire on the bastards who are in charge, no Russian collusion only on the Democrat side.
  5. How do you see this?
Why should Trump pardon him?
He was guilty of crimes before he met Trump for the first time.
They have absolutely nothing to do with Trump.
The truth is....he was recommended by someone else, and only ended up on the Trump Campaign to set Trump up.
I do believe the Podesta’s should be right with him in prison. They caught a break when they were actually working together doing the same thing, yet not charged.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He could of been a set up, but also he may have just gotten taken by the witch hunt.
  2. Trump should see this and pardon, if he had no Russian Collusion, which he didn't.
  3. Whatever he got busted for should be out of bounds, and should be dropped immediately.
  4. Law enforcement should not attack any law breaker investigated for a certain thing, for anything they have done wrong from the day they were born.
  5. That's heavy handedness, and should never be legal.
  6. Just for that alone Manafort should get a pass.

I do believe the Podesta’s should be right with him in prison. They caught a break when they were actually working together doing the same thing, yet not charged.
It all has to do with prosecutorial-discretion. It's a way of avoiding going after corrupt Democrats.

This is the problem with Democrat lawyers. They know their way around our laws. Usually they break the law but refuse to prosecute anyone for it....until they can accuse a Republican of breaking the same laws. Then all of the sudden collusion with Russians, doing business with foreign banks, or ballot harvesting becomes actionable.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I believe he should not go to prison.
  2. He was caught up in the Mueller bs
  3. If anyone should go to jail its Mueller and his whole team of fuck ups.
  4. I know that this witch hunt must backfire on the bastards who are in charge, no Russian collusion only on the Democrat side.
  5. How do you see this?
What a fine piece of political hackery. Keep up the good work, you bootlicking toadie. You are making a difference.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He could of been a set up, but also he may have just gotten taken by the witch hunt.
  2. Trump should see this and pardon, if he had no Russian Collusion, which he didn't.
  3. Whatever he got busted for should be out of bounds, and should be dropped immediately.
  4. Law enforcement should not attack any law breaker investigated for a certain thing, for anything they have done wrong from the day they were born.
  5. That's heavy handedness, and should never be legal.
  6. Just for that alone Manafort should get a pass.

"could of", huh? LOL.
Yep, “do as I say, not as I do”...
I do believe the Podesta’s should be right with him in prison. They caught a break when they were actually working together doing the same thing, yet not charged.
It all has to do with prosecutorial-discretion. It's a way of avoiding going after corrupt Democrats.

This is the problem with Democrat lawyers. They know their way around our laws. Usually they break the law but refuse to prosecute anyone for it....until they can accuse a Republican of breaking the same laws. Then all of the sudden collusion with Russians, doing business with foreign banks, or ballot harvesting becomes actionable.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I believe he should not go to prison.
  2. He was caught up in the Mueller bs
  3. If anyone should go to jail its Mueller and his whole team of fuck ups.
  4. I know that this witch hunt must backfire on the bastards who are in charge, no Russian collusion only on the Democrat side.
  5. How do you see this?
Why should Trump pardon him?
He was guilty of crimes before he met Trump for the first time.
They have absolutely nothing to do with Trump.
The truth is....he was recommended by someone else, and only ended up on the Trump Campaign to set Trump up.

Trump it seems if a damn shitty judge of character.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I believe he should not go to prison.
  2. He was caught up in the Mueller bs
  3. If anyone should go to jail its Mueller and his whole team of fuck ups.
  4. I know that this witch hunt must backfire on the bastards who are in charge, no Russian collusion only on the Democrat side.
  5. How do you see this?

I see this as a fantasy and your wishful thinking, framed by ignorance. Sorry about that, but Manifort is a crook and got caught.

I pay my taxes, do you? He got 47 months, too many young men are in prison for years longer for possession of crack cocaine - Manifort will be going to a Federal Prison, a country club when compared to San Quentin St. Prison:

San Quentin State Prison | History & Facts
Obvious troll post but hey...I say lock him up. No pity for an Uber wealthy guy going to prison for cheating. He has shown no remorse so he thinks he is more important than the rest of us. It is reported he is stressed. Oh the poor guy. Lol lol
The truth is....he was recommended by someone else, and only ended up on the Trump Campaign to set Trump up.
And who recommended him?

Roger stone.

So this latest trump cultist brain fart by you is that Roger stone was setting up trump. That's adorable.
The truth is....he was recommended by someone else, and only ended up on the Trump Campaign to set Trump up.
And who recommended him?

Roger stone.

So this latest trump cultist brain fart by you is that Roger stone was setting up trump. That's adorable.
Thomas Barrack recommended Manafort to Trump, shitforbrains.
Thomas Barrack recommended Manafort to Trump
100% wrong, cultist.
Sorry dickhead......
Thomas Barrack has known Trump for years....and he recommended Manafort to Trump.

First the press conspired to get rid of Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, by claiming he assaulted a female reporter. Manafort was then promoted to campaign manager in May and Cory Lewandowski was let go in June. Stone may have had something to do with Manafort being promoted, but Thomas Barrack recommended that Trump hire Manafort in April of 2016, who was in put in charge of delegates at the RNC.
The press, (and yet again another unknown source) is trying to maximize Roger Stone's involvement leading up to his trial.

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