Parents Don't Think Their Overweight Kids are Fat

Well of course. If they thought it was a problem then they'd have to actually do something about it.

It's better, for some, to just live in denial.
Most parents don't like to think their kid is ugly or stupid either. Its called love.
Most overweight parents think their kids are just a little chubby but that they will grow out of it as they get older. They fail to look in the mirror. Honestly, when it comes to eating habits, this entire nation is screwed up. We tell ourselves that we are too busy to cook, so we eat all kinds of processed foods that lead to obesity. Then people try to cover themselves by drinking diet pop, like that is going to help any. In fact, we know that drinking diet pop leads to an increased appetite, making people eat more of the garbage processed foods that are so readily available. And last of all, our kids sit in front of the damn tv playing video games all day long or on the computer, instead of being outside running around burning off those excess calories, and parents want this because they don't feel safe letting their kids go outside because stranger danger might nab their child. But this too is a gross misconception created by the media. Kids are safer today than they were 30 years ago, yet parents are horrified at the idea of letting their child walk a couple blocks to Joey's house on their own.

If you want healthy kids, then cook them decent meals from scratch. It isn't hard, it isn't time consuming, and it is cheaper than buying all the processed junk out there. Forget about the lowfat foods and only allowing kids to drink diet drinks. Give them real sugar, but stay away from the high fructose corn syrup. Make their overall food intake balanced, which means they need to eat some fruits and vegetables, along with all different types of meat and fish. Last of all, make them go outside and actually play, ride their bikes, or play some type of sport. Make them work and do chores. Make it so that at the end of the day they are tired and want to go to bed so that they actually get the amount of sleep they need. Do all these things, and most will have healthy kids who are not overweight.
i think parents are too scared to say no to their kids these days. also that an there are a lot of parents who are fat to begin with. how can we expect them to take care of their kids when they cant even take care of themselves? just walk into your local fast food joint. theres a good change you will see an overweight person, or parent in there with their kids. it simply comes down to social responsibility. which unfortunately many people dont have.

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