Parents of woman shot at S.F. pier support strict immigration law

In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich.

If I made $250K I'd consider myself rich.

And I wouldn't look to cheat someone out of a hard day's work by hiring an illegal.

The rich are the problem here. Not Joe Average just trying to keep ahead of his bills by working two jobs.
The problem in our prisons is they contain too many small time drug offenders who hurt no one and too many illegals, some of whom did hurt someone. Stats show 1/3 of federal prisoners are illegal.

That's a dishonest stat, because federal prisoners are only a very small fraction of all the people incarcerated.

Congressional candidate Daniel Mielke says almost 30 of federal prisoners are illegal immigrants PolitiFact Wisconsin

The bureau’s website says that 73.4 percent of the federal inmates are U.S. citizens, and that more than 26 percent are not citizens. That’s just over a quarter of the inmates, within spitting distance to the nearly one-third claimed by Mielke.

But there’s a catch here -- and it's a big one.

Non-citizen doesn’t necessarily mean illegal immigrant, as many people receive visas or green cards to live and work in America. Presumably, some of these legal immigrants chose crime as their vocation. And the agency itself does not categorize inmates as legal citizens or illegal citizens.
How is it dishonest?

If federal prisons hold this level of illegals, it goes without saying that state prisons likely do too.

And if someone is here legally and commits a crime resulting in imprisonment, have they not exhausted their visa/green cards while in prison...thus they are now illegal?
In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich.

If I made $250K I'd consider myself rich.

And I wouldn't look to cheat someone out of a hard day's work by hiring an illegal.

The rich are the problem here. Not Joe Average just trying to keep ahead of his bills by working two jobs.
Okay Joe.

You need to provide proof of your accusation? Your post #15 stated the rich hiring illegals is the ENTIRE problem. Prove it.
In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich.

If I made $250K I'd consider myself rich.

And I wouldn't look to cheat someone out of a hard day's work by hiring an illegal.

The rich are the problem here. Not Joe Average just trying to keep ahead of his bills by working two jobs.
and again Joey, what you CONSIDER rich is not the benchmark.
Looks like conservatives are still following Trumps lead and politicizing on this girls grave.
Well we all know the Left NEVER politicizes events...:rolleyes:
The post and link has more to do with the OP than what you are talking about. The OP is misleading. The family has actually spoken out about the politicizing of Kate's murder. They have specifically addressed their frustration and criticism at Trump.
Looks like conservatives are still following Trumps lead and politicizing on this girls grave.
Well we all know the Left NEVER politicizes events...:rolleyes:
The post and link has more to do with the OP than what you are talking about. The OP is misleading. The family has actually spoken out about the politicizing of Kate's murder. They have specifically addressed their frustration and criticism at Trump.
An American women is murdered in cold blood in broad daylight in a tourist area in a big city (a sanctuary city thanks to progressives) by an illegal with a record and deported many times...and you think it wrong to politicize this terrible event.

She was murdered BECAUSE of politics...very bad politics.

You really can't be this simple...
Looks like conservatives are still following Trumps lead and politicizing on this girls grave.
Well we all know the Left NEVER politicizes events...:rolleyes:
The post and link has more to do with the OP than what you are talking about. The OP is misleading. The family has actually spoken out about the politicizing of Kate's murder. They have specifically addressed their frustration and criticism at Trump.
An American women is murdered in cold blood in broad daylight in a tourist area in a big city (a sanctuary city thanks to progressives) by an illegal with a record and deported many times...and you think it wrong to politicize this terrible event.

She was murdered BECAUSE of politics...very bad politics.

You really can't be this simple...
The brother of the slain woman is the one talking out against how Trump used the incident of his sisters murder. There are appropriate ways to link the death and inappropriate ways. Trump went to far according to the family. They answered a question and stated that jailing illegal immigrants with criminal records needs to be stricter. Trump and others have decided to use the murder to promote their own agenda's, hence, dancing on the woman's grave and ignoring the families objections. Use her death however you want, it's a free country, but don't misrepresent what the family is saying or justify your dancing on a woman's grave by falsely implying that you are voicing the families opinions to justify your ghoulish behavior.
Looks like conservatives are still following Trumps lead and politicizing on this girls grave.
Well we all know the Left NEVER politicizes events...:rolleyes:
The post and link has more to do with the OP than what you are talking about. The OP is misleading. The family has actually spoken out about the politicizing of Kate's murder. They have specifically addressed their frustration and criticism at Trump.
An American women is murdered in cold blood in broad daylight in a tourist area in a big city (a sanctuary city thanks to progressives) by an illegal with a record and deported many times...and you think it wrong to politicize this terrible event.

She was murdered BECAUSE of politics...very bad politics.

You really can't be this simple...
The brother of the slain woman is the one talking out against how Trump used the incident of his sisters murder. There are appropriate ways to link the death and inappropriate ways. Trump went to far according to the family. They answered a question and stated that jailing illegal immigrants with criminal records needs to be stricter. Trump and others have decided to use the murder to promote their own agenda's, hence, dancing on the woman's grave and ignoring the families objections. Use her death however you want, it's a free country, but don't misrepresent what the family is saying or justify your dancing on a woman's grave by falsely implying that you are voicing the families opinions to justify your ghoulish behavior.
BS. This was a terrible murder and the politicians have her blood on their hands. Trump was right to make an issue of it. You are easily duped by the left.
In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich.

If I made $250K I'd consider myself rich.

And I wouldn't look to cheat someone out of a hard day's work by hiring an illegal.

The rich are the problem here. Not Joe Average just trying to keep ahead of his bills by working two jobs.
2 years back, a man knocked on my door asking if I needed any tree trimming or landscaping done, I actually did need some done, so I asked him for references and a quote on cutting down some trees, we talked for awhile, and he was a latino, I assume from Mexico, and I asked him for his papers allowing him to work in the country, he said he was a legalized citizen and I asked to see his drivers license, he said he didn't have one, yet he showed up driving a car, and that was that, I told him if he could produce one of those 2 documents, I would put him to work, needless to say, he never showed back up.

Now, please show me one rich person, who knowingly hired an illegal alien, and did the hiring themselves, and when I say rich, I mean someone with a networth of over a million dollars.
In many areas of the country, making $135k to $250k does not make one rich.

If I made $250K I'd consider myself rich.

And I wouldn't look to cheat someone out of a hard day's work by hiring an illegal.

The rich are the problem here. Not Joe Average just trying to keep ahead of his bills by working two jobs.
2 years back, a man knocked on my door asking if I needed any tree trimming or landscaping done, I actually did need some done, so I asked him for references and a quote on cutting down some trees, we talked for awhile, and he was a latino, I assume from Mexico, and I asked him for his papers allowing him to work in the country, he said he was a legalized citizen and I asked to see his drivers license, he said he didn't have one, yet he showed up driving a car, and that was that, I told him if he could produce one of those 2 documents, I would put him to work, needless to say, he never showed back up.

Now, please show me one rich person, who knowingly hired an illegal alien, and did the hiring themselves, and when I say rich, I mean someone with a networth of over a million dollars.
I have been a landlord for many years. My rentals are in an area with a high Hispanic population. Over the years I have denied numerous tenant applicants who were unable to prove citizenship. I know many landlords who have rented or hired illegals and they are far from rich.
How is it dishonest?

If federal prisons hold this level of illegals, it goes without saying that state prisons likely do too.

No, not even close.

Besides the fact you glossed over the fact that the level represents ALL non-citizens, not just "illegals", the fact is, Federal facilities govern a totally different set of crimes- ones aliens are more likely to violate.
Put up numerous signs that say "land mines" in spanish, that ought to slow them down, if that doesn't work, actually lay down land mines. After they lose a few folks, it'll come to a quick halt.
Put up numerous signs that say "land mines" in spanish, that ought to slow them down, if that doesn't work, actually lay down land mines. After they lose a few folks, it'll come to a quick halt.

Yeah, when a few kids actually get blown up by those mines, that will be hilarious.
Put up numerous signs that say "land mines" in spanish, that ought to slow them down, if that doesn't work, actually lay down land mines. After they lose a few folks, it'll come to a quick halt.
Not necessary.

If they are refused employment, welfare, healthcare, education, etc...they won't come and those here will leave. Unfortunately, our government and politicians are controlled by the oligarchy and they like illegal immigration to depress wages....and the D party needs more voters.

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