Parents, pleas teach your kids that home invasion is not a good job.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Then they little retards won't get their ass's shot.

Grandfather Of Oklahoma Burglar Shot and Killed with AR-15 Complains of 'Unfair' Fight - Newsline

Plus questions for the retarded grandfather here,

1. What type of parent were you that your grand son grew up such a lousy criminal? I mean, he got shot so obviously he wasn't good at being a thug.

2. Is it fair that his grand son was creeping around in a strangers house with brass knuckles?

3. What would have been a better way?

I say good deal. The shooter is not going to be charged, and I look forward to more home invaders getting shot with AR15's.
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Then they little retards won't get their ass's shot.

Grandfather Of Oklahoma Burglar Shot and Killed with AR-15 Complains of 'Unfair' Fight - Newsline

Pulls questions for the retarded grandfather here,

1. What type of parent were you that your grand son grew up such a lousy criminal? I mean, he got shot so obviously he wasn't good at being a thug.

2. Is it fair that his grand son was creeping around in a strangers house with brass knuckles?

3. What would have been a better way?

I say good deal. The shooter is not going to be charged, and I look forward to more home invaders getting shot with AR15's.

I suppose the resident having only a bat would have made it a "more fair" fight..against 3 people. :eusa_whistle:
he is in mourning....making no sense.....i would assume the worse and deal with it that way...all 3 were a threat the homeowner's son was well within his rights
Then they little retards won't get their ass's shot.

Grandfather Of Oklahoma Burglar Shot and Killed with AR-15 Complains of 'Unfair' Fight - Newsline

Pulls questions for the retarded grandfather here,

1. What type of parent were you that your grand son grew up such a lousy criminal? I mean, he got shot so obviously he wasn't good at being a thug.

2. Is it fair that his grand son was creeping around in a strangers house with brass knuckles?

3. What would have been a better way?

I say good deal. The shooter is not going to be charged, and I look forward to more home invaders getting shot with AR15's.

I suppose the resident having only a bat would have made it a "more fair" fight..against 3 people. :eusa_whistle:

I would like to ask Grandpa if he has ever been hit with brass knucks. Not fun. Aim small miss small.
he is in mourning....making no sense.....i would assume the worse and deal with it that way...all 3 were a threat the homeowner's son was well within his rights

My brother was a junky. He died. It was sad, killed me, but I decided not to be a junky. That's how junkies die.
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Kids like this are normally lost anyway.

They often don't have a father in their homes in the first place.

And mothers have no idea of how to raise boys.
This grandfather is probably the reason these young thugs made poor life choices.

Break into someone's home, don't demand a "fair" fight. Go in knowing you may go out dead.
Things fathers need to teach their boys:

1 - never play with fire

2 - never play or ride your bike in traffic

3 - never hit girls

4 - never go anywhere without a knife

5 - how to ride a bike

6 - how to fish

7 - how to hunt

8 - how to camp out

9 - how to protect your sisters

10 - how to fight
Things mothers need to teach their boys and girls:

1 - how to use the potty

2 - to brush their teeth

3 - how to dress

4 - how to clean their rooms

5 - how to study for school

6 - eat their vegetables.
My parents never taught me home invasion was wrong, I just knew it based on the values instilled within me. Stealing, murder, rape, etc. all those things should be par for the course.
My parents never taught me home invasion was wrong, I just knew it based on the values instilled within me. Stealing, murder, rape, etc. all those things should be par for the course.

You mean the basics of being a normal person?
Then they little retards won't get their ass's shot.

Grandfather Of Oklahoma Burglar Shot and Killed with AR-15 Complains of 'Unfair' Fight - Newsline

Pulls questions for the retarded grandfather here,

1. What type of parent were you that your grand son grew up such a lousy criminal? I mean, he got shot so obviously he wasn't good at being a thug.

2. Is it fair that his grand son was creeping around in a strangers house with brass knuckles?

3. What would have been a better way?

I say good deal. The shooter is not going to be charged, and I look forward to more home invaders getting shot with AR15's.
Of course if the stupid liberal fuck never put himself into that compromising situation, he would still be alive today, but with public education mass producing mind numbed stupid liberals, we see more and more of these events. Thank God that Trump was elected as the crooked vagina candidate would be out there wanting to ban hunting rifles again.
Then they little retards won't get their ass's shot.

Grandfather Of Oklahoma Burglar Shot and Killed with AR-15 Complains of 'Unfair' Fight - Newsline

Pulls questions for the retarded grandfather here,

1. What type of parent were you that your grand son grew up such a lousy criminal? I mean, he got shot so obviously he wasn't good at being a thug.

2. Is it fair that his grand son was creeping around in a strangers house with brass knuckles?

3. What would have been a better way?

I say good deal. The shooter is not going to be charged, and I look forward to more home invaders getting shot with AR15's.
Of course if the stupid liberal fuck never put himself into that compromising situation, he would still be alive today, but with public education mass producing mind numbed stupid liberals, we see more and more of these events. Thank God that Trump was elected as the crooked vagina candidate would be out there wanting to ban hunting rifles again.

My AR is not a hunting weapon. It's a vermin exterminater. I have zero qualms saying it's owned with protecting my stuff and people from bad guys. The gun has nothing to do with it really. What gets me is the grandfathers lack of empathy for the real victims here which would be the shooter and the home owner.

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