parents say good by to baby charlie

The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
Its so high because people will be able to drop their insurance.
Pretty sure you know that. We have discussed it.
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
Hmmm... Killing someone, vs.... Altering or denying a service... Hmmm...
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
What are you? Fucking stupid? The child has the financial backing for the life support system without government! And the liberal death panel says he still has to die! How's that shit work for you old lady?
You got a pocket full of money but a court decides you are to old to stupid or to sick to even try?
Are you truly that fucking heartless?
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
What are you? Fucking stupid? The child has the financial backing for the life support system without government! And the liberal death panel says he still has to die! How's that shit work for you old lady?
You got a pocket full of money but a court decides you are to old to stupid or to sick to even try?
Are you truly that fucking heartless?
When it comes to spreading "equality", libs are absolutely fucking ruthless.
seems the parents are letting go of baby charlie...they have fought the government and tried to get experimental treatment to no avail....i will admit my reaction to this at first was wtf? why did you keep the child alive this long...then sorrow that perhaps had the child had the oral treatments sooner he may have made it....

it is a great sorrow to see a wanted child die
This is what you get with Single Payer health systems; government control over all life and death decisions, in effect rationing who gets to live and who has to die for the common good.

There were 'not enough resources' for little baby Charlie.
seems the parents are letting go of baby charlie...they have fought the government and tried to get experimental treatment to no avail....i will admit my reaction to this at first was wtf? why did you keep the child alive this long...then sorrow that perhaps had the child had the oral treatments sooner he may have made it....

it is a great sorrow to see a wanted child die
This is what you get with Single Payer health systems; government control over all life and death decisions, in effect rationing who gets to live and who has to die for the common good.

There were 'not enough resources' for little baby Charlie.
It's worse then that. The liberal death panel turned down the request by the president of the united states who offered to pay all costs and treatments! So even given a real chance liberals are demanding death!
seems the parents are letting go of baby charlie...they have fought the government and tried to get experimental treatment to no avail....i will admit my reaction to this at first was wtf? why did you keep the child alive this long...then sorrow that perhaps had the child had the oral treatments sooner he may have made it....

it is a great sorrow to see a wanted child die
This is what you get with Single Payer health systems; government control over all life and death decisions, in effect rationing who gets to live and who has to die for the common good.

There were 'not enough resources' for little baby Charlie.
It's worse then that. The liberal death panel turned down the request by the president of the united states who offered to pay all costs and treatments! So even given a real chance liberals are demanding death!
Which is why the original claim of not enough resources is simply a cop-out. The Truth is that they want to protect their power over life and death and if they rule you must die, then die you shall no mater the facts or available resources.
the one question i have...why not just send the meds over there...what excuse was there for not doing that? and what is so rare about this oral med that it cant be compounded overseas
You don't know what the treatment is, do you, or how the care is monitored?

Doctors from the provider went to England and even they could not provide the treatment there. The child had to be brought here, the same way child cancer patients are taken to St. Jude and St. Jude is not taken to child cancer patients.

The lesson learned is under socialized medicine, medical care will be prohibited even if you can pay for it yourself.

Nothing to do with socialized medicine, as the cons would try and make us believe .
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
What are you? Fucking stupid? The child has the financial backing for the life support system without government! And the liberal death panel says he still has to die! How's that shit work for you old lady?
You got a pocket full of money but a court decides you are to old to stupid or to sick to even try?
Are you truly that fucking heartless?
When it comes to spreading "equality", libs are absolutely fucking ruthless.

And if you are old enough, you have to admit insurance companies were what were really ruthless.
the one question i have...why not just send the meds over there...what excuse was there for not doing that? and what is so rare about this oral med that it cant be compounded overseas
You don't know what the treatment is, do you, or how the care is monitored?

Doctors from the provider went to England and even they could not provide the treatment there. The child had to be brought here, the same way child cancer patients are taken to St. Jude and St. Jude is not taken to child cancer patients.

The lesson learned is under socialized medicine, medical care will be prohibited even if you can pay for it yourself.

Nothing to do with socialized medicine, as the cons would try and make us believe .

Why then do all socialized health care systems have such control?

But the bigger question becomes, who do these parents think they are? The state is more knowledge than they.

The state knows how much suffering is too much suffering and when too much money is being spent on lost causes that are dying.

Geesh. The nerve.
The damn thing here folks is really simple okay? All human life matters! Now if baby Charlie had been in the womb most if not all you liberals would be yelling my body my choice. You don't give that child any rights until it's out so you liberals acting like it's only human based on that is bullshit and the clarity of your ignorance is glowing bright!

That child is human the minute it's conceived. But no! Not to you. Now you have a doubled edged sword here. Death panels when you are to disabled or just to damn old no matter how much money you got. The president of the united States can't even save your damn life! A known billionaire cannot save your damn life!

That child is ordered by a damn liberal court to die and that moral high ground you claim becomes a pile of shit.
Your disrespect for human life is disgusting and this death will be the result of your so called better educated minds! And right now you deserve every fucking guilty feeling you have.

It's kind of hard to keep track of how you guys really feel about health care. It's disrespect for human life to allow a terminal baby to die by unplugging him from the artificial means of life support that have been keeping his tiny body "alive" in the most elementary sense of the word. Yet the Republicans in Congress are proposing a healthcare bill that will throw 20-30 million people off health insurance. I don't think you've really got any right to claim moral high ground, either.
Hmmm... Killing someone, vs.... Altering or denying a service... Hmmm...
Pulling the plug in this case isn't "killing" someone. Denying insurance in this day and age can most certainly mean the difference between a healthy functioning life and a life either shortened or with disabling medical problems that could have been prevented or treated at an earlier stage.
seems the parents are letting go of baby charlie...they have fought the government and tried to get experimental treatment to no avail....i will admit my reaction to this at first was wtf? why did you keep the child alive this long...then sorrow that perhaps had the child had the oral treatments sooner he may have made it....

it is a great sorrow to see a wanted child die
This is what you get with Single Payer health systems; government control over all life and death decisions, in effect rationing who gets to live and who has to die for the common good.

There were 'not enough resources' for little baby Charlie.
It's worse then that. The liberal death panel turned down the request by the president of the united states who offered to pay all costs and treatments! So even given a real chance liberals are demanding death!
Which is why the original claim of not enough resources is simply a cop-out. The Truth is that they want to protect their power over life and death and if they rule you must die, then die you shall no mater the facts or available resources.
This is clearly a scare tactic to make us dumb Democrats shy away from universal healthcare. Because none of you want to spend a nickel on Charlie Gard or anyone else's baby, so this is a perfectly ridiculous argument from ANY of you.
seems the parents are letting go of baby charlie...they have fought the government and tried to get experimental treatment to no avail....i will admit my reaction to this at first was wtf? why did you keep the child alive this long...then sorrow that perhaps had the child had the oral treatments sooner he may have made it....

it is a great sorrow to see a wanted child die
This is what you get with Single Payer health systems; government control over all life and death decisions, in effect rationing who gets to live and who has to die for the common good.

There were 'not enough resources' for little baby Charlie.
It's worse then that. The liberal death panel turned down the request by the president of the united states who offered to pay all costs and treatments! So even given a real chance liberals are demanding death!
Which is why the original claim of not enough resources is simply a cop-out. The Truth is that they want to protect their power over life and death and if they rule you must die, then die you shall no mater the facts or available resources.
This is clearly a scare tactic to make us dumb Democrats shy away from universal healthcare. Because none of you want to spend a nickel on Charlie Gard or anyone else's baby, so this is a perfectly ridiculous argument from ANY of you.

Exactly. The state loves science and makes all it's decisions based on science.

Unfortunately, science has given us global warming with no resolution in sight, and humans are on the verge of Ai which could also destroy us all.

No worries though, science will eventually save us.....before it destroys us.

Socialized medicines natural course... Think on this next time you cheerlead it here in the US.
Reminds me of another of the Hollywood anti-Trump, anti-America airheads, Gweneth Paltrow. She moved to England because she thought it was so much better than the US, but didn't trust England's medical system enough to have her baby there. She returned to the US to have the baby, then went back to England, LOL :rolleyes:
Which is why the original claim of not enough resources is simply a cop-out. The Truth is that they want to protect their power over life and death and if they rule you must die, then die you shall no mater the facts or available resources.
This is clearly a scare tactic to make us dumb Democrats shy away from universal healthcare. Because none of you want to spend a nickel on Charlie Gard or anyone else's baby, so this is a perfectly ridiculous argument from ANY of you.
I disagree.

I would like to see the government act as a backstop to national healthcare corporations that are participating in the healthcare pools. IT is kind of an unfair thing to legally require them to cover pre-existing conditions while at the same time letting them fall if they cant stay in business in such conditions.

I think most Republicans are willing to do this too, with only 4 hold outs in the Senate.

Clearly the American people need to have choices in health care providers and any single payer system will cause more trouble than it is worth.

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