Parents sue after transgender student was twerking in girl's bathroom

I know you don't have a daughter.

I don't have a daughter but I was a teenage girl once and I know the stuff that goes on in girl's locker rooms and what girls do in general at that age.

The transgender girl in this situation said she wanted to trade body parts with the other girls is something that young girls say all the time. But because she's trans it was an issue. If she were born female no one would have blinked an eye.

So girls shake their dicks in front on other girls? And he isn't a she, she is a he and he acted like one in the restroom.

Where in the article did it say in the article she shook her junk? You don't even know if she still has her male parts and no one shouldn't since it's none of our business.
You don't know what twerking is, do you?

I know perfectly well what twerking is. I'm not some old bigoted geezer like you. My point is we do not know if she even still has her male parts. She was shaking her behind which is what many young girls do when they are joking around in the locker room. It's like she was shaking her behind directly in her face.

Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only one dancing and twerking in the locker room at that time. They probably had the music on and all dancing. But some girls probably due to their upbringing probably had a bias towards transgendered girls.

There is worse stuff going on in the girls locker room. I knew one girl in high school who use to bring guys in the locker room to give free BJs. And multiple students would see this going on and nobody sued the school. Somebody probably should have sued the school for that but they didn't.
What a load of horseshit. So now all those girls are lying? Maybe all those slutty exploits are your sick, twisted attempt to blame the victims for a boy's sexual harassment of them. You people are more demonic than I can even fathom.
I know perfectly well what twerking is. I'm not some old bigoted geezer like you. My point is we do not know if she even still has her male parts. She was shaking her behind which is what many young girls do when they are joking around in the locker room. It's like she was shaking her behind directly in her face.

Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only one dancing and twerking in the locker room at that time. They probably had the music on and all dancing. But some girls probably due to their upbringing probably had a bias towards transgendered girls.

There is worse stuff going on in the girls locker room. I knew one girl in high school who use to bring guys in the locker room to give free BJs. And multiple students would see this going on and nobody sued the school. Somebody probably should have sued the school for that but they didn't.

It's almost funny the knots Liberals will twist themselves into, to excuse bad behavior.
I know perfectly well what twerking is. I'm not some old bigoted geezer like you. My point is we do not know if she even still has her male parts. She was shaking her behind which is what many young girls do when they are joking around in the locker room. It's like she was shaking her behind directly in her face.

Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only one dancing and twerking in the locker room at that time. They probably had the music on and all dancing. But some girls probably due to their upbringing probably had a bias towards transgendered girls.

There is worse stuff going on in the girls locker room. I knew one girl in high school who use to bring guys in the locker room to give free BJs. And multiple students would see this going on and nobody sued the school. Somebody probably should have sued the school for that but they didn't.

It's almost funny the knots Liberals will twist themselves into, to excuse bad behavior.

Well I find it pathetic how conservatives will do anything and everything to impose their antiquated beliefs onto others.
I know perfectly well what twerking is. I'm not some old bigoted geezer like you. My point is we do not know if she even still has her male parts. She was shaking her behind which is what many young girls do when they are joking around in the locker room. It's like she was shaking her behind directly in her face.

Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only one dancing and twerking in the locker room at that time. They probably had the music on and all dancing. But some girls probably due to their upbringing probably had a bias towards transgendered girls.

There is worse stuff going on in the girls locker room. I knew one girl in high school who use to bring guys in the locker room to give free BJs. And multiple students would see this going on and nobody sued the school. Somebody probably should have sued the school for that but they didn't.

It's almost funny the knots Liberals will twist themselves into, to excuse bad behavior.

Well I find it pathetic how conservatives will do anything and everything to impose their antiquated beliefs onto others.
We are quite familiar with degenerates like yourself.

Charlotte Observer: Girls must try ‘overcoming discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in bathrooms
Defend the freak libs. Defend it.

It is such a tragedy that women were exposed to male ass bouncing. Hopefully they will quickly recover from the trauma that they are undoubtedly enduring.

The fact that these parents are suing is a sign that they are more fucked in the head than the drag queen.
Defend the freak libs. Defend it.

It is such a tragedy that women were exposed to male ass bouncing. Hopefully they will quickly recover from the trauma that they are undoubtedly enduring.

The fact that these parents are suing is a sign that they are more fucked in the head than the drag queen.

Got some bad news for you Onyx. Sexual harassment is a real thing. Adults telling girls "we can make you undress in front of boys whenever we want and if you don't your education will suffer" is an action of merit in a civil court lawsuit.
Got some bad news for you Onyx. Sexual harassment is a real thing.

And I never gave a fuck.

Not only are most sexual harassment claims bullshit, but they actually require mental self victimization.

Adults telling girls "we can make you undress in front of boys whenever we want and if you don't your education will suffer" is an action of merit in a civil court lawsuit.

You are talking to someone that does not believe in the state's institutional "justice" system.
Defend the freak libs. Defend it.

It is such a tragedy that women were exposed to male ass bouncing. Hopefully they will quickly recover from the trauma that they are undoubtedly enduring.

The fact that these parents are suing is a sign that they are more fucked in the head than the drag queen.
It wasn't women. It was little girls.
It wasn't women. It was little girls.

They are in high school. Not exactly little. If you hit puberty then you take on the sexual responsibilities of being a man or woman.

You can see men and women asses on billboards. A kid at the age of 5 has probably already been exposed to twerking or some form of backside shaking.

Big surprise, human beings have asses.
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It wasn't women. It was little girls.

They are in high school. Not exactly little. If you hit puberty than you take on the sexual responsibilities of being a man or woman.

You can see men and women asses on billboards. A kid at the age of 5 has probably already been exposed to twerking or some form of backside shaking.

Big surprise, human beings have asses.

We are seeing two things with this cult of LGBT member "Onyx" (but they all think the same way, browse around the posts at USMB on similar subjects if you don't believe me), divulging the next battle plan for the cult. He is saying that the moment a child hits puberty, they're fair game. Let that sink in for a minute because you'll be hearing a lot about that in the next year or two in the incremental legal arena...

..We are also seeing that he believes that once a girl becomes a very young fledgling woman, "sexual responsibilities" means they must submit to having to watch strange males undress with them in their intimate hygiene areas or face punishment. Let that sink in too...

Instead of being shocked at 5 year olds being exposed to twerking, he considers it a milestone for the Church of LGBT.. Let that sink in too...
We are seeing two things with this cult of LGBT member "Onyx" divulging the next battle plan for the cult.

The LGBT hidden agenda rhetoric is not convincing very many people.

Even among those that agree with you.

He is saying that the moment a child hits puberty, they're fair game. Let that sink in for a minute because you'll be hearing a lot about that in the next year or two in the incremental legal arena.

Pretty much.

What do you think puberty is? Sexual functions are coming online and sexual hormones are rising.

Historically most cultures have treated the age around puberty as being the beginning of adulthood, that being 13-15. Parents today do not give their kids enough credit.

We are also seeing that he believes that once a girl becomes a very young fledgling woman, "sexual responsibilities" means they must submit to having to watch strange males undress with them in their intimate hygiene areas or face punishment. Let that sink in too...

Now you are just twisting my words.

If anything, I am saying that everyone has better things to do than make a scandal out of nonsense like this.

Private parts are only a big deal because a bunch of people decided to make them into a big deal. It is a level of artificial stigmatization that did not even exist in the societies of antiquity.
So you admit that drag queens are fucked in the head.


Yeah, although more specifically transgenders and transvestites.

Why is that funny?

Because you ridicule people who object to having fucked up behavior forced on them while calling the people forcing the fucked up behavior, fucked up. It's hilarious.
Because you ridicule people who object to having fucked up behavior forced on them while calling the people forcing the fucked up behavior, fucked up. It's hilarious.

Yeah, I oppose fools that whine about absolute nonsense.

The scandalization of a high school man twerking is what is really hilarious.
Nah, you're just defending fucked up behavior.

You are just as bad as liberals and their usage of the word racist.

Whenever you mention race in a manner not aligned with the approved rhetoric, you get labelled a racist.

If I say it is not a big deal when a guy shakes his ass, you accuse me of being a social justice warrior.
Because you ridicule people who object to having fucked up behavior forced on them while calling the people forcing the fucked up behavior, fucked up. It's hilarious.

Yeah, I oppose fools that whine about absolute nonsense.

The scandalization of a high school man twerking is what is really hilarious.
Not when it's him doing that getting naked in the girls' locker room with adult permission. Did you forget that little detail? Of course you did(n't)

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