Parents & Teachers Need To Tell Kids That Gays & SCOTUS Are Wrong

My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
So we have two more socialist on the way to fuck up the world.
Gay marriage is.socialism?

Hey does being old come with mental.retardation for EVERYONE?

ILL begin my quest for the fountain of youth.
It's part of the Socialist Party Platform : Platform - SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Also, when the people of the respective states as per the 10th Amendment freely choose to protect marriage rights as between a man and a woman and view homosexuality as deviant behavior that is their prerogative. When the federal courts step in and usurp the will of the people that is an Orwellian abuse of power by the central authority.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

How about forcing people to make a sandwich for a negro?

Same bullshit, different decade.
So we have two more socialist on the way to fuck up the world.
Gay marriage is.socialism?

Hey does being old come with mental.retardation for EVERYONE?

ILL begin my quest for the fountain of youth.
It's part of the Socialist Party Platform : Platform - SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Also, when the people of the respective states as per the 10th Amendment freely choose to protect marriage rights as between a man and a woman and view homosexuality as deviant behavior that is their prerogative. When the federal courts step in and usurp the will of the people that is an Orwellian abuse of power by the central authority.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

Umm no. When you enter public commerce you by proxy agree to those laws.

You =/= your business.

You personally can refuse to bake a gay giy a cake all youd like.

Its like gradeschool in here it feels like. Teaching these immature brained dopes the differences in laws and entities like they shouldnt already know. Wtfff?

Nice excuse to be a tyrant, I neglect to see where in the constitution is says you give up your rights because you try to sell something.

But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE
So we have two more socialist on the way to fuck up the world.
Gay marriage is.socialism?

Hey does being old come with mental.retardation for EVERYONE?

ILL begin my quest for the fountain of youth.
It's part of the Socialist Party Platform : Platform - SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Also, when the people of the respective states as per the 10th Amendment freely choose to protect marriage rights as between a man and a woman and view homosexuality as deviant behavior that is their prerogative. When the federal courts step in and usurp the will of the people that is an Orwellian abuse of power by the central authority.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

How about forcing people to make a sandwich for a negro?

Same bullshit, different decade.

That was government saying you couldn't make a sandwich for black people, and that was systemic economic tyranny enforced by said government.

Its two different things, no matter how hard you try to make it the same.
I's is so so sorry massa, now that them plantation folks at the SC have said something, I guesses we all have to just goes alongs with it.
Not at all. DE FACTO, An important concept. We should always remember that de jure (court rulings) are not necessarily the last word. It was always a matter of contention back in the days when blacks were a low income group, that housing complexes that wanted to discriminate against blacks could do it by raising their rents up high.

With respect to gay marriage, I would guess with some degree of clever creativity, those who might be forced (by law) to engage in this idiotic perversity, could find ways to circumvent it. Example: if a gay couple came into a bakery wanting a wedding cake, while they where waiting, the clerks could loudly have a conversation that degraded the gay couple in some way. When the gays began to get abusive, with loud foul language (on video), they could be evicted from the store, and given a no trespass warning by the police, prohibiting them from coming back. That's just one example.

Maybe this could be a new occupation. De facto gay immunization consulting.
This is no time for parents, teachers, clergy, counselers, sports coaches and any adults who children look to for guidance, to be silent. This is NOT the time for people to try to be uninvolved. The gay disease and its supporters in half of the Supreme Court must be denounced loud and clear, for the foolish and mistaken notion that homosexuality has any validity at all. Kids, age 13 and older, should be carefully counseled to stop this plague of false thought from infecting their young minds.

With a Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage, it is now much easier for pervert gays to spread their sickness to children by using the Supreme Court decision as a tool to denormalize kids, much the same way that Muslim propagandists use freedom of speech to spread their hateful and destructive message of Islam, spread by Muslim Brotherhood groups.
Verily, I say unto you, equal rights for gays and lesbians is the end of the world. The Apocalypse is Nigh.
I'll just tell them that the SC has made mistakes before, dred scott, jim crow, prohibition, abortion, gay marriage and so on and....... will continue to make mistakes.. No big deal.
Dred Scott = gay marriage

Take a real good look at that kind of thinking, folks. Isn't it just fascinating?

What's fascinating is your illogical deduction and lack of any type of critical comprehension.
Gay marriage is.socialism?

Hey does being old come with mental.retardation for EVERYONE?

ILL begin my quest for the fountain of youth.
It's part of the Socialist Party Platform : Platform - SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Also, when the people of the respective states as per the 10th Amendment freely choose to protect marriage rights as between a man and a woman and view homosexuality as deviant behavior that is their prerogative. When the federal courts step in and usurp the will of the people that is an Orwellian abuse of power by the central authority.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

Umm no. When you enter public commerce you by proxy agree to those laws.

You =/= your business.

You personally can refuse to bake a gay giy a cake all youd like.

Its like gradeschool in here it feels like. Teaching these immature brained dopes the differences in laws and entities like they shouldnt already know. Wtfff?

Nice excuse to be a tyrant, I neglect to see where in the constitution is says you give up your rights because you try to sell something.

But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE
Theres a constitutional right to break public accommodations laws in a business?

The govt isnt charged with regulating commerce?

Oh, ok thats weird then.
Parents & Teachers Need To Tell Kids That Gays & SCOTUS Are Wrong

Only, most don't believe that, just morons like you do. Well, morons like you and those four others on the SC who acted like children in this case, literally.
Of course, most people believe it, and KNOW IT. Only suckers like you, who fall for the phony polls believe other wise. Unless you're one of the liars who made up those phony polls.
But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE


Keep trying to equivocate systemic economic government mandated segregation with a non essential service.

It makes you look like an idiot.
A lunch counter isn't a non essential service, eh, retard?

The only reason the gays who want a cake aren't in jail is because bigots are no longer allowed access to the levers of power which can institute government mandated segregation. But they still gave it the good old boy college try.

Through their recalcitrance, the political ancestors of the modern day bigot brought this federal intercession on themselves, and on you. It is the bigots who caused the short circuiting of government power. They FORCED the issue. Well done! Reap the rich rewards of a burlier federal power. You got the government you deserve.
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It's part of the Socialist Party Platform : Platform - SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Also, when the people of the respective states as per the 10th Amendment freely choose to protect marriage rights as between a man and a woman and view homosexuality as deviant behavior that is their prerogative. When the federal courts step in and usurp the will of the people that is an Orwellian abuse of power by the central authority.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

Umm no. When you enter public commerce you by proxy agree to those laws.

You =/= your business.

You personally can refuse to bake a gay giy a cake all youd like.

Its like gradeschool in here it feels like. Teaching these immature brained dopes the differences in laws and entities like they shouldnt already know. Wtfff?

Nice excuse to be a tyrant, I neglect to see where in the constitution is says you give up your rights because you try to sell something.

But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE
Theres a constitutional right to break public accommodations laws in a business?

The govt isnt charged with regulating commerce?

Oh, ok thats weird then.

The regulating of commerce has to be judged with regards to other rights, like the freedom to exercise your own religious beliefs, which contrary to your view, is not limited to inside a church or to clergy.

Looking at it that way, a gay couple having to find another baker does not outweigh the right of a person to practice their religion without government sanction.
But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE


Keep trying to equivocate systemic economic government mandated segregation with a non essential service.

It makes you look like an idiot.
A lunch counter isn't a non essential service, eh, retard?

The only reason the gays who want a cake aren't in jail is because assholes like you are no longer allowed to the levers of power so you can institute government mandated segregation.

And that is progress!

It was government mandated, and systemic, neither of which applies to current issues.

And the only reason people of faith are not forced into the shadows all the way yet is your side is only gearing up.
You cant take away the rights of others, that is tyrrannical.

Gays being able to marry did nothing whatsoever to YOUR right to busy bodying about what other people do with their lives is your own form of tyranny. Fact

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

Umm no. When you enter public commerce you by proxy agree to those laws.

You =/= your business.

You personally can refuse to bake a gay giy a cake all youd like.

Its like gradeschool in here it feels like. Teaching these immature brained dopes the differences in laws and entities like they shouldnt already know. Wtfff?

Nice excuse to be a tyrant, I neglect to see where in the constitution is says you give up your rights because you try to sell something.

But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE
Theres a constitutional right to break public accommodations laws in a business?

The govt isnt charged with regulating commerce?

Oh, ok thats weird then.

The regulating of commerce has to be judged with regards to other rights, like the freedom to exercise your own religious beliefs, which contrary to your view, is not limited to inside a church or to clergy.

Looking at it that way, a gay couple having to find another baker does not outweigh the right of a person to practice their religion without government sanction.
Religious establishments get tax subsidies.
If your business is not set up as one, you dont get to hide under the umbrella of religion to discriminate against someone.

Its not that fuckin hard.

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