Paris Jackson Attempts Suicide

It is sad.... may be she misses her father ...who knows.... I know I miss mine.

Then again, attempt suicides are another day at the office in Hollywood.
I hardly believe that this child was provided with the rudimentary skills to survive in any reality. To the media and the business aspect of entertainment she is just another piece of meat to feed off of while creating a living hell for her to endure until she is a used up has been.
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.
Too pretty to be Michael's daughter. Anybody give a DNA test to the milkman?

All three children are the biological children of Jackson's dermatologist. The biological mother is prohibited from contacting them. They were raised looking at Michael Jackson's parody of a face and told all their lives they were his bioligical children and half black. All in all it's enough to drive anyone insane.

If this really was an attempted suiced, then I am sorry.

If not, its all about "LOOK AT ME!"

She doesn't have to do the LOOK AT ME thing. It's been happening all her life.

She misses her dad. She is alone, while surrounded by everyone under the sun that have their own agendas. I hope she pulls through this and becomes the great young lady I know she can be.
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.

Compassion is what people use to ruin others. I was being sarcastic but if someone took this spoiled little whelp to see some kids her age that were dying and had them tell her why they wanted to live it might open her cloister a bit. Then tell her that since she doesn't want to live, her body parts can be used to make someone's dreams come true, who knows, a breeze might come through and blow some of the stink off.

When the children of wealthy celebrites want to commit suicide or ruin themselves with drugs three thing are apparent. They have had everything they want in their whole lives. Everything isn't enough. Everything will never be enough. They will suck up the pity until you get sick of yourself. Pity is the only thing they can't buy.

So no. I have no compassion.
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.

Compassion is what people use to ruin others. I was being sarcastic but if someone took this spoiled little whelp to see some kids her age that were dying and had them tell her why they wanted to live it might open her cloister a bit. Then tell her that since she doesn't want to live, her body parts can be used to make someone's dreams come true, who knows, a breeze might come through and blow some of the stink off.

When the children of wealthy celebrites want to commit suicide or ruin themselves with drugs three thing are apparent. They have had everything they want in their whole lives. Everything isn't enough. Everything will never be enough. They will suck up the pity until you get sick of yourself. Pity is the only thing they can't buy.

So no. I have no compassion.

Some children of celebrities are brought up by narcissists with addiction problems themselves. Fully dysfunctional homes. The children didn't select their parents and may have had the best of everything except of what is needed most. A life balanced with love, responsibilities and warmth.
I haven't really paid attention to the Jacksons family issues, but wasn't that really his only option? who else could have watched them?

Maybe one of the less crazy family members. Appoint someone as adviser. My friend's parents died...mother was a celeb, father was a lawyer for one of the major motion picture companies. When they both died, the law firm took over and were her advisers and handle all the money left in trust. Same could have been done for Michaels kids. He left them with that old bat who never lifted a hand to save her own children from that pond scum of a father. And he sent his kids smack back in the middle of what he himself had to experience.

Pisses me off. I'm sad Michael died so early..and I am sad for his kids. Prince seems to be doing ok...not sure about Blanket. But Paris has been in the limelight before..saying she is picked on by kids in school and whatnot. She is a lovely girl, loved and misses her dad. And lives in the middle of a snake pit where everyone is suing someone for Michaels death. Where does that leave her? In misery enough to want to off herself. :(

I agree Grace....It's all really sad. Michael was so talented, but in a way I believe he was as crazy as his mother. Look what he did to himself?? And why do you name your kids like he did? Paris isn't bad, but the others? My daughter was in love with him...he was just about as famous as Elvis! :) He is missed....I pray for his kids.

Hi. Blanket is a nick. Prince is a family name. It's from a grandfather or great-grandfather. Can't remember if it's maternal or paternal.
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.

Compassion is what people use to ruin others. I was being sarcastic but if someone took this spoiled little whelp to see some kids her age that were dying and had them tell her why they wanted to live it might open her cloister a bit. Then tell her that since she doesn't want to live, her body parts can be used to make someone's dreams come true, who knows, a breeze might come through and blow some of the stink off.

When the children of wealthy celebrites want to commit suicide or ruin themselves with drugs three thing are apparent. They have had everything they want in their whole lives. Everything isn't enough. Everything will never be enough. They will suck up the pity until you get sick of yourself. Pity is the only thing they can't buy.

So no. I have no compassion.

Dayum. Judge much?
For Paris Jackson, With Love....Gracie.

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Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.

Compassion is what people use to ruin others. I was being sarcastic but if someone took this spoiled little whelp to see some kids her age that were dying and had them tell her why they wanted to live it might open her cloister a bit. Then tell her that since she doesn't want to live, her body parts can be used to make someone's dreams come true, who knows, a breeze might come through and blow some of the stink off.

When the children of wealthy celebrites want to commit suicide or ruin themselves with drugs three thing are apparent. They have had everything they want in their whole lives. Everything isn't enough. Everything will never be enough. They will suck up the pity until you get sick of yourself. Pity is the only thing they can't buy.

So no. I have no compassion.

Wow! Did I miss the mark. You're not missing a gene, you might be missing a soul. I'm assuming that since you know so much about Paris,including being a brat, that you must have been either in Michael's Jackson's employ or a close friend while his children were growing up. You also would know then that Michael, who gave 300 million dollars to charity in his lifetime, raised his children to be selfish and uncaring for others. Thanks for the ups about the Jacksons.

guess the compassion gene wasn't passed on to you. You'd better hope someone shows more compassion to you than you've shown to this child when you hit a bad spot in your life.

compassion is what people use to ruin others. I was being sarcastic but if someone took this spoiled little whelp to see some kids her age that were dying and had them tell her why they wanted to live it might open her cloister a bit. Then tell her that since she doesn't want to live, her body parts can be used to make someone's dreams come true, who knows, a breeze might come through and blow some of the stink off.

When the children of wealthy celebrites want to commit suicide or ruin themselves with drugs three thing are apparent. They have had everything they want in their whole lives. Everything isn't enough. Everything will never be enough. They will suck up the pity until you get sick of yourself. Pity is the only thing they can't buy.

So no. I have no compassion.

dayum. Judge much?

Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Because she doesn't want to die. If she did she'd be dead. Besides the Murnaghans don't appear to be accepting donations.
Maybe one of the less crazy family members. Appoint someone as adviser. My friend's parents died...mother was a celeb, father was a lawyer for one of the major motion picture companies. When they both died, the law firm took over and were her advisers and handle all the money left in trust. Same could have been done for Michaels kids. He left them with that old bat who never lifted a hand to save her own children from that pond scum of a father. And he sent his kids smack back in the middle of what he himself had to experience.

Pisses me off. I'm sad Michael died so early..and I am sad for his kids. Prince seems to be doing ok...not sure about Blanket. But Paris has been in the limelight before..saying she is picked on by kids in school and whatnot. She is a lovely girl, loved and misses her dad. And lives in the middle of a snake pit where everyone is suing someone for Michaels death. Where does that leave her? In misery enough to want to off herself. :(

I agree Grace....It's all really sad. Michael was so talented, but in a way I believe he was as crazy as his mother. Look what he did to himself?? And why do you name your kids like he did? Paris isn't bad, but the others? My daughter was in love with him...he was just about as famous as Elvis! :) He is missed....I pray for his kids.

Hi. Blanket is a nick. Prince is a family name. It's from a grandfather or great-grandfather. Can't remember if it's maternal or paternal.

Do you know what his real name is? I've only heard him called Blanket!

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