Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

Old people are easily confused and frightened.

This story is laughable bullshit.

Leave to the Drudge and his sheep to jump on this nonsense.

Young people are easily confused, stupid and ignorant. How old are you?
They're Communist/Progressive Globalists.

I'm not a commie. You're just crazy and stupid. As is your idol Stossel, and your DearLeaderPaul (both of them.) Authority worshippers don't get more fervent than Paultards.

I do notice a lack of righties condemning the OWS assaults. That's a commonality of the right, their adoration of actual Gestapo tactics, so long as liberals are the targets.

I strongly condemned the OWS assaults quite a bit. All of them, including the shocking number of rapes. My past posts are there for you to see if you don't believe me. But OWS was a manufactured scam anyway. Where are they now? As far as you being a Communist goes, i'll reserve judgment on that till i observe more of your posts. I was replying to another poster. I wasn't directing anything at you personally. I was talking about how the Communists/Progressives actually rule both Political Parties at this point. Check out this video when you have time. It's very enlightening.

[ame=]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not a commie. You're just crazy and stupid. As is your idol Stossel, and your DearLeaderPaul (both of them.) Authority worshippers don't get more fervent than Paultards.

I do notice a lack of righties condemning the OWS assaults. That's a commonality of the right, their adoration of actual Gestapo tactics, so long as liberals are the targets.

You're not a commie - you just want government to control the means of production and distribution.....
That's because you're fucking ignorant and don't read real news. This shit is rampant.
Still no link. If "This shit is rampant" you should have no problem finding links. (Now quick, prove your masculinity. Call me some names to make yourself feel better.)

How man links you want? | The Cato Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project

But of course police abuse is rampant, how that escapes anyone is confusing. There are stories daily across the country. The police is also being militarised and this is remarkable, although it is largely dismissed or ignored.
One of the jobs of park rangers is to promote tourism 24/7, come hell or high water. What they did probably cost the U.S. billions of dollars in tourism over the next 5 years, once this news is widely distributed overseas.
Which of the two functions they much prefer performing is not a hard guess.

I strongly condemned the OWS assaults quite a bit. All of them, including the shocking number of rapes. My past posts are there for you to see if you don't believe me. But OWS was a manufactured scam anyway.
I don't know why you think of the OWS protest as a "manufactured scam." It appeared to me to be a good idea gone bad -- purely as the result of poor planning (e.g., the absence of access to toilets), the complete lack of organization and, mainly, strategic unwillingness of the police to control the criminal element that preyed on the protestors and cast a negative impression on the entire activity.

The fact is a smaller, well planned and organized protest demonstration is far more effective than a huge, disorganized, undisciplined, screaming mob.
I can't believe how threads based on stories that are complete and utter bullshit -- partisan attack pieces blown up by Fox -- last so long.

"Gestapo." -- New rule, any time you make a ridiculously inappropriate Nazi / Hitler comparison, a real Holocaust survivor gets to slap you hard -- one slap for every family member who was murdered in a Death Camp.

I'd love to see an old women slapping Drudge or Hannity, cursing at them in Yiddish. Priceless.

"T-t-they took away my camera..."

Screw off grandma, you don't know how to use the damn thing anyways. You got 40 pictures of your eyeball and 10 minutes of video from inside your old lady purse. BTW -- What's the tampon for?

Oh, and this is Perl Wiess, she gets to slap you 12 times. Wanna picture of that??

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I strongly condemned the OWS assaults quite a bit. All of them, including the shocking number of rapes. My past posts are there for you to see if you don't believe me. But OWS was a manufactured scam anyway.
I don't know why you think of the OWS protest as a "manufactured scam." It appeared to me to be a good idea gone bad -- purely as the result of poor planning (e.g., the absence of access to toilets), the complete lack of organization and, mainly, strategic unwillingness of the police to control the criminal element that preyed on the protestors and cast a negative impression on the entire activity.

The fact is a smaller, well planned and organized protest demonstration is far more effective than a huge, disorganized, undisciplined, screaming mob.

OWS got money from some "wealthy" (probably Soros) benefactor in Canada, among others. Here was the Daily Show's take on it... very illuminating...

Occupy Wall Street Divided - 11/16/2011 - Video Clip | The Daily ...
I can't believe how threads based on stories that are complete and utter bullshit -- partisan attack pieces blown up by Fox -- last so long.

"Gestapo." -- New rule, any time you make a ridiculously inappropriate Nazi / Hitler comparison, a real Holocaust survivor gets to slap you hard -- one slap for every family member who was murdered in a Death Camp.

I'd love to see an old women slapping Drudge or Hannity, cursing at them in Yiddish. Priceless.

"T-t-they took away my camera..."

Screw off grandma, you don't know how to use the damn thing anyways. You got 40 pictures of your eyeball and 10 minutes of video from inside your old lady purse. BTW -- What's the tampon for?

Oh, and this is Perl Wiess, she gets to slap you 12 times. Wanna picture of that??

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, you totalitarian assholes always trot out Godwin in an effort to divert attention from your policies and desires that are.... well, NAZI. Face it, you LOVE Heydrich and all he stood for.
I can't believe how threads based on stories that are complete and utter bullshit -- partisan attack pieces blown up by Fox -- last so long.

The interest level has much less to do with the incident(s) at the Park than with the subject of assertive official authority.

Do you have any opinions on that?
I strongly condemned the OWS assaults quite a bit. All of them, including the shocking number of rapes. My past posts are there for you to see if you don't believe me. But OWS was a manufactured scam anyway.
I don't know why you think of the OWS protest as a "manufactured scam." It appeared to me to be a good idea gone bad -- purely as the result of poor planning (e.g., the absence of access to toilets), the complete lack of organization and, mainly, strategic unwillingness of the police to control the criminal element that preyed on the protestors and cast a negative impression on the entire activity.

The fact is a smaller, well planned and organized protest demonstration is far more effective than a huge, disorganized, undisciplined, screaming mob.

They had hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring in, and had no problem providing toilets and shelter for the rich white kids who showed up, yet you think their problem was poor planning.
I can't believe how threads based on stories that are complete and utter bullshit -- partisan attack pieces blown up by Fox -- last so long.

"Gestapo." -- New rule, any time you make a ridiculously inappropriate Nazi / Hitler comparison, a real Holocaust survivor gets to slap you hard -- one slap for every family member who was murdered in a Death Camp.

I'd love to see an old women slapping Drudge or Hannity, cursing at them in Yiddish. Priceless.

"T-t-they took away my camera..."

Screw off grandma, you don't know how to use the damn thing anyways. You got 40 pictures of your eyeball and 10 minutes of video from inside your old lady purse. BTW -- What's the tampon for?

Oh, and this is Perl Wiess, she gets to slap you 12 times. Wanna picture of that??

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me get this straight, we can't make legitimate comparisons to the patterns that existed in Germany that led up to the Nazi's taking total control of the country unless we first show that the Nazi's already have total control. I wonder how many people didn't worry about what was happening in Germany because it didn't affect them.
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OWS got money from some "wealthy" (probably Soros) benefactor in Canada, among others. Here was the Daily Show's take on it... very illuminating...
Illuminating in what way? What it showed was a poorly planned and badly organized demonstration, which is a rather well known circumstance. The video mentioned nothing about money from Soros (et al?), which, even if it did exist was either poorly spent or simply ripped off.

But the OWS event, as defective as it was, served the very important purpose of calling attention to the gluttonous misdirection of the Nation's wealth resources. What started out to be a protest demonstration predictably got out of hand and turned into an eruption of anarchistic discontent.

But the original purpose of OWS did generate enormous publicity which has raised awareness of a serious problem. And while a valuable lesson was learned from the way the demonstration degenerated into a de facto provocation for brutal police activity, the overall effect of it all has been a much wider public awareness of how our national treasure has been ripped off, who did it, and how it was done.
They had hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring in, and had no problem providing toilets and shelter for the rich white kids who showed up, yet you think their problem was poor planning.
Yes, I do. And isn't it rather obvious?

If the demonstration had been competently planned and organized there would not have been the kind of anarchy that evolved and the police would not have cause to behave as they did during the final stages.
OWS got money from some "wealthy" (probably Soros) benefactor in Canada, among others. Here was the Daily Show's take on it... very illuminating...
Illuminating in what way? What it showed was a poorly planned and badly organized demonstration, which is a rather well known circumstance. The video mentioned nothing about money from Soros (et al?), which, even if it did exist was either poorly spent or simply ripped off.

But the OWS event, as defective as it was, served the very important purpose of calling attention to the gluttonous misdirection of the Nation's wealth resources. What started out to be a protest demonstration predictably got out of hand and turned into an eruption of anarchistic discontent.

But the original purpose of OWS did generate enormous publicity which has raised awareness of a serious problem. And while a valuable lesson was learned from the way the demonstration degenerated into a de facto provocation for brutal police activity, the overall effect of it all has been a much wider public awareness of how our national treasure has been ripped off, who did it, and how it was done.

You didn't find the class separation interesting? You didn't find the locale of the big meetings interesting? You didn't find the mentality of personal vs private (whatever that is) property interesting?
They had hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring in, and had no problem providing toilets and shelter for the rich white kids who showed up, yet you think their problem was poor planning.
Yes, I do. And isn't it rather obvious?

If the demonstration had been competently planned and organized there would not have been the kind of anarchy that evolved and the police would not have cause to behave as they did during the final stages.

The anarchy was part of the design, not a result of poor planning. The police behaved the way they did because that is how police behave in this country, not because the OWS was poorly planned.

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