Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

You didn't find the class separation interesting? You didn't find the locale of the big meetings interesting? You didn't find the mentality of personal vs private (whatever that is) property interesting?
The primary purpose of any public demonstration is to call attention to an issue. OWS, in spite of all the criticism directed at it, has been eminently successful in that endeavor. Unfortunately some of the publicity has been negative, largely as the consequence of poor planning, specifically the absence of sufficient toilet (porta-johns) and trash disposal facilities. This oversight enabled the corporarate-controlled mainstream media to focus on the "shitters" as representative of the entire demonstration, creating an impression which enabled the police to be less inhibited in their conduct.
You didn't find the class separation interesting? You didn't find the locale of the big meetings interesting? You didn't find the mentality of personal vs private (whatever that is) property interesting?
The primary purpose of any public demonstration is to call attention to an issue. OWS, in spite of all the criticism directed at it, has been eminently successful in that endeavor. Unfortunately some of the publicity has been negative, largely as the consequence of poor planning, specifically the absence of sufficient toilet (porta-johns) and trash disposal facilities. This oversight enabled the corporarate-controlled mainstream media to focus on the "shitters" as representative of the entire demonstration, creating an impression which enabled the police to be less inhibited in their conduct.
You are so right, people are still talking about the difference OWS made in the debate. Not a day goes buy that I don't hear them mentioned on the news.
I can't believe how threads based on stories that are complete and utter bullshit -- partisan attack pieces blown up by Fox -- last so long.

"Gestapo." -- New rule, any time you make a ridiculously inappropriate Nazi / Hitler comparison, a real Holocaust survivor gets to slap you hard -- one slap for every family member who was murdered in a Death Camp.

I'd love to see an old women slapping Drudge or Hannity, cursing at them in Yiddish. Priceless.

"T-t-they took away my camera..."

Screw off grandma, you don't know how to use the damn thing anyways. You got 40 pictures of your eyeball and 10 minutes of video from inside your old lady purse. BTW -- What's the tampon for?

Oh, and this is Perl Wiess, she gets to slap you 12 times. Wanna picture of that??

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me get this straight, we can't make legitimate comparisons to the patterns that existed in Germany that led up to the Nazi's taking total control of the country unless we first show that the Nazi's already have total control. I wonder how many people didn't worry about what was happening in Germany because it didn't affect them.
My how people wish to duplicate history without knowing it. The Brewhaus brawls are in history, and how Hitler was part and parcel to it and used it to his advantage...NOT unlike what the 'Community Organizer' is doing...and continues to this day...BUT one thing stands in his way...the 'Charter of Negative liberties'...The CONSTITUTION stands in his way...

Hitler had no such obstacle...

Thank GOD Obama DOES.
You didn't find the class separation interesting? You didn't find the locale of the big meetings interesting? You didn't find the mentality of personal vs private (whatever that is) property interesting?
The primary purpose of any public demonstration is to call attention to an issue. OWS, in spite of all the criticism directed at it, has been eminently successful in that endeavor. Unfortunately some of the publicity has been negative, largely as the consequence of poor planning, specifically the absence of sufficient toilet (porta-johns) and trash disposal facilities. This oversight enabled the corporarate-controlled mainstream media to focus on the "shitters" as representative of the entire demonstration, creating an impression which enabled the police to be less inhibited in their conduct.

OWS dissolved into the very same behavior they decried in others. They allowed themselves to be bought, by at least the Deutsche Bank, by the very people they claimed to despise. Further, the 15% of the 99%, as Samantha referred to them, were in many cases very well healed and if not part of the 1% were nearly there.

In the long run, what exactly have they accomplished? Other than to look extremely foolish.
You didn't find the class separation interesting? You didn't find the locale of the big meetings interesting? You didn't find the mentality of personal vs private (whatever that is) property interesting?
The primary purpose of any public demonstration is to call attention to an issue. OWS, in spite of all the criticism directed at it, has been eminently successful in that endeavor. Unfortunately some of the publicity has been negative, largely as the consequence of poor planning, specifically the absence of sufficient toilet (porta-johns) and trash disposal facilities. This oversight enabled the corporarate-controlled mainstream media to focus on the "shitters" as representative of the entire demonstration, creating an impression which enabled the police to be less inhibited in their conduct.

OWS dissolved into the very same behavior they decried in others. They allowed themselves to be bought, by at least the Deutsche Bank, by the very people they claimed to despise. Further, the 15% of the 99%, as Samantha referred to them, were in many cases very well healed and if not part of the 1% were nearly there.

In the long run, what exactly have they accomplished? Other than to look extremely foolish.

As to look foolish? They wasted a bunch of time in their lives when they could have been more productive otherwise. THEY fell into Obama's, and the Leftist trap of WEALTH envy when they could have been partaking in or creating it.
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The anarchy was part of the design, not a result of poor planning. The police behaved the way they did because that is how police behave in this country, not because the OWS was poorly planned.
There is no question that police will behave aggressively when ordered to arrest public demonstrators. But the level of their aggression will depend entirely on two factors: (a) the reason for the protest and (b) the behavior and apparent character of the demonstrators.

The early years of the anti-Vietnam protest movement were marred by the offensive conduct of one well-known category of demonstrators, the so-called "hippie" types who showed up looking like unwashed bums, behaving like belligerent adolescents, manifesting generally anti-social conduct, and shouting vile insults at homecoming Vietnam military veterans. As all who are old enough to remember those years will agree, the behavior of this category of demonstrator, even though it comprised the smallest segment of the protest movement, served to stigmatize the entire movement, mainly because the media tended to focus on that group's inordinate behavior and bizarre appearance.

The OWS encampment was similarly disrupted by the encroachment of all sorts of social misfits, including bizarre vagrants, homeless ex-convicts and low-level opportunists, none of whom had any interest in the purpose of the demonstration but were there because they had nothing better to do. This category quickly imparted an unsavory character to the demonstration and conveyed to the police a clear impression that the general public would not be concerned with how such an obnoxious gathering was treated during removal. This is why the NYPD was so unrestrained in their openly brutal methods of removing the OWS demonstrators from Wall Street and Zuccotti Park.

Those who organized the OWS movement failed to plan for the contingency of disruption by the incursion of undesirables. Instead, they naively welcomed them. And the corporate-controlled mainstream media made the best of it -- just as they had with the low-lifes whose presence denigrated the anti-Vietnam protest movement.
OWS dissolved into the very same behavior they decried in others. They allowed themselves to be bought, by at least the Deutsche Bank, by the very people they claimed to despise. Further, the 15% of the 99%, as Samantha referred to them, were in many cases very well healed and if not part of the 1% were nearly there.

In the long run, what exactly have they accomplished? Other than to look extremely foolish.
They called a great deal of attention to a situation which the general public had no prior awareness of or interest in. And while the OWS encampment was not as successful as it could have been the movement is by no means expired. Essentially, OWS served the purpose of pulling the covers off Wall Street.
The anarchy was part of the design, not a result of poor planning. The police behaved the way they did because that is how police behave in this country, not because the OWS was poorly planned.
There is no question that police will behave aggressively when ordered to arrest public demonstrators. But the level of their aggression will depend entirely on two factors: (a) the reason for the protest and (b) the behavior and apparent character of the demonstrators.

The early years of the anti-Vietnam protest movement were marred by the offensive conduct of one well-known category of demonstrators, the so-called "hippie" types who showed up looking like unwashed bums, behaving like belligerent adolescents, manifesting generally anti-social conduct, and shouting vile insults at homecoming Vietnam military veterans. As all who are old enough to remember those years will agree, the behavior of this category of demonstrator, even though it comprised the smallest segment of the protest movement, served to stigmatize the entire movement, mainly because the media tended to focus on that group's inordinate behavior and bizarre appearance.

The OWS encampment was similarly disrupted by the encroachment of all sorts of social misfits, including bizarre vagrants, homeless ex-convicts and low-level opportunists, none of whom had any interest in the purpose of the demonstration but were there because they had nothing better to do. This category quickly imparted an unsavory character to the demonstration and conveyed to the police a clear impression that the general public would not be concerned with how such an obnoxious gathering was treated during removal. This is why the NYPD was so unrestrained in their openly brutal methods of removing the OWS demonstrators from Wall Street and Zuccotti Park.

Those who organized the OWS movement failed to plan for the contingency of disruption by the incursion of undesirables. Instead, they naively welcomed them. And the corporate-controlled mainstream media made the best of it -- just as they had with the low-lifes whose presence denigrated the anti-Vietnam protest movement.

The corporate controlled made the best of it?

What color is the sky on your planet?
The anarchy was part of the design, not a result of poor planning. The police behaved the way they did because that is how police behave in this country, not because the OWS was poorly planned.
There is no question that police will behave aggressively when ordered to arrest public demonstrators. But the level of their aggression will depend entirely on two factors: (a) the reason for the protest and (b) the behavior and apparent character of the demonstrators.

The early years of the anti-Vietnam protest movement were marred by the offensive conduct of one well-known category of demonstrators, the so-called "hippie" types who showed up looking like unwashed bums, behaving like belligerent adolescents, manifesting generally anti-social conduct, and shouting vile insults at homecoming Vietnam military veterans. As all who are old enough to remember those years will agree, the behavior of this category of demonstrator, even though it comprised the smallest segment of the protest movement, served to stigmatize the entire movement, mainly because the media tended to focus on that group's inordinate behavior and bizarre appearance.

The OWS encampment was similarly disrupted by the encroachment of all sorts of social misfits, including bizarre vagrants, homeless ex-convicts and low-level opportunists, none of whom had any interest in the purpose of the demonstration but were there because they had nothing better to do. This category quickly imparted an unsavory character to the demonstration and conveyed to the police a clear impression that the general public would not be concerned with how such an obnoxious gathering was treated during removal. This is why the NYPD was so unrestrained in their openly brutal methods of removing the OWS demonstrators from Wall Street and Zuccotti Park.

Those who organized the OWS movement failed to plan for the contingency of disruption by the incursion of undesirables. Instead, they naively welcomed them. And the corporate-controlled mainstream media made the best of it -- just as they had with the low-lifes whose presence denigrated the anti-Vietnam protest movement.

The corporate controlled made the best of it?

What color is the sky on your planet?
Is that your best answer -- empty adolescent sarcasm?
There is no question that police will behave aggressively when ordered to arrest public demonstrators. But the level of their aggression will depend entirely on two factors: (a) the reason for the protest and (b) the behavior and apparent character of the demonstrators.

The early years of the anti-Vietnam protest movement were marred by the offensive conduct of one well-known category of demonstrators, the so-called "hippie" types who showed up looking like unwashed bums, behaving like belligerent adolescents, manifesting generally anti-social conduct, and shouting vile insults at homecoming Vietnam military veterans. As all who are old enough to remember those years will agree, the behavior of this category of demonstrator, even though it comprised the smallest segment of the protest movement, served to stigmatize the entire movement, mainly because the media tended to focus on that group's inordinate behavior and bizarre appearance.

The OWS encampment was similarly disrupted by the encroachment of all sorts of social misfits, including bizarre vagrants, homeless ex-convicts and low-level opportunists, none of whom had any interest in the purpose of the demonstration but were there because they had nothing better to do. This category quickly imparted an unsavory character to the demonstration and conveyed to the police a clear impression that the general public would not be concerned with how such an obnoxious gathering was treated during removal. This is why the NYPD was so unrestrained in their openly brutal methods of removing the OWS demonstrators from Wall Street and Zuccotti Park.

Those who organized the OWS movement failed to plan for the contingency of disruption by the incursion of undesirables. Instead, they naively welcomed them. And the corporate-controlled mainstream media made the best of it -- just as they had with the low-lifes whose presence denigrated the anti-Vietnam protest movement.

The corporate controlled made the best of it?

What color is the sky on your planet?
Is that your best answer -- empty adolescent sarcasm?

You prefer I treat you like an adult?


Excuse me1? what the fuck have you been snorting? The fucking media treated OWS like the Second Coming, ignoring everything they did wrong, never once fucking reporting about the smell that emanated from every singe camp they set up, and abusing everyone that questioned the story line you keep repeating here. If it wasn't for independent, non corporate, bloggers no one would have ever heard about the truth, and the world would still be operating under the delusion that OWS actually accomplished something.

Feel better now, asswipe?
Unfortunately for most Americans it's 'Might makes Right." If their wearing a uniform, a shiny badge, and have a gun, they can't possibly be wrong. It's Authority-Worship. It's a combination of fear and adoration. Deep down they fear the Authority, but at the same time also have a powerful infatuation for it. It's probably the power & control. Many are mesmerized by it. Hitler and the Nazis had that kind of effect on the German People.
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The mere fact that youre always comparing isolated piddley bullshit in a country of 300+million people to gestapos, jackboots, police states, and nazis shows that you lack culture, historical knowledge, are not well traveled and are overall a giant fucking pussy of a man who isnt worth the oxygen he breathes. In short, youre very ignorant. And also immature emotional little teenaged bitch who jumps to the most fargone conclusions because you have no clue about real life pain and suffering. Please dont procreate.
Ain't Big Brother cool? What would we do without him?

'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone

Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures. . . . .

Read More:
'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone » Local News », Newburyport, MA

You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if you shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
Now you are bitching because the government is shut down.
Is there a bigger collection of fools and idiots on this planet? I don't thnk so!

The corporate controlled made the best of it?

What color is the sky on your planet?
Is that your best answer -- empty adolescent sarcasm?

You prefer I treat you like an adult?


Excuse me1? what the fuck have you been snorting? The fucking media treated OWS like the Second Coming, ignoring everything they did wrong, never once fucking reporting about the smell that emanated from every singe camp they set up, and abusing everyone that questioned the story line you keep repeating here. If it wasn't for independent, non corporate, bloggers no one would have ever heard about the truth, and the world would still be operating under the delusion that OWS actually accomplished something.

Feel better now, asswipe?


You prefer I treat you like an adult?


Excuse me1? what the fuck have you been snorting? The fucking media treated OWS like the Second Coming, ignoring everything they did wrong, never once fucking reporting about the smell that emanated from every singe camp they set up, and abusing everyone that questioned the story line you keep repeating here. If it wasn't for independent, non corporate, bloggers no one would have ever heard about the truth, and the world would still be operating under the delusion that OWS actually accomplished something.

Feel better now, asswipe?
I wouldn't attempt to educate you because you've revealed yourself to be an ignorant intellectual thug who resorts to name-calling and personal insults when confronted with something you can't bullshit your way around. So the following is for the benefit of those who might be swayed by your obscurantist nonsense.

Looking back to the 1950s, the American news media, print and electronic, was owned and operated by more than three hundred independent entities, all of which focused their attention on providing their audiences with accurate reporting of the facts on any newsworthy event or issue. By the 1980s that ownership had been reduced to fifty corporations which had absorbed all the rest.

Today that ownership statistic has been reduced to just FIVE major corporations. And those five corporations, each of which is partial to its own interests and those of its advertisers, control what the American public reads and hears!

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read

What you read and heard in and on the news about the OWS demonstration was all the dirt about "the shitters" and other misgivings. You heard absolutely nothing about the reason for the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, which was the criminal machinations of the Wall Street operatives who nearly have collapsed the Economy and have acquired the bulk of America's wealth resources -- which they are hoarding in offshore accounts.

It is the direct result of the OWS demonstration that so many Americans have become aware of the main source of their money troubles -- which is Wall Street!

So welcome to my Ignore List, Quantum Scumbag!
You prefer I treat you like an adult?


Excuse me1? what the fuck have you been snorting? The fucking media treated OWS like the Second Coming, ignoring everything they did wrong, never once fucking reporting about the smell that emanated from every singe camp they set up, and abusing everyone that questioned the story line you keep repeating here. If it wasn't for independent, non corporate, bloggers no one would have ever heard about the truth, and the world would still be operating under the delusion that OWS actually accomplished something.

Feel better now, asswipe?
I wouldn't attempt to educate you because you've revealed yourself to be an ignorant intellectual thug who resorts to name-calling and personal insults when confronted with something you can't bullshit your way around. So the following is for the benefit of those who might be swayed by your obscurantist nonsense.

Looking back to the 1950s, the American news media, print and electronic, was owned and operated by more than three hundred independent entities, all of which focused their attention on providing their audiences with accurate reporting of the facts on any newsworthy event or issue. By the 1980s that ownership had been reduced to fifty corporations which had absorbed all the rest.

Today that ownership statistic has been reduced to just FIVE major corporations. And those five corporations, each of which is partial to its own interests and those of its advertisers, control what the American public reads and hears!

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read

What you read and heard in and on the news about the OWS demonstration was all the dirt about "the shitters" and other misgivings. You heard absolutely nothing about the reason for the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, which was the criminal machinations of the Wall Street operatives who nearly have collapsed the Economy and have acquired the bulk of America's wealth resources -- which they are hoarding in offshore accounts.

It is the direct result of the OWS demonstration that so many Americans have become aware of the main source of their money troubles -- which is Wall Street!

So welcome to my Ignore List, Quantum Scumbag!

Stop lying.

The reason you won't attempt to educate me is that you can't.

Oh no, not the ignore list, how will I survive knowing that an uninformed government lackey will not be reading my posts?
The anarchy was part of the design, not a result of poor planning. The police behaved the way they did because that is how police behave in this country, not because the OWS was poorly planned.
There is no question that police will behave aggressively when ordered to arrest public demonstrators. But the level of their aggression will depend entirely on two factors: (a) the reason for the protest and (b) the behavior and apparent character of the demonstrators.

The early years of the anti-Vietnam protest movement were marred by the offensive conduct of one well-known category of demonstrators, the so-called "hippie" types who showed up looking like unwashed bums, behaving like belligerent adolescents, manifesting generally anti-social conduct, and shouting vile insults at homecoming Vietnam military veterans. As all who are old enough to remember those years will agree, the behavior of this category of demonstrator, even though it comprised the smallest segment of the protest movement, served to stigmatize the entire movement, mainly because the media tended to focus on that group's inordinate behavior and bizarre appearance.

The OWS encampment was similarly disrupted by the encroachment of all sorts of social misfits, including bizarre vagrants, homeless ex-convicts and low-level opportunists, none of whom had any interest in the purpose of the demonstration but were there because they had nothing better to do. This category quickly imparted an unsavory character to the demonstration and conveyed to the police a clear impression that the general public would not be concerned with how such an obnoxious gathering was treated during removal. This is why the NYPD was so unrestrained in their openly brutal methods of removing the OWS demonstrators from Wall Street and Zuccotti Park.

Those who organized the OWS movement failed to plan for the contingency of disruption by the incursion of undesirables. Instead, they naively welcomed them. And the corporate-controlled mainstream media made the best of it -- just as they had with the low-lifes whose presence denigrated the anti-Vietnam protest movement.

Your memory of OWS is much different than what really happened. The media loved OWS. The OWS, became what they were protesting about. It was a sad because in the beginning I was really encouraged by them, but they got derailed.

But the media loved them.
Your memory of OWS is much different than what really happened. The media loved OWS. The OWS, became what they were protesting about. It was a sad because in the beginning I was really encouraged by them, but they got derailed.

But the media loved them.
Any attention paid to OWS by the mainstream corporate media was manifest diversion from the very reason for the OWS demonstration. It was the media that intentionally made OWS appear to be the primary focus. They devoted their full attention to the singer to divert attention from the song.

OWS was not protesting about OWS. You were shown only those isolated circumstances that made it seem that way. Your attention was diverted for a reason -- and it obviously worked.

But ask yourself how much attention you paid to Wall Street's devious shenanigans before OWS raised the issue.
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Thus you must admit that the action of the Ranger was indeed that of a Gestopo member.

I must admit you're a partisan crank who is residing in their own special anti-reality bubble.

How's the weather in there?

Anyways, good luck with your crazy gestapo stories. Since they make you look so rational, you should keep using them at every opportunity.

ME a crank? Did I attack you or you me? Seems to me that you have no rational argument, typical of liberal Obamabots, and have to resort to insult. So I guess what you wish us to believe is that the pain that Obama is inflicting on America is that of a Saint kind of like those who lash themselves. No, the truth is that the ranger, as described in the article, is acting like a gestopo agent. As for those of you who voted for the fail in the WH you can go screw yourself after all you screwed the rest of us you might as well do yourself.
I think we should keep Yellowstone closed and throw massive parties for Illegals on our National Mall instead. Oh wait?...

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