Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

At Great Falls MD a guy was walking his black lab without a leash so the park cop tackled him, and slamed him to the ground, and would have shot the dog if it would have interviened. Cops are great until you have to deal with them.

i dont believe that for a second.


That's because you're fucking ignorant and don't read real news. This shit is rampant.
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

Some just can't bring themselves to criticize Authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be wrong. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Worship propaganda. They just don't know any other way.

If there are those on the left who cannot "... criticize Authority" then to be honest there are those on the right who refuse to accept any authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be right. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Hatred propaganda. They just don't know any other way.
At Great Falls MD a guy was walking his black lab without a leash so the park cop tackled him, and slamed him to the ground, and would have shot the dog if it would have interviened. Cops are great until you have to deal with them.

i dont believe that for a second.


That's because you're fucking ignorant and don't read real news. This shit is rampant.
Still no link. If "This shit is rampant" you should have no problem finding links. (Now quick, prove your masculinity. Call me some names to make yourself feel better.)
Lets be honest, when most Americans see a uniform, badge, and gun, they immediately kneel to lick the Jackboots. Authority-Worship is all most know now. How can they be wrong? They're wearing a uniform, got a shiny badge, and have a gun?
yes, they did.

and you defending them - is an approval of gestapo tactics.

which is not surprising.

if they acted like the Gestapo, they would have beaten these men to a pulp.
The Gestapo didn't kill, torture, or beat everyone they dealt with. The notion they did derives from cartoons and some propaganda movies. Actually, the Geheime Staatspolizei started out as a rather ordinary federal police agency but it gradually became politicized and infused with Master Race ideas by its commandant, Heinrich Himmler. The characteristic brutality began and gradually increased after the Pogrom commenced and the war drums began to sound. By then, membership in the Gestapo required pronounced hatred for Jews, homosexuals, communists, and political malcontents.

They get all their history from porn movies, they won't listen.
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

That would require admitting that Obama is worse than Bush.
Glad I was not in that group cuz I would have told them to stick their orders and continued taking pics. And if I were the bus driver, I would have stopped at bathrooms whether the rangers liked it or not and then had the folks pee on the ground if need be.

I guess I am blessed to not have to be in these situations. Agoraphobic tendencies come in handy sometimes.
i dont believe that for a second.


That's because you're fucking ignorant and don't read real news. This shit is rampant.
Still no link. If "This shit is rampant" you should have no problem finding links. (Now quick, prove your masculinity. Call me some names to make yourself feel better.)

How man links you want? | The Cato Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project
one more of the examples of the ignorant left

so the Gestapo didn't kill people willy nilly?
Not initially. the name Gestapo is an acronymic contraction of the words, Geheime Staatspolizei, which essentially means homeland (or state) police and based on what I've learned this organization was at one time the approximate equivalent in terms of reach and authority of our BATF. That was until Goering took it over and placed Himmler in charge, which was when they adopted the death-head and SS (lightning bolts) insignias and were made primary enforcers in the Pogrom.

Try to imagine a political metamorphosis in which someone like Mitch McConnell becomes President, places some dyed-in-the-wool Mississippi racist in charge of the BATF, orders him to "go after" Blacks, Liberals, homosexuals and Mexican illegals, and declares official immunity from prosecution for any level of force used against those categories. How long do think it would be before our BATF might make Hitler's Gestapo seem tame by comparison?

So referring to some example of extra-assertive police behavior as being like that of the Gestapo is not necessarily focusing on that infamous organization's time of peak brutality but at some point in its incremental progression to that level.
They're Communist/Progressive Globalists.

I'm not a commie. You're just crazy and stupid. As is your idol Stossel, and your DearLeaderPaul (both of them.) Authority worshippers don't get more fervent than Paultards.

I do notice a lack of righties condemning the OWS assaults. That's a commonality of the right, their adoration of actual Gestapo tactics, so long as liberals are the targets.
Old people are easily confused and frightened.

This story is laughable bullshit.

Leave to the Drudge and his sheep to jump on this nonsense.
one more of the examples of the ignorant left

so the Gestapo didn't kill people willy nilly?
Not initially. the name Gestapo is an acronymic contraction of the words, Geheime Staatspolizei, which essentially means homeland (or state) police and based on what I've learned this organization was at one time the approximate equivalent in terms of reach and authority of our BATF. That was until Goering took it over and placed Himmler in charge, which was when they adopted the death-head and SS (lightning bolts) insignias and were made primary enforcers in the Pogrom.

Try to imagine a political metamorphosis in which someone like Mitch McConnell becomes President, places some dyed-in-the-wool Mississippi racist in charge of the BATF, orders him to "go after" Blacks, Liberals, homosexuals and Mexican illegals, and declares official immunity from prosecution for any level of force used against those categories. How long do think it would be before our BATF might make Hitler's Gestapo seem tame by comparison?

So referring to some example of extra-assertive police behavior as being like that of the Gestapo is not necessarily focusing on that infamous organization's time of peak brutality but at some point in its incremental progression to that level.

You're confusing the GESTAPO with the SD, or Sicherheistdienst led by Heydrich. There is a very good movie called "The Wansee Conference" which go's into some depth on the beginning of the "final solution".
They're Communist/Progressive Globalists.

I'm not a commie. You're just crazy and stupid. As is your idol Stossel, and your DearLeaderPaul (both of them.) Authority worshippers don't get more fervent than Paultards.

I do notice a lack of righties condemning the OWS assaults. That's a commonality of the right, their adoration of actual Gestapo tactics, so long as liberals are the targets.

No, you're a totalitarian Marxist.
Old people are easily confused and frightened.

This story is laughable bullshit.

Leave to the Drudge and his sheep to jump on this nonsense.

The tour operator is considering a lawsuit. This was reported in local newspapers before it even hit Drudge.

It was the tour operator and one of the tourists that were interviewed by many media outlets.

If you don't want to believe the story, that's all fine and dandy. But it doesn't take away from the truth of the incident.
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

That would require admitting that Obama is worse than Bush.

So! It is what it is. Bush was bad and Obama is worse and if we don't figure out how to put on the breaks the next one will be worse yet, and so on.
If there are those on the left who cannot "... criticize Authority" then to be honest there are those on the right who refuse to accept any authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be right. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Hatred propaganda. They just don't know any other way.
There certainly is a category of "cop haters" which consists mainly of the criminal element with no particular political orientation. For the most part, those I've known who are resentful of authority are focused on redundant assertions of it rather than simply refusing to accept any form of it. I'm quite certain the ordinary socially and psychologically stable individual who is generally opposed to assertive authority would not advocate the repeal of laws against murder, rape, robbery, battery, and other naturally deplorable offenses and the enforcement thereof.

The only category I am aware of which generally opposes any and all forms of authority is that of extreme anarchists the vast majority of whom are socially dysfunctional and/or psychologically defective, probably as the result of improper parenting. So it really isn't correct to categorize those on either side of the authority pro/con issue as being influenced by political considerations. Rather, I would suggest one's essential psychological makeup significantly influences his/her political posture and disposition toward authority.
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At Great Falls MD a guy was walking his black lab without a leash so the park cop tackled him, and slamed him to the ground, and would have shot the dog if it would have interviened. Cops are great until you have to deal with them.

i dont believe that for a second.

I'll tell you why I believe it.

Some time ago I watched a tv documentary on police anti-drug activities. In one "buy-and-bust" situation a pair of undercover cops were posing as street corner marijuana dealers while three uniformed "backups" were hiding in a nearby doorway.

An innocuous-looking man walked past the pair, stopped, walked by again, stopped, came back and approached the pair. Words were briefly exchanged, the man took something from a pocket and handed it to one of the "dealers," the other "dealer" handed the man something which he put in his pocket and started walking slowly away.

Suddenly, after the man had taken about six or eight steps, a uniformed cop came running at him from the side, body-slammed him onto the sidewalk like a football tackle, two other uniforms jumped in, placing knees on the perfectly passive man's neck and back, twisting his arms behind and handcuffing him. The man was not resisting at all -- and the fact that this arrest was clearly a borderline example of enticement, which the police obviously were not a bit concerned about, simply demonstrates the level of contempt contemporary police have for citizens' rights and rules of police conduct.

There is no more benign "criminal" offense than buying a small quantity of marijuana. Neither that nor the obvious fact that this man offered no resistance at all, had absolutely no bearing on the fact that he was brutally and unnecessarily assaulted. But the problem is those cops had acted in accordance with prescribed Procedure, which calls for bringing an arrest subject to the ground to subdue and handcuff him.

Anyone who watches any of the tv "ride-along" police documentaries, mainly COPS, has seen versions of this redundantly aggressive physical "procedure," which enables police who are so inclined to unnecessarily mistreat or brutalize an arrest subject.

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