Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

If they were using Gestapo tactics they would have shot a few of them and left the bodies laying on the road or the ditch next to it. They would have at least beat the crap out of a few of them.
Park Rangers are not Gestapo and don't use Gestapo tactics. They are law enforcement officiars protecting our Parks and the people who visit them.

OMG!! Gestapo tactics might be a "little" bit hyperbole. But your depiction does not come close to accurate as a portrayal of the treatment the Yellowstone visitors experienced. They did not feel protected, further, many of them swore that they would not return to America because of it. And you are not helping America by glossing over and excusing what is happening with park rangers today.

One of the jobs of park rangers is to promote tourism 24/7, come hell or high water. What they did probably cost the U.S. billions of dollars in tourism over the next 5 years, once this news is widely distributed overseas.

What's worse than going on a very long vacation, only to meet the worst of fates. I can't imagine ANY vacation with a worse result than this one, not accounting for flight delays, cancellations and untimely deaths.
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Well I finally got one conservative around here to admit that he doesn't believe a national park system maintained by the federal government is constitutional.

Don't any of the rest of you 'constitutionalists' want to weigh in on that?
There's no reason the states can't administer their own park service. There's no reason it has to be done from DC.
Gestapo is a perfect term for what the Obama Thugs are doing.

Our government is holding law-abiding Americans hostage by putting up Barrycades and assigning staff to prevent them from doing perfectly legal activities on public and private lands.

It's horrifying to anyone with a sense of morality and an ability to think rationally.

LOL, I guess not everyone believes "Gestapo" is a word used by right wing partisan hacks as a pejorative. For those who want proof of what the Gestapo was and that the post by boedicca goes beyond hyperbole and is in fact a lie, review this:

Gestapo -

Boedicca (sic), didn't write the op. "If" the language is hyperbole, its the tour drivers language. It's unfortunate that he didn't just say they were treated more as criminals than tourists so that we could get about the business of over zealous park rangers, instead of excusing them over semantics.
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A petty bureaucrat acted badly, thus America is on the path to being just like Nazi Germany.

Because that petty bureaucrat is Barack Obama....

Yes, the righties on this thread actually are 'effin retarded enough to believe that. Or at least say it. After all, they get kicked out of their 'tard political cult if they don't act like raging 'tards, hence all of them try to one up the other to see who can act like the biggest raging 'tard. To a rightie, allegiance to their political 'tard cult trumps everything, especially truth. (just like the Gestapo)

If the righties were retarded, they would be lefties...
You got a lot of balls flying that Israel flag and trivializing the fucking Nazi Gestapo.

learn to read.

Im not trivializing the Gestapo.

Im trivializing the silly and feigned comparison between the NPS and the Gestapo.

While there is no literal comparison between any contemporary American law enforcement entity and the high-booted, black-uniformed, death-head adorned murderers who enforced the will of the Third Reich, use of the word, Gestapo, in relation to a current event is purely metaphorical and is intended to describe an impression. How exaggerated a given impression may be depends entirely on the actual circumstance being described.

I have never visited a national park, nor have I ever seen or spoken with an NPS law enforcement agent. So I can only wonder about what feeling, what experience motivated the tour bus driver to describe the NPS cops actions as resembling those of the "Gestapo."

The last time I heard American cops referred to as Gestapo was during the recent protests on Wall Street and elsewhere in the Nation. While the uniforms of the cops of Wall Street are considerably different from those worn by the cops of Hitler Germany, and while we saw no spontaneous, on-the-spot executions, what I did see was not very different from descriptions I've read by such writers as Eugen Kogen in his excellent book, The Theory and Practice of Hell.



So I suggest that while extemporaneous use of the word Gestapo when referring to the behavior of contemporary cops is sometimes exaggerated, I have seen examples in which it isn't. But, again, I wasn't at the National Park where the topic incident occurred so I don't know what feeling was invoked in the mind of the bus driver who used the word.

Can any participant in this forum say for sure there was nothing about the atmosphere of any given moment in that entire Park experience that might justify use of the controversial word?
Good ole Big Brother. Always there to help. What would we do without him? In this case, enjoy a nice day at a Park you own, and take as many photos as you want. But hey, thanks for all that help Big Brother. You're awesome.
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Wow that was a horrible read. i would have been embarrassed to even post that.

We already know that criticizing the government embarrasses you.

hardly, i do it all the time. But who am i to stop you from looking like a fool again.

The only criticizing you do is of Bush. My guess is that will stop when a Republican president is in office, until it does everything will be his fault, even the fact that Obamacare is a disaster.
yes, they did.

and you defending them - is an approval of gestapo tactics.

which is not surprising.

if they acted like the Gestapo, they would have beaten these men to a pulp.
The Gestapo didn't kill, torture, or beat everyone they dealt with. The notion they did derives from cartoons and some propaganda movies. Actually, the Geheime Staatspolizei started out as a rather ordinary federal police agency but it gradually became politicized and infused with Master Race ideas by its commandant, Heinrich Himmler. The characteristic brutality began and gradually increased after the Pogrom commenced and the war drums began to sound. By then, membership in the Gestapo required pronounced hatred for Jews, homosexuals, communists, and political malcontents.
You got a lot of balls flying that Israel flag and trivializing the fucking Nazi Gestapo.

learn to read.

Im not trivializing the Gestapo.

Im trivializing the silly and feigned comparison between the NPS and the Gestapo.

While there is no literal comparison between any contemporary American law enforcement entity and the high-booted, black-uniformed, death-head adorned murderers who enforced the will of the Third Reich, use of the word, Gestapo, in relation to a current event is purely metaphorical and is intended to describe an impression. How exaggerated a given impression may be depends entirely on the actual circumstance being described.

I have never visited a national park, nor have I ever seen or spoken with an NPS law enforcement agent. So I can only wonder about what feeling, what experience motivated the tour bus driver to describe the NPS cops actions as resembling those of the "Gestapo."

The last time I heard American cops referred to as Gestapo was during the recent protests on Wall Street and elsewhere in the Nation. While the uniforms of the cops of Wall Street are considerably different from those worn by the cops of Hitler Germany, and while we saw no spontaneous, on-the-spot executions, what I did see was not very different from descriptions I've read by such writers as Eugen Kogen in his excellent book, The Theory and Practice of Hell.



So I suggest that while extemporaneous use of the word Gestapo when referring to the behavior of contemporary cops is sometimes exaggerated, I have seen examples in which it isn't. But, again, I wasn't at the National Park where the topic incident occurred so I don't know what feeling was invoked in the mind of the bus driver who used the word.

Can any participant in this forum say for sure there was nothing about the atmosphere of any given moment in that entire Park experience that might justify use of the controversial word?

Gestapo is an acronym for Geheime Staatspolizei (literaly, "secret state police), so yes the metaphor is rather inflated.
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

Some just can't bring themselves to criticize Authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be wrong. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Worship propaganda. They just don't know any other way.
What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

Some just can't bring themselves to criticize Authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be wrong. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Worship propaganda. They just don't know any other way.

This is a prime example of why these morons on this board who are posting to defend the actions of these rangers cannot be called liberals.

In my day as a liberal, Hoffman and Rubin would be taking to the streets and the parks to riot over these actions.


Both Abbie and Jerry et al would have wanted to throttle these morons on the USMB board for daring to call themselves liberals when all they are the useful idiots who mindlessly defend and exalt authoritarian rule.

We don't have liberals on this board. They are progressive authoritarian loving boot lickers and they are disgusting.

ETA: It was the type of progressive that we have here at USMB who drove me away from the liberal brand. I was a classical liberal. Progressives want to control.
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What the hell?

It's the tour operator who said the Park rangers were using Gestapo - like tactics of fear and intimidation.

Can we just all get over the gestapo part and agree that the park rangers acted like power tripping mother fucking assholes?

Some just can't bring themselves to criticize Authority. They've been brainwashed. If they're wearing a uniform and a badge, they can't possibly be wrong. But I can't blame them too much. It's all most Americans know. It's decades & decades of Authority-Worship propaganda. They just don't know any other way.

This is a prime example of why these morons on this board who are posting to defend the actions of these rangers cannot be called liberals.

In my day as a liberal, Hoffman and Rubin would be taking to the streets and the parks to riot over these actions.


Both Abbie and Jerry et al would have wanted to throttle these morons on the USMB board for daring to call themselves liberals when all they are the useful idiots who mindlessly defend and exalt authoritarian rule.

We don't have liberals on this board. They are progressive authoritarian loving boot lickers and they are disgusting.

They're Communist/Progressive Globalists. And unfortunately, the Republican Party has too many of them as well. This is from John Stossel's show. It really does explain how Progressives actually rule both Political Parties. The subject is War, but it pertains to so many other issues.

[ame=]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]
learn to read.

Im not trivializing the Gestapo.

Im trivializing the silly and feigned comparison between the NPS and the Gestapo.

While there is no literal comparison between any contemporary American law enforcement entity and the high-booted, black-uniformed, death-head adorned murderers who enforced the will of the Third Reich, use of the word, Gestapo, in relation to a current event is purely metaphorical and is intended to describe an impression. How exaggerated a given impression may be depends entirely on the actual circumstance being described.

I have never visited a national park, nor have I ever seen or spoken with an NPS law enforcement agent. So I can only wonder about what feeling, what experience motivated the tour bus driver to describe the NPS cops actions as resembling those of the "Gestapo."

The last time I heard American cops referred to as Gestapo was during the recent protests on Wall Street and elsewhere in the Nation. While the uniforms of the cops of Wall Street are considerably different from those worn by the cops of Hitler Germany, and while we saw no spontaneous, on-the-spot executions, what I did see was not very different from descriptions I've read by such writers as Eugen Kogen in his excellent book, The Theory and Practice of Hell.



So I suggest that while extemporaneous use of the word Gestapo when referring to the behavior of contemporary cops is sometimes exaggerated, I have seen examples in which it isn't. But, again, I wasn't at the National Park where the topic incident occurred so I don't know what feeling was invoked in the mind of the bus driver who used the word.

Can any participant in this forum say for sure there was nothing about the atmosphere of any given moment in that entire Park experience that might justify use of the controversial word?

Gestapo is an acronym for Geheime Staatspolizei (literaly, "secret state police), so yes the metaphor is rather inflated.

Fine then, do you prefer Schutzpolizei? Or how about Wasserschutz Polizei? (which we now have), or how about Bahnschutz Polizei (which we now have) or oh heck, pretty much every governmental organization in NAZI Germany had their own police force and now so do we.
It's just a small step to when they begin to abuse their power.... Oh, wait a minute they already are doing that aren't they?

"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."
There's no reason the states can't administer their own park service. There's no reason it has to be done from DC.
How about this for a reason: The National Parks were bought and paid for with federal money and they have accepted the responsibily for caring and maintaining them. If you do any traveling in the US it soon becomes apparent that some state parks are poorly maintained and are a disgrace to the state.

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